rogue hero

Chapter 38 Treasure 2

Returning to the hall again, the fat man quietly asked for it.

Who on earth has the ability to hollow out the bottom of the mountain to dig out such a huge underground project at the bottom of this dusk forest? Even with the naturally formed cave, the amount of engineering can never be completed by manpower!

And those mysterious words, even with the ability of fat people to never forget, I can't remember which words they belong to in history.

Where can the sequence array be used as defense? And it is still a sequence array composed of hundreds of magic arrays!

Fat knows that if you want to combine two magic arrays with different functions, it is definitely not as simple as one plus two. As a systematic science, the requirements in this regard are extremely strict and even demanding.

If different magic arrays want to be combined, they need to solve a series of problems such as elemental conflicts and magic disorders. This is a series of quite rigorous scientific problems. Fat people really can't figure out who they are or what forces they have such top technology.

You should know that even in the most famous Makira Fortress of the Dragon Empire, there is only a sequence array of 70 magic arrays combined with each other. Every time an additional magic array is added, the ensuing problems will continue to increase in geometry.

Looking up at the dense bookshelf, the fat man is even more afraid!

The ten-meter-high bookshelf is out of sight. I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of books alone. Compared with this, the library of the Longteng Imperial Wizards Association is even more witchcraft. Who or what force can have such a huge knowledge reserve?

The fat man's eyes are locked on the magic crystal on the roof, and his smile is a little idiotic.

It's normal for Merlin not to know the goods. I'm afraid he has never seen such a big magic crystal in his life.

Magic crystal is definitely not expensive compared with its use... A piece the size of a fist is about 50,000 gold coins.

But... this thing is used as the core charging device of the magic cannon. Which prodigal son uses a half-meter thick magic crystal to illuminate it! Moreover, it is seven yuan in a row.

Ye Fei really wants to take these magic crystals away together.

The problem is... The process of releasing energy from the magic crystal is irreversible. Only through professional equipment can it delay the process of releasing energy.

can only control the intensity of its release of energy and cannot stop it from releasing energy.

These seven magic crystals are now useless except for lighting.

The fat man believes that even in the Wu Dynasty, even in the Longteng Empire, no one will do such a prodigal thing.

"Mom! It's all money!" The fat man roared unwillingly.

"How nice it is for you to leave this money to me! Whoo-hoo..."

Envy! Jealous! Resentment! In an instant, it filled Ye Fei's weak heart.

Money is not so bad!

"A small piece is also OK...woo-woo"

After settling down, the fat man looked carefully at the sequence array in front of him and sighed again.

You have to eat rice one by one, and everything needs to be done little by little. If you don't solve this annoying sequence array, you absolutely can't take another step forward.

The level of the sequence array is not particularly easy to determine. It's okay if it's the same level of magic array, but hundreds of different levels of magic arrays, large and small in front of him are put together, which is really uncertain for fat people.

Walked around the periphery of the sequence array to explore the whole hall.

Hundreds of magic arrays, large and small, can be named less than half, such as "gravity support array" and "air circulation array". Fat people dare not move at all. It is precisely because of these seemingly ordinary arrays that they can ensure the integrity of this underground ruins. If they do it rashly, What kind of consequences may it cause?

However, this makes it more difficult for the fat man to find a breakthrough, eliminating the magic array engraved with mysterious words, and eliminating the infrastructure array. There are not many places for him to choose. The fat man looked carefully for a long time and finally found a relatively low-level six magic array in the sequence array. Now even To kill this bastard, he did not dare to take half a step forward to a perverted magic array like "life extraction".

"A bloody lesson!" The fat man sighed in his heart.

Ye Fei found a suitable position and put down the simple energy tester. This thing can barely measure the approximate energy intensity of the "flame barrier" in front of him. Although the specific element composition cannot be measured, the current situation can only be used.

First of all, he has to know the level of this sequence array to decide the next action.

The tools in hand are too simple, and there are not many things that can be used. Fortunately, I took such a set from Raskers's house at the beginning. If I use the weakening agent directly, I don't know what the consequences will be.

Looking at the indicator bar on the energy tester climbing little by little, the fat man's face is constantly changing, from red to purple, like the colorful neon lights under the night.

crossed level 6, over level 7, over level 8, and the indicator bar finally stopped at level 9.

"Oh, my God! Don't play like this!" There was a terrible howling in the empty hall.

Which ancestor designed this? It can increase the elemental energy of a six-level "flame barrier" magic array to the power of a nine-level magic array.

Ye Fei believes that he is also the owner of a lot of books. He knows all kinds of strange things, but now this is also...

Too...too...too...too ridiculous!

The fat man didn't even hear of such a terrible array of blessing strength.

As soon as his stubborn temper came up, the fat man found a magic array to continue to test the energy intensity.

This time, the indicator bar was not dull and went straight to the peak. In the fat man's unwilling look, the whole energy tester emitted a wisp of blue smoke.

This shows that the elemental energy in this magic array has far exceeded the range that the energy tester can withstand, breaking through ten levels of power, and may even be higher.

The fat man's demented eyes deeply betrayed his inner shock and was enhanced to the divine power of the "annihilation array"?

Ye Fei is a little uncertain, because for tens of thousands of years, only Cang Xiaotian has been able to break through the divine realm. The division of the divine realm in mainland history books is also quite vague, and there is no unified statement.

The reason why the sequence array can be divided into an independent discipline is precisely because of the uncertainty of the magic array combination. The specific performance may be mutual improvement under the combination, or it may weaken each other to determine the composition of the sequence array according to the actual situation. Elements.

If it is an ordinary magic array, Ye Fei can completely find the core point of the magic array, and then use the weakening agent to destroy the core point of the magic array, thus paralyzing the magic array.

But the magic array after being supported by the sequence array, this...

The weakening agent is not omnipotent. If the previous "Flame Barrier" magic array still has hope to break through, then even if the "annihilation array" is exhausted to death, there is no way to break its core support point.

Now, Ye Fei looks behind the dense bookshelf like a deep boudoir who has been dissatisfied for a long time.

The fat man can think of the value of the things inside with his butt-eye...

He honestly returned to the front of the "Flame Barrier" magic array and looked at it carefully. Fortunately, the bastard designer did not do anything on the magic array. The regular magic symbols were engraved all over the ground. According to the rules of the magic array, the fat man saw the core point of the original six-level magic array at a glance. .

Now all the hopes of the fat man are in front of this magic array. As long as the weakened potion can reduce its power to the original level six, Ye Fei can completely break through this distance with the spirit of war.

Along the groove, carefully pour out the weakening agent. After a soft sound, it is obvious that the symbols on the ground gradually become a little dark.

There is a play!

At close range, the fat man can clearly feel that the magic elements in the air are beating restlessly.

Although there are not many weakening agents left, Ye Fei still pours the rest on the magic array, and good steel has to be used on the blade. Without this weakening agents, now the fat man can only embark on the journey of returning home two steps with tears in his eyes.

Wherely, it's time to drink soup or eat meat!

The process of waiting is extremely painful. Ye Fei can only determine that the weakening agent has played a role, and we can only wait and see what effect can be achieved in the end.

After a while, the light of the original fiery red magic array gradually faded, the bright magic symbols on the ground slowly lost their original luster, and the magic elements in the air became quiet.

The fat man carefully pened a trace of war spirit into the range of the magic array. With a "bang", the core of the magic array instantly rose a wall of fire and gradually spread to the surroundings.

At close range, the hot wall made Ye Fei's whole body hot. The fat man's frown instantly became stretched, and the tight fat gradually relaxed. Even if the energy tester had been broken, at this moment, he could be sure that the "flame barrier" had finally dropped to normal power.

"Hey hey hey..." The bitch gave a proud laugh and said to herself, "Is the sequence array very funny? Can you stop me by adding to level 9? Cut it!"

Now the fat man only needs to rush through the distance of ten meters in front of him to safely break through the defense range of the sequence array.

Ye Fei looked extremely solemn, took a deep breath, and a faint golden armor covered his whole body. He stepped out, leaving only a shallow footprint on the ground.

In an instant, the fat man exerted his speed to the extreme. The distance of ten meters is definitely not far. If the six-level warrior wants to pass through the range of ten meters, it is just a blink of an eye.

However, it was in the blink of an eye that the fat man felt that there was a destructive energy mixed with the fire wall, tightly attached to the war spirit around, constantly encroaching his own war spirit. Without looking at it, the fat man could clearly feel that the Kowloon war spirit consumed 50% at this moment.

This change scared the fat man to roll and crawl across the range of the magic array, and rolled on the ground several times before turning over and lying on the ground.

Ye Fei looked at the "Flame Barrier" magic array in a cold sweat. He couldn't figure out where the inexplicable energy came from?