rogue hero

Chapter 341 Hijacking Pirate Captains

The bearded captain boarded the Rose, looked at the other party's ship neat and clean, and felt uncomfortable when he remembered his broken copper and blue iron.

Many captains of the pirate regiment had gathered on the deck of the Rose. Everyone saw the beard boarding the ship and hurried forward to say hello. Captain Beard is one of the four pirates in the waters of the Longteng Empire. He is very reckless, but he is very affectionate and righteous. He also has many ships and is the hegemon of the sea. The bearded pirates are domineering, good at taking overboard battles, and attacking the target with personnel advantages. His pirates are fierce, and each of them is a lifeless master, which has something to do with the influence of the bearded plagiarism.

The beard came to the two and laughed loudly, "Two captains, the beard also came to join in the fun!"

"Brother Beard, you're here too!" The speaker is the captain of the Poison-eyed Pirates, one of the four pirates. This person is extremely fierce, and his short body seems to be weak, but everyone who knows the poisonous eye knows that this pirate gang will never live. In order to change his unthreatening appearance, Captain Willo blinded his left eye. His heart His subordinates are even more one-eyed, pirate gangs that are so cruel to themselves, and even more ruthless to the enemy!

The beard smiled twice, and a strong man next to him said, "I don't think there are such powerful pirates in this sea. It seems that we are still not well informed!"

The strong man is Quidic, the captain of the wind-seeking pirate group. Quidic himself was originally a gunner of the wind-seeking pirate group, and his personal strength was very good. Later, the old captain of the wind-seeking pirate group died of illness and won many pirate competition. He served as a captain. Under his leadership, the wind-seeking pirate group had a speed advantage. The so-called pirate group has reached a higher level in the accuracy of artillery fire, and the members of the pirate group are also very united. In terms of attack power, the pirate group is still above the beard and poisonous eyes!

The three gathered together, and the other pirate captains gathered around the three, and everyone talked about the origin of the Rose Pirates.

The fat man wears a white shirt, shorts on his lower body, and a pair of wooden clegs on his feet. He looks like a completely lazy pirate, but he wears a delicate captain's coat behind him and a calm horizontal knife on his waist. His whole body is domineering and more powerful than all pirate captains. The fat man walked in all directions to the deck, and behind him were Gagarb, Iro and the god of war roaring.

When the captains saw the Lord coming, the scene suddenly became much quieter.

Big Beard, Willo and Quiditch came forward and arched Ye Fei to meet.

Ye Fei laughed, "Brothers are new here. The captains are polite. I'm the captain of the Rose Pirates. Just call me fat!"

The beard was very frank and said bluntly, "Is the fat brother also here to get a piece of the pie? Your ship is powerful, with thirty-six magic cannons, and everyone's firepower, which is enough to flatten Rose Island!"

"Hmm!" One-eyed Wei Le snorted coldly, "Don't forget that there is still Qu Shuiqin on Rose Island. I heard that he is already a nine-level magician. Who of you would like to come forward to die?"

Quiditch didn't care about their views and looked at Ye Fei, "Captain Fatty, I don't know what this Rose Pirates has to do with Rose Island?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "This is the base of the Rose Pirates!"

All the captains were shocked, and more than 30 people immediately distanced themselves from Ye Fei and others.

The bearded said coldly, "Fatty brother, what do you mean by what you just said? Do you want to swallow Rose Island alone?

The fat man said, "I said this is the base of the Rose Pirates! Don't you understand? You come to Rose Island to provoke, and I, as the host, will naturally come to see you!"

Willler laughed, "Fat, don't talk too much! Our three pirate groups are here. What else can we do with your ship?

Vile, Beard and Quiditch were very tacit, and the three of them raised their right hands and clenched their fists.

There was a mechanical buzz from the sea, and three giant pirate ships slowly opened their way to the Rose. The pirate captains around the three also raised their right fists, and all the pirate ships also approached the Rose. All the ships opened their mouths and launched magic cannons.

Quidic said, "Although we pirates are a mob, pirates have pirate rules. You openly provoke us, and there is no reason to maintain a friendly attitude towards you!"

At this time, Iro came forward and said, "Captain Quiditch is right. The island has pirate rules, and each pirate group also has a corresponding territory. Rose Island is the base of the Rose pirate group, and you are the open provoking!"

The beard laughed, "Do you think this ship can trap us?" The red war spirit attached to the beard's body.

Iro is slightly lustful, "You are ruthless and dare to come here, but can you escape easily?"

Vile's body was awe-blerated, "Beard, there is a problem here!"

The beard looked at each other coldly, "What's the problem? My beard hasn't been threatened yet!"

Wile pulled his beard and whispered, "I can't send advanced magic. The magic elements here are very unstable!"

With a beard, my fighting spirit seems to be blocked.

Iro sneered, "Maximum power!" The color of the color barrier around the Rose suddenly deepened, "All of you here will be limited! Be good and get it!"

The beard and others looked at each other and scattered one after another, running to both sides of the ship Rose. The crew, who had been arranged for a long time, quickly stepped forward to stop them. Cang Xiaotian was the first to take action, and then Gabo also quickly chased the crowd. With a scream, the pirate captains threw away and fell in front of Ye Fei one after another. Dahu Zi, Wilo and Quiditch were the first to be arrested. Fourteen fat guards rushed out of the cabin wearing the peerless world and surrounded the captains who were captured. The fat guards were all eight-level masters, showing their fighting weapons and staring at the pirate captain.

The beard struggled to get up and couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw this scene. The momentum of the fourteen warriors in red war armor was very amazing. Quidic looked at the beard and Vile. The three of them had a shocked expression in their eyes. The strength of the Rose Pirates was really too strong, and the strength of any one of the three was It can't compete with these warriors.

The fat man watched the people being captured and paced forward. "According to the rules of pirates, you attack the territory of other pirate groups without authorization. If you are defeated, you should join its pirate group!"

Wei Le looked cautiously at Ye Fei, "Despicable! We will not give in to pirates like you! Don't think that if you control us, you can control all the pirates!"

Most of the pirate captains showed a decisive look on their faces. The pirate captains shouted in unison and pulled out the weapons they wore. Around the Rose, all the pirate ships adjusted their muzzle, and the magic cannons were charged, and the Rose could be destroyed in an instant!

The bearded laughed, "Captain Fat hasn't been in the new industry for a long time, right? If you dare to embarrass us, our brothers will never let go of the Rose Pirates! This is also the rule of pirates!"

The fat man curled his lips and said, "What a messy rule! Old man, give those pirates a look.

Iro originally wanted to come forward to stop him. Such a move would undoubtedly make the other party's pirate ship attack the Rose, but he was relieved to think that there was a god of war to deal with it. It seemed that the boss was a little impatient to wait. These pirate captains were really not good!

The roar jumped to the bow of the ship, and two golden battle bombs appeared in both hands. Two fists came out, and two battle bombs flew out fiercely into the sea between many pirate ships, immediately setting off a huge wave, and many small pirate ships were directly overturned.

The pirate captains were shocked, and they had never seen such a master.

Boom! Boom... All the pirate ships immediately launched an attack on the Rose, and magic shells flew to the Rose.

With a long roar, the golden dragon appeared and coiled around the Rose, wrapping the whole ship tightly against all attacks. The Rose shook violently, and Iro ordered to turn on the kinetic energy system.

Rose advanced at full speed, pushed against the blocked pirate ship, and drove towards Rose Island in the distance.

Everyone was shocked and looked at the god of war. This is not a master, but it is obviously a god!

The Rose broke through the pirate ship's queue. Whenever it was blocked, it did not dodge and crashed directly. Just as Ilo said, the structure of the pirate ship is far less than the thick alloy hull of the Rose. It's really rotten! Coupled with the golden dragon outside the Rose, Rose is like a sea monster, crushing any blocking thing!

At this time, a big water bag suddenly bulged on the sea and quickly rushed to the Rose. Ye Fei looked through the gap in the dragon's body. The water bag broke, and a huge object similar to the hull appeared on the sea. Boom! Boom... After several loud noises, the pirate ship around the Rose was quickly destroyed.

The hull surfaced, and a wet flag was blown by the sea breeze. Ye Fei fixed his eyes at the white triangle flag and the simple black dragon pattern. Iro shouted, "It's the navy of the Dragon Empire!"

Boom! Boom! Boom... The ship kept firing magic shells, and all the pirate ships around the Rose were sunk. Ye Fei immediately ordered that the Rose advanced at full speed and moved closer to the other side.

When the Rose approached the other party, a crisp woman's voice came from the other party's magic broadcast, "Uncle Fatty, I'm Yun'er. Dad asked me to help you!"

The fat man was immediately stunned. The sound was too familiar, Yun'er... It was Long Yun, the eldest daughter of the Fifth Highness Long Dingjun! That cute little girl has hugged her. She should be ten years old now! Why did she come to Rose Island? It was Long Dingjun who asked her to come?

At this time, all the other ship showed a full picture. The length of the ship was more than 150 meters, the width of the ship was nearly 40 meters, and the depth of the water was about six or seven meters. The Rose was only three times smaller in front of it. The two ships were out of the pursuit of the pirate ship. Xiaotian withdrew the golden dragon, and the Rose seemed to have shrunk a lot. The pirate captains resumed their sight and stared at the ship next to the Rose.

The beard's voice trembled a little, "Lo...Lot Pirates! This is their boat! I've seen it!"