rogue hero

Chapter 164 Curbito

"Hi, little fat man, we meet again~" No matter how handsome he looks, the smoke is still a careless appearance. Ye Fei feels that if he intends to engage in the great and sacred nephew of a hooligan, he will definitely reach a height that ordinary people can't reach.

The fat man answered absent-mindedly, and a pair of thief's eyes kept looked at the girl.

In terms of appearance, the girl standing beside Yan is not particularly outstanding. Among the beautiful women I have come into contact with, whether it is Yilian, Samina, or Qilan in the imperial city, in terms of appearance alone, she is far better than the woman in front of her.

However, there seems to be a trace of magical magic on her body, which makes people involuntarily produce a kind of intimacy. Although she doesn't look used to strange clothes and her short hair makes this woman look more like a tomboy, it is also because of her slightly masculine shape that she leaves people The feeling is the kind of person who can talk as much as you want.

"My real name is 'mo', but I prefer to be called Mu Xue, which is my name in the world!" The girl stretched out a hand with a smile and said, "I was rude just now and used a little special ability. I hope you don't mind."

"Where!" The fat man was very hypocritical and polite. The chubby palm holding Mu Xue had no intention of loosening at all. His thumb inadvertently slipped on his soft and slender hand, and he kept roaring in his heart: How tender!

I didn't see how hard Mu Xue tried, so she broke free from the big hands that seemed to be claws, looked at Ye Fei with a smile, and kept silent.

The fat man's expression was slightly embarrassed. He touched his nose and turned his eyes. He was about to say something, but the conversation was interrupted by the smoke standing beside him.

"Gagab, come on, let's discuss something!" With a sneaky hand, he disappeared into the boundless darkness in the blink of an eye.

"You stay here first, we have something to talk about!" Mu Xue smiled cunningly and turned away with a moon-like smile on the corners of her mouth.

There was no chance for the fat man to speak. The three figures instantly cut through the night sky and disappeared into the darkness at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Oh..., damn, what's wrong with me? In the middle of the night, people were not allowed to sleep and got such a damn place for others. When you met, did the three of you get together first? Where's the monkey?" The fat man cursed angrily at the place where the three disappeared.

With the gossip of bitches, he really wanted to catch up and see what happened. However, as soon as he saw the speed that the three people could not achieve, the fat man cut off this idea in his heart.

The depressed fat man can only stand still like a fool and wait for the three people to return. If he hadn't speculated in his heart that this matter had something to do with him, the fat man would not have bothered this spirit to serve you here!


Under all kinds of boredom, the fat man simply picked up a branch from the ground, squatted on the ground and poked it to the left and right, with a long and short sigh from time to time.

What on earth is going on? Since I came into contact with the origin ability, I have been like a rotten egg emitting a stench, which can always attract some buzzing and annoying flies. Pooh, this metaphor is not good. Even if a fat man is an egg, it is fragrant!

Half an hour has passed...

Why haven't you come back yet? What are you talking about? How long will it take? Why don't you chase it and have a look?

Mother! Running so fast, where can I find it? If these three people want to hide, they may be cating in which corner!

An hour has passed...

Damn it! Come on, I haven't come back yet. I woke up after taking a nap. Are these three going to have sex? Under the black light, there is not even a little movement around! I don't know if people are afraid?

Two hours have passed...

Mother! It's almost over for you three to play with leather whips, drip wax and **, right? Can you stand the small body of Mu Xue? Two big men are not afraid to fight with a woman? This kind of thing can't be done even if the relationship is good, right?


The fat man watched the sky in the distance gradually hang a touch of pale. After staying up all night, his eyes were already covered with red blood.

If it hadn't been for the location far away from the city, those children who got up early and went into the mountains to herding would certainly find that in an open space surrounded by big trees, they would sit cross their knees, frowned, and trembling like a psychopath.

With the fat man's physique, although he only wears a thin shirt, he will not feel cold. The reason why he trembles like a sieve is naturally angered by the three disappeared without a trace.

"Mom Gobi, I'm really idle. I'm going to run out and go crazy with you. At this time, isn't it good for me to go back and sleep honestly? Whoo-hoo..., a bunch of beasts!"

Just as the fat man's mouth kept breaking his mouth, there was almost a series of air explosions in the dense forest in the distance. There was no need to deliberately distinguish it. The fat man could know that only after the explosion of the fat man would he make such a sound similar to the crackling sound in the bonfire.

Looking up, Ga Gabu, Yan and Mu Xue suddenly appeared in his sight as if they had made an appointment in advance.

The angry fat man stood up at once, but an extreme numbness from his legs almost made him fall to the ground again.

"Ouch..." The fat man stabbed and quickly put his hand on the trunk of the tree beside him to avoid making a fool of himself.

However, the unnatural action has already been taken into sight by the three people who are getting closer and closer. There is a faint smile in Mu Xue and Yan's eyes, but the only face remains unchanged, and only the dead head who always has a straight face like wood.

"Did the three of you have a good time last night?" The fat man glanced sideways at Gagarb, who stood beside him, and said coldly that whoever was thrown here all night like a fool would be somewhat resentful.

Gagabu glanced at Ye Fei and didn't say anything. Instead, the smoke standing aside came close to his face with a smile, "Hey, is the little fat man waiting for worry? It's okay, it's okay. Don't we come back!"

Are you okay? Aren't you the one who is frozen and hungry? The fat man twisted his eyebrows, glanced at the smoke, and threw his cheeks aside angrily.

"Okay, smoke, let's talk..."

As soon as Mu Xue got up, she was interrupted by the smoke: "I'll tell you how many times. When you are in the human world, please call me Kervito!" Why can't you always remember!"

Seeing Yan shaking her head, Mu Xue frowned in an instant and hummed coldly: "You big-headed ghost! I call it smoke! Is there a problem?"

"Oh! Crazy woman, don't forget, this is the world, and I'm not afraid of you!" Yan replied unwillingly, but the continuous flashing light in his eyes made people see at a glance that he was forcibly pretending to be fierce.

Cervito? Where do you seem to have seen this word? The fat man was slightly surprised.

"Hmm! Yes, Lord Krvito, you are awesome. I can't beat you here, but you can't hide in the world forever, can you?" Mu Xue put her arms around her chest, looked at the smoke with a sneer, and said coldly.

"Uh..." Smoke's expression was obviously stagnant, and then returned to normal. She continued to twist her neck and said, "Crazy woman, do you really think I'm afraid of you? At worst, I'll stay here and see what you can do to me? Gagarb is also very good here!"

"Okay, are you two finished!" Ga Gabe, who had been silent, finally said that he was also a little helpless. Why did these two enemies come together?

"She provoked me first!"

"Bastard, can you say one more thing?" Mu Xue's eyebrows were cold.

"What did I say? You provoked me first!"

"Dead yellow hair, look at the trick!" With a delicate drink, Mu Xue's hands instantly changed a kind of fingerprint that the fat man had never seen before, and an extremely violent breath also came out of her palm.


The thin silky red energy is like a spiritual snake, straight to the chest of smoke.

In the eyes of the fat man, this unavoidable blow was easily dodged by the smoke, and a big tree behind him instantly turned into debris all over the sky, like a torrent of wood chips in the air.

"Ah! You crazy woman, how dare you do it first? Let me teach you a good lesson!"

"Enough!" Gagarb, who had always been calm, also let out a roar full of resentment.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly stagnated, and the smoke that had just poked out a fist stopped in place, and Mu Xue, who stood a little far away beside her, slowly put down her palm.

The two stopped at the same time as if they had made an appointment in advance. After exchanging glances with each other, they quickly stood together and said respectfully, "Duchen, we are joking!"

Yan said, "Don't mind!"

Mu Xue said, "A large number of Yichen's adults will definitely not mind!"

Just now, I couldn't wait to fight to the death, but in the blink of an eye, I formed an offensive and defensive alliance. This speed of face change, even fat people are a little reluctant to bow down.

Ye Fei, who had been silent, seemed to suddenly receive some strong stimulation. An inexplicable light suddenly burst out in his red blood-filled eyes, and there was also a strangeness in his voice: "Smoke, your name in the human world is Kervito?"

"Huh, yeah!" At this moment, Yan couldn't wait to find a topic to change Gabe's anger. Seeing that the fat man was willing to cooperate so much, his face smiled and praised the fat man's cleverly.

However, when he saw the fat man's increasingly strange expression and the forced smile, he couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"No, no! I just think it sounds good!" The fat man quickly waved his hand, but the folds on his face gradually piled up, and his heart was even more smiling.

In the ancient Aimoding language, Krvito is the pronunciation of the word "mentally retarded".