rogue hero

Chapter 223 Meet the Fifth Brother

The corners of Qu Shuiqin's eyes kept beating, "Is that small square that bag of flour?"

Ye Fei nodded, "And through the reverse operation of the military grain compressor, it can also change back to its original appearance!" This is the only equipment that the royal family has in the military headquarters!" The fat man told Qu Shuiqin about his two-day experience and the intelligence and analysis of the Wuhuang Dynasty.

"Yes, only the royal family has the strength to transform this thing! I didn't expect that the royal family's power in the military department has been operating so long and so profound!" Qu Shuiqin calmed down and said.

"Old man! Leave the imperial city as soon as possible! I'm afraid the northern continent is going to change. The royal family is not what we look like on the surface. I'm afraid that there are still many powerful masters or terrorist weapons that we have never heard of have been hidden!" Fatty analyzed, "Other countries will turn against the Longteng Empire sooner or later, and the domestic Wuhuang Dynasty has no way to follow! In the face of the pressure of the Longteng Empire, they can only take one step at a time. But we are different from these forces.

"I understand! Unexpectedly, Your Majesty's ambition is so ambitious that I will arrange for everyone to leave here as soon as possible. Qu Shuiqin said helplessly.

"There's something else!" The fat man thought for a moment.

"Do you mean the silk family?"

Ye Fei nodded, "Let them have some information, whether to go or stay, and let them decide for themselves. And the Zhao family of Emre Nuse, the director of the Suai Intelligence Agency, contacted them as soon as possible. The current situation is beyond the original estimate. I think the Wuhuang Dynasty also urgently needs Suai's information. We can make more benefits from it, move the Zhao family to Rose Island, strengthen our power, and seek self-insurance in troubled times. Slow down."

"This matter is not easy to deal with. Although I haven't told Emperor Wu about Emre, is it a little risky to contact him? After all, the other party's influence in Suai is too great, and there are many people secretly monitoring him. Moreover, it is not easy to take away the Zhao family. After all, as the mayor of the head of the Zhao family, if he wants him to leave that position suddenly, it is difficult to guarantee that the intelligence personnel of the other party do not pay attention to it, and there are not many dark personnel left in Su Ai now.

"Old man, you really have to bother about this matter. If you can't do it, then put it off later, but you must pay attention to the Zhao family! If Emre's intelligence is really important to the Eastern Expedition, I think the Wuhuang Dynasty is willing to pay some price!"

"Yes, part of the information that Emre gave me the Mythiri Empire last time was very important, and I have notified the Wu Dynasty. Fatty, you should pay great attention to this Eastern Expedition. The combat effectiveness of the Missouri Empire is not as vulnerable as it did in the early stage of the Eastern Expedition! Why can't the four million Eastern Expeditionary force conquer the other party's capital, Les Pica? I think their royal family is as clumsy as the royal family of our empire!"

"Oh? What does the intelligence say?

"There are at least 5,000 unknown-level magic legions hidden in Missil. This is only a preliminary estimate, and the magic equipment for appearance is not known at all. Since the beginning of the war, the Missouri Empire has been constantly stockpiling raw materials for magic equipment. Even the Wuhuang Dynasty began to pay attention to it. The Missouri Empire seems to have lost half of its country, but in fact, they are delaying the preparation for the counterattack.

"Recently, Cai Siming gave me the news that the parliament of the Thunder Federation has passed a resolution to assist Missil against the Longteng Empire. The troops assembled by Suai at the border have been completed and can support the Missouri Empire at any time. The current situation of the Eastern Expedition is about to enter the battle stage of a comprehensive attack. If you can't take Missil in a short time, the Eastern Expedition will become white-hot!"

"Fat, you should be careful." Qu Shuiqin said with concern.

"I know, old man, you should also get rid of the shackles of the royal family as soon as possible. The status of a royal pharmacist does not mean that you can give up. What's more, you are still a nine-level magician now, and they can't let you go easily!"

"Don't worry about this! I have paid enough for the empire. With the help of several other royal pharmacists, they can't keep me!"

The fat man nodded, and that's all he had to say. He called Samina and Qi Lan and spoke sweetly for a long time. It was not until the crystal had energy that he reluctantly closed the communication.

The next morning, the fat man sat in the stands of the training ground, and five division commanders stood behind the fat man and watched the soldiers under the stage train.

The fat man knows that even with the protection of Gagarb and others, once he is rushed into the position by the enemy's army on the battlefield, ten of himself is not enough to kill the other party, and the human sea of tactics also fills himself. How many times can five death-free tickets escape? If you really want to become a light pole general, do you have to build your own fortifications?

Without good troop quality, the defense of 80,000 shrimp soldiers and crabs is as fragile as the hymen. At that time, his face will be stabbed with blood... The fat man shivered and continues to concentrate on watching the fat guards train soldiers.

"Run! Hurry up! Don't look like a bitch! Hurry up!" A fat guard shouted loudly. As long as there is a soldier who does not keep up with the heavy long-distance running team, he will be greeted with a punch and kick.

"Continue! Imagine that you are Wang Xue's girl! FUCK HER HARD!" Another fat guard who commanded the soldiers to do push-ups shouted, "Shout for me!"

Every time the soldiers did push-ups, they shouted, "Cool!"

Other fat guards are also supervising the training of soldiers, using endless methods. It is the same as when she was a fat teenager when she peeked at Aunt Lucy training the Dragon Knights. The female tiger was open-mouthed and dared to do anything, but the training method was very efficient.

The fat man looked at the soldiers in training griting their teeth and sweating with satisfaction, and his eyes were full of hatred and looking at the fat guards like demons.

Yes, the current soldiers of the Fourth Army have been vaguely wolfish, and they can also become wolf and tiger divisions in time. These prisoners are not easy to manage. Only with strong force can they be effectively suppressed. Fourteen fat guards with red fighting spirit are like 14 hell demon gods, crazy kicking and beating disobedient soldiers. . Control violence with violence! This is the best training method for soldiers from prisoners.

"Report to the general!" Xiao Liu ran to the stands, made a military salute, and shouted to Ye Fei.

"Sixer, what's the matter?" The fat man asked.

"Ajutant Wang Xue is waiting for you outside the barracks! He said he would take you to take the strategic materials of our four armies!"

The fat man touched his chin and thought that the 77th Army would play a few more rounds with him, and surrendered so quickly. Park Zhen!"

"Ye!" The fifth division commander took a step forward.

"Five thousand logistics engineers to follow me to get strategic materials!" After saying that, the fat man took Gagarb and others out of the camp, and 14 fat guards continued to stay in the barracks to guide the training.

"Ajutant Wang! It's a little diligent to come to our Fourth Army recently! It's not good to be gossiped by others at that time. After all, you really have nothing to do with the soldiers of the Fourth Army!" The fat man smiled.

"Those who are clear are self-clear!" Wang Xue said lightly, "General Ye Fei, please come with me!"

Wang Xue led the way, and the fat man and more than 5,000 soldiers behind him followed him. About two hours later, they came to the huge camp about two kilometers outside the city.

The camp is built in the mountains, facing the mountains and rivers, and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are more than 100,000 soldiers guarded alone, and a small half of the troops of the 77th Army are concentrated here.

More than 5,000 people came 500 meters in front of the barracks and began to be inspected. Wang Xue handed over the official documents and led Ye Fei and the soldiers of the Fourth Army into the camp.

5,000 logistics soldiers lined up and waited in the training ground of the barracks. Park Zhen, Gagarbu and others followed Ye Fei and walked to the depths of the barracks guided by Wang Xue.

The fat man looked at this warehouse on a scale similar to that of a large private workshop, with three words written on the door - No. 9 warehouse. Recalling Yale's information sheet, No. 9 warehouse: about 1 billion catties of military grain, about 30,000 sets of fine steel armor, about 200,000 sets of ordinary armor, about 500,000 cross guns, and others are unknown.

The fat man took a deep breath. This is only one of the 34 logistics reserves of the 77th Army. The strong logistics reserve capacity of the Longteng Empire can be seen, and these strategic materials are now secretly grasped by Long Xuankong.

Wang Xue ordered the guard to open the door, "General, please follow me!"

Wang Xue walked in front with her head held high and smiled confidently. Anyway, the main advantage of the 77th Army is the logistics ability. Looking at Ye Fei with his mouth open behind him, Wang Xue couldn't help thinking, "Humph! This greedy fat man, whether there is a chance to take so many supplies, it depends on whether you can compete with the Fifth Highness!"

"Miss Wang Xue! You are still brilliant today!" A clear voice came into everyone's ears.

The fat man turned his eyes away from the mountain of strategic materials. The man opposite had short black hair and was wearing a golden military uniform. He did not have the strong military temperament, but emitted an elegant gentlemanly atmosphere, and the 20 guards behind him were all neatly equipped dragon knights. Member.

"Your Highness, you are also here." Wang Xue smiled and said, "Let me introduce you, this is..."

The man in the golden military uniform waved his hand and hugged the fat man who came to him, "Little fat man, I haven't seen you for a long time. My mother told me about you in the communication crystal a few days ago!"

"Fifth brother, I haven't seen you for a long time! Princess Elaine is so polite!" Ye Fei smiled. Although he was wearing a major general's uniform without buttons, his tone and expression were more aristocratic than His Highness.

The Fifth Highness Long Dingjun hugged the fat man's neck tightly, "Fatty! Don't pretend. Malegobi! It's a good thing to ruin me in the imperial city! I haven't settled with you yet!"

The fat man still kept smiling, "Fifth brother, don't say that the little fat doesn't help you. Don't you know who Fia is?"

Long Dingjun asked doubtfully, "What can that woman have*?"

The fat man turned to Wang Xue and said, "Ajutant Wang, wait a moment. I will catch up with the Fifth Highness first!"

Wang Xue was stunned, "This damn fat man actually knows the Fifth Highness, and the relationship is not ordinary!"