rogue hero

Chapter 28 Mother?

Half a month's walk north of Dortmanninger City will reach Green Peak Mountain. With Ye Fei's nature, he will never walk with the transmission array, but three people need 450 gold coins for the transmission fee alone. The fat man is now short of money and can't afford to afford the high expenses.

Euraça Sugaso, the only one who can afford this cost, is an iron rooster. The status of money in his heart is no less important than that of women to fat people. Originally, the middle-aged uncle proposed to walk, but in the end, his mouth was still not hard. Under the tragic defeat of the spiritual magician and Kowloon, Eurasian Sugaso was forced to support I paid the rent for the carriage.

The middle-aged uncle looked at the two people in the carriage speechlessly. He wanted to shake the reins and shouted, "I won't serve you anymore!" Until the foot of Green Peak, Eurasia Sugasso failed to summon up this courage. It is also level six. Who will make himself spiritual?

I have to say that the security environment of Leiming Federation is really a little chaotic. In just over ten days, three people have encountered several groups of robbers, and they often see some grave robbers burglarly selling antiques on the roadside.

These are not important. What is most popular for fat people is that prostitutes are legal in this country. Like other industries, they only need to have a store and pay a tax every month to operate properly.

"A wonderful and magical place!" Ye Fei wondered whether it was time to apply for the nationality of the Leiming Federation, but monogamy quickly gave him the idea.

Fat is very picky about women, especially after getting to know Sister Flower and Samina. Ordinary rouge powder is not enough to tease this bitch's heartstrings.

Now Ye Fei and Samina are much closer, and pulling hands can't meet the needs of the fat man at all. The fat man's next goal is to kiss, then touch his chest, and then...

Samina fell asleep quietly on the pillow, her long eyelashes were bent and curled up, and her light orchid breathing stirred the uneasy heart of the bitch.

Ye Fei looked at the happy Eurasian Sugasso with hatred and kept cursing this guy who was in the way every day.

The middle-aged uncle drove a carriage with one hand and kept rubbing a palm-sized quadrangle with the other hand, laughing that he bought from a tomb robber for 120 gold coins in his previous town.

Eurasia Sugasso understands the value of this thing very well. The four-tempered mirror is a special item for spiritual mage. This kind of thing can store the original spiritual power of a certain energy through the internal magic array to avoid the phenomenon of mental lack of mental mage in battle.

Basically, every mage will have something similar to this function, but this kind of thing is generally very expensive. Don't get it without thousands of gold coins. From the age of the tomb robber, Eurasia Sugasso can see that he is still a novice. It doesn't cost much to talk much. The original four-pris of money fell into it. My own bag.

Whether it is backwards or kept as your own collection, this business is sure to make a good profit.

Green Peak Mountain is located at the junction of Osode and Rabik Province. The mountain is not high, and the purple gardeners all over the mountain move with the wind, which decorate the extra beauty of the whole mountain.

seemed to smell the fragrance in the air, and Samina woke up.

"Let's get off here. It's not easy to go to the front carriage." Eurasia Sugaso jumped out of the carriage and casually picked up a purple gardener and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff.

"It's so beautiful!" Samina gave a heartfelt admiration.

"Hehe, of course, let me tell you, this flower is not only beautiful, but also uses gardenia as an ingredient in many flower essential oils." After a few days of contact, Eurasian Sugasso had a good impression of Samina, but how could the gentle and beautiful little girl fall in love with such a despicable and shameless fat man? The uncle is puzzled by this.

The three walked forward for more than two hours and finally came to an open land on the top of the mountain.

The wooden fence surrounds three wooden houses. On one side of the yard is the oldest well, and some daily vegetables are planted in a vegetable field in front of the house.

"Is the eighth-level magician living here?" The fat man asked incredulously.

"So where do you think you live?"

The fat man was a little speechless. Why didn't he think that this was the residence of the eighth-level magician? Think about the room in the old man's magic association...

The gap! Looking at this state, the fat man felt blushing for the old man Qu.

With a squeak, the door of the room was opened, and a woman about 30 years old came out. She was dressed in linen and had a plump figure. Her long black hair coiled behind her head, exuded a unique charm of a mature woman all over her body, and she could not see the mark of time on her face.

The fat man took a very contemptuous look at Eurasian Sugarso. With such a beautiful wife at home, does he still want to run around all day? Aren't you afraid of being cheap for other men? Is Uncle really not humane?

"You still know how to come back!" The middle-aged woman is angry.

"Hey, Mom." Eurasia Sugasso lowered his head in embarrassment.

Not only Ye Fei, but also Samina's eyeballs fell to the ground, and her long mouth was enough to put down a basket of eggs.

This is too exciting. With a buzz, the fat man was petrified on the spot and didn't recover for a long time.

What did the uncle call her just now? Did I hear it correctly? Mom?

Dreamy! It must be an illusion!

TMD! Is there any reason?

How old is uncle this year? Forty?

This woman? Sixty?

If this is 40 years back...

Ye Fei swallowed a mouthful of water. What a beauty disaster, he had to stand aside!

The fat man dares not think about it any more...

It's evil...

The only feeling of a fat man is that his heart is pounding.

I don't know how long it took for the fat man to find that Eurasia Sugaso looked at him angrily.

Ah? What are you doing?" The fat man covered his chest as if he was afraid of being horrized by the middle-aged uncle.

"What did my mother ask you?" Eurasia Sugaso stared angrily.

"Huh? What? I didn't hear it!" Ye Fei scratched his head shyly.

"Forget it, Eurasia, come in!" The middle-aged woman smiled faintly and turned around and walked to the house.

Euraça Sugasso kicked Ye Fei's buttocks, and he was very dissatisfied with the fat man's performance.

Ye Fei ignored these at all. He was still immersed in great surprise. Obviously, he was still in a state of dementia and kept muttering: "It's crazy! This is too ridiculous!"

The furnishings in the house are very simple. A wooden bed, a dressing table, a few chairs, and several cabinets in the corner are all the furniture in the house.

After introducing several people to each other, Eurasia Sugasso finally said, "Hey, mom, there is a little trouble, and I have to ask you to help!"

"I said you were not so filial. It turned out that you came back to me for help!" Soria is angry.

"Hey, Mom, look at what you said. Didn't I miss you? Just come back and have a look! It happens that this friend is in a little trouble, and I can't solve it. Isn't that what I asked you for?" Eurasia Sugasso's attentive tea delivery, if she can't help Samina recover, she will really break her money to avoid disaster.

"I don't know you yet! Say it! How much did they charge this time? Soleia knew her son's little trick and didn't care about his face. She rudely ridiculed her son in front of outsiders.

"Hey, not much, five hundred..." The middle-aged uncle smiled.

"Oh, it's really not much, so figure it out by yourself!" After saying that, Soleya ignored Ye Fei and turned around and walked out of the room.

"Don't! Mom, I was wrong! Please help me! If it can't be cured, I have to put on 200 gold coins!" Eurasia Sugasso hurriedly chased out, leaving the two people in the room looking at each other in con's face.

Soon outside the house, he heard the pig-killing scream of Eurasia Sugasso, and the fat man consciously lay on the crack of the door and peeked outside the house.

Tut! The treatment of your own son is different. You don't have to fight back. How enjoyable it is!

Eurasia Sugaso watched his mother take away the four-edged mirror he had just bought with tears. Although he had expected this moment, he was still very aggrieved and hadn't covered it yet!

Solia played with the four-prised glass in her hand and slowly said, "Say, what trouble is your stinky boy?"

Eurasia Sugasso struggled to get up from the ground and was afraid of the dirt on his clothes, explaining Samina's situation to his mother in detail.

I just lost 120 gold coins. If Samina can't be cured, it will be a big loss.

The more Soleya listened, the more she frowned, the more she frowned, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Since there is no mental problem, there must be something wrong with the medicine, but..."

As an eight-level magician, he is also a pharmacist. He has absolute confidence in the potions he has configured, and those bottles of potions will not conflict even if they are taken together. So what's going on with Samina's situation? Soria fell into meditation for a moment.

After a while, Solya returned and walked back to the house. The details had to be checked for Samina before she could know.

The fat man was kicked out...

Although he really wanted to stay in the room to see how it was a full-body examination, the eighth-level magician made him run away in a hurry with a magnetic storm.

The middle-aged uncle and the fat man stood outside and stared with big eyes and didn't say anything for a long time.

Finally, the fat man said first: "She is really your mother..."

Euraça Sugasso was furious: "Little bastard, is it possible to fake this matter?"

The fat man smiled: "I'm just asking..."


Solia's face in the room became more and more gloomy, and her spirit penetrated into Samina's body like a trickle.

Solia tried to communicate the spiritual power of the two, and then, driven by herself, Samina sensed a trace of elemental fluctuations, but it didn't work several times.

After careful exploration, she faintly found a strange energy attached to Samina's whole body, which was not very obvious, but the composition was very complex. It was the residual component of the medicine. What surprised her most was that there were faint signs of diffusion of this energy.

It should be this energy that makes Samina unable to sense the fluctuation of elements.

Solia can't determine all the elements of this energy for the time being, but it's a vaguely familiar feeling, agave, ice flower, and...

She can't remember the most critical energy. There is always a feeling that she seems to have been in contact with somewhere, but...

Seeing that Samina's whole body was trembling, Soria withdrew her mental strength and something was not urgent.

Even if Samina is safe now, she can't withstand the spiritual power of the eighth-level magician for a long time, although Solya has tried her best to control it.

Samina is a little depressed, and she can already guess some clues from Grandma Soliya's eyes.

"Ha, don't be discouraged. I have been able to determine most of the reasons. The rest is just that it will take some time. Your body can't withstand my mental strength now, and you can explore it all a few more times." Salia carefully enlightened the girl.