rogue hero

Chapter 193 Retribution and Trial

After learning that the fat man was no longer strange, everyone lost their breath, and even Gagarb smiled. It was a little unnatural in sincerity. Ye Fei doubted whether the bald head could continue to move forward on the "mission path" he drew because of his awakening.

In just half a day, the fat man repaired the wounds on his body with his ability to create life. Looking at his smooth skin, the strange runes on his body had long disappeared after completely absorbing the energy of origin.

Malegobi! Why can't I get rid of my fat? The fat man fantasized about a heroic handsome face and streamlined muscular figure in his previous life. Isn't this ability to create life too frustrating? Are your expectations too high?

The fat man was annoyed. Not only the ability to create life, but also the war spirit has changed a little. The color of war spirit, which was not domineering, has become transparent. Will he rely on my fat meat to attract girls in the future? A half-human high white simple hard bow is condensed. There is a dragon head at each end of the bow string, emitting a burst of breath, and there is a faint sound of dragon chanting. At each end, there is a white fog spewing in the dragon's mouth. In the middle of the bow, two dragon tails stretched out three fingers for aiming!

The whole bow design is extraordinary, and the faint breathing sound makes this weapon seem to have life.

Well, it's more domineering than the original! Ye Fei looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. Under the transformation of the ability to create life, the only weapon Ye Fei could have did not become transparent, but slightly dark gray. He grabbed another transparent arrow ratio. It's good to put some cold arrows with this equipment, but he couldn't see it. He fantasized about the shield of the female "Lima" magic spell, which was shot by himself and splashed with a little starlight on his face. Ye Fei moved! Oh no! Excited!

"Where is not easy to ejaculate! Search for a thief!" Ye Fei said obscenely in ancient language.

With a few short knocks on the door, Gagabu, Qu Shuiqin and Soleya came to the fat man's room, and several people sat down casually. The fat man threw a heavy magic cannonball.

At present, the fat man told the origin of the Gagabu version, and then deleted the ** beauty part of his experience in the origin, and changed it to talk about the things that can use the origin energy.

"Euraea and Heng Zhuomei are still alive!" The fat man said to the crowd with a smile.

Qu Shuiqin and Soleya couldn't sit still. Even Gabb stood up, and the three of them said in unison, "Are you telling the truth?"

Ye Fei nodded and did not sell the secret. "Now that the origin energy is integrated into my body, I can only use a small amount of energy to resurrect Eurasia and Zhuomei."

Gagabu can't see through the fat man at all. I don't know whether what he said is true or not, so he was sent away by the fat man's body being transformed by the origin. What Gagabu is most concerned about now is whether Heng Zhuomei can be resurrected. What origin energy is not important at all. As early as the moment Heng Zhuomei died, Ga Gabb regretted it.

The only girl she has fallen in love with for hundreds of millions of years. At the critical moment, Gabu subconsciously chose to protect the fat man with the origin energy between Heng Zhuomei and the origin energy, and watched Heng Zhuomei die behind him. In the end, the hard training he formulated for the fat man was also to get the origin energy. Live and be beautiful.

As for the thoughts of other companions, the indifferent Gagabu is not interested at all!

If Ye Fei knew what Gabb is thinking now, he would definitely look at the bright bald head affectionately with a basic version of his eyes and say in a ** tone, "Go to me! I'll give you the beauty!"

Ye Fei looked at Soliya, who was surrounded by Qu Shuiqin and burst into tears. Ye Fei seemed to feel that he owed the old man and could finally repay him with his actions.

"I haven't fully mastered this ability. I need to do a one-stage experiment. Whether it can succeed or not is still unknown. My initial plan is to shape the Eurasian and Heng Zhuomei body in the unknown space of my body, rely on the application of space to transmit magic, and build a two-way Teleport magic array and send them out. Space turbulence may hurt souls, but the transmission array is relatively stable and will not cause damage to the human body!"

"I need the help of the silk family. They have a deep knowledge of space magic." Ye Fei said confidently.

Ye Fei didn't tell the news of Cang Xiaotian. These old monsters are too shocking. Besides, it's not easy to explain where Gagabu is. One accidentally leaks, but it's dangerous to his life!

Qu Shuiqin handed Soleya a reassuring look, "Don't worry, I will go to the Si family to say that Si Muhua, Si Muyu's grandfather and I have been old friends for many years. I will do the matter of transmitting the magic array, and then our family of three can finally be reunited!"

"Who are you in a family of three!" Soleya seemed to recover from the pain of losing her son, and her whole body was radiant. She glanced at Qu Shuiqin like a girl and hurriedly left Ye Fei's room.

Ye Fei's heart was also flirted. Is this a grandma-level person? Is it like a young woman bathed in the spring breeze? The fat man shook his head. At least she is the old man's woman. Be rational! Looking at Qu Shuiqin, the old man's face was red, and he was still a little shy looking at the fat man.

"Bah! Old man, what are you thinking about? Don't you want to take the opportunity to have a spring breeze with Solya?" Ye Fei's habitual difficulties.

"Little rabbit! I haven't taught you a lesson for a long time. It's itchy, isn't it? I'm a nine-level mage now! You'd better be prepared!" Qu Shuiqin did not give in at all.

"Old man, do you dare? Don't want your son? I'll get you an Eurasian without a handle!"

The souls who were watching the key plot immediately looked at the protagonist mentioned in the drama. The Eurasian face turned white, "Fat, you can try it if you have the ability to see if my mother doesn't chop your job?"

A fat man's obscene voice came from the space, "It's okay if you don't bring a handle. I'm not good at it. Don't blame me if I accidentally make you a few inches smaller!"

"Brother Ye! Uncle Ye! Don't mind! If we have something to say, let's talk about it. My old man doesn't know our 'market' here, so you just farted our words!" Eurasia immediately changed its words.

Everyone despised and even slandered themselves.

"There seems to be a property in your Dortmanninger City..."

"Isn't that with my mother? I'll come back later and put my hands on it!"

Everyone seriously sympathizes with the shameless Eurasia!

"You are cruel!" Qu Shuiqin couldn't take advantage of it, so he imammed to be angry and went to Soleya.

"Eurasian! Your mother's beauty skill is so amazing! Reveal something for us to learn. Several female souls quickly asked.

Euraea's eyes immediately shined, "When everyone goes out, I will definitely tell you, but..." Eurasia looked at everyone eagerly, "This is my mother's exclusive recipe, 10,000 gold coins..."

"Hiss..." This grandson turned his face much faster than a woman! Everyone scolded secretly and paid attention to the rest of the plot development.

There are only Gabb and Fatty left in the room.

"Can you bring a message to Heng Zhuomei?" Gagab's eyes were full of sadness.

"She can see you directly!" Ye Fei took out his mouth and said it, Malgobi! Leak a secret!

Gaab was a little panicked, "How can I make her see me clearly?"

Hey! If you know it, you will know. It's not an important link. "Look...just look into my eyes and say it!" Ye Fei looked at Gagarb, whose eyes were about to burst into flames, and stabbed.

"Oh..." The souls have lengthen their voices, and the emotional drama is the highlight! Even the image of Elaine and Nicole Tiffany's underwear door is not as wonderful now!


Hiss, looking at Gabu's look in his eyes, the love name said from the always indifferent bald mouth, and the fat man had a feeling of nausea.

The souls look at the heroine who has been excited for a long time.

"There are some things I haven't told you. I'm sorry that I didn't protect you as soon as possible when you were in danger. I'm sorry... It's all because of my duty..." Gagarb's breathing was a little short.

The fat man swallowed his saliva, and the bodies of the souls trembled.

"I really want to have a bag of corn flowers at this time," said a soul, and a hand knife and a split blade stunned it!

"If Ye Fei can bring you back to life..." Gagarb's eyes have begun to turn red, "I hope..."

Ye Fei and the souls held their breath!

"You can marry me!"

The crowd cheered! And the heroine said softly with tears in her eyes.

"I would like to..."

The fat man was also infected and said, "I would..."

The souls in the cheering immediately vomited! It's more disgusting than the last time I saw a fat man dancing!

"Oh no! Heng Zhuomei said she would!" The fat man quickly changed his words.

"Thank you, Ye Fei!" Gagarb turned around and said, "I will remember your kindness! Maybe there will be a chance to repay..."

Gagabu left the room and left a cool back, like every concise and cool! Like every time they show indifferent coolness to the abnormal training, the souls and fat people are deeply touched. This brother platform is really difficult to imitate. The perverted strength, bright bald head, taciturn and words are all signs of Gagabu, and even the roaring sky sighs.

"Cough!" The fat man's voice sounded, "This ticket ticket is ten gold coins per person, plus Elaine and Nicole Tiffin's scene, each person owes me 110 gold coins, a total of 263 people. You owe me more than 289,000 gold coins!"

The group is furious!

"No bargaining! Otherwise, you won't see anything!" As soon as Ye Fei drank, the souls were immediately quiet. Only Heng Zhuomei looked at the vast white space and smiled happily...

The fat man called Samina and Qilan to his room again, told the matter again, and did not mention her "mission". Samina heard that Eurasia, Sina, Heng Zhuomei and others were still alive, and tears with excitement. Eurasia and others themselves were affected by themselves and Ye Fei. Unfortunately, she died. If the fat man can resurrect several people, Samina will undoubtedly take off a burden in her heart.

How nice it would be if her family could survive, Samina thought.

The fat man promised not to hide his affairs from Samina. Of course, he would also tell Qilan all his experience, but his "mission" was too difficult. The fat man did not want the two women to have a heavy burden, so he did not tell them the origin and Gabb, and even revealed Gabb's identity.