rogue hero

Chapter 210 Pie from the Sky

The current situation of the empire can no longer be described. Fortunately, there are dark members scattered throughout the northern continent supporting the decaying Wuhuang Dynasty. Without these conscientious intelligence work, the Wuhuang Dynasty wanted to stand in the Longteng Empire. It was simply a fool's dream. I don't know if the Magic Association is It's also a worrying situation!

Ye Fei sighed for a while. Through the intelligence analysis provided by Yale, if he has no performance on the front line of the Eastern Expedition, what is waiting for him is the incalculable dark chess of Emperor Long Xuankong, five death-free iron coupons in the space ring, Mahle Gobi! Do you still exchange those baby underwear? It's just what Long Xuankong wants to give to himself!

Relying on the iron coupons, Ye Fei is the thorn of the whole Eastern Expeditionary Army. When the contradiction between the Wu Dynasty and the military headquarters will be intensified, it will be when he uses the iron coupons to violate the military order!

Five cards! What do you have to do with the popularity of the military?

If the information of the dark department can't reflect the movements of various forces in time, he will be a fool who runs around on the battlefield of magic shells. For today's plan, he can only follow Long Xuankong's intention first. As long as he plays a role in Uncle Long's plan, he will not be taken care of by him and Hong Zheng. .

What kind of world is this? It not only forces itself to make contributions, but also suppresses itself! If you have royal power, you don't have to play with me like this, right?

Hey! The fat man doesn't want to play any power with you on this broken battlefield. The broken war ends as soon as possible, and Qilan and Smina are still waiting for me in swimsuits on the beach.

Yeru left a list and said goodbye to Ye Fei. At the same time, in the conference room of the four-story gray office building in Rota City, Casa* and Major General Desis, the think tank of the 77 Army, were relatively silent.

The sound of knocking on the door came.

"Come in!" Casa* rubbed her forehead.

The door of the conference room opened, and Wang Xue walked straight into the conference room. "Major General Ye Fei and the accompanying guards have been arranged to rest in the post station."

"Tell me what you think of him!" Casa said.

"Yes!" Wang Xue straightened himself again. "Report to the general, Major General Ye Fei himself is more lustful than His Royal Highness. From the time I received the major general to accompanying him to the post station, Major General Ye Fei has been doing frivolous behavior, and two female mages among the entourage are also extremely beautiful. On the surface, the other party seems to He is a lustful person. But through the observation of Major General Ye Fei, the subordinate believes that the other party is not simple.

Casa nodded with satisfaction. This adjutant is not only outstanding in appearance, but also has extraordinary ability to observe, organize and analyze, but also can calmly tolerate everything and observe major events and minor affairs in the army from an objective perspective.

"14 members of Major General Ye Fei's entourage, a mage wearing a seven-level magic robe of the Ice and Snow Alliance, presumably Major General Ye Fei's status is very unusual."

"As a guard, the imperial city guard asked the magician of the Ice and Snow Alliance to put down his value and accompany him. It seems that Major General Ye Fei played a big joke with us!" Desis laughed.

Casa touched his chin, the royal guard? What does Your Majesty mean? Is it necessary to change the original intention to support Major General Ye Fei? No, if so, the marshal should be explained in his letter, the mage of the Ice and Snow Alliance? If there are enough benefits, it is not impossible for these homeless people who are almost unable to return to China to become attendants. However, he still underestimated the young major general and was almost fooled by him.

Unexpectedly hid in such a way, Casa rubbed his hands and couldn't help laughing.

"General! There is still something to report!"


"In addition to several major military reserve offices of our army, there are a few more eyeliners. Their personnel are of high quality. Our military intelligence department did not determine whether the other party was an enemy's intelligence personnel, so they did not startle the snake!"

"If you don't have a clue, let them start with the intelligence department of the Wuhuang Dynasty. If there is any clue, remember to report it to me. In addition, tell Lit and those military colonels to put some smoke to pop up. Whether it is the intelligence personnel of the empire or not, let them confused for a while. If there is nothing else, Adjutant Wang can go to Lit. The colonel told me that Major General Desis and I still have something to talk about.

Yes! *Your Excellency, resign!" Wang Xue closed the door and left the conference room.

"Old man, what do you think?" Casa smiled at Desis, completely restrained by his superiors and subordinates.

"The only blind spot now is the members of the fourteen Dragon Knights."

"Yes, I didn't expect this young major general to be quite interesting. We left him outside the door for an hour, and he let us laugh and listen to his flattery for an hour."

Dassis shook his head with a smile and looked helpless.

Casa continued, "If the members of the Longxing Knights are specially arranged by Your Majesty, we really have to consider the meaning."

Desis put his hands on his chest and thought for a while, "Marshal means that we should suppress Ye Fei. I think the marshal may not know what happened here, or maybe it's an emergency. I think His Majesty will give the 14 royal guards to the major general. The intention he wants to express is to protect the personal safety of the major general, which does not affect the overall strategy of subjective suppression and secret support. The key is what we can do to make him play a role on the battlefield and make the military department feel that we are closer to those big families.

How can we take care of both sides? Casa and Desis fell silent.

In the long silence, Desis suddenly said, "The original plan remained unchanged and let him compete with the Fifth Highness for strategic materials. We secretly gave the core logistics auxiliary magic equipment of our army to Major General Ye Fei!"

"You mean the military food compressor?"

"Yes, the most important thing in war is logistical support. It is an eternal truth that soldiers and horses do not move food and fodder first. If Major General Ye Fei's four armies have a military grain compressor, they can not only be exempted from escorting food and fodder, but also their continuous combat ability will be greatly strengthened. A force that can persist in building for a long time. Even if Major General Ye Fei does not make contributions before the battle, he will be rewarded for his outstanding achievements in his work, which coincides with our position.

"But what about those people in the military department who have mastered this technology?" As soon as Casa's words were out, he patted his head. Why did the four armies he formed forget this?

The Fourth Army is the Royal Independent Army! Only accept the dispatch of the royal family, which is also the old coward of the governor's government who compromised with your majesty, hey hey! I really don't know that the imperial heroes shaped by those people have brought about the strengthening of military power, which is simply a hidden loss! Under the strengthened military power, the strength of all four armies under the forces of Marshal Hong Zheng, who is also a military headquarters, has increased, and they don't know that the real owner of these four armies is Long Xuankong, the monarch of the Longteng Empire.

If the uneasy factor of the Wuhuang Dynasty is excluded, the royal army's combat ability can be divided against the whole government!

Casa's eyes lit up, "Yes, the people of the military department do not have the power to investigate the four armies. It seems that Your Majesty is really far-sighted! These 14 members of the Dragon Knights are enough to illustrate Your Majesty's intentions!"

Desis and Casa smiled at each other and were very satisfied with the analysis and plan just now, and the fat man who should laugh the most, the fat man who was hit by the pie falling from the sky, didn't know that because of Fia's follow and Lucy's anger, he gave him 14 royal guards and brought him any group of the Eastern Expeditionary Army. There is no logistical support.

Ye Fei is lying on a simple big ** and drooling, "Male Gobi! How much is this?" With the details of the materials of all the material reserves of the 77th Army left by Yale, I didn't expect that the action of the rabbit team was so predictable. Before I arrived, I had helped myself understand all the strategic materials of the 77th Army.

The fat man remembered Yale's pride. The intelligence department of the army is not as professional as the dark personnel! The rabbit's tail hasn't been caught yet. They have completed the task. No wonder it's called the rabbit team!

Even the fine steel plates for building fortifications are free of charge. Use this thing to put a few pieces on the trenches, and you won't even be afraid of magic shells falling on your head. This is a good thing to save your life! The fat man looked at it slowly without dropping a punctuation mark. Malegobi! So much food! So many armors... How many good things are hidden in the sea? If all these equipment and materials are given to the Eastern Expeditionary Army, they will definitely win three countries within five years!

Uncle Long, you are really hidden! Haha! It's a pity that I met the fat master, hum! First, pick up your skin and get some interest! If you want to use me, you can't do it without paying the price!

The fat man smelled a damp musty smell in the room! The adjutant Niangpi actually arranged such a room for herself. It seems that the bullying is not enough today. He doesn't understand the consequences of the challenge of the top ** thieves in the imperial city at all?

"Is the leaf fork ready?" The fat man collected the details of the supplies and said to the dog's son Yecha.

"Don't worry, Dad, I can find her by pinching my nose! To arrange such a shabby house for us, we must refund the room fee!" Ye Fork stood on the ground with two hind legs, one of his front paws clenched his fist and shook fiercely in front of the fat man's eyes.

On the dark night of the moon, the ** thief's hunting journey is about to appear.

For dinner, the fat man devoured three boiled eggs, went down seven or eight pieces of beef sauce with one chopstick, picked up a glass of water, and the whole jar of juice was bottomed out. As a high-quality ** thief, it was extremely unwise to drink before action. Wine should be used during the celebration!

Looking at Ye Fei's mouth still full of food, half of the bread in his hand was still stuffing into it, like the last meal before going to the battlefield, and everyone's expressions were a little dull.

"sister! This guy looks a little abnormal today. The defense array in the room is more arranged. I think he will take action at night. Si Muhua whispered to her sister Si Muyu worriedly, "Forget it, I won't sleep tonight!" In the future, let's take turns to guard against some fat people!"

No compare with the experienced Si Muhua and Si Muyu, the deputy Wang Xue, the military flower of the 77th Army, is taking a bath in his bathroom and taking off the fatigue of the day.