rogue hero

Chapter 176 Decision 2

"Captain, there are still 25 seconds to enter the water transmission array!"

"Quickly, turn off the magic power core and turn off all the decorations that can emit magic interference!" Iro shouted loudly.

"What about the console? It's too late!" A young crew member stood in front of the console and asked anxiously.

"Adopt the emergency plan and turn it off immediately. No matter how slow it is, we will die here!" The initial excitement and excitement on Yiluo's face had been replaced by anxiety and irritability. A crew member who pulled the console to block the way desperately ran to the front of the magic power core switch.

The sharp siren cut through the darkness in an instant. In the cabin, those passengers who had just fallen asleep were awakened by the sharp and harsh sound of tearing eardrums before they could have a beautiful dream, and those passengers who had not yet fallen asleep ran out of the room one after another with a blank face, intending to see what was going on.

A curious middle-aged man grabbed a crew member who ran quickly by and asked puzzled, "Hey, what's wrong, brother?"

However, the pulled crewman was too lazy to pay attention to him at all. He broke free from his weak arm and continued to run forward in a panic.

A woman who had just woken up from her sleep by the sharp alarm looked dissatisfiedly at the dead pig-like man beside her, kicked her disgrily and said angrily, "Go and see what's going on!"

The unintentional sleepless man, who had already been disturbed by the sound of the alarm, muttered a curse, reluctantly opened his eyes, put on his clothes and walked out of the cabin.

This scene is staged everywhere on the Rose. In the face of unknown dangers, it will always make people instinctively fear, especially at this moment when it should have been a fragrant dream. This sudden change is even more unprepared.

No crew came out to explain that all the men in sailor uniforms rushed to their posts. The broadcast that should have sounded at this time did not move at all, and a trace of uneasiness gradually sprouted in the crowd.

"Ten seconds left to enter the water magic transmission array!" The panicked crew continued to report, but his eyes were always staring at the sweaty purple figure in the middle of the hall.

Whether it is Sun Rongxu or Rosley, everyone's heart, including every crew member, is firmly attracted by the action of the purple man, not only because he is the captain of the Rose, but also the only person who can quickly close the core of the magic power on the Rose, but also because Iro is the soul of the Rose. The pillar in someone's heart.

The magic power core of the Rose takes ten seconds to start, and 15 seconds to close urgently. This is what every crew member working on the Rose knows, and it is also a link that every crew member has practiced in advance. In their minds, they have always believed that as long as Iro is on the Rose for a day, it will always This is far from happening.

Although it has experienced hundreds of drills, when this moment really comes, many crew members still feel a trace of panic in their hearts.

They know that even with the energy crystal that starts the magic power core, Iro can't shorten any time.

However, they must put all their hopes on the purple man, not only because he holds the energy crystal that activates the magic power core in his hand, but most importantly, this man has never let everyone down, once No!

Sun Rongxu's heart has already been raised to his throat, busy shutting down all the machines, while always paying attention to the center of the control room with the afterglow of the corners of his eyes, lying in front of the starting device, 14 kinetic energy transmitters, three magic conversion hubs, as long as the remaining six core devices are turned off, the Rose can make the Rose Stop before entering the water magic transmission array.

Rosley has not even dared to breathe. As an outsider, he doesn't know everything here. What kind of precision instrument is for? He can only barely recognize it through the dense letters on various color buttons. That's it. Many of them are still sued by his brother Iro these days. Tell him.

However, Rossley remembers that when he was a child, he heard his brother say that if a passenger ship weighing 10,000 tons did not turn off a good instrument before entering the water magic transmission array and let the leaked magic interfere with the normal operation of the water magic transmission array, it would cause unimaginable consequences.

If you are a little lucky, you may be lucky enough to leave a life and be transported to an unknown area. If you are unlucky, you are likely to directly trigger the explosion of the magic transmission array in the waters. Thousands of lives will become ghosts floating on the boundless ocean.

Rosley has never forgotten his brother's words. Even if he is not a crew member, he can clearly know what it means.

"Close the No. 3 reactor and cut off the magic supply of the main force module!" Iro stared at every detail on the power core, and his hands quickly cut off the energy shield on the power core.

A sweaty crew member at the other end of the console did not look back, but stared at the magic effect screen in front of him. While his hands quickly scratched a row of buttons that outsiders couldn't understand, he quickly replied, "The energy of the main cabin has been cut off, and the magic power of Unit 2 is still 1%. Thirty, adjust the No. 4 power module first!"


A spark flew from his fingertips, and Yiluo's right hand suddenly shrank back, regardless of the numbness from his fingertips, and once again stretched out his hand to the egg-sized, slippery functional crystal.

Under normal circumstances, every time the shutdown is completed, the energy supply between the magic power core and the power unit must be cut off in advance. However, the current situation does not allow him to do so at all. Every second is very valuable to Iro. On this ship, there are friends and partners who have followed him for more than ten years. , there are biological brothers who have been dependent on him since childhood.

For which one, Iro must let them live safely.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the purple war spirit seemed to come from the abyss soar, and the fantasy dark purple was intertwined with the little blue light, making it dazzling.

"There are still five seconds..."

"It's over, it's over... There are still two magic hubs left that have not been closed. It's too late!" Sun Rongxu's muttering came to Rossley's ear like a spell.

Rosley suddenly felt so useless, as if he had been a waste from birth, dragging down Iro, from childhood to age, all the same.

"Four seconds..."

Every time, when facing danger, it will always be the long purple hair with a little evil smell in the smile that stands in front of me. Whether it is bullied by the little bully next door when I was a child, or in school, those bullying dung bellied by force, when their scarred body falls to the ground, it will always be There will be such a figure in front of you.

Rosley knew that there was a man in the world who had been standing there silently, would not say anything or ask for anything, but would only smile and appear beside him when he needed it most.

However, at this moment, Rosley suddenly felt extremely regretful.

"Three seconds..."

He is not afraid of death, and he also knows that once the current Rose enters the range of the water magic transmission array, there is a high chance that it will trigger a shocking explosion, but he regrets that he failed to do anything for his brother before he dies!


The whole world seemed to stop, and Iro quickly pulled out a power crystal from the magic power core and threw it aside.

The emergency treatment plan is not as simple as it sounds. The strength of a crystal is extracted from the magic machinery that still emits energy in the working state, which is no less than the ease of fighting with a warrior of the same level.

If you don't have a detailed understanding of magic machinery, if you don't have a certain strength, it is extremely difficult for anyone to complete this kind of work.

However, Iro can't take care of this. Now he only has the last energy crystal in his eyes, cut it off, and he, his brother and this group of friends who have experienced more than ten years of ups and downs together can survive.

