rogue hero

Chapter 20 Heart Knot

The fat man doesn't seem to have recovered from the shock just now. This meeting left a deep impression on Ye Fei's heart. What kind of force can support a person lurking in such a dangerous environment for 60 years? It seems that the scenery is infinite, but it is turbulent in the dark.

Ye Fei knew in his heart that this may be the last meeting between the two.

No future! The future is left for those who survive.

Safra can choose to escape. As a nine-level magician, there are not many people in the Missiri Empire who can stop him.

The fat man knew that the old man stayed not only to buy more time for himself, but also to spend more time with his family. If he changes himself to that position, he may make the same decision.

The fat man still has a month to prepare everything as soon as possible.

Samina seemed to see the sadness in Ye Fei's expression and asked, "What did Grandpa say?"

The fat man forced his smile: "Nothing! The old man is very good."

There are some words that he doesn't know how to say. He is afraid that the seemingly strong little girl can't accept this fact. What about yourself? The fat man asked himself, can he accept this fact? What exactly are these people paying for? To protect this country? Or to conquer the world? The fat man is also looking for the answer.

Now that he has got the ring, the fat man must contact Qu Shuiqin to accept the next instructions. Whether to leave or stay is not his own decision. As a member of the dark department, he must now follow the above arrangement.

After sending Samina back to the dormitory, the fat man found a place where there was no one around and repeatedly confirmed that it was absolutely safe before taking out the communication crystal.

Communication crystals are military equipment. Only in the army will be assigned to some important generals. People who can have communication crystals often have special identities, but communication crystals are too cumbersome to charge. Once the energy is exhausted, they are a piece of waste.

The fat man usually keeps it in the space ring. In nearly two years, this was the first contact between him and Qu Shuiqin.

The palm-sized image came out of the palm, and the white hair of the old man's temples seemed to be one more point.

"Have you got the ring?"

"Well, what about my next task? Do you want to lurk or evacuate together? Ye Fei said absent-mindedly.

"Since you get things smoothly, the empire has a reason to send troops. You can't play much role in staying there. Let's withdraw together."

"Safra decided to stay..." The fat man's tone was a little sad.

Qu Shuiqin sighed and continued after thinking about it for a long time, "I know this... We have known each other since childhood, and we are not surprised by his decision."

Then paused: "I can understand his mood. His family is all in Missil. I'm afraid the last thing he can do is to walk quietly with them."

"Then you can bear to watch him die? The companion who has been lurking for 60 years gave up so easily?" The fat man's words did not hide his anger at all.

"It's not giving up! It's just a last resort."

Qu Shuiqin said in a low voice, "If Safra also withdraws, he will be found by the Misi Empire in less than a day. At that time, all the people who contact him will be thoroughly checked, and you will not have enough time to return safely."

"Whether it's you, the Si family sisters, and Laskers, it is possible to reveal your identity after this mission! Let him go with you will only involve you! So what about our empire's plan? What should those who died before do? What about their lives? Isn't it worthless?"

Ye Fei was a little unwilling and asked with red eyes, "It only takes three days to go back with the magic teleport array. Can't you let him escape by himself?"

"It's impossible. The status of the president of the Magic Research Association is too special. Countless secret agents are monitoring his whereabouts rationally or secretly. As long as he disappears, the whole nine-level strongman in Missil will participate in the roundup of him. At that time, he will not even have time to say goodbye to his family."

Qu Shuiqin was silent: "All we can do is respect his choice."

"She has a granddaughter, and I want to take her away!"

"Nonsense! No matter where Safra is, with such an important position, someone will definitely be responsible for monitoring his family, not to mention his own granddaughter! If you can't take her to the border of the Missouri Empire, you will be stopped. How can you keep her safe? Qu Shuiqin was a little angry.

"I promised to take good care of her!" The fat man's tone was unquestionable resolute.

"I thought about taking her to Zbas City in the name of visiting my uncle and trying to find a way to get rid of surveillance."

"Zbas City is east of Missylli. How did you come back?" Old Qu frowned.

"I have a preliminary plan. If I can successfully get rid of the people who monitor Samina in Zbas, I will go all the way east to the Thunder Federation. I'm trying to go back by sea."

"What if I can't get rid of you? I can't let you take this risk." There was a trace of anger in Qu Shuiqin's words.

There is a bit of bitterness in the fat man's words: "Old man, the only thing I can help Safra is to take good care of his granddaughter! Please also respect my choice."

For a long time, Qu Shuiqin said slowly, "What about Raskers if you do this? Once Samina disappears in Zbas, you and Laszquez will be suspected. How can he break away? Even if he is willing to cooperate, there is not much time he can buy for you two.

Ye Fei said, "So, I also want to ask you to help me with the work of Lascus. We haven't contacted each other since we came here. Only you can help me with this matter."

Qu Shuiqin said solemnly, "This matter has seriously violated the regulations of the dark department. I can't make this decision easily. I have to find a few elders to discuss before I can reply to you. Fatty, you have to be psychologically prepared. If it really doesn't work, you can only give up this idea."

"Old man, can you tell me what kind of power can support a person lurking in the empire for 60 years?" Ye Fei's eyes were still full of doubts.

After a long silence, Qu Shuiqin did not answer directly, but asked, "Do you still remember the words at the gate of the Wizards Association?"

"Hmm!" The fat man's incomparable respect for the old man Sims Brown can also be remembered for his last words.

"The teacher's hands were stained with blood during his life in the Ice and Snow League. What did he do for?"

Without waiting for Ye Fei's answer, the old man said, "We are all for this country. I know this answer will not satisfy you, but this is the truth. Do you remember the declaration on the day you entered the dark? We are the first line of defense to defend this country. For the benefit of the empire, we must be ready to sacrifice at any time. We are a knife hidden in the dark, and we are unscrupulous wolves for the purpose of the target.

"This is a world of the law of the jungle. It seems that the Dragon Empire is proud of the northern continent, but how many people can know the darkness behind it? Don't you think it's too terrible that these three countries can increase their comprehensive strength by 40% in more than ten years with the scientific and technological information brought back by merchants who are lucky enough to cross the north and south continents every year?

Qu Shuiqin's tone is getting heavier and heavier: "What about ten years later, 20 years later, 50 years later? When your hometown is shrouded in the smoke of war, what can you do for it? No one wants the world to be full of war, but when your opponent is strong enough to be deadly, will you blame yourself for being soft-hearted?

The blue veins on the old man's forehead are undoubtedly revealed: "It's not my delusion. As long as these three countries still maintain this terrible speed to increase their national strength, in 30 years, these three countries will be enough to compete with the Longteng Empire. In 50 years, the situation in the northern mainland will be completely reversed, and then they will be slaughtered. It will be our dragon empire. How can you protect your family at that time?

"Think about Qi Lan, think about those ordinary people in Senar, how can you ensure their safety when the war strikes them?"

The fat man fell into deep thinking. The life of the Longteng Empire for more than ten years has made him fully integrate into this beautiful country. For his uncle and nephew, the fat man also completely regarded them as his own family. If he can't even protect his family, how can he be called a man?

Old Qu's words continued: "What if my personal strength is strong? In the face of the tide-like army and powerful magic weapons, no one can change the situation of a war on their own! Whether it is a warrior or a magician, the role played in the war is only a knife, and the power of this knife lies in the strength of the person who uses the knife.

"If the country is strong, we can cause people and death. If the country declines, we may not even be able to break a layer of paper. From the day you enter the dark, the responsibility on your shoulders is to safeguard the interests of this empire and protect those ordinary people to have a normal life.

Qu Shuiqin was a little excited and his voice was a little blocked: "I'm also sad about Safra. As his old friend, there is really nothing I can do to help him at this time..."

"Fat, you should understand and must understand that this is the life of us, and our existence lies in protecting this country!"

"..." The words made Ye Fei fall into deep thinking, and the doubts that troubled him may have an answer at this moment.

"I understand!" The fat man was not silent for a long time. He raised his head again, with a trace of firmness in his eyes, and all the previous haze was swept away.

Qu Shuiqin's eyes had a little more praise and a smile.

As soon as the conversation turned, the fat man said, "Is Qilan all right?"

The old man burst into tears and breathed his chest: "Little bastard, don't forget that I brought you back! Don't ask me first?"

The fat man beat the old man back to his original shape with just one sentence: "Bah, I grew up with her milk! Did you bite me?