rogue hero

Chapter 356 The Sorrow of Notebooks and Machines

Everyone opened the package, which contained a kettle and a notebook. The fat man opened the notebook, which was full and the paper was well preserved. The fat man turned over to the last page directly.

"I was trapped for 326 days and haven't eaten food for four days. Others have begun to excavate the bodies of their companions and intend to eat human flesh, but their hopes were dashed. Those strange things were not allowed to hurt the bodies. Everyone sat helplessly in the camp, and the bodies dug out were killed by those strange things. Re-fill into the ground.

"I was trapped for 327 days and was really hungry. My companions began to think about corpses again. Those things came again, but everyone didn't succeed."

"I have been trapped for 38 days and have no strength to walk. Maybe my life is coming to an end. It doesn't matter. Those things will bury my body. Dixi, my love, goodbye forever."

Ye Fei frowned, and the content ended here. He quickly turned the notebook to the front, found the content related to the underwater world and began to watch.

After a long time, the barrel-shaped equipment returned to the fortress built by the Rayt Pirates. The red light on its body flashed and came to the body excavated by the crowd. The fat man signaled everyone not to interfere. The barrel-shaped equipment did not seem to be hostile to the behavior of the people, but dragged the body back to the excavated cemetery. Bury it up clumsily.

Ye Fei asked everyone to dig another grave to find valuable information and not hurt the bodies in the cemetery. During this period, the barrel-shaped instrument just raised its body and opened the crowd, and then it was busy with itself. Everyone was very fast and exhumed a body again, but there was nothing valuable on this person. Except for a weapon with cultural relic value, it did not bring any useful information to the people. Respect, Ye Fei did not leave the weapon, but let everyone put the body aside.

When he was young, several barrel-shaped instruments came to the fortress and began to bury the excavated bodies. Ye Fei looked at the countless graves. This person alone could not collect information efficiently. Ye Fei asked Cang Xiaotian to accompany Yi Luo to call all the crew members on the Rose. Yun Yi took the initiative to ask him to communicate with the big man. The big man nodded mechanically, and the three of them left in spider-shaped equipment.

The rest of the people did not stop collecting intelligence. A cemetery followed a cemetery was excavated, and more than 20 bodies were carried out before they could find the second valuable information. There was also a note in the body's arms. The body was beautiful. Everyone could see that this was a female body, except for the body. Dry and well-preserved clothes, Berno looked at the woman's clothes very exposed and decided that the woman's body should have been a sexy beauty before her death, which was despised by everyone.

Ye Fei roughly browsed the previous notebook and got a lot of information. Then he put the notebook on his lap and took another note handed over by Fat One to look at it. At this time, a barrel-shaped instrument came to Ye Fei and kept wandering in front of Ye Fei. Ye Fei looked up at it, picked up the notebook on his leg and shook it in his hand, "Want this?"

The barrel-shaped instrument immediately made a series of sounds. The fat man smiled and quickly put the notebook in his hand into the space ring. The barrel-shaped instrument swayed for a while before leaving. Ye Fei smiled. These devices have extremely low wisdom. Maybe it regarded Ye Fei's notebook as worthless garbage, which is consistent with what was recorded in the previous notes. These bucket-shaped instruments are responsible for cleaning up the garbage on the island, but their definition of garbage is very vague. Ye Fei looked at other positive In the barrel-type instruments that buried the body, these instruments have a strong sense of protection for the body. It is recorded in the notes that if someone destroys the body, it will be attacked by spider-type instruments.

Although these devices have a sense of protecting people, their low wisdom has destroyed the Lett Pirates. According to the text, the Lett Pirates have tried to grow food here, but every time the crops sprout, these instruments will make these crops. Things were removed as weeds, and in the construction of the previously discovered camp and the fortress where they are now, the ret pirate group also made considerable sacrifices. The magic instruments did not allow the ret pirate group to cut down trees. The act of the retret pirate group destroying the woodland was retaliated by the instruments, knowing that they finally found the principles adhered to by the instruments. , did not build a large construction. Because the fortress and camp were wooden structures and were regarded as plants by magic instruments, they were not destroyed.

Ye Fei opened the notebook found on the female corpse. The beautiful little words were pleasing to the eyes. The fat man looked at the title page, "Kang Na, the name of the female corpse?"

Looking at the page, Ye Fei's look also became serious. Conna's notes recorded more valuable information, which recorded the whole process from the ret pirate group into the underwater world to the destruction of the whole pirate group, in which the degree of detail was very high, and even the unsinking on Reed Island (Rose Island) Previous, details on how to get in and out.

Ye Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked through the pages in detail. Time flies. Everyone has exhumed more than 50 bodies, but there is no gain anything, but everyone's luck is still very good. Among so many graves, they can actually find useful information in the previous step.

The fat man folded a corner of the page of notes he was reading and marked it to let everyone rest. The sky had darkened. Because they could not make a fire, they simply ate some dry food, sat down to rest, and watched the tireless barrel-shaped equipment buried the bodies excavated by the crowd. They couldn't help looking at each other.

The fat man knew that the work of collecting intelligence here was not a matter of overnight. Everyone ran around for most of the day and worked all afternoon. He was very tired and rested early.

Ye Fei sat next to Gagarb and briefly described the things in his notes to Gagarb.

Gagab thought for a moment and said, "This underwater world seems to have been abandoned. The magic device you mentioned has another name on other planets - machines."


"Yes, their existence is generated to serve human beings. Smoke has some research on these things, but I haven't mentioned anything here to him."

Ye Fei nodded, "It's better not to say it. It's very secret here. I hope it can become a secret base."

Gagabu nodded and continued, "Yan once told me about the wonderful use of these machines. They provide the power of the body through various energy storage and conversion, and can work sleeplessly. In many cases, they also act as soldiers in the army without rest and obey orders. Machines with high intelligence have a strong ability to derive the development of skills and the transformation of the human body. And what attracts the most attention of smoke is that this machine can be competent for very boring work, such as the derivation of the origin that wants to deduce!"

Ye Fei was shocked and didn't expect that these machines had such a powerful side. "Gab, what do you think of this underwater world?"

"From my experience, this underwater world is much lower than the technical level on many planets, but there is one thing that other planets can't compare."

Gagabu pondered for a while, "That's the 'big guy'!"

"What's wrong with the big one?" Ye Fei asked puzzledly.

"It seems to have an emotional response! This is something that many planets don't have! But I'm not sure that there are many machines with 'emotional', many of which are pre-set and deliberately expressed, which also makes those rigid machines more humane. And the big 'emotional' reaction may also be preset, but I always don't feel like it.

Ye Fei nodded, "I can also feel emotional fluctuations from it, like a real person."

"I am also very curious about this. If machines have human-like wisdom, their creative ability will be very amazing. If the 'big' really has human emotions, it will have human wisdom sooner or later, but with the current performance of the big one, it is not enough to reach that level. The underwater world here is likely to be established by immigrants on a planet. Their skill level is much higher than that of Canglang Continent. These machines are also likely to be left by them. As for why they left, it is unknown.

Ye Fei thought for a moment, "Gab, can you use mind reading on those machines?"

Gagabu shook his head, "Machines don't have a soul. Your so-called mind-reading is not valid. Yan once told me that once these machines have real wisdom, they are very likely to become higher-level beings than human beings, but this idea does not hold. The origin created us and created all kinds of creatures. Among them, human beings are second only to us. If you want to surpass us, unless there is an inheritance of origin energy, and machines are only tools created by human beings. No matter how capable they are, they cannot surpass human beings unless..."

Ye Fei looked at Gagarb with a trace of enlightenment in his heart, "Unless the two are combined?"

Gab nodded, "This is possible, but the result is still unknown. Many planets have gone on this road for hundreds of millions of years, but there is still no progress. Machines with human wisdom have not existed, but Yan found that such machines still cannot surpass human beings. He Their thinking is no different from that of human beings. Even if they have a strong ability to derive, they can only choose one of the two paths of machines or human beings and let them go all the way. This is not a combination of humans and machines. They are difficult to grow!"

Gagabu looked at the machine that was still burying the body, with a look of pity in his eyes.

Ye Fei asked, "The key to people is the soul. Is there anyone who can combine the human soul with the machine?"

Gabb said, "High-level planets have been studying this problem, but there has been no progress. The human soul is very strange, and even I can't figure it out. You have the inheritance of origin, and maybe you can solve this problem in the future! In fact, those machines with high-level command can't figure out whether they are living beings, because all kinds of creatures have unique souls, but they don't. They can't even see the existence of the soul, and when the human master reaches about level 30, he can feel the soul in his body, and when he reaches level 100, he can freely explore the soul of the other party!"

Gagabu sighed rarely, "And the machines can't find any souls. They are lonely beings in the universe, and their existence and the limitations of their own abilities seem very sad..."