Wu Jun

Chapter 118 Back


A sound came out, and the faint light that had floated in the air around suddenly dissipated. Liu Xiao and Yin Ling also noticed this subtle point and shifted their eyes.

At this moment, the spirit girl, Liu Qinger and Zhang Hai blinked slightly, and there was a faint sign of recovery.

Seeing this, Liu Xiao and Yin Ling were slightly stunned and looked at each other. A little crimson appeared on Yin Ling's cheeks, and then waved their jade hands to Liu Xiao and whispered to him: Stay away from me. They will see you later." There is a little anxiety in the words.

Liu Xiao felt helpless, nodded gently, and was ready to move her body and retreat to avoid being discovered by them.

Just as Liu Xiao was about to retreat, there was a slight sound around, which made Liu Xiao quickly turn her head.

At this time, the heavenly women slowly put down their hands, opened their eyes, took a breath of the fresh air around them, and looked around.

"Yinling, Liu Xiao, you..."

When Tianling girl saw Yinling and Liu Xiao sitting together, she asked with some doubts, and there were some doubts in her words.

Hearing the words, Liu Xiao was slightly stunned, and Yinling's cheeks were even more rosy. Liu Xiao looked at the suspicious eyes of several people and had to shake her head and replied, "I... I just came back and saw that you were still practicing, so I was waiting for you to wake up.

After saying that, Liu Xiao herself felt that this reason was a little bad, but she really couldn't think of any better reason.


The heavenly women looked at each other and then said slowly, but smiled at them.

Liu Xiao knew that she had worn the gang, smiled shyly and didn't say anything more. Yinling also stood up at this moment and ran to the Tianling girl, which made Liu Xiao a little helpless.

"Bear by the way, Liu Xiao, where have you been before? We haven't found you." Tianling girl asked Liu Xiao thoughtfully as if she remembered something.

Liu Xiao looked around and slowly replied, "Another space..." After a pause, Liu Xiao asked again, "In that space, I met a real strong man in heaven and earth, a strong man with the level of martial arts, Shenhu Tiansheng."

Liu Xiao said, and there was a strong yearning in his words. Wu Sheng, that's the only one! Liu Xiao has been yearning for the subversive realm where only the real strong in heaven and earth can step on.

"What... Wu Sheng?"

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, Zhang Hai's eyes showed a strong envy. After all, everyone knows that Wu Sheng is a truly subversive figure. Everyone can only look up and admire him.

Not only Zhang Hai, but also Yinling had a strong shock in their eyes. Obviously, they did not expect Liu Xiao to meet such a subversive strong man.

"Don't be too shocked. The martial arts strongman I met is just a yuan god now." Liu Xiao said slowly when she saw the shock in the eyes of Yinling and others.

Hearing this, the shock on the faces of the heavenly spirit women has decreased a lot. Fortunately, the martial saint strong man Liu Xiao met is just a yuan god. If there is a real martial saint strongman here, it is a little incredible, but even a martial saint strong man of the yuan god is enough to make many people look up to him.

"Strange, how can a strong man appear here?" A trace of doubt flashed in Tianling's eyes, turned her eyes to Liu Xiao and asked slowly.

Liu Xiao looked at the crowd and said slowly, "Do you remember the battle in Pluto Hill hundreds of years ago?"

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, the Tianling women were slightly stunned, and then their faces became a little solemn. Of course, they knew that the Pluto Hill War hundreds of years ago was an earth-shaking battle. Countless Wuzong strongmen fell in that war, but they did not know what the war had to do with what Liu Xiao said. .

Liu Xiao saw the shock and doubt on their faces, nodded slightly, and then explained softly, "Yes, the strong man I met, Shenhu Tiansheng, fell in that war..."

"How could this happen? Wasn't there only those strong men at the peak of Wuzong in the last war?" Yinling asked with more doubts on her cheeks.

Liu Xiao shook his head and explained again: "In the last war, Shenhu Tiansheng also participated, and there were also three martial saints. The three martial saints joined hands to seriously injured Shenhu Tiansheng." Liu Xiao paused for a moment and then said, "This kind of thing can't be said."

Yinling and others looked at each other and nodded slowly. Of course, they would not talk nonsense about this kind of thing. After all, this is about the strong man of martial arts. No matter who knows, there may be a bloody storm.

"Hmm... That's good." Liu Xiao nodded and said, "Let's go out first. Maybe those people are going to rush to the underworld, and we have to speed up."

"Hmm." Yinling nodded slightly, and then rushed out with Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao and others accelerated their speed, turned into a streamer, and rushed outside. They came to the previous place and stepped on the huge round ground.

And the round ground trembled quickly as if it was being stimulated, and then rose higher and faster.

Liu Xiao and his son stood on the huge pebble and quickly rose to the sky. Soon after, Liu Xiao and his others came to the place where they fell before, Pluto Hill.

Liu Xiao and others slowly walked down the huge bble, walked to the ground, and looked around.

At this moment, there are no people around, some wind blowing fine sounds, empty, some, just some dense footprints.

"It seems that these people have rushed to the Nether Forest... It's true that I can't stand the ** of the underworld thunder." Liu Xiao shook her head and said softly.

After all, the ghost thunder is one of the wonders of heaven and earth. Naturally, it has its special features. If it is not attractive, it will not be so famous, and its ** power to others is naturally very great.

"Hmm... We should also rush to the Nether Forest. If we delay a little longer, don't let the Nether Thunder have been robbed by others. The spirit girl answered slowly, and a faint anxiety appeared on her face.

Well, it should indeed speed up a little. It will take about two or three days from here to the Nether Forest. If it is a little later, there won't even be any scum left. Liu Xiao said slowly. Yin Ling and others looked at each other, then nodded, followed Liu Xiao, and rushed to the Nether Forest.

The Netherworld Forest is about two or three days away from Pluto Hill, which has always been surrounded by dark thunder, and some secluded thunder from time to time. Generally speaking, it is a very gloomy place, and strangely, some strong people have come to the underworld. Shenlin has never detected the trace of the Nether Thunder, and even no trace has been found.

Liu Xiao and others have been rushing to the Nether Forest. After two days, Liu Xiao and others finally came to the periphery of the Nether Forest.

When they came here, Liu Xiao and several people were in an uproar, because it was already full of people, including the existence of strong people, and most of them were the people who came to Pluto Hill with them before. Liu Xiao's guess was indeed good. These people couldn't resist the strong ** of the ghost thunder and arrived early. The forest of the underworld.

"There are a lot of strong people here. Looking at the formation of these people, it is no less than when they robbed the throne thunder before." Seeing that so many people were already surrounded here, Yin Ling was shocked and said slowly.

Hearing this, the heavenly women nodded coincidentally.

Liu Xiao also nodded slightly and then said helplessly, "It seems that it is not particularly easy to grab the ghost thunder this time."

Liu Xiao looked at the people around the underworld forest, and then took Yinling and others to them.

After a few steps, some more observant people found Liu Xiao and others coming, and then turned their heads and looked at those people.

Some people saw Liu Xiao and others coming and their eyes turned to them. After thinking about it, they paused for a while. Finally, a man recognized them. Isn't this the few people who came to Pluto Hill with them before? Didn't they suddenly disappear?

Some people had a strong doubt in their eyes and said loudly, "Isn't this those young people? It seems that they have fallen to the ground. How can they appear here?"

When the words came out, many people turned their eyes to them and were slightly stunned. They felt as if they had seen them somewhere. Thinking of what the man had just said, many people suddenly remembered that they were the people who suddenly disappeared in Pluto Hill.

"It seems... Is it really them?" Some people looked at each other and whispered.

"Yes, I know them, as if the leader killed the green light beast last time."

Some men recognized the leader and recognized Liu Xiao, and suddenly shouted at this moment.

Liu Xiao heard the shouts of these people and turned her eyes away. She found that some of them were familiar with them. She was slightly stunned. Then she remembered that these people had seen before, and they all came to Pluto Hill with Liu Xiao.

Some people came over at this moment and asked Liu Xiao and others, "Didn't you suddenly fall into the ground before? Why did it appear here? A slightly fat man asked doubtfully.

Liu Xiao and others looked at the talking man and said slowly, "Just now, we were suddenly sent out. Thinking that the Nether God Ray was about to be born, they rushed over."

Naturally, Liu Xiao would not tell them the truth, so he casually made up a reason to answer his question, shifted his eyes to other places, and saw a group of people he had never seen.