rogue hero

Chapter 182 without this

The tall and thin man is a member of the domestic dark department and the leader of the Falcon team in Paxius, named Rudy.

"Ye Fei, welcome back to China!" Rudy looked ordinary like this thin and tall man who worked hard on the dock during the day. His temples were a little white, and his red rosacea was like many poor drunkards. His eyes were dim, and he could not see that he was a dark elite cultivated by the Wuhuang Dynasty for many years.

Ye Fei was not polite. The two shook hands and asked directly, "When will I be arranged to return to the imperial city?"

"Anytime, colleagues in the imperial city are looking forward to the return of your great hero!" Rudy said with a smile.

The fat man sat on the leather sofa and changed his comfortable posture, "How is the situation in China?"

Rudy frowned, "The situation of the Eastern Expedition is optimistic on the surface, but the domestic political situation is a little unstable now!"

"What's going on?" Ye Fei asked.

"It's the governor's government and the Wuhuang Dynasty." Rudy smiled bitterly, "During the Eastern Expedition, the governor's government kept putting pressure on the Wuhuang Dynasty, scolding the Wuhuang Dynasty for the lack of intelligence supply on the grounds of the slowness of the war and demanding to increase the military power of the governor's government. With the consent of King Long Xuankong, the governor's government recruited extensively in China. Moreover, the subordinate military headquarters of the governor's government gathered another 600,000 troops at the border, intending to win an overwhelming victory on the battlefield of the Empire of the Missouri Empire, so as to quickly establish prestige.

"Is there still a shadow of the royal family here?" The fat man couldn't help but fall into meditation. It seems that the domestic situation is not as stable as on the surface.

Ruo Su said hatefully, "We are working hard outside for the country, and these bastards of the governor's government are still tripping their own people!"

The contradiction between the royal family and the Wuhuang Dynasty has lasted for more than 100 years in the Longteng Empire. The governor is controlled by the royal family. Relying on the internal affairs of the country and the financial and material resources of the country, it has the strength to check and balance the high-end martial arts in the country.

The Wuhuang Dynasty was established by the god of martial arts. At first, it was composed of many strong people who were out of royal control and full of the smell of Jianghu. However, with the wheel of history, this private institution has also slowly move closer to power. Its strength has changed dramatically. The sense of achievement of mastering power is enough to make the masters who have been in a bottleneck for a long time taste the sweetness and become another pursuit beyond the limit of the sudden ** body. The Wuhuang Dynasty is slowly corrupting.

Over the years, the Wuhuang Dynasty has slowly infiltrated the power-centralized governor, and the royal family was also single-minded to accept the Wuhuang Dynasty for its own private use, so there was no obvious conflict between the two sides.

And the Wuhuang Dynasty has been working for the Longteng Empire, training intelligence personnel, assassins, and enough warriors to compete with any country in the northern continent. The royal family of the Longteng Empire has no reason to act recklessly, nor does it have an overwhelming advantage to subdue the other party. It can only eat little by little in the changes of the current situation to ensure that it does not hurt the foundation of the country.

Let Cai Siming and others worry about these things. The fat master returned to China to enjoy his happiness!

"How is Samina's situation in the imperial city now?" The fat man asked his sweetheart, and his eyes immediately shined.

Rudy laughed and said, "Our people value the safety of their relatives most. I promise to give you a complete Samina, who will take care of you. What else is there?"

The three chatted for a while, arranged the itinerary, and left the city of Pacius three days later.

The fat man opened the window and Xi's sea breeze brushed his face, and the fat man suddenly felt much refreshed. The sea was brightly lit, and the shouts of sailors reached the "safe haven" hotel. From time to time, the woman twisted the child's ears and urged them to go home. The drunk man bargained with the woman standing on the street. An elderly couple talked hand in hand and whispered.

The wet air is not boring. The fat man breathed the peace of the night and looked at the light of the magic search tower shuttling through the sea. Pacius Harbor is like a gentle mother, holding all the ships docked here, like protecting her children.

The port slowly calmed down, and the sea emitted the heat absorbed during the day, so that the citizens of Pashus here were not afraid of the cold at night. They opened their windows to sleep one after another. Ye Fei poked out his fat head and looked into the distance with bright eyes, as if meditating.

The fat man took a deep breath, "The holy place of underwear thieves! I admire you!"

Ye Fei hooked his hands, climbed up the window, used his hands and feet, climbed out of the window quickly, took a breath, exerted his legs, and jumped directly upstairs. One hand grabbed the window sill upstairs, and the other hand held the wall to cushion the impact of his body's bounce. There was no sound at all. Between breathing, the fat man smoothly entered the upstairs. The room.

The fat man's shiny nose is blowing. What does this smell like? A wisp of fragrance floats into the fat man's nostrils, not perfume, but the body fragrance of top beauty!

The thin silk was completely highlighted by the undulating curves of the two people, and the fat man's excited blood spurted. Due to a month of sailing, Nicole Tiffin and Elaine had been tired of the shaking of the sea and were extremely tired. After dinner, they went straight to bed and went to bed, including little Susan, who was lying in the middle, all three of them snored like beasts.

Slowly pull down the silk quilt, a little bit, yes, a little slower... This is enjoyment! The fat man thought obscenely.

"Eh? Nicole Stephen, how can you sleep in clothes? This is not a good habit!" The fat man was a little angry and dashed for a long time, but gave himself a big disappointment.

Turning his eyes and looking at Elaine to the right of Nicole Tiffin, my God, there are two black straps on **'s shoulder! The fat man's hands tremble. He was just hit by Nicole Tiffin, and there was another big surprise. The fat man slowly withdrew from the quilt, "Oh! Oh, too! It's not for nothing this time! Bra! It's a bra!" Ye Fei released the quilt and danced like a child.

Celebrate! To celebrate! Ye Fei tiptoed to the middle of the room, facing the dressing table opposite the big bed. From the mirror, he could not only see himself, but also the two beautiful women sleeping behind his back. The fat man danced a non-coherent dance, with a belly and a buttocks.

Suddenly, a person sat up behind her back. It was Yilian in underwear. The fat man sweated coldly and was too careless! The body is stiff and still maintains a strange shape. I dare not move. How can this be explained?

At this time, Yilian gasped for heat and groped randomly on her back. Bang! With the sound of the buckle untied, the black underwear drew a beautiful arc in the air and hit the back of the fat man's head. She didn't know what was muttering in Yilian's mouth, and then lay heavily on the big bed.

Through the mirror, the fat man saw the two proud jade rabbits on Yilian's chest. As Yilian lay down, he shook a few times. Sleepy?" After a short shock, the fat man was so excited that he couldn't say anything. He turned around to pick up the fallen underwear and gently stroked his favorite with his trembling hands. Two lines of tears slowly flowed down. The fat man whispered, "So it can still be like this!" So happy!"

The fat man raised his sexy black lace underwear to the tip of his nose and sniffed it gently. A trace of sweat mixed the girl's fragrance. "Although the taste is a little strange, I like it..." The fat man smiled abnormally. It turned out that the two of them were so tired that they went back to the room without even taking a shower and fell asleep.

At this time, there was a sound from the head of the bed. The fat man did not dare to be careless. He quickly leaned over and leaned close to the dead corner of the light at the end of the bed. Yilian would not find anything abnormal, would she? In this short process, the fat man has been tortured and is about to collapse, without surprise and joy. Is it so tormenting?

It was Nicole Tiffin who got up. The fat man carefully poked his head out from the end of the bed, "I'm taking off my clothes!" One, two, three...

At this time, the fat man's saliva and tears flowed out together. Under the faint moonlight, Nicole Tiffin's white and tender body shone with this hazy brilliance. Nicole Tiffany breathed a comfortable breath. It was really uncomfortable to sleep in her clothes. She pulled on the silk quilt. After a while, a slight breathing sounded.

"My God, it can be like this! Ups and downs are the key to happiness! It's so exciting!" Ye Fei felt that the time was as long as a century, and such an experience was enough for the underwear bully to recall for a lifetime!

Ye Fei got up and picked up Nicole Tiffin's purple underwear in his hand. He looked at the lovely little Susan sleeping in the middle, with a red face, which was corresponding to the snow-white chest of Elaine and Nicole Tiffin. Ye Fei really wanted to take over the position of little Susan.

If Berno was here, he would definitely tell Ye Fei that it felt really good! Ye Fei will definitely kick Xiaobei away, "Male Gobi! Now it's two naked beauties, and the plot of bleeding nosebleeds is not the same as that of you and the two people in clothes!"

Ye Fei waited for an hour to make sure that the two would not wake up. He came to the window and pulled down the quilt little by little. The second brother between his legs became more and more excited and wanted to look up at the scenery of **.

"Good brother, I have wronged you for so long, so you can also feast your eyes." The fat man took off his clothes and put on various victory gestures to the two people. The two underwears were connected and made into the fat man's belt, which was just stuck on his stomach. The fat man danced shaking his stomach and twisting his buttocks again.

"Sister, I'm thirsty..." Little Susan said in a daze. Nicole Tiffany made a sound and seemed to wake up. The fat man quickly grabbed the clothes, shoes and socks on the ground and escaped from the window. He held the clothes in one hand, hooked the edge of the window sill with one hand, and hung it on the outer wall of the "safe haven" hotel.

"Malegobi! There are so many things to do! Don't bring this!" The fat man broke out in a cold sweat again. The sea breeze blew, and it was cold between his legs. Looking down, his "good brother" also shrugged his head and would not be scared? The fat man quickly climbed back to his suite to check overnight.

When the first ray of sunlight passed through the sea level, the port of Paxius had begun to be overcrowed, and the shouts, curses and mechanical roars signalled the beginning of a new day.

The waiter brought the newly baked whole wheat pasta, caviar, milk, roasted snails, and a rich breakfast. Everyone was extremely satisfied. Yilian and Nicole Tifen whispered about what they were talking about. From time to time, they doubted the hateful fat man with a face, while Ye Fei was distracted, looking at his eyes and nose, nose and mouth, mouth control. Rolled clouds.

Beckham whispered to the fat man, "Did you finish it last night?"

The fat man used the color to Beckham and shouted, "Waiter, two more boiled shrimps!"

Xiaobei immediately got it and gave a thumbs up, "One month's salary!"

The fat man shook his head disdainfully, "Three months' salary! Dare to bargain and beat you! Love it or not!"

Beckham gritted his teeth and said, "Look, but you have to add another one!"

The fat man chewed the relish Neiyi shrimp, "Isn't itchy? Look at the two-and-a-a-half-year salary!"
