rogue hero

Chapter 298 Helly ascended the throne 3

"That soldier! What do you do?" One captain shouted loudly, and the other captains also stopped discussing and looked over one after another.

"Report...Report, sir, I'm here to report the situation in the army to the captain!" Nobuko replied nervously.

"Report the situation in the military? Humph! Do you report to the captain of every sixth division? And the more you report, the fewer people there will be in your sixth division! Look, how many captains of the Sixth Division are there? The officer had long found that the other party was suspicious, and he found an amazing problem under his attention.

"I..." Yanzi was speechless.

"Captain Wang! Why do you have to embarrass our brother? A captain of the Sixth Division stood up and said, followed by several captains from the same Sixth Division.

"The soldiers in the army are in a bad mood. We need to go back and have a look!"

"Emotion? Haha! Captain Li is really funny. There is no mood in any army now. Do you all need to go back and check it?

"Is Captain Wang trying to stop me from waiting?"

"I'm not the only one to stop you! You deserters!"

"A deserter?"

"What's going on?"

Team Li! What do you Sixth Division want to do?

Captain Li's face turned cold, "The surname is Wang! Don't spit blood on people! Brothers, let's go. The brothers in the division are still waiting for us!"

"Hmm! Want to go? It's not that easy!" Captain Wang shouted, "Brothers! Let's go together and hold these people first! The army of Missil does not allow deserters!"

All the generals who stayed here immediately pulled out their swords and surrounded the captains of the Sixth Division.

At this time, the division commanders of the Sixth Division were sitting in the secret room of the general headquarters, and the division commanders with the same rank as him were also among them. In front of them were the bodies of more than 60 division commanders. Last night, they received an order from the general headquarters and all gathered here. Unexpectedly, they faced the people of the Magic Research Association.

"Kang Jian, the commander of the Sixth Division of the First Army!" A young magician pulled out a copy from the mountains of files on the table, "Master Kang, you are very discerning. Your Majesty will never treat you badly! Your Majesty has read your file and knows that you are the talent for governing the army. I think you are the * military rank fee of this First Army!"

Kang Jian smiled awkwardly, "Lord Magician! Is this span a little big?"

The young magician smiled indifferently, "As long as Lord * maintains the status of His Majesty Hurley, it is not impossible to sit as the marshal of the empire in the future!"

"Thank you for your cultivation!" Kang Jian made a military salute, but he laughed at his weakness in his heart. Looking at the pile of corpses in front of him, what could he do?

"Kang Jian! You bastard! The brothers of the First Army will not let you go!" A teacher was bathed in blood and lay on the table and said fiercely. The division commander was seriously injured and was obviously tortured.

"Five Division Chief! I had some expectations for you! Hey..." The young magician walked to the fifth division commander and grabbed the other's hair. A dagger made of Braunser silver appeared in his hand. This blood-stained dagger has resulted in the lives of dozens of division commanders, which can be said to be a great achievement!

The dagger slowly pierced the other party's neck, gently and sprayed blood on the table. The young magician smiled. Now he is no longer the weak magician, with a ferocious smiling face and blood-red magic robe. He is more like a butcher under Death.

More than 30 teachers who can still live here can't bear to witness it and turn around one after another.

"Kang*! He contradicted you and regarded the officer as nothing. I helped you end him. Please don't blame the general!" The young magician held a dagger and kept wiping it at the collar of the sixth division commander.

"You're welcome, magician!" Kang Jian lowered his head, and the eyes of the old comrade-in-arms who had not closed seemed to have two flames, baking himself hotly.

"All of you are generals! I didn't want to embarrass everyone, but the situation in Phoenix is still undetermined. Please wait here for a while. When the situation outside stabilizes, you can take charge of your own army!" The young magician turned around and left the secret room.

Kang Jian walked forward, closed the eyes of the fifth division with his trembling hand, tied the Feng Ji buckle that pulled him apart, and he burst into tears. Kang Jian suddenly moved his heart and looked around indifferently, feeling that something else was going to happen!

"Team...Captain...Yanzi came back...back!" Yanzi lay in the captain's arms with scars on his back. "Team Li said... Let's go first!"

Yanzi closed his eyes and was unable to speak. The captain held his soldier and an angry air rose to the sky!

"These guys don't even leave us a way to live!" The captain looked up to the sky and roared, "Why is it like this!"

When the captain lowered his head again, Yanzi was out of breath.

"Brothers! Withdraw!" The captain ordered.

"Would you like to run? I said that your sixth division has a move!" Captain Wang took the army to the garrison of the Sixth Division, "The Missiri army does not allow deserters. You want to join the Magic Research Association!" There is no door! Brothers! Kill these traitors! The real Missiri army doesn't need these fierce cowardices!"



The soldiers were red-eyed. While their comrades-in-arms were cut down by each other, they were no longer a front to share joys and sorrows.

"Captain! What should we do?" A small captain stood behind his captain. In the distance, the people of the Sixth Division and other troops launched a fight!

What can the captain do if he clenches his fist? In addition to watching, does he want his brothers to join the war? Those are all my comrades-in-arms...

The gate of Phoenix opened, and many troops rushed out one after another. Instead of fighting with their own troops here, it is better to find Longteng people to kill happily, or you can bypass the mountains at both ends of Phoenix and go to Les Pica City.

A piece of gray cloud suddenly gushed out above the walls of Phoenix.

"Damn it! It's the war magic of the Magic Research Association! Brothers, hide!"

The wall turned into a human purgatory, and the dense Missiri soldiers were smashed into pieces of flesh and blood by flaming boulders.

"Kill those magicians!"

A large number of soldiers ran down the city wall and charged into Phoenix. Those magicians lined up on the main streets and were controlling the terrible war magic.

"Remote blocking magic preparation!" A senior magician shouted.

The Missile soldiers in the distance charged the magician's team with a cavity of blood. The seemingly wide streets are not enough for the charging team to avoid freely. Within the magic attack range, the bodies are piled up like mountains, and the Michiri troops, which have an absolute advantage, can only push forward with difficulty.

But each magician team still has two or three Titan Godguards. Even if someone can approach the magician team, what will happen? Those humanoid monsters are not afraid of the weapons in the hands of soldiers at all.

Above the city wall, white corner flags were raised, and the Missouri soldiers who stayed on the wall surrendered, while the Missouri troops who did not give up their resistance entered Phoenix City and launched a fierce street battle.

A large number of soldiers and civilians died, and people in Phoenix were panicked!

The magic broadcast has changed the content of the broadcast, nothing more than threatening and persuading those resisting troops to put down their weapons and attach themselves to the current regime. The promises to the future sounded sneered, but the soldiers struggling between life and death had a new view of the battle in the city, and the heartstrings of their resistance were loosening.

Most of the people of Phoenix City are more willing to cooperate with the Magic Research Association, because the previous stable life was given by the association. If the army is in power, who will ensure their lives? The gate is locked, and the Missil soldiers outside the door are begging. No one wants to give these poor soldiers a shelter!

The magicians who can fight in the Magic Research Association have been sent to suppress the resistance forces in Missil. The magicians who had served in the army finally showed their skills, and thousands of magic regular military divisions began to slaughter their comrades crazily.

No one participated in the previous battle. They had the strict control of the Magic Research Association. Even a first-level attack magic or even lighting magic had never been used. Now, they unscrupulously manipulated the terrible firepower and devoured the Missiri warriors one by one!

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and the remaining more than 1 million Missil troops were fully controlled by the Magic Research Association. Long Teng's army was waiting outside the city. Phoenix finally calmed down after three days of civil war.

"What are your four armies going to do?" Campos roared and asked.

Fat Yi wore the silver armor of the Dragon Knights and sat leisurely in Bainan's military tent.

"What else do you plan to do? Of course, it's Phoenix!" Fatty dealt with a sentence casually and looked at Bernan* sitting in the first seat.

"Major General Ye Fei always surprises us! Don't you know when he will be able to control Phoenix? Bernan said lightly.

"We don't know the boss's plan. When the news comes out, we will tell*!"

General Ye Fei dispatched troops without military order! I don't know what's the explanation for the violation of military law? Lin Yingsu said.

Fat stood up and said, "Huh! The question also needs to be answered step by step. Why did you spray a lot like a fart? How can I answer? In addition, Have you ever cared about the situation of the Fourth Army? Have you ever explained your thoughts to the soldiers in the army? If our boss hadn't gone deep into the enemy's territory, experienced difficulties and dangers, and launched a mutiny in Phoenix, would you have been able to camp safely at the foot of Phoenix?

"Don't be arrogant! Do you little royal guard dare to talk to us in such a tone? Ansbudal said angrily that Fatty's words really made everyone ugly. Moreover, his 42nd Army lost the most in the battle against Phoenix and took a lot of sacrifices. He wanted to stabilize the situation, but he did not want to be destroyed by the fat man.

"The boss said that you were arrogant and domineering. I didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that several generals are nothing more than that! Violation of military law? Want to explain? You have been talking about these words for several days, can't you change some new tricks? If it weren't for our boss, would you dare to come out of Hammill City? Without our boss, you would have been smashed by the Magic Research Association in Phoenix!" Fat looked at the crowd coldly.

"I don't know how excited the generals outside are! You big shots are still playing Xiao Jiujiu here! Not even an ordinary dragon soldier! Two days ago, our division commander was called here by you. You relied on your military power to embarrass him! Our boss spoke! The Fourth Army can't use you for logistical supplies. Don't come to trouble with the Fourth Army. Today, I'm a small guard to deal with you, and I won't even take care of you tomorrow! Don't forget that our four armies are the Royal Independent Army, and it's not your turn to dictate!" Fat turned around and left Bernan's military tent.