rogue hero

Chapter 207 The Calculation of Desis

It took the fat man and his party to reach the imperial border closest to the Espsk Fortress of the Missouri Empire after six magic transmission arrays.

Lota City, a fortress city connected to the Missouri Empire, is obviously different from other cities in the interior of the empire. On the streets, citizens are in a hurry, and there is no leisurely situation of domestic singing and dancing. The light of the magic array flashes, 21 people in the fat man's party, magicians and war spirit warriors are mixed. The team was not surprised at all in the eyes of the citizens. They just took a faint look and were busy with their own affairs. They had seen too many teams like this.

The imperial soldiers guarding next to the teleportation array don't think so. The other party can only lead a few magicians, not the children of a rich family, but also a powerful man of the empire. The leading fat man was white and clean. Although his face was ordinary, the 14 imperial guards behind him showed the identity of the other party.

"Please show me your ID!" A sergeant in the city guard military uniform went forward with a standard military salute.

The fat man took out a crumpled wartime notice and handed it to the other party.

Sergeant took it with both hands, frowned slightly, carefully checked the information of the notice, turned over a few pages, and his eyes lit up. The indescribable joy and reverence made his whole face red nervously.

Welcome! Please let us express our highest respect to you!" The sergeant said excitedly, returned the documents to Ye Fei with both hands, turned around and shouted, "All together! List the welcome team!"

Although the guards don't know who came from, they can make the captain pay so much attention, which shows that the identity of the other party is by no means simple. Years of training, the good quality of this team is reflected. The team gathered in three seconds, lined up in two rows, and the empire's unified special cross guns were set up beside them.

The soldiers neatly raised the long guns in their hands and crossed with the long guns of the opposite soldiers at a unified angle, a standard welcome gun array.

"Welcome Major General Ye Fei to Lotta City!" The sergeant shouted loudly.

In a scene like this, the fat man and his party have experienced several times on their way here. Ye Fei sorted out the instrument and returned a standard military salute, and a battlefield army suddenly came out.

Berno sighed in his heart that the boss's disguise skills had returned to normal, and he looked like a general who had fought on the battlefield for several years.

As soon as the soldiers heard that it was Major General Ye Fei, the long guns in their hands were clenched. The major general who had just been promoted by the military headquarters had been lurking abroad for many years. If it hadn't been for him, the momentum of the Eastern Expedition would not have been so smooth. Soldiers all worship heroes. Now when they see me coming in person, their excitement is beyond words.

The soldiers were afraid that the long gun in their hands would fall off because of excitement, but their eyes were so excited that they could not hide their admiration for the imperial heroes. Even the calmly trained in their daily life could not suppress their trembling body at this moment.

Every time Ye Fei took a step forward, the crossed long gun stood beside the neighboring soldiers at the moment when Ye Fei was close to him, and the military gifts came from the hearts of the soldiers.

When Ye Fei finished walking a short distance of 20 meters, the sergeant shouted again, "The first team escorted the major general to the military headquarters with me, and the deputy captain led the second team to stand by!"

"Yi!" The sergeants spoke with one voice, and their voices were louder than ever.

On both sides of the first team, pointed to the long gun in the air to open the way for the hero in his mind.

Citizens automatically get out of the way and communicate with each other.

"Who is this person? What a big style?" A citizen said.

"Look at the fat body, maybe it's another royal relative who went to the Eastern Expeditionary Army to make military achievements?" Another citizen said.

"I don't look like it. You don't see those city guards excited. They are usually not so excited!"

"Don't say it, it's really... hey! He won't be a powerful figure in the military department, will he?"

"Definite! Look at that momentum. It must be a general who has been fighting all year round!"


Ye Fei and others walked all the way and saw that the citizens did not show curiosity about their arrival. They casually asked the accompanying sergeant, "Gal, Lota City is also a city far from the front. Why are people panicked?"

Sergeant Galo smiled bitterly, "The general doesn't know anything. You see, most of the residents here are old and women, and young and strong men are on the battlefield. In this Eastern Expedition, the military forces of the military seem to be a little underprepared. Like most of the border cities of Lota City, those rich people in China spend money to avoid customs clearance in order to avoid military service. Yes, and the established forces of various armies are insufficient, so the indicators of border cities have been aggravated by some people in the military department.

"The sky is high and the emperor is far away..." Ye Fei rode on the horse and sighed.

Galo nodded, "These residents suffer, the children have no father's discipline, the wives lack the support of their husbands, the elderly lack their sons to support, and their lives are very difficult. In addition, these men have only been trained for a long time after joining the army, and it is still unknown whether they can save their lives on the battlefield..." Galo seems to realize that he I'm a little too talkative, so I won't say more.

Ye Fei nodded. The empire may not be as powerful as domestic residents think. Although it can stabilize other countries in the northern continent, but at the same time, it has to face the Missili Empire, the Thunder Federation and the Suai Kingdom. I'm afraid that the troops in his hands are a little overstretched.

Half an hour later, Ye Fei and others came to the government building in Rota City, which was similar to the simple architectural style of the whole Lota City. The four-story office building built of green bricks was slightly gloomy under the continuous war in the Eastern Expedition. The staff coming to the gate were all low-brows, did not talk, and lightly accepted the guards at the door. Review.

With the communication of the sergeant, the guard quickly opened the door to welcome the team of imperial heroes.

When he came to the government building, Galo gave a standard military salute, "It's our honor to escort you to the general!"

The fat man saluted.

Galo led the team away and continued his boring work, but this experience was enough for everyone to be excited for several days.

Ye Fei's entourage was quickly arranged to rest. Ye Fei was arranged to wait outside the door of the conference room alone.

The current Lota government office building is still requisitioned from the second to the fourth floor by the military department, and in the highest-level military conference room, * Casa frowned behind his desk, and several of his staff members sat at the head, also with sad faces.

The sound insulation array in the conference room was opened, and Casa already knew that the young major general promoted by the military department was outside his own. "Ye Fei!" Casa looked at the information about Ye Fei in his hand and the wrinkled wartime notice and sighed.

People of the Wuhuang Dynasty, hey! It's not easy to arrange! No one knows better than himself what the newly formed Fourth Army looks like. Due to the recent lack of troops, the governor actually allowed the military department to recruit prisoners to participate in the war, and this action was almost handled by himself. Some of the four armies are murderous demons, and some are political prisoners who play with power. It seems It is a group of mob, but if it is really to be rectified, it is undoubtedly not a strong army.

Those brain-damaged counselors of the Military Staff, didn't they give a big gift to the people of the Wu Dynasty? In contrast, the confidential personnel information in hand. Ye Fei, 20 years old, a sixth-level warrior, the best student in the history of the Wuhuang Dynasty, the backbone of the dark falcon team, the main meritorious actor in the operation of the Missil Empire, escaped from the pursuit of the second congressman's family on the broken cliff, killed the second congressman, and absconded in the Missouri Empire, the Thunder Federation, and the Suai Kingdom for a year...

This file has been turned over many times by Casa. If such a person fights in the Eastern Expeditionary Army, he is bound to make a lot of contributions. At that time, it is also conceivable to set off the alternation of power in the military headquarters.

Opening the letter at hand, it was the instruction of Imperial Marshal Hong Zheng, with only four words on it, "Shelm Ye Fei."

Casa has a headache. If such an excellent imperial talent makes him shine on the battlefield, how many surprises will it bring to the empire, but the accumulated grievances between the Wuhuang Dynasty and the governor's government are not a day or two. Unfortunately, the fat man in the file is not from the military department. It's a pity... "What do you think?" Casa looked up and looked at his confidants, who were all excellent generals and had no two minds.

"General!" Talking is Casa's old subordinate, Major General Desis. This old fox, who has been strategistized Casa for many years, has an ordinary face. He climbed from an ordinary lieutenant to today's position, relying on rigorous military ideas and unexpected inspiration in his mind.

Casa looked at the smiling Desis and felt confident that this old subordinate and old friend always gave the greatest help in his most difficult times.

"Major General Ye Fei is a talent of the empire. It can be seen from the arrangement issued by the military department to the people of the Wuhuang Dynasty that it is very meaningful."

Casa nodded. The documents in his hand had not been seen by others. The intention of the military department was analyzed from the surface alone, which was enough to show the uniqueness of Desis's vision.

Desis looked at Casa's approval of his statement and talked happily, "The efforts made by my 77th Army to take charge of the logistics work are much more than what they have gained. This is also the decision of our army at the beginning of the Eastern Expedition. What the 17th Army Group on the front line faces is A vicious battle, retaining the strength of our army is the conclusion repeatedly considered by the staff of our army.

Other backbone generals also nodded and agreed with the words of the first think tank in the army.

Desis continued, "This arrangement for Major General Ye Fei to take over the newly formed four armies must be a containment by the military to retain the strength of our army. If we do not cooperate with the intention secretly issued by the military department, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the military in the future."

"That's right, but the military department really has the intention to suppress Ye Fei, which is also the tradition of the people in the army against the Wuhuang Dynasty for many years." Casa praised.

"However, if we go too much, the intelligence department of the Wuhuang Dynasty will also treat our army negatively, which is very unfavorable to our army's understanding of the situation of the empire and the enemy's intelligence! I suggest transferring this trouble to the royal family.

"Royal family?" Casa's eyes lit up, "You mean the Fifth Highness?"

"Not bad!" Desis nodded, "His Highness is eager for quick success, and he is eager to win all the excellent equipment. And the strategic materials allocated to him by our army have not been finalized. It's better to let him compete with Major General Ye Fei. Relying on the value of the imperial royal family, he must not want much of Major General Ye Fei.

"The number and excellence of strategic materials determine the actual combat ability of the team. If Major General Ye Fei suffers in this regard, the status and combat capability of the Fourth Army in the whole Eastern Expeditionary Army can be imagined. The task of suppressing Major General Ye Fei has also been transferred to the royal family. Although our army may cut more meat, it has preserved the reputation of our army, and our army also has a good explanation in both the military headquarters and the Wuhuang Dynasty.

Casa thought about it, and this method can control the source for the present, and studied the details with his confidants.

"Deputy Wang!" Casa said.

"Ye!" The adjutant's crisp female voice came from outside the door.

"Invite Major General Ye Fei into the conference room!"
