rogue hero

Chapter 256 Magic Tower

The second prince led Ye Fei and his party to walk to the magic tower. The accompanying person behind him looked up at the black-faced fat man and couldn't help palpitating secretly. The martial artist who could break the absolute ice with a single blow really faced the other party, the defense of the magic shield could not stop the other party's attack at all!

Ye Fei looked at Elder Letini of the Magic Research Association and felt extremely uncomfortable. He immediately came to Berno's side and blocked the other party's sight with Beckham's body.

And Beckham became a victim. In the eyes of Letini, Berno muttered in his heart that he would not be a victim, would he? Lost to an old woman! There is no face to live in the future!

Everyone took the magic elevator and went to the upper level of the magic tower. In the elevator, there were only Ye Fei and four people, the second prince Hurley and Elder Letini.

"Master! You came in such a timely manner! Recently, my royal brother has been too tight!" Hurley said excitedly.

Berno didn't say anything, closed his eyes, and completely ignored what was going on outside the window.

"Sir, I don't know which department of the empire you are from?" Seeing that the master was silent, the second prince Heli turned his head and looked at Ye Fei and asked gently.

"Your Highness! It is not easy for Master Dong Lie to come to help at this time! Now that Missiri is turbulent, Your Highness, don't make mistakes, especially things that you shouldn't know. It's better not to make it too clear, otherwise it's easy to set yourself on fire!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

Hali felt awe. Is this black-faced fat man just a helper invited by the master? Looking at the indifferent expression of the master, the second prince of Missiri is really confused. Who is this person?

He Lidan sighed to himself. With the character of the master, he would never harm himself! No matter what the identity of the other party is, as long as it can help defend Phoenix, then Missil is definitely hopeful to fight back. The Missouri Empire has now lost half of its territory. If the Thunder Federation and Suai do not take action, the voices of the nobles and people within the two countries alone will be enough to overthrow the two countries. .

With a sound, the magic elevator reached the top of the magic tower.

The second prince opened the door and attracted everyone to visit.

Ye Fei is the first time to visit the magic tower. The cylindrical room covers an area of more than 200 square meters and has a five-meter-high roof, making it more spacious.

The fat man looked around, and more than 20 staff were working in their own positions. No one stood up to welcome Ye Fei and others.

The second prince seemed to be used to the indifference of the master and introduced himself, "Master, this has changed a lot from when you left many years ago!"

Hurley walked to a working magician and said, "Master, look! This is a long-range imaging array from the Ice and Snow Alliance. Not only is the observable distance much higher than the ordinary imaging array, but the picture is very clear, which is very useful for grasping the battle situation!"

Ye Fei took a look, and more than 20 imaging arrays kept changing the picture.

"Your Highness! I didn't expect that there were any magical magic equipment, which really opened my eyes!" Ye Fei pretended to be admiring.

"I don't know what to call you?" The second prince Heli asked with a humble tone and a smile.

"Just call me fat. We never have a concept of a name!" Ye Fei grinned and made a mysterious lie.

"That's it!" The second prince is not angry, because the more such a person is, the more special his status in the empire is. With the strength of the other party, it may be the person next to his father, and it is very important to leave a good impression on the other party.

Heli cheered up and explained the simple principles and effects of these imaging arrays to Ye Fei.

"Mr. Fatty, do you understand this?" Hurley smiled.

"Almost! Magic is amazing!" Ye Fei smiled and said to himself, "I haven't seen any magic equipment. It's more advanced than this!

"So, as long as Longteng people are within five kilometers of Phoenix and in the magic tower, we can know each other's every move?" Ye Fei asked.

"Yes, but if the enemy detects the location of the recorder and destroys the recorder, we can't see the other party's situation, but through the recorder on the wall, we can still clear anywhere within 2,000 meters outside the city wall!" Hurley said confidently.

"It doesn't matter if the recorder is found in the wild. We have installed magic bombs on it. Once we find that the enemy wants to dismantle the recorder, we can detonate the corresponding magic bomb in the tower!"

Ye Fei quickly asked, "How many recorders are there in the wild?"

The corners of Hurley's mouth raised again, "1,500, these 1,500 recorders are not only our eyes outside, but also a trap for the dragon people!"

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, and the number was not large.

"Mr. Fat, these 1,500 recorders are only magic instruments in use now, and we still have 13,500 recorders that have not been enabled! These are all backup instruments!" The second prince added.

"A total of 15,000?" Ye Fei asked in surprise.

"Yes! That's the number!" Heli said.

So many remote imaging instruments are used like this!

"Your Highness, these imaging instruments should have magical fluctuations, right? If the magician of the other party senses the magic fluctuations emitted by the recorder, won't our 'eyes' all be exposed? Ye Fei asked tentatively.

"No, these 'eyes' themselves are difficult to find, because they are all placed in hidden arrays. Even if one is found, the eyes near it will replace it!"

"You mean these 'eyes' are arranged together?"

"Almost all of them have been set up as a reconnaissance line five kilometers away! This line is parallel to the city wall, which is simply an invisible barrier for Phoenix!" The second prince Hurley praised.

There is still an invisible barrier. Now that the fat man knows it, I will give you a pot later!

"With the marching habit of General Bainan of the Longteng Empire, five kilometers away from Phoenix will be the place where the vanguard battalion of the Eastern Expeditionary Army is stationed. When the battle continues to the full offensive stage, in order to reduce the physical consumption caused by the rush, Bainan will definitely move his army here, even if he gives up the 1,500 for nothing. So what about the eyes? I don't know how to let Longteng's army die! Haha..." The second prince laughed wildly.

Ye Fei's heart was stunned. Listening to the other party's words, the power of the magic bombs contained in these recorders must not be underestimated, but close to more than 10,000 remote control bombs, he wants to defeat millions of troops? This Hurley really underestimates General Bernan!

The generals who are good at platooning are extremely cautious, and the second prince of Missil is still too young! It is an obvious mistake to put only 1,500 recorders. This number is too unreasonable!

First of all, once the main army group in the Eastern Expeditionary Army of the Dragon Empire is assembled, Phoenix will face at least 1.5 million enemies. It is too many to monitor the enemy with 1,500 recorders, because such a large number of troops, any wind and grass, its changes are very obvious. There is no need to monitor!

In addition, 1,500 recorders alone to blow up the scouts of the Longteng Empire will only aggravate the suspicion of the other party. Because the number of such threatening explosions is too small, and only by setting up more than 20,000 explosion points at one time can the other party's sense of prevention can be paralyzed! If you put the biggest threat on the surface, the other party will naturally reduce its vigilance against the secret conspiracy!

If you are lucky, the explosion point is set in the logistics position of the army group, then such a one-time attack can directly limit the opponent's local army for a long time, and the attack power of the Longteng Empire will be greatly reduced.

I really don't know if the second prince is brain-damaged or ingenious! Ye Fei smiled, flattered each other a few times, and continued to visit other magical equipment at the top of the tower.

According to the description of the second prince, this magic tower is more than 200 meters high and condescending. There are no less than 8,000 magicians in the tower. Even if the whole Eastern Expeditionary Army surrounds it, it is difficult to break through it for a while.

The three-meter-thick outer wall has become a nightmare for all infantry. Various defensive arrays can completely resist the attack of magic shells. In the middle, thirteen giant magic cannons are lined up around. Anyone standing under the huge tower and looking at the black cannon barrel will be scared!

Under the thirteen giant magic cannons, there are a hundred magicians attacking windows, all of which are beyond the reach of manpower, which makes all the magicians in charge of attacking in front of the window in a safe place. These are the fire vents of the giant towers, and the enemy can hardly get close to them.

The most powerful thing is the magic array at the top level. This magic array is operated by seven nine-level magicians. With the assistance of the magic array, it can issue a ten-level forbidden spell, and the spiritual power of the seven magicians will not consume too much. If the seven people fully exert their strength, they can even issue another ten Level magic!

This is a devastating blow to any army within two kilometers of Phoenix.

For good, this magic tower is expensive, and there are few in the whole northern continent! The headquarters of the Magic Research Association in Missil also took more than 400 years to complete this building!

The fat man is now not worried about the threat of "remote control bombs". Instead, it is the attitude of the royal family of the Missouri Empire. If he leaves several other elders of the Magic Research Association here, it is bound to pose a strong threat to the Eastern Expeditionary Army, but it is strange that after the other six elders were summoned by the Missouri monarch, even Isn't it strange that there is no message?

"Master, take a look at this!" The second prince Heli unveiled a huge white list, revealing the true face of the magic equipment inside!

This magic instrument is dark in color and connected to the imaging array next to it. You can see the place where the recorder is dealing with five kilometers away. A large piece of slender barrel goes straight to the magic tower, facing the direction of Hanmere City, where Bernan is located.

The people present repeatedly analyzed what this thinning "giant magic cannon" is for.