rogue hero

Chapter 267 Encountering Bandits

Ye Fei and others went out of the west gate of Phoenix and headed for Hammill City. No matter how the affairs of the Magic Research Association were handled, the tasks assigned before everyone came here have been successfully completed. When they return to the four armies, Gomires' parents, Liling and Jiajia will be safe.

Along the way, Ye Fei and others were in the mood to enjoy the scenery along the road. Except for the main road between the two cities, the rest of the places are dense jungle, and the main road is five meters wide, which is the most spacious for people and horses to walk, but to let the Longteng army go to Phoenix, for millions of troops, nothing It will be delayed for a long time.

Ye Fei was a little worried that his royal independent Fourth Army was organized by fortifications. Although he had not been assigned a task to open the way, this problem was not solved. If the millions of troops of Longteng army really passed through this jungle for dozens of miles quickly and caught the existing fighters, it would be more difficult than climbing to the sky!

The fat man laughed at himself and was worried about this! Thinking of the magic tower in Phoenix, the slender "death", the fat man trembled all over. This is not a joke. It's terrible to get on that thing. Why don't you explain it with your legs?

Ye Fei's ears moved slightly and looked up at Gagarbu, "Little bald, do you hear me?"

Gagabu nodded.

"Dad! What a heavy smell of blood!" Ye Fork, a little white dog lying in Jiajia's arms, said to Ye Fei that he had been staying at Gomires' parents' house during that time in Phoenix and was responsible for protecting them.

"Bloody smell?" Ye Fei hesitated for a moment, and there was a voice calling for help in the distance, about a kilometer away from him. "gabu, you protect everyone. Yecha and I will go and have a look!"

Gagabu nodded and agreed. Ye Cha, Ye Fei's son, jumped into the fat man's arms, attracting everyone's exclaim. Is that little white dog a well-trained warcraft?

Ye Fei did not explain. He clamped the horse's abdomen with his legs and rushed forward quickly.

The call became clearer and clearer, and there were a few ** laughter from time to time. Ye Fei was a little helpless. How could he always encounter heroes to save beauty!

"Someone came from the boss!" A man with a gloomy face whispered.

The strong man sent his lower body forward, and the woman under him screamed again. More than 20 ragged men behind him are surrounding five people, obviously with the leading traitor/** woman.

The trapped people are all exiles in Missile. Because they can't enter Phoenix, they have no choice but to rush back the same way, but they didn't expect to be robbed by a group of bandits. There is no safety even on the main road between the two countries.

One of the five, a beautiful girl looked pale. She looked at more than 20 vicious bandits and looked at herself greedily. The girl knew that she would be humiliated sooner or later.

Ye Fei looked ugly and knew that it was too late, so he abandoned his horse and ran all the way with Ye fork.

"Big boss!" The gloomy man looked at the boss unmoved and was a little anxious.

"unlucky!" The leading man cursed, pumped/sently, and slapped the woman under him in the face.

The man stood up and looked into the distance, and couldn't help but be shocked.

At this time, Ye Fei and the dog's son Ye Fork rushed here at a very fast speed and could arrive in the blink of an eye.

"Brothers! Copy the guy, it's a high...hand..." The man led by found that it was not easy to come. Unexpectedly, as soon as he wanted to organize his subordinates, the other party's attack arrived!

The leading man said the last few words with difficulty, lowered his head, looked at the pierced wound on his chest in disbelief, and fell to the ground. His strong body hit the ground, stirring up the dust under him.

The rest of the bandits were stunned. Is the boss dead? Among the crowd, two men who were still ranked first in strength rushed forward.

The bandit lying on the ground has only a fist-sized blood hole in his chest, which is bleeding.

By this time, Ye Fei had already received the overlord's bow and came to the scene of the incident with Ye Cha.

The ragged woman lying on the ground has passed out, and the commanding bandit has been shot to death by herself.

Ye Fei glanced around. More than 20 bodies should be exiles who could not enter Phoenix. These bandits were so cruel that they slaughtered unarmed ordinary people at will.

"Kill!" The gloomy man standing aside shouted that in the face of such a master, although more than 20 bandits are strong, they are by no means the opponents of this fat man. Only by starting first can they suppress the shock brought by the other party to everyone.

Most of the remaining bandits were people who had never seen the world. They rushed to Ye Fei, and the knives in their hands were also extremely simple. More than 20 people were ignorant and fearless and attacked Ye Fei crazily.

After everyone passed him, the gloomy man ran madly into the forest. This master could not deal with more than 20 ordinary people. Although the man had no expression on his face, he was already so scared that he would not try to kill each other like those reckless men. Escape! The farther you escape, the greater the hope of survival.

Ye Fei snorted coldly and didn't leave any hand. "Wu Ming" came out of the sheath and killed five people in an instant. Five heads flew high without hesitation. Ye Fei did not give other bandits a chance to reflect. The horizontal knife "Wu Ming" was held around his waist by Ye Fei. Ye Fei's left arm suddenly burst out, forming an invisible giant hand and grabbed it. More than a dozen remaining bandits live.

The bandits were caught together, and everyone seemed to be wrapped in a big cocoon and could not move.

"Cut the waist!" Ye Fei shouted softly, stepping forward with his right foot and rowing forward with a horizontal knife in his right arm.

After a short period of shock, the bandits screamed. More than a dozen people were cut off, and their upper and lower bodies were completely separated. This fatal injury did not immediately take their lives. The upper half of the bandits fell to the ground and struggled like a group of disgusting worms.

At this time, Yecha ran out of the forest with blood stains on his claws. "Dad, that man can't run away!"

It turned out that while Ye Fei took action, Ye Cha entered the forest, caught up with the fleeing gloomy man, and broke the other party's legs and feet. This was the fat man's previous order to leave a living mouth to explore the truth. The clever man just became the lucky one among the bandits.

Ye Fei nodded. Most of the bandits in front of him had died, and several others were struggling.

"Sister Mei!" The girl knelt down beside the abused woman. If it hadn't been for her, the woman lying under the bandit would have become herself.

"Sister Mei! Wake up quickly!" The girl cried. No matter how much she called, Sister Mei, who was lying on the ground, showed no sign of waking up.

Ye Fei frowned slightly, put "Wu Ming" into the scabbard and walked to the girl's side.

The girl subconsciously retreated to the side. Although this person saved herself, there were more than 20 lives, which made the girl instinctively afraid of the benefactor.

Ye Fei said helplessly, "It's all over. Don't be afraid. Let me come and see her!"

The fat man bent down and looked carefully at the humiliated woman. His face was cold, and his fat hand pressed on the other party's neck.

"Sir! How's Sister Mei?" The girl asked Ye Fei with tears in her eyes.

"Bury her well!" Ye Fei sighed. Maybe the death of this humiliated woman was because she couldn't stand the blow of **, right?

"No! No! Sister Mei won't die!" The girl lay on the woman named Sister Mei and cried loudly.

The rest of the rescued exiles also looked lonely. More than 20 people moved from Yunying Fortress to the hinterland of Missili, but they did not think that they would be blocked by the officers and soldiers guarding the city. In desperation, they had to return the same way. More than 20 people now have only five people left, which is really difficult to accept.

If it hadn't been for this master's help, the end of several people would not have been much better, and they thanked Ye Fei one after another.

The fat man waved his hand and was in a bad mood. Such a thing would definitely happen elsewhere, but he never thought it would happen in front of him. If he heard such a thing from others, the fat man would not care, but if it really happened in front of him, Ye Fei could not stand by.

The bandits who can survive in the gap between the two armies are definitely not simple. There should be other accomplices on the other side. Ye Fei's face was thick and let everyone wait in place. He walked into the forest with Ye Cha. He did not need the dog son Yecha to lead the way. The fat man walked about 100 meters along the screams and saw the bandit curled up on the ground.

The bandit looked at each person and a dog in horror, as if he had forgotten the severe pain caused by a broken leg, sweating coldly and begging for mercy.

Ye Fei grabbed the collar behind the man's neck, dragged him out of the woodland, and came to the main road full of corpses.

The bandit was disheartened to see his companion who had been cut in half.

"I can have countless ways to make you die more painful. Now, tell me, how many people do you have?" The fat man said coldly.

The bandit still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, "I said! I said, please bypass my life!"

Ye Fei took a funny look at the other party, "Yes, tell me all about you!"

The man resisted the pain on his leg and said with difficulty, "We have a thousand people."

A thousand people? Ye Fei was really shocked. He didn't expect that there were so many people in a bandit organization. How did so many of them survive in the cracks between the two armies? Eating alone is a big problem!

"I...we used to be from the Pengji Mercenary Regiment. We were trapped here. We are all Missilians!" The man remembered that the other party came from Phoenix, and they were also from Missil. The other party should not be too embarrassed by himself.

Ye Fei's heart lit a fire, "Aren't they Missil?" The fat man pointed to only five people left among the exiles.

The man's eyes flashed and he quickly said, "Please bypass me. I'm also forced to be helpless!" Who is willing to do the job of bandits? In order to survive, there is nothing I can do!"

Ye Fei snorted, "Try out everything you should say and don't let me ask one more question!" The fat man pushed the horizontal knife around his waist with his thumb, revealing the dark blade.

The man's face changed, afraid of arousing the other party's anger again.