rogue hero

Chapter 359 Raid! Mysterious Machine City 1

When night fell, everyone rested in a house similar to a post station. Under the guidance of Qimei, there was a device that could not heat food through an open fire. Everyone finally had a hot meal here and sat in a room to chat. Qimei stood at the door and looked a little formal.

Ye Fei called her over and sat on the ground with everyone. Chimei did not agree at first. The reason was that robots were not allowed to sit down when humans were sitting. However, at Ye Fei's constant request, Qimei sat on the ground with curved legs and looked at the kind eyes of everyone. Qimei blushed slightly and unconsciously supported herself. The little right arm seems to be a little embarrassed.

Ye Fei patted Qimei on the shoulder, "When people are disabled, it's not a big deal!" Then he pointed to the Assam brothers in the corner and said, "They are famous magic mechanics! Maybe I can help you repair your arm!"

Chimei secretly looked at the Assam brothers. The two were studying the metal boxes that heat food for everyone. They looked very focused, and Chimei couldn't help but be a little obsessed. The two distinguished gentlemen are exactly the same as our respected researchers!"

The fat man smiled. It's best for Chimei to communicate with people here normally. She still has a lot of questions to ask!

"Qimei! How did you lose your arm!" Ye Fei asked.

"I made a mistake, and Emily punished me!" Chimei couldn't help but feel a little sad when she talked about her right arm.

"What's the reason?"

"Someone came here before you. I took the initiative to communicate with each other without Emily's permission!" Chimei lowered her head.

"Why? Don't you get along well with us now? And we are also outsiders!" Ye Fei asked.

Qimei shook her head, "Mr. Ye Fei is different. Those who can enter here with his own strength are all high-level human beings with the same status as researchers!" Emily said that we can only communicate with human beings who enter Rubot with our own strength, which is Rubot's principle!"

Ye Fei nodded. No matter who Chimei had communicated with before, she might be a member of the ret pirate group or someone else, but she was punished for communicating with the other party without authorization. The fat man thought for a moment and asked, "What is Norbert's rule?"

"If Potter's principle existed in our memory at the beginning, the most important rule is that we are not allowed to hurt Norbert's owners! That is, dear researchers and doctors! If Potter's subsidiary guidelines require us to carry out our own tasks..."

Chimei talked about Abbott's principles for a long time, and people have a better understanding of this machine city. These robots seem to be residents of the city, but actually slaves of human beings. They not only work day and night, but also bear all kinds of unreasonable terms.

The fat man looked at Chimei. She seemed to have an instinctive "respect" for these almost obvious unequal treaties. She was very demanding of herself and all her actions obeyed the requirements of everyone. No wonder those machines would kneel down to Ye Fei and others together during the day. The fat man sighed and seemed to be the sadness of the machine in Jiabu's mouth. There is another meaning. These machines are created to serve human beings. They don't have their own ideals and only know how to obey!

Ye Fei looked at Qimei, "Try about your researchers!"

Qimei nodded and her eyes were calm, but her face became more and more red. "What I know best is Dr. Pengji's son Jared. All my body is made by him. He is not only my producer, my master, but also my husband."

Everyone was shocked that Chimei turned out to be a human wife.

The fat man looked at the other party and an idea came up - widow! Mature woman! Grievance! Ye Fei patted his face and patted off his unclean thoughts.

Chimei continued, "I am the sixth wife of the owner, but because I am a robot, I have no reputation, but the owner privately engaged me, which gives me different treatment from other robots."

At this time, there was a slight sound from Qimei's body. Qimei quickly stood up and made another woman's voice, " Hello, respected foreign strong men!"

Everyone was shocked and stood up from the ground one after another.

Qimei looked at Ye Fei and bowed slightly, "Dear Mr. *! It's an honor to meet you! I'm Emily! Please allow me to salute you with my beautiful body!"

The fat man was surprised to visit the central system of the "core". Unexpectedly, Emily could control the beautiful body like a soul. Although Emily's behavior was very polite, Ye Fei always felt that the other party was cold.

"You...hello!" Ye Fei said.

"I don't know what Emily can do for you noble strong people?"

At this time, Gagabu stopped Ye Fei from asking and said, "Which planet is the researcher here?"

Emily looked at Gagarb, and a fan-shaped light curtain swept Gagarb's body, "Your strength is not enough to get advanced authority! I can't disclose the relevant information here to you!"

Gagabu is silent. It seems that this Emily is not easy to talk. This fan-shaped light curtain is obviously a scanning function. Emily's behavior is a little rude to Gabb, and Ye Fei also frowns. According to Ruoport's guidelines, Emily is also a machine and cannot do such a behavior to human beings.

Emily looked at Ye Fei and did not make the same move. Maybe it was because Ye Fei opened the curtain barrier and was treated extraly by Emily. Emily looked at Ye Fei, "Dear human strong man, what can Emily do for you?"

Ye Fei thought for a while. The origin of those researchers is likely to require high-level permissions. Chimei also said that Ye Fei did not obtain high-level permissions here, so everyone's current status still remains on visitors. Emily's fearless behavior towards Gagabu is obviously dependent on. Ye Feizhuo After grinding for a while, I felt that there was no need to scare the snake. He smiled and said to Emily, "We are very curious about this place when we first came here!"

Emily nodded, "Dear human strongman, this place could not be opened to the outside world, but there are some problems with the machine facilities on Potter, which can't be repaired so far, so you have the opportunity to come here. If Porter is a machine city, foreign humans are not allowed to enter, but you have a powerful reality. Li, according to the data of the central system, you have obtained the privilege of living permanently in Jopot and will also receive researcher-level treatment!"

Ye Fei touched his chin, and the other party meant that no one could live here except himself.

Alimy continued, "Others, please leave the city here in three days. Norbert will no longer provide any assistance. Please deal with all life problems by yourself."

Three days? Can people only stay here for three days?

Ye Fei looked at Emily and asked, "What kind of authority does the researcher have?"

Emily mechanically lists a lot of terms, which sounds a little exciting, but what's the point of leaving herself here?

"Can I visit you?" Ye Fei asked, and now he really wants to know what Emily's central system looks like.

At this time, Emily has changed her name, "Dear Researcher, this is not allowed."

The fat man walked back and forth twice and looked at Emily, "Are you the owner here?"

Emily was silent and changed the topic, "If Mr. Researcher has no doubt, I will return the control of my body to Chimei!"

It's tricky! Ye Fei said with a smile, "Do your own work. We'll leave in a few days!"

Emily saluted. In a blink of an eye, Chimei controlled her body and looked at everyone apologetically. "Dear gentlemen, Emily asked me not to disclose any information about Dr. Pengji and Jared researchers to everyone. Please forgive me!"

The fat man waved his hand quickly, "It doesn't matter!"

Qimei quickly thanked her, and her expression was a little relieved.

Ye Fei took advantage of the need for a rest and asked Qimei to leave. Qimei nodded and agreed to leave the house where everyone rested.

When Qimei left, Ye Fei signaled everyone to rest. Late at night, Ye Fei, Gabb and other core personnel gathered together. They knew too well the intention of the fat man. Everyone looked at the sleeping Long Yun, Beard, Vile and Quidic, who were not among the core members. Pang walked lightly to the four people, took out a tube of magic potion, dropped a drop on each person's lips, and turned his head to look at the crowd, "I can sleep until about noon tomorrow!"

The fat man cleared his throat and whispered, "This action is a little risky. We must explore the reality of that core!"

Gagabu said, "I have just discussed with Ye Fei. The central system here seems to be wary of us, and this underwater world is not as easy to seize as we thought, so we can only take a strong attack."

The fat man looked at the nervous look of everyone with a smile, and a door of space appeared in the room, "Go in and take a look at my secret space!"

Everyone looked excited and finally could see the mysterious space mentioned by Ye Fei. The fat guards carried the four sleeping people and entered the origin space with other companions, leaving only Ye Fei, Gagabu and Cang Xiaotian. The three nodded to each other, quickly left the house and rushed to the city center.

As soon as they left the door, a humanoid male robot stood at the door and looked at Ye Fei and others. The voice was indeed Emily's voice, "Mr. Distinguished Researcher, where are you going now?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Ye Fei's eyes and became resolute. At this point, it's better to fight. In the underwater world here, the fat man is determined to win. If he can't control here, all the efforts on Rose Island will be in vain!

The roaring sky sneered. The supreme strong man on the vicissitudes of the continent had been covered by the other party's small, golden fighting spirit on the body surface. They took the lead in leaving Emily's sight and quickly leaving. Ye Fei and Gagarbu were also ambiguous and followed the roaring sky at the moment they left. There was a sharp alarm sounded throughout the city!