rogue hero

Chapter 3 Imperial City

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month later, the old man collected enough medicinal materials and prepared to go down the mountain. Ye Fei was curious about what he saw along the way and couldn't help asking, and the old man also pointed out one by one. It opened Ye Fei's eyes. Through the contact these days, Ye Fei is more sure that the old man's status is extraordinary.

Under the introduction of the old man, Ye Fei has a deeper understanding of the situation in the Longteng Empire. The three major institutions that hold the core of the power of the Longteng Empire are the government, the Wuhuang Dynasty and the Magicians Association.

The supervising government is responsible for the handling of daily matters in the empire, the national economy and people's livelihood, and domestic and external policies. He holds all the military powers except the imperial forbidden army. Men over 16 years old in the empire are required to perform military service for two years, which is an era when all the people are soldiers. This is the law established at the beginning of the founding of the Longteng Empire, which has followed for tens of thousands of years.

Although the Dragon Empire has been in the north of the mainland for countless years, it has not completely conquered the weak countries around it. The reason is very simple. No matter how fierce the wolf is, if it does not catch its prey, the wolf will become the food of other beasts. Therefore, there has been continuous war on the border.

The Wuhuang Dynasty managed all the warriors in the empire, and had countless high-level war spirit and methods, which had a strong attraction to the mainland warriors. Ten thousand years ago, after Cang Xiaotian stepped into the realm of the god of war, he swept the strong in the north of the mainland and founded the Wuhuang Dynasty. The Wuhuang Dynasty has been handed down since that time. At first, it existed as a loose alliance of warriors. After a long period of changes, the Wuhuang Dynasty finally became one of the highest authorities of the Longteng Empire.

Children over the age of ten in the empire can sign up for the martial arts selection test. Those who pass the selection are absorbed into clubs of the Wu Dynasty for training. Those with excellent results are recommended to serve in the army. If they do not serve in the army, they can also continue to practice in the Wuhuang Dynasty.

Over the years, the selection of the Wuhuang Dynasty has been extremely strict, and only those with particularly excellent grades can have the opportunity to practice a more advanced fighting spirit method. Less than one-tenth of the final pass of the peripheral selection every three years. In this country that advocates force, the status of the Wuhuang Dynasty in people's hearts is sacred and unshakable.

The Magicians Association, also known as the Pharmacists Association, originated from the Ice and Snow Alliance. Refining began as one of the auxiliary means for magicians to improve their own strength, and then continued to grow in the course of tens of thousands of years of development until it was introduced into the Longteng Empire.

At first, the Longteng Empire did not care. After long-term stable development, the Longteng Empire Wizards Association gradually developed and became an important force within the empire that could not be ignored. The drugs refined by pharmacists are also very attractive to warriors, and because they originated from the Ice and Snow Alliance. In a large part, it plays a significant role as a bridge for the communication between the two countries.

All magicians in the Longteng Empire are registered and accept unified leadership, and Qu Shuiqin, as the chief pharmacist of the royal family, is naturally listed here. A powerful pharmacist can increase the combat effectiveness of an army by two or three times. Pharmacists have a very high status, and even above warriors. Although they can only deal with herbs and magic all their lives, they do not prevent pharmacists from becoming an excellent magician.

Pharmacists need to have the ability to manipulate elements to reach an extremely subtle level, while magicians are more like a transit station to mobilize elements for their own use, and pharmacists absorb elements for their own use. One mobilizes and absorbs, and the realm is more than thousands of miles away.

In the continent of Canglang, both magicians and warriors are divided into ten levels. The first level is the lowest and the tenth level is the highest. After level 10, it is collectively called God. God of War, or God of Dharma. The only god-level strong man recognized for tens of thousands of years is the roaring sky.

Qu Shuiqin is an eighth-level magician, and the pharmacist belongs to his professional name. It is not included in the level test. Most magicians above level 8 are pharmacists. Of course, there are also some special existences.

"So, are you still quite awesome?" Ye Fei always felt that the old man in front of him was bragging.

The old man's teeth are itchy. He really can't treat this guy in front of him as a normal child. Along the way, he has caused countless troubles for himself. Just when he entered the city for inspection, the kid made himself angry before he could take out his identity token.

No one believes this matter. The two-year-old boy knew how to lift the skirt of the big girl. The most hateful thing is that the boy looked at himself innocently after doing bad things. It's really not me. The old man shouted hoarsely. However, everyone had determined that this was the truth, and then the old man felt that he didn't know how many punches he had been punched.

Finally, under the intervention of the guard guard, he secretly showed the captain his waist card and was able to escape. This matter will spread all over the imperial city tomorrow morning. After that, his lifelong reputation will be destroyed in the hands of this little boy. Now what Qu Shuiqin wants to do most is to quickly put this big trouble aside.

"Tut, it's white, but the legs are a little thick." Ye Fei looked dissatisfied. The old man couldn't stand it anymore: "Get out!!! Stay away from me." The whole street was quiet.

"Look at that old man, how can he treat a child like that? It's too much"

"That's right, there is no self-restraint at that age."

Ye Fei's innocent face: "Grandpa, I want to eat."

The old man burst into tears again.

Along the way, the old man returned to his residence almost at the same speed. The old man thought, go to hell with all the secrets. If he didn't take away this ancestor, he really didn't have the face to live in this imperial city.

Qushuiqin's accommodation is a small building with two floors, located on the East Street of the Imperial City. Familiar people know that this is a real estate uploaded by his ancestors. He usually works in the Pharmacists Association. He does not live here often. Only two apprentices occasionally come to clean it. The old man is now determined not to lead Ye Fei to the association. It is basically impossible to calm down this little rabbit. After thinking about it, it's best to settle down here for this boy. Come and see it a few times a month at most. Well, it's better to come less.

The old man's only instructions to his apprentice before he left was that as long as he didn't know where he was, all other conditions should be met as much as possible.

From the speed of the old man's grabbing the door, Ye Fei knew that his goal had been achieved. Qu Shuiqin is good everywhere, but he is too curious. The secret in his body is really too difficult to explain. It is inevitable that one day he will leak his mouth when he always follows the old man like this. At least I have a place to settle down now. It doesn't matter who it is. The key is what it is used for.

If you have just come into contact with this strange world, you should first have a deeper understanding of the basic history of the mainland. You can let go of the practice of Jiulong Zhenqi first. This is a long-term plan and is not in a hurry. However, Ye Fei scratched his head when he was 16 years old. It's hateful. In my last life, I was a gunman. Do I have to do it again in this life? After thinking about it, there is no good solution at present.

The two people left behind, one is Su Chen and the other is Hai Liyu. It's just the two of them's turn to clean here today.

Su Chen is slightly short and a little fat. He is the youngest apprentice of Qu Shuiqin. He is just eight years old this year. Although he is a first-class magician, he has a lot of room for improvement in the future in the eyes of the master. Eight-year-old children are generally still magic apprentices, and Su Chen is very proud to have the strength of a first-class magician. I don't want to see other disciples in the same family. My father is a bachelor of the governor of the government, and his family has been an official for generations. Even in the imperial city of the aristocracy here has arrogant capital.

Su Chen muttered to herself that her teacher had always been alone. He heard that he went to the fog forest to collect medicine this time. How could he bring back a little doll? Looking at the teacher's escape, he obviously wanted to throw the burden to himself. Looking up at Hai Liyu, I saw my eldest brother's face worried. This master is really, such a big child was thrown here. I'm not a nanny, so it's better to meditate when you have time.

"Children, what's your name?" Hai Liyu asked Ye Fei on the stool. If you know the story along the way, I'm afraid Hai Liyu will also turn around and run away.

"Just call me Ye Fei, and don't call me a child."

Ye Fei's reply stunned the two people in front of him. How can this be a child who is learning language? A lively little adult.

"It's Brother Hai, right? I heard the old man talk about you, and I just got here. I will live here in the future, and I have to trouble you find two servants for me. It's too troublesome for you two to come here. You also have your own business. I need some books. You can help me find anything related to the history of the mainland. The more the better."

Su Chen came to her senses, with an angry face, thinking that the stinky boy dared to call me. What is your identity and do you know who I am? How dare you order me with such a big little son of a bitch? Don't think that if the teacher asks you to live here, you can call me around without looking at your identity.

Ye Fei is a master who can't bear a little loss and gets a small advantage. Counting the life experience of more than 20 years in his previous life, there are really few people who can talk to him in this tone. If Qu Shuiqin is standing in front of him, he has to consider whether he can fight or not. These two little bastards really don't pay attention to him. Without saying a word, he jumped up with a slap in the face and went straight to Su Chen's cheek.

Tragedy, Ye Fei forgot that he was only two years old and that he was no longer the martial arts master in his previous life. After jumping up from the chair, I found something was wrong. God, it was a shame this time. Before Ye Fei could get close, Su Chen grabbed his collar.

"Oh, the little rabbit has a bad temper." Su Chen sneered and was worried that she couldn't find a chance to vent her resentment. She really gave her a chance.

What can a first-class magician do? Whether in the Dragon Empire or the Ice and Snow League, this mage at the lowest level can only have two spells, small fireball and lighting. With Su Chen's current strength, he can release up to five small fireballs in a row. No matter how many, his body can't withstand the load.

The small fireball can only scare small animals, and even a cow can't be killed. However, it can hurt Ye Fei. When he first came to this world, Ye Fei had not begun to practice any martial arts. Two-year-old body is not very convenient to move, let alone fight with an eight-year-old magician. Now he is just a piece of white paper.

Su Chen smiled gerociously, with a short spell, and a small fireball came out of his hand. Aren't you awesome? How about it? Does it feel good?"

The small fireball hit Ye Fei's shoulder, and the flesh and blood were blurred. Ye Fei let out a scream and hurt. It's not good to taste the spell for the first time. Ye Fei jumped aside with his shoulder and looked at Su Chen fiercely. Knowing that he could not beat this first-class magician now, Ye Fei wisely chose to shut up, but stared at Su Chen viciously.

Hai Liyu can't stand it anymore. His little brother has always been used to being arrogant and domineering because his father is a governor's bachelor. It's a famous little bully in the imperial city. Sometimes it's not easy to punish the teacher for the face of the bachelor. Now it's getting more and more excessive. Anyway, Ye Fei was brought back by the teacher. If Su Chen is allowed to play with his character, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain at that time.

Thinking of this, Hai Liyu stopped Su Chen, who was in high spirits, "Forget it, Su Chen, what does such a child know? Go back. There is still something to do."

Looking back at Ye Fei's shoulder and said, "The skin injury is not a problem. Just endure the scar. I'll find two servants for you tomorrow, as for the book? I have to ask the teacher that the books of the association can't be taken out casually. After saying that, the two turned around and left.

After hearing about this, Qu Shuiqin scolded Su Chen. That night, he hurried back to the small building and was relieved to see that Ye Fei was fine. After sending off the old man, Ye Fei sat alone ** and officially began to practice Jiulong Zhenqi.