rogue hero

Chapter 238 Titan God of War

In an ordinary private house, a man stood respectfully with his family. Hearing that the four armies were going to enter his home to get things, the man did not hesitate at all and quickly took his family out and waited outside.

"Is this it?" The fat man had a smile on his face. Obviously, yesterday's carnival kept him excited until now.

"Yes." Ropaji said with a pale face.

"Brothers, dig for me! I want to see what they have hidden in Donbuqi!"

The soldiers threw away the ground with cross picks, and the cart was full of sandstone. They were pushed out of this private house again and again. Park Zhen, the fifth division commander standing outside the door, patted the male owner of the house on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we will arrange a new residence for you and your family."

"Master, it's our family's honor to serve the four armies." The man smiled and looked at his shaved son with excitement. His bright eyes watched the soldiers of the four armies keep working. A month ago, his son was still thin and weak, but now, his son's body has recovered, and he is even been looked at by Lord Luther and taught to practice war spirit. These are all changes brought about by the four armies.

"General, there is a huge stone slab underneath." A soldier wiped the sweat from his forehead and said excitedly to Ye Fei, digging more than five meters deep! Finally found the secret storage place here.

"Ble the slate!" Ye Fei rubbed his hands.

The soldier put down the shovel, changed the cross pick, and struggled to knock on the slate. After a while, there were a lot of cracks on the slate.

"Come on, I'll do the rest!" Ye Fei ordered.

After the soldiers were pulled up, Ye Fei clenched his right fist and violently hit it down. The slightly less powerful war spirit flew out and hit the slate fiercely, making a loud bang. The slate was completely broken, and there was a dark secret room below.

Ye Fei jumped and glanced at it with his night vision ability. He was suddenly shocked.

Twenty guards who followed Ye Fei also jumped down one after another. Berno and Su Chen continued to release lighting magic, and everyone immediately took a breath of cold air.

The secret room is ten meters high, with more than 600 square meters. The first thing that enters the eyes of everyone is a row of giants four meters high. Things.

"What is this?" Berno swallowed his saliva.

"Xiao Bei, don't you know?" Ye Fei asked doubtfully.

Berno shook his head blankly. /

Ye Fei walked to the front of everyone and touched the humanoid giant/object with his hand. These ferocious mysterious objects were actually made of fine iron. "This is a mysterious weapon given to the Missile royal family by the Ice and Snow Alliance. Their name is 'Titan God of War'!" Ye Fei said excitedly.

According to Ropaji's description, these magic machines can be used by ordinary people, and their attack power is comparable to that of level 7 warriors. Thick armor can resist the strongest attack of level 7 warriors, and even maintain their action ability under the attack of magic shells.

Ye Fei looked at the whole Titan God of War queue, and there were hundreds of them!

When he came to a Titan God of War, Ye Fei groped under the chest armor of the Titan God of War.

A soft sound of the wave, followed by a series of mechanical sounds. The whole chest and abdomen of the Titan God of War were opened, and the space inside could accommodate a person to stand.

Ye Fei climbed up to the Titan God of War, and his feet were just in the corresponding position, and the Titan God of War's chest and abdominal armor were immediately closed.

Standing in the Titan God of War, his hands reached out to the corresponding position, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Ye Fei looked around and could clearly see the situation outside the Titan God of War, color imaging array?

Ye Fei's hand moved, and the hand of the Titan God of War also moved, and the action was exactly the same as Ye Fei.

Berno and others saw the terrible face armor of Titan God of War outside, and their two dark eyes suddenly glowed blue, knowing that Ye Fei had activated the mysterious giant.

Titan God of War took two steps and suddenly punched the ground far away from everyone. With a bang, the slate ground shattered, leaving a deep pit five meters in diameter.

The blue eyes of Titan God of War restrained the light, and Ye Fei jumped out of it, "Xiaobei! Do you want to feel the blood of becoming a warrior**?

Berno's eyes lit up, "Boss! I love you so much!" He ran over quickly.

Everyone also gathered around. Under Ye Fei's guidance, they entered the Titan God of War one after another. Like a child meeting a new toy, they kept making various actions and experimenting with the feeling of manipulating the Titan God of War. Two fat guards actually used the Titan God of War to play with stones, scissors and cloth.

Ye Fei's eyes were full of spirit, looking at hundreds of Titan Gods of War, as if looking at hundreds of seven-level warriors.

"Little bald head! Aren't you going to try it?" Ye Fei turned his head and looked at Gagarb with an indifferent face.

Gagabu shook his head, "A mecha like this in the universe can only be regarded as relatively low-level."

Ye Fei looks embarrassed and can only be regarded as a low-level...

Irerereed by Gabb's indifference, Ye Fei shouted loudly, "You keep one set! The rest is reserved for Wu Dong Pei!"

"H Long live the boss!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

"General! Do you call me?" Wu Dong Pei asked loudly in the secret room.

"Lao Wu! Come down! I'll order something good for your special forces team!"

Wu Dong-Pep immediately jumped down and saw the scene in front of him. Wu Dong-Pepi almost stood unsteadily.

Everyone played in Titan God of War for a while and received 19 of them in their own space rings. The fat man has put a lot of good things in the space rings bought for everyone in the imperial city.

"Boss! These are all energy crystals!" Fat opened a box and shouted loudly.

"Here too!" Rossley exclaimed.

Ye Fei nodded, and these energy crystals provided kinetic energy to Titan God of War.

"Boss, come here!" Berno wiped the sweat from his forehead and said nervously.

Ye Fei came forward, and the box in front of him was full of red magic crystals, each the size of a palm, and covered with complex black magic instruments.

Magic bomb! There are hundreds of them in a box!

"Fat! Come here!" Su Chen shouted behind the Titan God of War queue.

Ye Fei ran over quickly.

Ten miniature magic cannons. Behind the cannons are neatly arranged black military boxes. No need to look at them, they must be magic shells!

"So many weapons! If these things are loaded on Titan God of War, then the rear of the Eastern Expedition will be seriously hit by the enemy!"

Missiri hid so many things in Donbuqi! Other border cities...

Ye Fei's temple jumped suddenly, "A division commander!"

"General!" Wu Dong Pei answered loudly in the back.

"Buy two space rings! Install two Titan God of War separately! I want to give a gift!"

"It's the general!"

"In addition, execute those prisoners! You can leave a whole body for them!"


The boss really turned against each other! The people who stayed in the secret room thought.

Back to the government office building of Donbuqiqi, Ye Fei groped for the space ring on his hand with his thumb. The 198 Titan God of War were all here. Seeing that others were also playing with their space rings, everyone laughed.

Mishli actually gave himself such a heavy gift, 200 Titan Gods of War! 200 boxes of energy crystals! More than 10,000 magic bombs! Ten miniature magic cannons! 500 magic shells!

Even an infantry army is not as strong as the current four armies! The fat man sat on the swivel chair and clenched his fists.

Now no one can easily threaten the Fourth Army! Ye Fei can come back from the Eastern Expedition Line alive, and so can the soldiers of the Fourth Army!

"Five Division Chief Park Zhen!"


"Contact Luthers, the Fourth Army is going to borrow his city guard training ground to stay here for a while!"

Yes! General!"

"Fat one!"


"Strengthen the training these days!"


Ye Fei walked to the window and looked at the flow of people in the square outside the window. The people of Dunbuqi have settled down. The next step is to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the four armies, and to further understand his own level of fighting spirit, including the soul in the origin space in the body!

"Have you heard about it? The Fourth Army is going to stay in Dunbuqi for a long time!" A citizen said happily.

"Really? That's great. There are too many exiles in Buqi these days. There are not enough empty houses here. If there is no deterrence from the four armies here, we don't know what will happen!" Another citizen sighed.

"Husband! Are you tired today? The woman in white handed the towel to Captain Wang, who was sweating.

Captain Wang smiled naively, "No... I'm not tired!" Captain Wang never thought that he had killed and set fire all his life without concern. Now he is 40 years old and has married a young and beautiful wife, and his wedding was co-hosted by General Ye Fei and a division commander Wu Dong Pei. The guests present can be a luxurious lineup, a senior general of the Fourth Army, Dunbuqi's executive Political officer, the supreme commander of the city guard.

On the wedding day, two seven-level magicians of the Fourth Army released half an hour of fireworks magic in the city sky. The brothers drank and sang happily. The citizens sent instructions to dance the traditional Missouri dance in front of their new home in Dunbuqi.

Many four army brothers laughed and cried. They missed their wives, children and parents at home. They all firmly believed in the general's words, came back from the Eastern Expedition, returned to their place alive, brought heavy gold coin bags, and lived a happy life with their relatives!

Among the soldiers of the four armies, more than a dozen pairs of soldiers have successively formed their families in Dunbuqi. Like Captain Wang, they are all cumin. In the territory of the Longteng Empire, they are heinous criminals. In Dunbuqi, they are heroes of the stars and the moon!

"A Miao! The Fourth Army has been here for two months, and we are leaving tomorrow..." Captain Wang looked at his beautiful wife and said in a difficult voice.

"I know..." The woman put her head on Captain Wang's chest. Don't worry, promise me that you will come back alive!"

Captain Wang nodded.

Two people hug and kiss each other.

"The child and I will wait for you," the wife said softly, taking Captain Wang's hand and pressing her lower abdomen.