rogue hero

Chapter 76 Escape 2

Gagabu beside Ye Fei didn't seem to hear this sentence. He didn't even jump his eyelids much, and his expression remained unchanged at all. He just followed the fat man step by step, as calm as ever.

A ferocious smile came not far behind the fat man: "None of you can run away. Since you have the courage to challenge the dignity of the Sisoko family, you must have the consciousness of death!"

Ye Fei thought to himself, "Listen to this tone and think it should be a leader."

The fat man glanced back, and dozens of figures behind him couldn't tell who said this, so he had to gasp and shouted, "Who is the head, say something!" Let's discuss it!"

The gray-shirted man who had just answered was slightly stunned, and then hung a mocking smile on the corners of his mouth. Discuss? Well, when I catch you, I will naturally have a chance to "discuss" with you. He also said, "If you are sensful, you will go back with your grandfather. Maybe you can leave a whole body for you!" If Mr. Xu comes, I'll let you lose a layer of skin first.

"Xu Lao?" The fat man was slightly puzzled, and then reacted and scolded angrily, "Grandson, Grandpa wants to talk to your leader. How can you be such a shameless person? I really thought I was a green onion. Who the hell dipped you in sauce? Stupid X! Find your own scolding!"

The gray-shirted man's face turned blue and white, and the color became faster than the slide. In the blink of an eye, he became extremely gloomy. Whoever was scolded by the fat man would be extremely angry, especially in front of so many people, which made his face disappear. The dignity of the eighth-level martial artist was actually trampled so much. He even felt the forced smile of his companions beside him.

"Bastard! Do you dare to say it again?" The gray-shirted man gritted his teeth and said, hoping to swallow the fat pig in front of him.

"Stupid X! Stupid X! Stupid X! Do you understand? Unexpectedly, there are still people who take the initiative to make such a request. This guy is really an old man!" The fat man turned his head, squeezed his eyebrows for a long time, and made the expression on his face look real, but the pace under his feet became more rapid, afraid that the other party would catch up with him, and his whole body jumped like a fat rabbit fleeing in a hurry.

"I'm going to kill you!" The gray-shirted man finally couldn't suppress his anger and burst out and waved his fists one after another. Bang bang... The fist-sized silver-gray war spirit gradually condensed into a sphere in the air and bombarded behind the fat man like a storm.


"Mountain Lane Temple II! Stop it!"

"Stop and catch it!"

As soon as the gray-shirted man took action, the exclamation and scolding of his companions came one after another.

The gray-shirted man called Shannji II also reacted in an instant. The third congressman's order was to be captured alive. If he killed the fat man rashly, it would be equivalent to disobeyed Burda's order. In the Sisssock family, his voice absolutely did not allow others to question and resist. At that time, Xu Lintao will solve himself first without waiting for the old man who lost his son to do it himself.

Almost instinctively, Shannji II stopped the movements in his hand, but there were still several regiments of uncontrollable attacks, and cold sweat instantly wet their clothes.

At the same time, the fat man, who is born with a keen sense of danger, has noticed the changes behind him. Even if the eight-level martial artist does not explode with all his strength, the power contained in his attack is definitely not what he can withstand. He instinctively is like a flash on the left side, in an instant. Raise the war spirit armor to the extreme defense state and protect yourself and Samina's body.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

The three extremely domineering energies, in no particular order, bombarded the fat man's original standing position almost at the same time.


After a loud noise, several walls near the corner disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the houses nearby also shook strongly. The whole ground trembled, and the smoke and dust filled everywhere in an instant.

When the fog dissipates, a large pit about ten meters in diameter suddenly appeared on the ground.

The strong explosion made the residents on several nearby streets wake up in a deep sleep. Although there were some noises before, the most interference was only the owners of several nearby houses. Because everyone maintained a state of high speed, often before those ordinary people reflected, the culprits of the damage were already After escaping from the scene from afar, when the owner of the house got up from ** and ran out of the room, he could only look at the bright light in the distance and cursed a few words.

However, the explosion was so strong that as long as it was not dead, it would definitely be awakened by it. The windows of many houses nearby were shattered, and the glasses on the table were not spared.

For a while, the slums seemed to have exploded into a mess. Usually, these people at the bottom of society work hard every day just to have a full meal and live a little more at ease. Sleep time every night is the only time they can completely relax in a day. Now, not only Sleep is disturbed, and many people's family business accumulated for half of their lives has been so damaged so much that these people can not be angry.

The angry scolding and roar of the man pushing open the door, and the woman's scream, like the swept tide, enveloped over the slum in the blink of an eye.

The airflow brought by the explosion pushed Ye Fei forward. Although it was not directly resisting the attack with his body, the sharp gravel caused a lot of trouble to the fat man. It would not be too difficult to just wrap himself with a warlike armor, but there was still Samina on his shoulder, although It's just that there are more people, but the war spirit consumed is increasing geometrically.

Every time you expand a little further, the battle spirit is a great loss. It crackles, and the fist-sized gravel and earth hits the armor like pouring rain, making a close and rapid crisp sound.

The fat man did not resist. He let the air wave push him forward for a long distance before he gently tiptoed on the ground, took the opportunity to make adjustments, reached out and gently pushed it on the wall of the street. With the help of his strength, he stabilized his pace, and his head would not continue to run forward.

"Be careful, are you all right?" This heartless bitch doesn't forget to take advantage even at this time.

Samina, who was stopped by her waist and resisting Ye Fei's shoulder, took infinite attention to the words that usually made her blush in the fat man's words. The whole body fell on the fat man's back, and her long red curly hair just fell on Ye Fei's waist, covering the fat white flowers leaking from the back of the fat man's waist. , also leaked the pink and slender neck at the collar.

At this time, if Samina can faint, she will feel better than now, at least she doesn't have to endure such strong bumps.

"It's okay..." Samina's voice was a little weak, and the strong pressure from her chest made it a little difficult for her to speak.

The fat man also seemed to feel the softness of the two groups in the vest. He grinned and his feet became faster and faster. He turned his head, swept the figure behind him with the afterglow, and shouted, "I said why is this guy so bad! It turns out that there are only two words in their names, which is really enough!"

The pursuers behind Ye Fei seem to be still stunned. If this fight is real, a six-level warrior will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die. At the moment when Shannji 2 takes action, the only thought in these people's heads is to pray! Pray that the fat man can survive. These people can die in anyone's hands, but they can't die in their own hands. Senator Burda's only order is to bring these people back intact. Once something happens, it's not only the fool Shannji II who will suffer, but everyone will be implicated.

Originally, it was not too difficult to catch three people. As long as a few magicians can successfully occupy the commanding heights and control the periphery, the warriors rushed up to solve these little shrimps. They didn't even make a detailed capture plan, and they had an advantage in absolute strength. It was purely delusional that these little fish wanted to set off any waves.

However, no one expected that the whereabouts of themselves and others would be leaked, especially some of the eight-level warriors. With their "night vision" ability, they could clearly grasp every move in the room. However, why was it that the other party had been advanced before everyone approached the distance of 200 meters from the house. Perceit? How did they find out?

If these are not enough to shock these warriors and magicians who are used to the strong wind and waves, how can it be more than ten minutes away since they came out of that small house? Why can that fat man still jump like a normal person? What's more, there is a man on his shoulder!

Well, if he has good physical strength, is naturally good at escaping, and is familiar with the surrounding terrain, and he can barely say it. So, who will explain what happened to the bald head? At least the fat man took a few breaths. Why didn't his face change?

In addition, the scene in front of us shocked everyone. It was the attack of the eighth-level martial artist! Even if he didn't hit the pig directly, he could at least slow down his pace a little, right? Is he really CET-6? Is the news from the bastard Beides true?

If you can buy regret medicine in the world, Ye Fei would rather ruin his own property and buy one for himself. The mad dogs behind him just now finally had a dazed kung fu, but let his words abruptly wake them up from dementia.

Fortunately, while the other party was stunned, several people rushed out dozens of meters away.

"Mom Gobi! I'm an idiot! I'm better than Shan Nong Temple!" Ye Fei spread his feet and ran wildly while thinking about it in his mouth.

"Hmm!" Gagarb nodded fiercely and answered heavily.
