rogue hero

Chapter 58 Message

Ye Fei looked hatefully at the beautiful female correspondent and turned away, touched her lips, sighed, and muttered to herself, "Oh, why did you get married at a young age? It's a pity, it's a pity..."

He immediately patted his thigh and said with great regret, "I forgot to ask if she has any sisters, hey..."

"Who are you?"

I regret that I only heard a voice shouting at myself angrily.

He raised his eyelids in a daze and saw Qu Shuiqin's face, staring straight at himself like a devil.

"Hey, I said you were my uncle!" The bitch smiled and quickly changed into a flattering expression.

You have to count on this old man to return home. It's really not cost-effective to offend him now.

"Are you good, old man Qu?" The fat man couldn't wait to stick his face to it.

"Hmm!" Qu Shuiqin snorted coldly and cursed at the corners of his eyes, "Can I take some time to contact me in my busy schedule?"

"Mr. Ye?" The fat man looked blank, as if he was thinking about something, and then timidly pointed to his nose and asked shyly, "Is it me?"

Then he muttered in the voice that the old man could just hear: "Fuck, it must be the little girl who spread rumors! She dares to frame people who respect the old and love the young! That's too much! What kind of character is this?"

Qu Shui couldn't wait to cut the despicable and shameless bitch in front of him into two pieces, and then burned him with no residue left, and then stuffed all the ashes into the pig food and fed them to the pigs.

Old Qu has already understood this bitch's character more thoroughly, and he doesn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore. He scolded him first and then said, "Little bastard, I'm going out to make you happy. Are you crazy enough? Come back quickly. There are still many things waiting for you at home!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Fei pretended to be stupid and felt scared. There was another task for the inner help in the dark department. His grandfather's, I knew that there was nothing good.

"What's the matter? Humph, good thing, don't talk so much nonsense. Naturally, you will know when you come back. I ask you, what have you done in the past few months? Why haven't you been in touch with the dark? Qu Shuiqin's face was slightly angry.

The fat man shouted injustice. He originally told the story of the past few months, from Samina's physical abnormality to the mysterious underground relics.

Of course, the secret of refining Yangang was naturally forgotten by him.

The more old man listened, the more frightened he became, and he kept sweating coldly.

When Ye Fei finished talking about everything, the old man's wrinkled face was even more twitching.

"Are you sure it's a sequence array of hundreds of magic arrays?" The old man asked with palpitation that no magician could ignore the horror of it.

"Bullshit, I'm not an idiot. Why did I lie to you about this?" Ye Fei rolled up his sleeves and showed Qu Shuiqin the tattoo on his body.

"Do you know these symbols?"

The old man stared at him for a long time before he twitched his nose and said, "I don't know..."

"I knew I couldn't count on you! It's also a waste!" The fat man put down his sleeve and said contemptuously.

Qu Shuiqin was furious and cursed, "You're not a waste, do you know?"

The bitch instantly changed into a proud look and said proudly, "I will also let you grow your knowledge today. Let me tell you, this is called - origin!"

"Oh?" Qu Shuiqin's face showed surprise.

The bitch continued to point to a mysterious symbol under his left wrist and said with a sneer, "This, read 'get'! Bo.. Let's get up!" Then he pointed to the same position of his right arm and said, "This word is called 'source'. The source of love!"

The fat man** threw a wink and whispered, "In a word, it's a description of **. From now on, love comes incessantly! Do you understand?"

This high talk directly shocked the old man and immediately scolded: "Get out! I believe you are a fool!"

"Uh..." Ye Fei was stunned for a moment. The old man's expression changed too fast, which really made him react for a while.

Immediately, he asked aggrievedly and innocently, "Then tell me what you mean?"

Qu Shuiqin frowned and walked back and down. He fell into thought for a moment and kept muttering: "Origin? Origin..."

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and said ambiguously, "If it is really like what you said, it should be the source of some ability, or the most fundamental form of a certain force, but..."

Old Qu's words are not finished, but the fat man can also understand the remaining meaning.

On the continent, there is no energy that human beings can cultivate except war spirit and magic. Now the extra source energy in Ye Fei's body has completely overturned the cognition of the two.

"No adverse reactions?" After all, old man Qu still cared about the fat man and asked doubtfully and puzzledly.

"I'm not a woman, and I don't have menstruation. How can I have any adverse reactions? Don't curse me!" The bitch waved her hand and said heartlessly.

Qu Shuiqin pressed the blood spewed out of his chest and said with hatred, "Well, son of a bitch, it's better to die!"

Ye Fei also knew that the old man was worried about himself, and a trace of warmth quietly rose in his heart. After a long time, he said with eyebrows, "It hurts a little for the first time..."

"Hmm?" Old man Qu's angry expression became more and more strange. His expression was as if he had been stuffed with more than a dozen eggs in his mouth. His cheeks and corner of his eyes twitched quickly, and finally gave a bright and bad smile: "Samina?"

The fat man stayed for a long time and immediately realized that this old and unscrupulous...


A question**.. The answer is extremely vague.

"For the first time, it's inevitable, and it will be fine in the future... You two hurry up and come back. I haven't seen that little girl yet!" The old man continued to keep a bad smile.

"I'm talking about war spirit..." Ye Fei touched his nose and said naively.

Seeing that Qu Shuiqin's expression instantly solidified, the fat man's heart blossomed beautifully and said to himself, "Fight with me? You are too young!"

The old man was embarrassed and could only blush and change the topic: "I've been crazy outside for so long. Come back quickly. If I had known, I shouldn't have given you a space ring and contacted you for this trouble! I can't find you anywhere."

When it comes to returning to China, the fat man also became serious. This time, he took the initiative to contact Qu Shuiqin to help arrange the plan for returning to China.

At this moment, he hurriedly said, "Old man, you really have to help me this time. Now that Missiri and the Leiming Federation have completely reached an offensive and defensive alliance, and I don't know if I can get through when I return from the sea. This army is in chaos. What should I do if something happens?"

Qu Shuiqin thought for a moment and said, "Now that the Thunder Federation has completely cut off its maritime trade with us, it is impossible to go to the sea. Your plan must be changed."

"That's right, I'm thinking about why don't let our people in the Thunder Federation find a way to get a boat and get it out for me!"

The old man stared at him and said angrily, "What can I do to get you a boat?" What else can you drive back? Now the Lei Ming Federation has entered a state of second-level combat readiness. At this time, except warships, other ships are not allowed to leave the port. If you don't wait to go out, they will kill you with one shot.

"If you're not afraid, I can find someone to help you get a boat..."

Ye Fei squeaked his mouth and whispered, "I'm just asking!"

Immediately, he asked unwillingly, "Is there any other way?"

After thinking for a long time, Qu Shuiqin slowly said, "There is a way..."

"What? Tell me about it?" The bitch can't resist the curiosity in her heart.

"You can find a way to return to the Missouri Empire. As long as you can safely reach the port of Aulga, I know the regional governor of the troops there. It's not too troublesome for you to plead for him to send you back!"

"Old man..." The fat man shouted bitterly, "There is a lively fight there..."

With the character of this fat pig, when you meet a fight, you may be able to stand on the side and watch the bustle of the war... It's better to hide away. Maybe a bullet that comes out will kill you.

Qu Shuiqin was slightly dissatisfied and frowned and said, "At this jucle, even if the dark contacts in the Thunder Federation help you, it won't play much. Our power there is not particularly strong. Most of them are some people at the bottom. Even if we can help you, we will at most Safely sent to the Empire of Missil, and they still have their own jobs. In case there is a mistake in any aspect, their identity is likely to be leaked..."

"Well... I understand!" Ye Fei interrupted the old man's words. If he had no choice but to, he would not be willing to start his dark colleagues. After the incident of Safra, the fat man had more heartfelt admiration for this group of silently dedicated people and took Samina to escape, but more of his own persistence. If it hadn't been for Qu Shuiqin's efforts to run away in the dark part, Samina has at least a 40% chance of being abandoned.

At this time... it's better to cause less trouble to colleagues.

Qu Shuiqin sighed slightly and said slowly, "Don't blame me, I have to be responsible for everyone..."

The fat man smiled stupidly: "I didn't mean that. I really can't. I'll find a way back from Su Aiguo!"

The old man frowned and muttered, "It's too far. If you go around like this, it will at least delay the first half of the year. This is still the most conservative estimate. What if Su Aiguo also prepares for war after you get there? How can you come back? Moreover, the latest appointment has been issued here. You need to report directly to the military department as soon as you come back. I can't help you delay so long!"

"Military?" Ye Fei only felt a sudden tightening between the two strands, and there was a thrill all over his body. He looked at the old man tremblingly, with a sad face like his mother who had just died.

At this time, the adjustment order of the military department, the fat man can also figure out what it means with his butt-eye...

Isn't this cheating?