rogue hero

Chapter 131 A Drop of Water, a World

"This is Mr. Ye Fei. Congratulations. You can break through the seven-level barrier at such an age. I'm afraid such qualifications will make the world's martial arts enviable!" Without waiting for others to speak, the old man in his fifties said first.

"Hmm! Are you?" Ye Fei looked up and down at this person for a long time. If it hadn't been for the white hair on the temples and the aging wrinkles, it was absolutely impossible for people of this age to maintain such an energetic state. A set of men's casual clothes obviously from the hands of famous artists just right to hide a slightly fat body, a faint gold Silk lace is not flamboyant and can highlight that this person has a good position.

"This is Lord Zhao Tai, the mayor, and this is Lord Mott, the dean of our war spirit magic measurement center. This is Mr. Gabb!" The middle-aged man who led Ye Fei in before opened his introduction.

"Oh, disrespect!" The fat man glanced at the 70 or 80-year-old old man behind Zhao Tai, and then turned his eyes to the mayor, pretending to be frightened.

Mayor? So it's Zhao Tingyu's father? Is it such a coincidence that we can meet here? Humph! He's not here to avenge his son, is he?

"It's an honor to have the honor to see the names of the two gentlemen for a long time. The battle of breaking the cliff made the two gentlemen famous in the mainland. Originally, I came here today to meet my old friends. Which one thought of it would have a chance to meet the two heroes." To the surprise of the fat man, Zhao Tai did not seem to have any official airs and looked extremely kind, always with a smile on his face.

The fat man was slightly stunned, and his head ran quickly in an instant. Thinking of the conversation when Zhao Tingyu came to find him before, his head probably had a general inference of Zhao Tai's intention.

"Where, where!" Ye Fei was polite, but thought to himself, "Didn't Zhao Tingyu come here once a few days ago? Didn't he explain what Bai Laozi meant when he went home? Why is this old man pretending to be confused this time?

"If it's convenient for you, can you two take a step to talk?" Zhao Tai gently leaned forward and whispered.

Ye Fei hesitated for a moment. Zhao Tai found him nothing more than what Zhao Tingyu said at the beginning. He couldn't find a flower. He really didn't want to get involved in this muddy water. However, the mayor's official said whether it was big or small, especially at present, on the territory under his jurisdiction. I didn't give face to others. Besides, the first time I met the Zhao family, I hurt the mayor's son. This meeting was a little embarrassing.

Under Zhao Tai's seemingly calm appearance, there have been huge waves in his heart. Although Ye Fei and Ga Gabb had politely refused his invitation before, how could Zhao Tai not be shocked when he saw a seven-level strongman breakthrough? The seven-level martial artist in his early 20s had not come out for many years. Have you ever had such a talented talent? And how many of those teenagers who have entered the seventh level in their 20s in history have not broken through the realm of level 10 masters in the end?

If you can have a good relationship with these two people now, in the future, for the Zhao family, it will be like climbing a great backer. What is the position of a mayor?

In the fat man's uncertain mouth, Ga Gabb, who rarely opens his mouth in front of outsiders, said, "I'm afraid not. We have something else to do later!"

Ye Fei suddenly felt that the little bald head looked much better, and praised the little bald head for being sensible.

"Uh..." Zhao Tai was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly and said, "In this case, don't bother the two gentlemen!"

Gagabu nodded gently to Zhao Tai, as if to apologize, and then said to the previous middle-aged man, "When will the data come out?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Zhao Tai, who was a little embarrassed, and whispered to Gabe: "The fastest thing should be tomorrow afternoon..."

"Well, after the result comes out, it will be sent directly to the Comperton Hotel!"


After saying goodbye to Zhao Tai and Mott, the fat man left the war spirit magic evaluation center.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, the fat man didn't even have time to eat, so he couldn't wait to get into his room with Gabb.

Since exposure to the origin energy, there will always be some inexplicable changes in the fighting spirit of fat people. Although most of these changes are good at present, no one can guarantee that there will be some sequelae when they advance.

If Zhao Tai and the old man Mohe hadn't come out to get in the way just now, the fat man would have been eager to have a good inspection in the evaluation center.

Moreover, in the process of breaking through, the fat man obviously felt a full energy burst out. Although it was only for a short moment, it did exist.

As soon as he returned to the room, the fat man immediately sat on the ground, and Jiulong's war spirit traveled all over his body, carefully examining every inch of skin all over his body.

The pure white milky white light without any impurities slowly lit up, and a thick layer of war armor composed of mysterious characters quietly jumped out of the body.

About these mysterious characters, the fat man has asked Gabo more than once, but the bald man just used a sentence to send the fat man away before you know it, but no matter how much the fat man asked, he never revealed half a word.

Look carefully, not only has the war spirit armor become thicker and has stronger resistance. In the past, the mysterious characters on the war spirit armor gradually converged into a dragon head pattern on the chest. Although it is surrounded by a group of characters and does not look obvious, the fat man still recognizes it at a glance.

The fat man was stunned. This change seemed to be different from what he expected. Since the origin energy in his body was absorbed by the Jiulong war spirit, there will always be some inexplicable changes in his body. He looked up doubtfully and saw that Gabb was also solemn and was thinking.

The ability of "night vision" is fully exerted, and every move within 100 meters around is mastered. Not only is the distance more than twice as before, but the feeling of facial features transmitted back becomes clearer. When you close your eyes, you can clearly feel all the changes around you. However, you can't feel the position of Gabb, fat man I can't help but feel a little discouraged.

The fat man sighed and continued to swim slowly through his whole body. The full energy was hidden in every meridians, and his whole body was full of unprecedented explosive power.

"Huh? What is this?"

Everything seemed normal, but when the spirit of war came to the heart, the fat man found something abnormal.

A drop of crystal clear, smoother than pearls, as bright water droplets like stars in the sky attracted his attention.

Like a water droplet the size of a grain of rice, it is strangely suspended in the center of the heart, as if it carries the magical magic of the devil, quietly and constantly running.

"Mom Le Gobi! What is this again?" The fat man was frightened on the spot and said in a trembling voice, "Little bald head... Please take a look for me..."

"Hmm?" Gagarb's eyes burst into a bright star-like light in an instant.

As if his whole body was wet by the rainstorm, Ye Fei instantly felt that he was not hidden in front of Gagarbu. However, at this moment, he had no time to care about this feeling, and the inexplicable drop of water in his heart had disturbed him.

"Use your fighting spirit to get in touch with it! Try to slow down!"

Ye Fei was slightly stunned and quickly did what Gabe said. If there is anyone in this world who knows more about the abnormalities in the body than himself, the only bald head in front of him.

The fat man tried to slowly approach the position of the water droplets and did not dare to be careless. The bean-sized sweat instantly covered his forehead and soaked his clothes along the bridge of his nose.

gently, gently...

Ye Fei did not dare to be distracted, and all his energy was used to control the war spirit that was much thinner than his hair.

Ye Fei's muscles were tight, and his face became more and more solemn. The closer he approached the position of the water droplets, the slower he was. He did not dare to be careless at all, as if every movement would involve all his strength.

The water droplets are still suspended there quietly, and there has been no morphological changes due to the arrival of the war spirit.

Is it the origin energy? No!" When the first war spirit slowly touched the mysterious water droplets, the fat man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The origin energy is extremely violent, but the feeling coming back from the water droplets makes people feel extremely soft and comfortable.

Ye Fei carefully infiltrated more fighting spirit into the water droplets, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no change.

"Is this?" The fat man raised his head doubtfully, hoping to find an answer from Gagarb.

"Wow..." Gagabu breathed a long sigh of relief, and the bright eyes disappeared in an instant. "Do you remember that I told you before that the origin has been fused by your body?"

"Hmm!" The fat man nodded gently.

"I'm afraid this is the change after integration!"

"What do you mean?" The fat man scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he still couldn't understand.

"The part of the origin energy fused into your body can no longer be called origin. Although the new energy in your body is generated after the fusion of origin and Kowloon war spirit, strictly speaking, it should no longer belong to the category of origin energy!"

"What is it?"

Gagabu stared at Ye Fei for a moment, looking a little hesitant.

"Why, don't you know?"

After meditating for a moment, Gabb finally said, "Everything in the universe is born from its origin, and everything in the universe is created by annihilation. Although these are two completely different energies, from the source, any energy is changed by these two energies!"

"However, the drop of water in your body now is neither the origin nor annihilation!"