Wu Jun

Chapter 153 Gift


When the man finished saying this, the two pairs of moving rings in his hand began to shake, making a dizzying sound.

Liu Xiao immediately stabilized, and the strong pressure emanated, resisting the attack of this sound.

The voice slowly stopped. The man looked at Liu Xiao, smiled and whispered, "How do you feel? Is it okay?"

Liu Xiao also withdrew his pressure, looked at the man, and then looked at the two pairs of moving rings in his hand. He smiled with satisfaction and asked softly, "Two million gold coins?"

The man nodded, and a smile appeared on his face. Finally, someone recognized the goods.

"Give it to me, both of them are for me." Liu Xiao said softly, and then took out the card and handed it to the man.

The man grabbed the card with more smiles on his face, nodded and handed two pairs of moving rings in his hand to Liu Xiao.

The man looked at the shining card in his hand and couldn't help smiling. After working so long, he finally met a person who knew the goods and sold it to him.

And Liu Xiao carefully looked at the moving ring in his hand. The moving ring is well done, and there is a faint light swimming between them. Except for this, there are no other characteristics.

Liu Xiao was a little helpless. He looked at the man and whispered, "Since the business has been completed, I will leave."

After saying that, Liu Xiao was ready to leave and walked towards Yinling and others.

"Don't worry." The man's voice came.

Liu Xiao turned her head with doubts on her face, and then asked, "Is there anything else?"

"For the sake of buying my ring, I'll tell you a piece of news." The man smiled and whispered, "Are you here to participate in the Shenwu Club?"

Liu Xiao nodded, still with doubts on his face and didn't know what he wanted to say.

"That's right. Do you know who will participate in the Shenwu Club this time?" The man said softly.

Liu Xiao thought for a moment, and a helplessness appeared on his face. So many people came to participate in the Shenwu Club. How did he know who they were?

"I don't know, what's wrong with this?" Liu Xiao immediately asked.

"The people who participated in the Shenwu Association this time include the Wang family and the Bai family. They are a very powerful family in Wutian City. The people who call to participate in the Shenwu Association are naturally very arrogant, so you must pay special attention to the people of these two families." The man looked at Liu Xiao and said again, "The champion of the Shenwu Club last time seems to be Wang Yi of the Wang family."

Hearing this, Liu Xiao's face also changed slightly. This kind of news is more important to him. He knows some powerful opponents first so that he can prepare for it.

"Okay, I'm done. Pay attention to it yourself. I'll go first." The man smiled and said softly, then walked towards the crowd and disappeared.

Liu Xiao originally wanted to thank him for the news. Since he had left, forget it and walked towards Yinling and others.

In the crowd, Yinling and several people were standing in one place, quietly waiting for Liu Xiao.

"Where has Liu Xiao been? Why hasn't she come back yet?" Yinling was a little anxious. She looked around, but still didn't find Liu Xiao's figure and said softly.

"Yes, Brother Liu Xiao has been there for so long, why hasn't he come back yet?" Ruoxi also nodded and whispered.

The patriarch of Youyuan looked around, smiled and whispered, "Don't worry, he will be back soon."

Yinling and Ruoxi were slightly stunned, and even the Tianling women were a little shocked. How did he know?

Several people waited for a while and found Liu Xiao's figure, who was walking quickly towards them.

Yinling looked at Liu Xiao and asked softly, "How do you know?"

This really made them feel a little strange. How could the patriarch of Youyuan know how long it would take for Liu Xiao to come back?

"This is very simple. Don't talk about this. Let's ask Liu Xiao where he went just now." The patriarch of Youyuan smiled, looked at Liu Xiao, and said softly.

Yinling nodded and then walked to Liu Xiao. She almost forgot that this was the big deal. Liu Xiao had just been out for so long that she really didn't know what he had done.

Liu Xiao came over, looked at Yinling and Ruoxi's faces with a little anger, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I came back a little late just now."

"To be honest, where have you been?" Yinling didn't care about his words and asked softly.

"That's right, what on earth did you do after coming back after such a long time?" Ruoxi also looked at Liu Xiao and whispered.

Liu Xiao looked around, and a helplessness appeared on her face, and then she had to whisper, "I just bought something. Now it's nothing. You have nothing to do, so go back." After saying that, Liu Xiao walked out.

Yinling and Ruoxi looked at Liu Xiao and didn't ask more questions. They could see that he didn't talk nonsense.

Yinling and several people nodded. Seeing this, the patriarch of Youyuan also nodded, and they walked out.

Out of this very crowded trading area, Liu Xiao suddenly felt very comfortable. It was too stuffy inside, and it was more comfortable outside.

"Let's go. Everyone is tired. Let's go back and rest first." Liu Xiao looked at the Yinling and others, whispered, and walked to the residence.

Liu Xiao and others quickly walked to their residence. In Wutian City, the strong people walked around and looked extremely lively, but in this lively atmosphere, there was a sense of calm before the storm.

Liu Xiao and others came to the residence. Liu Xiao looked at Yinling and Ruoxi and whispered, "Come with me."

After saying that, Liu Xiao walked to his room. Yinling and Ruoxi saw this, looked at each other and then followed.

The heavenly women looked at Yinling and Ruoxi walking towards Liu Xiao with some doubts. What are they going to do?

Liu Xiao came to the room, and Yinling and Ruoxi also followed him to the room.

"Liu Xiao, what did you ask us to do?" Yinling asked softly, Liu Xiao seems to be a little strange today. He just went out for so long for no reason, and now he has called them to his room. What on earth is he going to do?

Liu Xiao looked at Yinling and Ruoxi, smiled, walked over to them, and took out the two pairs of dynamic rings.

"This is what I bought for you today. It's good-looking and defensive, which is quite good for you." Liu Xiao gave the moving ring to Yinling and Ruoxi and whispered.

Silver Bell and Ruoxi grabbed the dynamic ring, looked at it, and then looked at Liu Xiao, with a sweet smile on their faces.

"Thank you." The two said at the same time, and then put two pairs of moving rings on their wrists, looked at each other, and smiled again.

Even Liu Xiao was slightly moved by that smile. It seems that this thing is the right thing.