rogue hero

Chapter 314 Victory in the Eastern Expedition 3

On the third day, Long Teng's army launched another offensive against the city of Les Pica.

Long Qianxu's teeth are very good. He rolled several pancakes and chewed, "Is the food of your four armies so good? Bring snacks with the army. It's really delicious! Although the taste is rough, it is sweet and delicious! What's the name of this pancake?

The fat man rolled a sausage in it and took a bite. "This thing is called pancakes. It is made of miscellaneous grains and wild vegetables. It was learned from Dunbuqiqi. At that time, the people couldn't eat enough food. I don't know who made it, chopped the wild vegetables into fine pieces, mixed with grain, and added chaps!"

Long Qianxu's face changed, and it was bad...

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is nothing bad in it! The conditions are good, and the chas in it have been replaced with white noodles!"

Long Qianxu was embarrassed and took a big bite, "The wisdom of the people is infinite!"

Ye Fei was immediately choked, quickly took out the kettle, drank two mouthfuls of skin milk, and looked at the battlefield in front of him.

The offensive of Longteng's army is getting weaker day by day, which is simply tickling the other party. Although the magic shells brought are enough for the magic artillery regiment to squander for a month, it can't be wasted like this! You should know that a magic cannonball is worth more than 500 gold coins!

Every time he sees the scattered attack of the army, the fat man feels like throwing money to play, so he can't throw tens of millions of dollars, can he? Even if tens of millions of gold coins are thrown together, is it enough to smash the gate of Les Pica City?

Since Ye Fei joined the army, this battle has been fought for more than half a year. Seeing the victory, Bainan's old turtle actually acquiesced in the brain-damaged strategy of the staff. He is not in a hurry, but the fat man is anxious!

After tasting the joy of men and women in the imperial city of the Longteng Empire, the fat man embarked on a journey and lived "separate" with Qilan and Samina for more than half a year, but he suffocated Ye Fei. He just communicated with Heli, the second prince of Missiri, through the communication crystal and watched him laughing left and right. The fat man really regretted treating the other party.

"Fat, Lao Wu's troops have arrived at the position last night, didn't you go to see it?" Long Qianxu said.

"No, the fifth brother asked someone to send me a message."

"To pull you over?" Long Qianxu spoke bluntly.

"No, let me stay with you and don't run around!"

"The fifth brother is a little interesting!" Long Qianxu smiled and said, "Yesterday he was with Bernan! Seeing that his troops have no intention of attacking, do you want to give up the military achievements to me?

"Brother, have you ever thought that merit is the master? Uncle Long may not like you to be so popular!"

"I understand that!" Long Qianxu smiled and said, "After all, the world depends on strength. If the credit is too strong, I am expected by the public!"

The fat man was relieved after thinking about it. After all, the Long family was ambitious and didn't know what kind of cards the fifth brother was holding.

The Misiri army in the city of Espika is low in morale and have no intention to fight. Their country has been torn apart. It's better to hand over the city of Espika and return to the field. With the second prince Hurley and the Longteng Empire, the soldiers may not live the life of subjugated slaves. On the contrary, the reinforcements from the Leiming Federation are full of tension. This is the first time that the country has participated in a large-scale battle. Although the generals are good at military, they are very lacking inexperience.

After the first time using strong firepower to attack the city of Les Pica, and the second time effectively blocking the Titan God of War assault, it reflected the strong strength of the war power, but the Eastern Expeditionary Army was like a man who surrendered his gun after **turning over the clouds and rain, and was paraly defeated in the subsequent attack. It was a mess, and even the soldiers on the wall of Ruspica looked at it.

However, the Thunder Federation and the senior generals of Missiri can't relax. This is the other party's demonstration warning, which means that if the Eastern Expeditionary Army wants to break through the city of Les Pica, they just need to rub their eyes and wake up from the doze!

In the random attack in the morning, the city of Les Pica did not launch a counterattack in order to save the war reserves, but this does not mean that the defending side of the city also followed the Eastern Expeditionary Army "dishonest", and the counterattack in the afternoon suddenly became fierce!

The remaining Titan God of War attacked again. This time, it was a scattered attack and harassment. If it hadn't been for the great prince's magic wolf cavalry to intercept it, the scattered Titan God of War could really bring great trouble to the Eastern Expedition Army!

The gate of Lespica City opened, and the light cavalry of the Thunder Federation attacked as many as 50,000 people. Ye Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly. Are the generals of the Thunder Federation idiots? This kind of harassment operation with the Titan God of War force doesn't play much role at all. The infantry of the Eastern Expeditionary Army can't cut down the Titan God of War, can't they kill the cavalry? It seems that Auburn did not or could not stop the operation of the thundering federal army. Although the attack was orderly, the result was very small!

Half of the troops of the Magic Wolf Cavalry Regiment went to block, and a charge defeated the other party's forward posture. The cavalry forces of the Thunder Federation did not seem to give up this operation. They reorganized the troops and the Magic Wolf Cavalry Regiment to attack each other again. The rear defense forces of the two sides did not use long-range fire support tacitically. There is no doubt that this is the two sides. The cavalry troops competed with each other's combat strength, just like in ancient times, when the two armies fought against each other, and the generals of the two sides fought one-on-handed, stimulating the morale of the soldiers with victory or defeat!

However, the 50,000 thundering federal cavalry has never fought 5,000 magic wolf cavalry. The soldiers of the magic wolf cavalry regiment are not only far stronger than their opponents, but also **'s mounts have a huge advantage! The Dragon Empire holds the Death Mountains, and the peripheral warcrafts are all in the empire's pocket. After tens of thousands of years of accumulation, not only can magic wolves be applied to war, but also many large warcrafts are domesticated as a load. Some small warcrafts can be sold as pets to other countries.

Not only that, the empire set up a Colosseum in China. Operators can not only collect expensive tickets, but also open gambling. Many nobles and even poor people are deeply involved in it. Warcrafts fight each other, which is much more exciting than cockfighting and dog fighting. The country also collects high taxes from it, and bids every year. Once the business right, the merchants frantically smashed their tickets for a year's high profits.

This has also become a stable tax revenue of the Longteng Empire. Although more money is occupied by merchants, the empire pays more attention to market demand and activates the domestic economy. It can be seen that the Longteng Empire has not changed its dynasty for tens of thousands of years, which is inseparable from its policies.

The first-come-first-served platform, holding the periphery of the Death Mountains, and only the cavalry of the Dragon Empire has a Warcraft as a mount. The magic wolf itself is intelligent. After countless generations of cultivation, it has finally wiped out the unique arrogance of the wolf clan.

As a mount, the magic wolf is not only powerful in attack power, but also very protective of the owner. These magic wolf cavalry and ** magic wolves have been together since childhood, and their feelings are very deep. Among the cavalry, no matter whose mount becomes the wolf king, the cavalry will become the commander of the cavalry.

Ye Fei saw that Wang Xue's concubinical fighting spirit was very ordinary. It should have been a long time ago. Among the masters of the same level, his strength did not reach the average level, but with the cooperation of the Wolf King, it was different. The magic wolf's teeth were sharp and claws, and the endurance was long-lasting. The ordinary magic wolf was comparable to a five-level warrior, and the Wolf King could reach level 8. This is also the reason why the Dragon Empire spends a lot of effort to raise magic wolves. Their overall strength is too strong.

The two cavalry teams fought. The cavalry of the Thunder Federation not only had to deal with their own enemies, but also appeased the ** war horse's instinctive fear of the magic wolf, and their combat effectiveness was reduced by at least half!

In addition, the magic wolf cavalry is extremely mobile, and the cavalry and the magic wolf cooperate with each other. After leaving the large army, they can also rush in the cavalry camp of the Thunder Federation for a long time. The cavalry of the two sides fought for half an hour, and the Thunder Federation's troops were attacked and discarded their armor. Not only did they not assist the Titan God of War troops to carry out harassing attacks, And it is also necessary to rely on the Titan God of War to cover the retreat.

The magic wolf cavalry regiment did not catch up. It watched the enemy retreat in a hurry, raised its weapons in its hand to demonstrate in the direction of Les Pica City, driving the magic wolf forward and dragging the horse that was bitten and wounded by the magic wolf on the battlefield back to its camp. After today's World War I, the Eastern Expeditionary Army fought bravely against the Magic Wolf Cavalry Regiment, which not only inspired Gao The fighting spirit, the whole army will improve the food at night!

The morale of the Missyrian soldiers and thundering federal soldiers in Lespica immediately fell to the bottom. After Longteng's army retreated, they went out of the city to clean up the battlefield.

The two sides were fine overnight.

On the fourth day, the defending side seemed to have learned a lesson. Without the intention of going out of the city to fight, the fighters on the wall were collected. Looking at the arrogant approach of Longteng's army again, most of the defenders were discouraged.

"What's the point of fighting this battle like this? Why don't you open the gate early and welcome the Longteng army in!" A Missiri soldier complained, "My wife and children are still in Phoenix!" What can I do..."

"Are you going to die?" Another Missiri soldier quickly covered the other party's mouth. "I know how to talk nonsense. Recently, the supervisor has been diligently, let them hear it, label you as disturbing the heart of the army, and you will behead on the spot! You big mouth! Don't involve your brothers and suffer with you!"

"Hey! Brother Wang, we are finished in Missil. What do you think we should do?

The soldier looked left and right and saw that no one cared about it. They were discussing the war situation in twos and threes. "You tiger-headed boy, let you not say it yet. Listen, don't blame your brother for not taking care of you. Tonight, about a dozen brothers are going to jump into the city and run away. Then you will follow us and go from your duty place! "

"Brother Wang! You are serious!" The soldier's face was happy, and his voice suddenly became much louder, which attracted the ideas of the people around him. The soldier immediately knew that he had lost his words and quickly stopped his voice. When the soldiers around him did not pay attention to it, the soldier smiled apologetically.

"Li's mouth, if you are bad, don't blame your brother for not taking you with you at that time!" The soldier surnamed Wang whispered, "I have a package of medicine here. You can bring some wine in the evening..."

"Brother Wang! Don't bother so much. Brothers have wanted to walk for a long time. This city of Lespica is a place where nobles live. Brothers' families are in other cities. Everyone has long wanted to..."

"Good! Put your eyes bright, and you are not the one with our brother..." The soldier scratched his neck with his hand. The other soldier hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

The attack of the Eastern Expeditionary Army of the Longteng Empire is still scattered, and the city wall of Lespica can't hold on. Finally, it opens the magic defense shield of extremely energy-consuming crystal. Although the defense effect is very small, it is better than nothing. The thin light blue light curtain can only maintain the overall structure of the city wall from collapsing and reduce the right The impact of Fang's magic shell.

Although the wall thickness of the city of Les Pica is much higher than that of Phoenix, the attacks of the Eastern Expeditionary Army in the past few days have also made the defensive barriers of the capital of Missil in vain. Many soldiers are not in the mood to resist, and Lespica City is captured as if it were in front of them.

Oburn sat in the palace, and the ministers were trembling. They hadn't been home for a week. All the work and rest were in the palace. Looking at the magnificent palace, the ministers had no attachment at all. What was the young emperor above thinking? Let the whole city of Llepica be buried with him?

At the end of the fourth day's attack, late at night, more than 3,000 defenders in Les Pica suddenly lost. There is no doubt that these people are all deserters!