rogue hero

Chapter 31 Conspiracy

Ye Fei did not say anything and buried his fat body back into the comfortable sofa.

No need to think carefully, Ye Fei reacted in an instant, treasure!

"Mom! No wonder my right eyelid has been jumping these days!" The fat man cursed with surprise and fear in his heart.

The fat man can roughly infer that this so-called Noah mercenary regiment must have found a treasure and has made great profits from it. If it is an ordinary mercenary regiment, it can't pay the high fees in the Adventurer Alliance at all. The VIP area here is charged on an hourly rate of 500 gold coins per hour. What can ordinary mercenary regiments bear?

The strictly confidential entrustment content is to ensure that the information of the treasure is not leaked.

Since they came out to recruit manpower, it shows that Noah's mercenary regiment has encountered great obstacles, making it impossible for them to continue to penetrate into the treasure.

The reason why only one or two level 6 warriors are hired is that they can solve their lives after helping them solve the trouble. If there are too many people, even a sneak attack will cause heavy losses to Noah's mercenary regiment.

Otherwise, the reward of 10,000 gold coins can completely hire an eighth-level strongman. Which one is easier to solve the problem of fat people's fart, the eighth-level martial artist or the sixth-level martial artist? The eyes can figure it out.

"Typical grinding to kill donkeys!" There was a scream from the bottom of the fat man's heart.

Ye Fei guessed that everything was right. In the process of protecting merchants, Noah's mercenaries accidentally obtained a drawing of ancient relics. With the tips in the drawings, the regiment leader Cixiu and deputy regimental commander Meilin quickly found the treasure place.

At the moment of discovering the ruins, the huge wealth stunned everyone, with mountains of gold coins, long-standing antiques, and all kinds of strange items.

The desire for greed, selfishness and domineering quickly took root in this small group of more than 100 people. No one can resist this powerful**, and blood and killing instantly filled the ruins.

The knife in his hand stabbed into his companion's body, and the magic hit his friend's head. Looking back, these are still unforgettable nightmares in Merlin's heart.

Finally, under the joint suppression of Cixiu and Merlin, only 30 people retained a trace of reason, without the division of their companions, and the remaining wealth was enough to make everyone alive return home.

However, the more you go down, the more shocked you are. The huge underground relics have finally been explored, and all the treasures that can be taken away have been searched out. Now there is only one unopened door left in the ruins.

Cixiu and Merlin didn't think about using explosives. After several attempts, the gravel falling from the ceiling reminded everyone that this was an underground building.

The only three five-level warriors left in Noah's mercenary regiment did their best to leave a deep pit at the gate, so they had no choice but to ask for help from outsiders.

"I accept it!" The fat man whistled frivolously. If he wants to cheat me, he must have the consciousness of being cheated! This is one of the creeds of a fat man's life.

Risks are always directly proportional to interests. Fat people don't think that there are strong people above level 7 in a mercenary regiment. If so, there is really no need for them to come out to recruit people. What's more, Samina's condition can't be delayed.

It depends on whether there is a pie or a trap in the sky!

Merlin's hanging heart finally returned to its original position.

"Ha ha... Welcome Brother Ye to join us. I believe that with your help, our task will be smoother. We will talk about the specifics on the way!"

The magic transmission array along the way confirmed Ye Fei's conjecture. The four people spent nearly 2,000 gold coins on the transmission array alone, which made the fat man feel a pain and cursed in his heart, "Can't you save some for me? It's all my money!"

On the way, a bodyguard went out to buy some food, which made the fat man more alert.

Green meat, antelope meat, and Senpas fruit can be safely eaten separately, but these things can produce a coma** as long as they are slightly processed.

This poison has a nice name, Lost Incense.

The fat man's face did not change, but his heart sneered. Did he dare to show off with this little trick? Grandpa, I got full marks in poison when I was in the dark!

Merlin's words are true or false, and there is no concealment about the treasure.

Merlin knew that he could never open the door by relying on the power of his mercenary regiment alone. Instead of hiding it, it was better to let the fat man know the treasure completely, dispel his doubts, and make it more convenient to do it in the end.

"Although we have found great wealth, we dare not say anything." Meilin smiled bitterly and said, "In case any seventh- or eighth-level strongman knows about this, in the end, we may not even be able to save our lives, not only money!"

"So... Brother Ye, even after this commissioned mission, please don't talk about it with others!" Merlin has a sincere face.

"Forum, I'm smart." The fat man nibbled at the Senpas fruit in his mouth, and the sweet juice splashed everywhere.

"Eat it! Open the door for me and send you on the road. Now eat more and save what you don't have!"

Meilin looked at the fat man kindly and thought about how to get the wealth of Cixiu. The old man had been sitting in the position of regiment for too long, and it was time to change someone to inherit the family business. In addition, it was time to break the identity that made him feel humiliated.

The wealth outside the underground ruins alone is enough to make Merlin live a rich life, but these can't satisfy his greed at all.

Merlin said to himself, "If I hadn't tried my best to take care of the top and bottom of Noah's mercenary regiment for so many years, how could Noah's mercenary regiment have today's scale? Why should Mo Suotu compete with me for the position of regimental commander? Sorry, uncle! Since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being cruel. I just take back what should belong to me!"

The four people went out of the magic teleportation array and found an inn at will and settled down. After leaving the town, they could walk four or five days to reach the Huangyun Forest in the mouth of Meilin.

Ye Fei was heartlessly snoring in **. He was not worried about his safety at all. Before opening the door safely, Noah's mercenary regiment did not dare to do anything to himself.

At the same time, in Merlin's room, three figures were whispering about something around the table.

"Ms. Meilin, will the high price for that fat pig arouse his suspicion?" A bodyguard whispered.

seemed to be very popular with this leader. Merlin's face was rosy and whispered, "How can he work hard willingly without a little capital? What does a dead man care about with him?

Another bodyguard also continued: "That fat man is a foodie at first glance. How can he look like a six-level martial artist along the way? If I hadn't seen the war guard with my own eyes, I would have doubted whether he pretended to be!"

Meilin smiled gloomyly: "No matter how many martial artists he is, as long as he can help us open the door!" The wealth outside the ruins alone is enough to make us prosperous. I can't imagine how many treasures there will be in the gate now!"

Then he paused and said, "As long as the door is opened, it will be solved with the old bastard Cixiu."

Several people looked at each other with a gloomy smile.

A bodyguard said with a heavy face, "We don't know what's going on there these days. In case Ci Xiu and Mo want to unite at that time, I'm afraid it will cause trouble to our plan."

"Hmm!" Speaking of the picture, Merlin's good mood suddenly disappeared, and his clenched fists rattled.

"I have seen that bastard as unpleasant to him for a long time. This time, I just took the opportunity to get rid of it together, otherwise it would be a disaster to keep it. Mingsuda, have everything I asked you to prepare?"

The called bodyguard hurriedly took out the package from under the bed, put it on the table, and said, "It's all here. See if there are any omissions."

Merlin checked it very carefully.

Another bodyguard next to him asked puzzledly, "What's the use of these things?"

Merlin smiled and whispered, "Hey, let you two learn more today. After a little water treatment, these meat will secrete a toxin, and then mix it with Senpas juice. A little heating and adding a little special is enough to make those people unconscious. At that time Wait...hey!"

Ming Sudada asked with a puzzled face, "Does this work?"

Merlin said confidently, "I took this recipe from an old man a few years ago. At the beginning, I saw the old man put down a six-level warrior with these things!" No one in the whole mercenary regiment knows about this. What if it is a sixth-level warrior? At that time, it won't be up to me!"

The two bodyguards looked at each other and said flatteringly, "Congratulations to the commander of Merlin in charge of Noah's Mercenary Regiment in advance. From now on, all the lives of our brothers will be handed over to you!"

Merlin patted the two on the shoulder with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Don't worry, once I officially become the head of the regiment, I will definitely benefit both of you!" I want to spread the reputation of Noah's mercenary regiment all over the continent!"

The next morning, the fat man was reluctantly called up by Merlin from **. The innocent eyes of the bitch couldn't wait to let Merlin find a quiet place to repent.

The Huli Mangya Mountains run through the entire Leiming Federation, and is also the second largest mountain range in the north of the Canglang mainland. The Huangyun Forest is a peripheral forest of the Huli Mangya Mountains.

Although it is the foot of the mountain, the endless mountains and miscellaneous monsters still make the fat man's heart fury.

If Merlin hadn't led the way, no one would have imagined that there would be a huge wealth hidden in this dense mountain.

Cut off a branch that blocked the road, and Ye Fei couldn't help frowning. In the five-day journey alone, he encountered more than a dozen warcrafts. Although it was only a five-level warcraft, it was so dense enough to block the way for most people.

Warcraft has its own sense of territory. If it can avoid it, it can avoid it. Several people along the way try to walk on remote paths. No one wants to waste energy on these beasts, especially Mingsudada's strength that has just broken through the fourth level. If it hadn't been protected by fat people, it would have been used as breakfast by some Warcraft.

"Wow..." Meilin breathed a sigh of relief, "The place where we stand now is on top of the ruins, and you can soon see the entrance when you turn around the front."

Merlin is also glad that he has a great life. If it weren't for the guidance of the treasure map, if he is not a five-level martial artist, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to have access to such a large wealth in his life.

Merlin's words were quickly confirmed. As soon as he turned the corner, Ye Fei saw a middle-aged man in a mercenary suit guarding by a forest, as if waiting for the return of Merlin and others.