Wu Jun

Chapter 50 Fire City

"Fire dragon roar."


The dragon spits lightning directly and splits the black dragon with one blow.


Liu Xiao roared, and everyone stopped attacking. The next moment, Liu Xiao killed several people directly. Other people reacted and were afraid of Liu Xiao.

"Kid, we have no grudge against you. Why did you come to my Black Dragon Mountain to provoke?" Seeing that more than ten people had died at the hands of Liu Xiao, the leader of the Black Dragon Village roared.

"No injustice, no hatred, hum, blame your son. He came to stop me again and again, and I have to destroy you." Liu Xiao snorted coldly.

After saying that, Liu Xiao waved the halberd again and went to the opposite side.


Above the halberd, there was a firelight, which suddenly burst on the ground, seriously injuring several people.

"Kid, I'll kill you." The leader of Heilongzhai roared again and cut Liu Xiao with a big knife.

"Thunder flash."


Liu Xiao appeared in front of him, the halberd went down, and the other party hurriedly resisted with a big knife.


Liu Xiao stepped up his efforts, and the leader of the Black Dragon Village was shocked and knelt to the ground.

"Spiritual fire."


Liu Xiao threw the halberd into the sky and punched the leader of the Black Dragon Village in the chest.

The other party was shocked and retreated dozens of steps. He looked at Liu Xiao with a frightened face and sighed in his heart: "This rebellious son has caused such a big disaster."

Liu Xiao took the halberd in his hand, slowly walked towards the leader of the Black Dragon Village, and said to him, "I won't kill you, but if you harm the people again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After saying that, Liu Xiao turned around and the others exhaled heavily when they saw Liu Xiao leave.

"Silver Bell, let's go." Liu Xiao looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her and said with a smile.

"Liu Xiao, you are so kind." Yinling also smiled and said.

"Oh, you are quite good at talking." Liu Xiao patted Yinling's little head and said.

"Well, you want to die."

The two of them fought like this and walked down the mountain.

Late night, the moonlight shrouded the earth, deep in the forest, and the bonfire was lit.

"Yinling, go to bed early. I have to go tomorrow." Liu Xiao said softly.

"Ah... But I haven't rested in such a place. Yinling said unaccustomedly.

Liu Xiao took a look at the silver bell, approached her, hugged her slender willow waist, and said, "Get used to it."

"Well, how dare you take advantage of me." Yinling said resentfully, but did not resist, but snuggled in Liu Xiao's arms obediently.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, five days have passed. Liu Xiao and Yinling came to a small town close to Yanhuo City.

"Liu Xiao, let's go and play." Yinling said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Xiao nodded.

Liu Xiao took Yinling to have a good meal at the best restaurant in the town, visited everywhere, and then walked to the inn.

"This brother, may I ask if you are going to Yanhuo City?" A handsome man walked into Liu Xiao and asked respectfully.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Liu Xiao asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, the man was overjoyed and said, "I'm also going to Yanhuo City, but I don't know the way. Can you take me with you when you leave tomorrow?"

Liu Xiao hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, tomorrow morning, we will meet here."

After saying that, Liu Xiao turned around and left.

"Liu Xiao, aren't you afraid that he is a bad guy?" Entering the inn, Yin Ling asked.

"No, I can feel it." Liu Xiao shook his head.

After a night's rest inn, Liu Xiao and Yinling walked out of the inn and saw the man who wanted them to take him to the Fire City yesterday.

"You are finally here." The man said happily when he saw Liu Xiao and the two of them coming out.

"Bear by the way, what's your name?" Liu Xiao asked.

"Wang Haotian." The man replied.

"Liu Xiao."

"Silver Bell."

Liu Xiao also said.

The three of them rushed to the Fire City together.

After a day, Liu Xiao and the other two finally rushed outside the Fire City. Lingbing City gave people a cool feeling, and this Fire City gave people the feeling of being hot. Liu Xiao couldn't help scolding, "Damn it, it's really hot to death."

When I walked into the city, I heard many people's discussions.

"Brother, there is still a month before the Fire Martial Arts Competition. Guess who will win."

"It goes well, it must be the fierce fire of the Yan family."

"Yes, Yan Lie has been the champion for three consecutive years."

"Flame? Who is it, Wang Haotian, do you know?" Liu Xiao turned his head and asked.

"Oh, Yan Lie is a member of the Yan family in Yanhuo City. His strength is about a period of King Wu, and he can be the first person in the young generation in Yanhuo City." Wang Haotian explained.

"A section of King Wu, it's not difficult." Liu Xiao nodded and said.

"Silver bell, let's find an inn to stay first." Liu Xiao said to Yinling.

"Whatever you want." Yinling smiled and said.

"Wang Haotian, how about you?"

"Me? I'll also find an inn to stay first. Wang Haotian hesitated for a moment and said.

The three found an inn and lived in it. There is still a month before the start of the competition. In this month, Liu Xiao also needs to improve her strength a little more. Since leaving the college, Liu Xiao hasn't practiced well, and now she can finally practice well.

Liu Xiao sat cross-legged, closed her eyes, and entered a state of cultivation.

Time has passed quickly. Liu Xiao has been practicing for five days. In these five days, Yinling has come to find Liu Xiao several times, but this guy has been practicing and can't help but be a little angry.


On the sixth day, Liu Xiao's closed eyes finally opened slowly and said with a smile, "It's not far from Baduan Wuling..."

"Oh, it's time to see the silver bell." Liu Xiao patted his head and said hurriedly.

came to Yinling's room, sat next to her, and said with a smile, "Ying, let's go out."

"Yo, Master Liu, why are you free today? I can't stand it." Yinling said with some resentment.

Liu Xiao hesitated a little, got closer to the silver bell, exhaled a hot breath, bounced on the broken cheek of the silver bell, and said, "Linger, can't I be wrong?"

Yinling was shocked by Liu Xiao's movements and hurriedly ran aside and said with a blush, "You... You are a scoundrel."

"Haha, let's go." Liu Xiao didn't care about Yinling's reaction, but directly grabbed her jade hand and took her out.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman."

A coveted voice sounded, and a trace of murder flashed in Liu Xiao's eyes. He stared at the talking man in front of him and said coldly, "Just now... Are you talking?"

"Huh, stinky boy, what did I say? Get out of here and leave this woman." The man licked his mouth and said.

Liu Xiao's eyes surged with murderous intent and directly took out the fire halberd, and the next second, he appeared directly in front of him.

"Bad boy, you are looking for death." The man also took out a big knife and cut at Liu Xiao.

"Oh, it seems that it's going to kill again. That's the top ten of the last Fire Martial Arts Competition. This boy is over." A man said with some regret.

"Fire halberd."

A huge red shadow appeared and swept away at the other party.