rogue hero

Chapter 171 Desire

I know these things, and so does Iro.

However, Rosley had to suppress his strong desire for revenge, calm down, slowly walked to the dark brown table, stared at the bloody eyes in his purple pupils, and said, "Brother, calm down first!"

"That Ye Fei is not easy to deal with!" The figure of the fat man and the name that only existed in the rumors suddenly flashed in Rossley's mind.

If it is just Ye Fei, with the strength of the two brothers, there may be a glimmer of hope to defeat him, but Rossley does not dare to forget that he was not alone on the broken cliff at the beginning.

Rosley quickly said everything he had mastered, and then stood there quietly.

I don't know when he came to the window. Looking at the gradual disappearance of sight, a cold light flashed in his eyes and muttered, "It turned out to be him!"

Rosley slowly walked behind him and said calmly, "Yes..."

"There are four of them!" Yi Luo slowly turned around, looked at his brother, and said lightly, "In addition to this pig, there is also a bald head, a seven-level magician, and a five-level warrior!"

As a captain, Iro naturally wanted to have a general idea of the information of the guests on the ship. With just a glance, he had found the general information of these people in his mind.

The two brothers had the same heart, but with just a light sentence, Rossley could feel his own brother's undisguised murderous intent. As the former local snake of Essanu, he naturally worked hard on the situation of the fat man, although he didn't know the origin of the five-level martial artist who suddenly appeared. However, this kind of person, even if he is currently injured, can be easily crushed and will not really be remembered.

Two seven-level strongmen, coupled with an unknown man, are enough to make Rossley tremble.

Although the desire for revenge in his heart is extremely strong, Rossley can still distinguish between the strong and the weak, and said with a little bitterness: "I can't beat it!"

Iro didn't seem to hear this sentence, but slowly walked back from the window behind the desk with some ideas. With the rise and fall of his footsteps, the fluff on the dark brown carpet bounced up quickly and returned to its original state.

"The seven-level magician should be Berno, so who will clean up the bald head?" Iro slowly leaned his straight body against the soft and comfortable leather chair behind him, gently rubbed the nautical chart of sheepskin with his fingertips, and slowly closed his eyes.

Rosley's eyes suddenly jumped. He was sure that he heard it correctly. Yes, clean up!

"It's a little difficult..." Iro slowly opened his eyes, but he only narrowed his eyes into a gap.

"Brother..." Rosley's lips are a little dry. I don't know if it's because he said too much before or because he is a little nervous at this moment.

"Don't make a fuss!" Yi Luo opened his eyes with a smile, and the trembling cold light had disappeared without a trace, and a faint gentleness flashed in his strange purple pupils.

"Do you know why you didn't do it in the gendarmerie?"

Rosley shook his head blankly. Although this has always been a doubt in his heart, he has never asked. Although Iro is his brother, he has always believed in his heart that even a father can't think of his love for himself like this. For decades, Yi Luo also continued to play the role of father and brother in his life.

If there is anyone in the world who deserves Rossley's complete trust, then Iro is the only one!

"That's because we don't need to go back anymore! Soon, we will have a new home and say goodbye to that poor fishing village forever!"

Rosley's eyes were instantly full of confusion and puzzlement: "Brother..."

"Rosley, do you remember when you were a child, you always fantasized about having a ship of your own?" Yiluo looked at the young figure and smiled, got up and slowly walked to the window on the other side.

Whenever the ship meets the wind and waves at sea, and whenever he is uncertain about something, he always likes to stand here and look at the sea outside the window.

Although it is as deep blue as ever, when you think of the undulating waves and the storms that will be formed at any time, you will completely destroy this huge thing. That frightening taste can always stimulate his excitement in the deepest part of his heart.

He likes this feeling and is deeply infatuated with it.

"Remember..." Rossley looked at the straight figure standing by the window with his hands behind his back, and suddenly his eyes were a little wet.

Ten years ago, Iro took over the starting energy crystal of the magic power core from the previous captain of the Rose, and it took me seven years from the most ordinary sailor to the captain.

In the 17 years, his biological brother grew up from the most ordinary fisherman's child who couldn't fight at all to a level 7 warrior, which was unexpected by everyone. Rossley clearly remembered that if it hadn't been for the seven or eight gold coins saved every month when he was a sailor, he would have been afraid. I'm afraid that even the simplest martial arts measurement assessment will not have the opportunity to participate.

For those children from poor families, warriors! It will always be the most distant existence.

Rosley did not forget these and did not dare to forget. At the same time, he did not forget that he was just a casual word when he was young, which made Iro have been struggling on this ship for more than a decade.

With his status as a seven-level martial artist, he can have better development space and do more of what he wants to do. However, he still continues to stay on this ship without regret, just for the original promise.

"I don't have much ability as a brother. I'm afraid I can't save enough money for you in the position of captain all my life!" Iro stood quietly by the window, his eyes tightly locked a churning wave in the sea, in an extremely plain tone, as if he were talking about a topic that had nothing to do with him.

"You know that I am the captain of this ship in name, but the real ownership still belongs to Su'ai's property, but these are not important..." Yi Luo suddenly turned around and showed a mysterious smile.

"As long as tonight, no, in a few hours, everything on this ship will be written with your name!"

Rosley's mouth was wide enough to stuff more than a dozen eggs at the same time, and Iro's faint words came to his ears, but it sounded like a thunderbolt in his ear.

"Whether it's the women on board, money or collectibles, including their lives, will belong to you! A few hours later, Rossley, you are the king here!"

"You, you..." Rossley spit out two very vague syllables from his lips.

He knew that his only brother would never lie or make those illusory promises, but the more it was because of this, the more difficult it was for him to believe the sound he heard in his ears.

The faint voice with a trace of magic sounded so illusory, like a whisper in his sleep, which made people unable to grasp and touch it. The seven-point dream was mixed with three-point reality, and Rossley seemed to have fallen into a dream.

How is that possible? How is that possible? It must be an illusion. These are not true! Who can wake me up from this dream? Rossley's eyes were mixed with three points of confusion, three points of confusion, three points of doubt and one point of surprise, as if he had lost his mind, constantly struggling in the bitter sea of desire.

It was not until the purple arm held him fiercely in his arms that Rosley turned his head mechanically and looked at the magical purple eyes, stunned.

"Okay, my brother, as long as you wait for a few hours, I promise that I will unscrew the damn fat pig's head as a gift for you!" Yiluo's evil smile, dark purple eyes are like demons from the abyss.

"Dear brother, let me show you my most important secret!"

A light curtain as deep as a galaxy unfolds slowly.