rogue hero

Chapter 296 Hurley ascended the throne 1

These Missiri generals are still very powerful. They are all seven- and eighth-level masters. If they hadn't been abandoned by Gagarb and with the strength of Hurley magicians, they really couldn't have done anything to them.

The generals ejected like a cocoon chrysalis. Their attack weapon was their own head. Hurley also suffered once, but was stopped by Gabb one by one.

The generals made meaningless retaliatory attacks. Ye Fei avoided it at will and used both his hands and feet to shoot down everyone on the other side one by one.

"Kill them!" Ye Fei said lightly.

"Mr." Hurley was shocked. After all, these generals are quite cohesive in the army. If all of them are killed, who will fix the mess in Phoenix?

More than a dozen members of the special forces team rushed into the conference room and raised their butcher knives high.

"No?" Hurley shouted loudly.

No one listened to his dissuasion, and the knife fell, and the result was clean.

Why did you do this? Some of them will definitely cooperate with us!" Hurley said angrily.

"All the generals are heroes!" Ye Fei sighed and looked at the second prince Heli without any respect, "Your Majesty! Please rest assured to ascend the throne in Phoenix! Our people will help you clean up this mess!"

"Boss! This is the charm of the army!" A member of the special forces team handed over a palm-sized metal token depicting a standing lion.

Ye Fei put the military charm in his arms and did not mean to give it to Hurley.

"Go! Follow me to collect the army of Missil!" Ye Fei turned around and left the conference room, and Gagarb didn't know when he would leave.

Hally looked at the bodies all over the ground, and his mind was blank.

"Kill! The Magic Research Association has defected! Rescue the generals!" A captain of the Missiri army stood in front of the building of the headquarters and shouted loudly.

The soldiers who followed him were a little timid, and dozens of Titan Gods of War confronted their side. If they were soldiers of the Longteng Army, they would not be afraid at all as Missile soldiers, but in the face of these monsters that seemed unable to be defeated by manpower, the Missile soldiers' courage to fight were also suppressed a lot.

"What are you still doing? Bring it to me! If there is anyone who dares to retreat! Military law disposal!" The captain shouted, and a thousand Missiri soldiers rushed forward helplessly.

Bum! Titan God of War punched his flesh, and every attack took away two or three Missiri soldiers. This thousand-person brigade was controlled on the street in front of the general headquarters. The crowd was crowded and could not exert its due combat ability at all.

"Help!" The Missy soldiers in the front row loudly asked for help, but no one paid attention to him. Their faces were pale, and the whole team moved forward slowly. People were beaten and crowded. They were almost pushed down by their comrades-in-arms.

Bum! Boom!

Titan God of War mechanically attacks any Missiri soldiers who enter their attack range, and a part of their bodies will be smashed into mud, and the operators of these killing machines are also pale. What's the difference between slaughtering each other in this way and killing unarmed civilians? The movements of the Titan Gods of War slowed down, because every time they punched, they would take away the hot-blooded men of Missy.

"Who let you slow down the pace of attack?" Ye Fei walked out of the door of the headquarters and shouted loudly.

The Titan Gods of War immediately accelerated the frequency of attacks, yes! You and the other party are originally hostile. At this time, you are either dead or I are dead. There must be no woman's benevolence!

The ten Titan Gods of War in front of them is like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, quickly harvesting each other's lives.

In just 20 minutes, the thousand-person brigade was defeated. There were countless corpses lying on the ground, and the ten Titan God of War dragged ten ferocious blood roads. In the eyes of the soldiers of other reconnaissance troops, this was no different from the Shura prison.

Ye Fei is also in an extremely bad mood. He doesn't like this kind of killing. Titan God of War in battle returned to the defense circle!"

The returned Titan God of War still has all kinds of enemy flesh and blood.

The remaining Missil soldiers looked at each other in horror.

Suddenly, a Missiri warrior rushed out from the legs of a retreating Titan God of War, holding a broad knife in his hand and ran towards the leaves. The man who came was the commanding Missil captain.

The captain is obviously also a master. The black fighting spirit can't hide his body trembling because of anger. The broad knife flashed coldly, and in a blink of an eye, he perched near Ye Fei's side.

Ye Fei rotated to avoid the opponent's attack, and a shadow flashed around his waist. Looking back at the attacking Missiri captain, he has now been cut into two pieces and constantly struggling on the ground.

Ye Fei couldn't bear it. He stepped forward two steps and fell with a knife. "Wiming" fell into the other party's back heart.

The captain's eyes protruded, and the blood foam in his mouth spewed out continuously. After a while, there was no sound on his upper body**.

Ye Fei pulled out his horizontal knife and shook it hard in the air. A blood arrow sprinkled on the ground, stirring up a small piece of dust, and the whole scene quieted down.

Ye Fei put "Wiming" into the scabbard and took out the military charm.

"All troops immediately returned to their camp, and officers above the captain immediately reported to the headquarters of the Magic Research Association. Those who do not arrive within an hour will be dealt with by military law!"

The Missiri troops that were still attacking were all stranded in the front position and stagnant. The other party actually held a military charm. The other party kidnapped the generals of the army. This military charm must have been snatched, but the soldier's vocation is to obey orders. When the other party's military charm is in hand, he has the highest command of the army.

"The troops in front will return to their station within five minutes! Those who still don't leave within five minutes! Don't matter what you kill!" Ye Fei said loudly.

The bloody Titan God of War took a step forward, and the threat was very obvious.

"Retreat!" A small captain shouted that he was the only top officer left in the thousand brigade, and other colleagues died in front of him.

Only a few hundred troops retreated slowly, and other waiting teams also left the right and wrong place.

"Go! Leave half of the people to escort the second prince Hurley! The rest of the people will go to the headquarters of the Magic Research Association with me!" Ye Fei took the lead and walked past the body of the Missiri soldier. Ye Fei's whole body was much stronger.

End the Eastern Expedition War, let's start from now! Ye Fei looked in the direction of the magic tower. The morning sun had climbed high in the sky, and Phoenix City also began to glow a little. He didn't know what the people living in Phoenix would achieve in the face of the current situation.

At the headquarters of the Magic Research Association, all the magicians look depressed. They don't know what arrangements their presidents want to do. The general headquarters of the bloody army will seize the supreme command of the other side. Outside Phoenix, there is also a Longteng army staring at it. Phoenix is likely to It's over.

But those strong magicians in the association don't think so. Such a situation is likely to be a huge opportunity. Those old magicians are stubborn and can't see the ambition of the president at all. Sooner or later, Phoenix will fall into the hands of the enemy. Instead of struggling to resist, it is better to get more benefits now to get some benefits for the future!

Control the Phoenix army and control everything in Phoenix. When Phoenix can't hold on, everyone will leave without saying to leave!

But they didn't know that the second prince Heli didn't look down on the wealth accumulated in Phoenix at all. Without strong strength and power, the Magic Research Association with huge money was just guilty.

More than 1,000 captains and nearly 10,000 captains are overcrowded under the magic tower, surrounded by alert Titan Gods of War.

"Sir, half of the officers were not present!" Hurley stood behind Ye Fei and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty! Don't be so polite to me in the future!" The fat man turned around and smiled bitterly. It was really difficult to control the army of Missiri without the cooperation of the second prince Hurley.

"Sir, without you and the master, Hurley would not have been able to reach this height!"

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be modest. The times are heroes. It's all your own decision. We just made some suggestions."

"What are your plans for the future, sir? Would you like to accompany Hurley for a long time?

Ye Fei smiled and asked without answering, "Your Majesty, what are your plans for in the future?"

Heli didn't look good and was unwilling to answer.

"Does your majesty want to turn to the Longteng Empire or the Thunder Federation and the Suai Kingdom?" Ye Fei asked lightly.

Hurley was very embarrassed. There were only himself and the other two of them in the house. He hesitated and said, "Sir, Hurley didn't hide it. I didn't have the idea of sitting in Missil. The Longteng army was unstoppable. If Phoenix had been broken before the reinforcements of the Thunder Federation arrived, then the army of Missouri would have been controlled. It doesn't make any sense!"

"In addition, the two countries in the east are ambitious and refuse to send troops for a long time. They know the truth that their lips are dead and their teeth are cold. Why have they just sent troops now? I think what they rely on is complete. At that time, Missil will not be saved, but will become a battlefield for the whole northern continent!"

"What is the meaning of the existence of Missil? My eldest brother didn't realize that he was dedicated to subduing the lost land of Missile..."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Your Majesty is wise, must be ready to be a minister, right?"

"I think this is the best way, which is a good explanation for the people of Missil!" Hurley looked out of the window.

"Longteng Empire is a good choice!"

"Is that what my master planned for me?" Hurley smiled bitterly and remembered Dong Lie, who defended himself everywhere.

"Yes!" Ye Fei intends to continue to hide it. At the critical moment, he can't make any mistakes.

"Since it is the master's intention, I have no other ideas! But I have a little doubt." Hurley looked at the fat man with bright eyes, "Who the hell is sir?"

Ye Fei sat on the sofa, "Lion Major General Ye Fei of the Fourth Royal Independent Army of the Dragon Empire!"

Holi was shocked and sat down, "I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. As the fuse of this war, I hate my identity! I have some connections with Master Dong Lie, and I can't talk about them. However, we have experienced many things together. You should see that Master Dong Lie and I are both thinking about you, and this is in line with my own interests. You don't have to doubt it!"

Heli smiled bitterly, "I was beaten upside down!" It doesn't matter. Since the general can tell the truth and help me gain the power I have today, what else can I doubt?"

Hurley closed his eyes and thought to his heart, "Master, is this the way you arranged for your disciples? That's all..."