rogue hero

Chapter 119 Business

After saying goodbye to Lapol and Yilian, the two went to the largest newspaper in the city. After releasing a piece of news about looking for Berno, as soon as they returned to the hotel, the fat man pulled open his trousers and complained to Gagabu with an innocent face: "Little bald head! Look, that little woman was too cruel. In order to help you build a sword, she almost saved my second brother's life!"

At the door of the room, the fat man took a few steps forward aggrievedly, for fear that Gabb could not see what was in his crotch. "I have suffered so much. Shouldn't you tell me your method of building muscles? Why is this a public injury? As for our relationship, it seems hypocritical to talk about money and so on. As compensation, you can give me that set of muscle-building secrets. Otherwise, let me have a look and let me have a look!"

Ye Fei's shape soon attracted the attention of others in the corridor, and several young and beautiful waitresses blushed, took a sip, and quickly twisted their heads to one side.

jia bu has a blue face, with blue veins on his forehead and his eyelids jumping. It seems that he may slap this unknown bitch at any time.

"Hello, Miss, is Mr. Ye Fei there?" Just as Ye Fei was waiting for Gabb to answer, a woman's question suddenly came from the top of the stairs.

"Oh, are you looking for me?" The fat man blinked his eyes, pulled his trousers with his hands, and looked at the source of the sound.

But after looking at it for a long time, the fat man doesn't remember when he saw such a woman in her thirties. Although she was not bad, half of it was still supported by those cosmetics. Without this layer of false decoration, even the average line of Essenwu's market could not be reached, um! It seems that it should be the mother Sang in the ecstasy hall. Do you want to return those underwear?

Gagabu snorted coldly, ignored Ye Fei, and closed the door casually.

Zhao Tingyu followed the waiter's hand and saw the strange-shaped fat man at the gate of 1970. Her face was obviously stagnant, and then she recovered as usual in an instant. She greeted her with a smile like a nothing. If she had known the fat man's evaluation of her in her heart, she would have been angry and left on the spot.

"Hello, you are Mr. Ye!" Zhao Tingyu smiled and stretched out her right hand.

Huh? Are you?" The bitch naturally straightened the position of the second master in the crotch and stretched out his right hand.

Zhao Tingyu's face stagnated in an instant, and her expression changed rapidly. Her outstretched right hand wanted to take it back, but she hesitated and stopped awkwardly.

Ye Fei didn't mean any embarrassment. He naturally held Zhao Tingyu's right hand, yo! This mother Sang's skin is well maintained. She should have been redeemed by some big boss after several years of work, right?

Zhao Tingyu instinctively pulled back her hand, and then felt that her movements were a little rude. She smiled awkwardly at the fat man and said nervously, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Tingyu. Today, I came to apologize to Mr. Ye!"

"Compensation?" The fat man was a little puzzled and said to himself: Those little sisters served very well last night, and I didn't mean to complain to Su Ai's ecstasy association. What's the point of compensation?

Seeing the fat man frowning, Zhao Tingyu also looked panicked, "Sir, you are really forgetful. Yesterday, my brother was ignorant and made you unhappy. Please don't pay attention to it!"

"Your brother?" Ye Fei's doubts are heavier.

"It's Zhao Yuting who broke an arm by Mr. Ye!"

"Well..." The fat man was a little depressed. He had forgotten about that for a long time, and he didn't expect that the other daughter in front of him was the mayor's family. "What's the matter with me?"

"Well, can you go in and talk about it?" Zhao Tingyu pointed behind the fat man.

Ye Fei looked up and down and felt that it was not easy for the other party to be rude to him. Then he opened the door and pointed to the sofa and said, "Please sit down!"

"Cough!" As soon as she pushed the door, Zhao Tingyu was stunned by everything in front of her. **, on the carpet, on the sofa, and on the coffee cabinet, there were women's underwear everywhere. She glanced at it, and the number was definitely no less than 50 pieces, including a variety of classic styles, sexy and hot. Even if people look at it, they will feel hot cheeks, and There is a faint smell of women in the air.

"Mr. Ye's collection is really strange!" Any woman will be very embarrassed to see these things in a strange man's room, not to mention that such a large number is enough to hold a small underwear exhibition. After a few changes in her face, Zhao Tingyu almost bravely said such a sentence.

"Hey! Play, play..." The fat man was also a little embarrassed. He was dragged out of the quilt by Gagabu in the morning. Don't say that these things didn't have time to clean up, even ** were messy. If he had known this, he should have taken off the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door in advance.

"What's wrong with Miss Zhao?" Ye Fei threw a few bras on the sofa aside, made a clean place, and motioned Zhao Tingyu to sit down.

I broke her brother's hand and didn't want to revenge. Instead, I came to apologize. This is too unreasonable. Idiots can think that there must be something wrong with this.

Zhao Tingyu casually threw the purple fur coat aside, brushed the long hair on her forehead, and asked, "Isn't the person who just entered the house Mr. Gabb?"


"Mr. Ye, don't be nervous. I don't mean any harm. I believe that what happened yesterday was just a misunderstanding. Today, first, I came to apologize, and second, there is something. I want to ask two gentlemen for help!"

"There's no need to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt Mr. Zhao!" The shameless skin of the bitch has already been practiced to the point where the needle can't be pierced, and his face has not blushed even if he lies.

"Since Mr. Ye doesn't investigate, it can't be better. In fact, I'm here mainly for the second thing!"

"What's the matter?" The fat man looked at the woman in front of him suspiciously and intuitively told him that the daughter of the mayor's family was by no means as simple as she seemed.

"I want to talk about a business with Mr. Ye!"

Zhao Tingyu seemed to be a little hesitant. After a moment, she whispered, "It still needs to start from my father. Since I was 12 years old, my father has begun to serve as the mayor of Esangwu, and he has been in this position for four times. Over the years, it seems to be beautiful, but in fact, there are also a little The sadness that many outsiders can't see!"

If Ye Fei could see a scene in the cafe, he would definitely not have imagined that this was the same woman.

"This place in Aisan Uto City seems to be inconspicuous, but this is the only way for Suai City to several ports in the north. Every year, countless things circulating from the southern continent pass through here. Especially the development of these years has made this small city slowly prosper, and the annual tax revenue does not follow that. There are too many different prosperous metropolises!"

"It can be said that our Zhao family can have today's status in the city of Asang Uto, which is closely related to my father's position as mayor. If my father can be re-elected in this position, our Zhao family will slowly develop and grow, but now we are in some trouble..."

"Oh?" The fat man frowned and seriously thought about the meaning of women's words.

"Well, in a few months, it will be a five-year mayoral election. This re-election is very important to me and my father, so that our whole Zhao family will lose. If we can't be re-election, we will lose not only money, status and power, but more importantly, those who have conflicts with our Zhao family in the past. They will continue this opportunity to suppress us!"

"What does this have to do with me?" The fat man has probably guessed Zhao Tingyu's intention, but he doesn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

"That's why I came to ask for help. Originally, there were few people competing for the position of mayor of Essan Utow, but as it became more and more prosperous, the forces here became more and more complex, and more people were staring at this position!"

Although the mayor's election is elected by public opinion, if it follows the normal way, there is a high probability that my father will be re-elected. After all, so many years of political achievements are here, but my father is worried that other forces will adopt some disgraceful means! For example..."

"For example, threatening your family?" The fat man smiled.

"Yes!" Zhao Tingyu said depressively, "If they use my family to do something and force my father to withdraw from the election, then with my father's personality, I will definitely give up this election. I don't want my family to have an accident, and I don't want my father to have an accident, so I have to ask outsiders for help!"

"If Mr. Ye Fei is willing, until the end of the election, all expenses will be paid by our Zhao family, and an additional 30,000 gold coins will be paid to each of the two gentlemen afterwards!"

hiss! What a big deal. It will take at least two months from now to the end of the election. On average, each person is 15,000 gold coins a month. Such a high reward can fully hire two eighth-level strong men, and what did this woman just say? Will all the expenses during this period be paid by the Zhao family? If you meet a person who spends a lot of money, not to mention 30,000, you can spend 300,000 yuan.

Ye Fei has to doubt whether his ears have heard it wrong. Is there such a good thing in the world?

"Why did you find me?" Ye Fei is a little curious. If the Zhao family is willing to spend this money, not to mention their six-level warriors, even seven- or eight-level masters can contact several people, mother! Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy!