rogue hero

Chapter 263 The Change of Phoenix 1

Close to the outside of the city east of Phoenix, the battalion area stretching for dozens of miles, 80% of the forces of the Missouri Empire are tied here, with as many as two million people. Located in the central command headquarters, most of the *-level figures of the Mistiri Empire are all gathered in this hundreds of square meters headquarters.

The crown prince of the Missouri Empire, the eldest prince Auburn, sat under the head of a white-haired old man. He was opposite and next to him were seven other generals, a total of eight * sitting in two rows with a very serious expression and was the core figure of the military headquarters of the Empire of the Missouri Empire.

The white-haired old man in the middle seat looked at the eldest prince on the left, with a momentum of life and death thousands of miles away. "Auben*, your brother's affairs have now spread to the army and can copy the Wick family. He is indeed a little capable! However, this is very unfavorable to our army. The Wick family provides 10% of the military food for the eight armies here. Without such assistance, the army will be shaken, which has a great impact on the overall combat effectiveness!"

Auburn looked serious and did not have too many expressions. The speaker was the imperial marshal Gu Bich. As one of his most respected people in the empire, Gu Bich's military talent is no less than the excellent generals of the Longteng Empire. In the face of such a powerful country as Longteng, Gu Bich's army still has the strength to fight!

At the beginning, he was also the emperor of Missil, who helped the public, quickly locked the defense, and confronted the Longteng army. Without Gubich's vision and support, Missil had all fallen as early as half a year ago, not to mention the support of the Thunder Federation and the State of Suai, as well as the secret strength of the Ice and Snow Alliance. Help!

Auburn's heart is actually extremely depressed. If the empire recovers its lost land, he will inevitably inherit the throne. Other princes have no power to fight at all, but the country they will take over will be dilapidated. Under the covex of the great powers, even if he ascends to the throne, he is also a puppet. King!

However, the final accounts knew that the result would not change, and Auburn never gave up. Unlike other princes, he had lofty revenge and a strong will. In the army, he first concealed his identity and had been at the rank of major general from an ordinary soldier. The young major general in his forties was finally valued by Marshal Gu Biqi. When Auburn removed his identity for nearly 30 years, he was not only recognized by his father - the crown prince, but also received the loyalty promised by Gubichi!

The eldest prince Auburn joined the army at the age of 14 and became a major general in the army at the age of 42. Because of wartime needs, he was promoted to * at the age of 45. This has become a good saying in Missiri. As long as Gubichi does not fall and the eldest prince does not fall, Missiri can block the army of the Longteng Empire in Phoenix!

This is why those nobles, merchants, workers, and even peddlers resolutely stay in Phoenix, where there is a famous pass in the northern continent! There is a powerful magic research association, two powerful generals who can be called the god of war, and the most elite army in the empire! No one can easily invade Missil!

"Marshal! As the war was approaching, the ten armies of the Dragon Empire began to act. The General Staff expected that they would meet in Hammere City in a month, and our army would face a three million enemy attack! Now this situation is worrying about the situation of the empire. My brother Hurley has been in the Magic Society for many years and has not considered the overall situation of the country. So far, he has not given up the command of Phoenix. It seems that he has to put some pressure on him this time!" Auburn said calmly.

Gu Bic nodded, and His Royal Highness was still a little tender, trying to contain the whole Missil army with the economy, but he did not understand that the current empire did not allow him to play some tricks. The prince's struggle for the crown would happen in all monarchies, but the second prince undoubtedly did so. It's digging your own grave! Especially now your majesty is very old, and only the eldest prince Auburn can really think about the country.

"Your Highness is adding weight to yourself! He is confused by this!" A * opposite Auburn said calmly that as an old subordinate of Gubichi for many years, he fully supported the marshal to support the eldest prince. He was very optimistic about Auburn from the military headquarters! And the rest of the * people present have the same idea.

Auburn shook his head, "I haven't seen my second brother for many years, but I know something about his character. My second brother has been a fearing person in the palace since he was a child, and he doesn't have much affection with his father, me, and other brothers and sisters. It can be said that his loyalty to Missiri is the least among all princes, otherwise he I won't stay away from the capital and come to Phoenix for development!"

"On the surface, he controlled the headquarters of the Magic Research Association and seized a powerful department for the imperial royal family, but this move was obviously a poor consideration. With Hurley's position in the Magic Research Association, he would not do such a stupid thing. This should be intentional!"

"The current throne is just one way out for him! Adding weights to yourself is only a side effect of the Wick family!"

The other * heard Auburn's analysis and seemed to have a clear understanding of the second prince's behavior.

"The role of the Wick family in the empire is self-evident. What he did is undoubtedly destroying the economic lifeline of Phoenix. The second brother is a little cowardly. If there is a clear victory over the Longteng Empire in the war, I can be sure that the second brother will betray Missil!" The eldest prince Auburn said lonelyly, very disappointed with this younger brother who was somewhat magically scient in.

The other * faces are a little ugly, and Auburn is realistic. What he said was not to attack his brother from the side. Nine times out of ten, this is true!

"This is also what I'm most worried about!" Marshal Gubich said, "Auburn*, control the headquarters of Phoenix and the Magic Research Association in two weeks! When necessary, all the troops will cooperate with you and be able to kill two "shadows". The Magic Association must have hidden strength. You should be extra careful!"

Yes! Marshal, the eldest prince Auburn, got up and answered.

Three days have passed since the Wick family was raided. The whole Phoenix is turbulent and panicked. The two slums in the northwest and southwest are relatively stable. Due to the relationship of fat people and others, people living here do not have to pay expensive rents for at least a month, although Phoenix's food The price suddenly rose again, but it can still be solved by dealing with the daily diet!

The place where Gomires' parents live has been changed to a relatively comfortable residence. Gomires looked at Liling and her sister Xiaomi sitting around a dull-eyed girl. She felt very uncomfortable. This 12-year-old girl named Jiajia was rescued from Wick's home. She must have been inhuman. After treatment, it caused serious damage to the heart.

heard Ye Fei say that the ice stick with his thick wrist penetrated the back of Detils' buttocks. The perverted guy who liked girls must have ended up very miserable, and it was also a revenge for those who had been persecuted by him!

Looking at poor Jiajia, Gomires can't help sighing that even without this war, the indifference in the world will still exist. Jiajia and Liling are both children born in Dunbuqi. I don't know if Jiajia's parents are still alive. If her parents die, what should this child do? Question mark If her parents are still there, how can she face them?

After losing his breath, Gomires went to the kitchen, picked up vegetables and washed them. In a few days, everyone was about to leave Phoenix. The two armies fought, and they didn't know what Phoenix would look like.

The mother smiled, scooped out some soup from the pot and blew it, and let his father taste it. Oleton felt his son's eyes looking at him. He couldn't help blushing and couldn't stand his wife's request. He drank violently and burned his tongue, which made the mother and son laugh.

Compared with the warmth of the Gomires family, Ye Fei and others who stayed in the Magic Research Association were in a bad mood. Originally, they dispelled the suspicion of the second prince, but it attracted a greater threat - the First Army of Missil*.

The other party is the crown prince of Missi, the eldest prince Auburn!

Hally stood in Dong Lie's room and looked at Ye Fei and others, hoping that his master Dong Lie, Master Payne and the mysterious masters around his father Wang could give him a solution.

"I can't reveal my identity!" Ye Fei said firmly.

"Sir! As long as you come forward, I believe the royal brother will not be embarrassed!" The second prince was shocked and didn't expect that the other party had such a request. Is there anything unspeakable in it?

"It is absolutely impossible to hand over the ruling power of the association in Phoenix!" Hurley said angrily, and his tone of voice to Ye Fei was obviously not as respectful as before.

Ye Fei said, "I didn't let you take the Wick family's property under the name of the Magic Research Association!" You are destroying Phoenix by doing this! The military can't let you do this!"

This second highness will climb up the pole. From the other party's attitude towards himself, Ye Fei found that the second prince is also a person who loves to turn against himself, and the royal children are really not easy to fool!

"What should we do now? Do you really want to hand over the headquarters of the Magic Research Association? Hurley looked at the fat man with a little inquiry in his eyes. The current situation is very unclear. Why did his father help himself? Is it to provide a reason for the eldest brother to collect the Magic Research Association?

The more Hurley thought about it, the more shocked he became. If so, won't he become a stepping stone for others?

"Hleigh! I said it before! I'm here to help you!" Berno said majestically in a heavy voice.

The second prince suddenly woke up and looked at his master. From childhood to his age, only his master treated him sincerely, and even his biological mother did not have a deep affection for him.

"Master! You need to help me!" Hurley's eyes are a little wet, and Dong Lie will always be his main backbone. Although the master is usually strict and unwilling to talk more, Hurley, who has followed Dong Lie since he was a child, deeply knows that the master loves him very much, otherwise he will not support himself to the position of vice president before leaving the association.

The master entered the "shadow" mostly for himself. With the assistance of Dong Lie, he could not stand out. There were countless pairs of eyes staring at him closely in the capital Les Pica City. If he was too prominent, he was bound to come to the blow of other forces early. With a thorough stability, the master's departure is the greatest protection for himself!