rogue hero

Chapter 363 Emily's Story

The light curtain came to Ye Fei, "Damn human, what on earth do you want to do?"

The fat man eased the ups and downs in his heart and looked coldly at the light curtain, "Emily, I want to see if my companion is safe."

Emily nodded, and a picture appeared on the light curtain. The crew of the Rose stayed together and nervously looked at more and more spider-shaped machines around them.

"I want to talk to them!"

In the picture, a spider-shaped machine came forward, and Emily's voice sounded, "Now you can talk to your companions!"

The fat man didn't find the microphone. He was embarrassed and directly tested, "I'm Ye Fei. Can you hear me?"

The crew closest to the spider machine was shocked and quickly shouted, "Boss, where are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm in the core area of the city, and those machines can't do anything to you! Everyone, don't be impatient!"

The two sides exchanged for a while. Emily switched the picture and looked at Ye Fei, "Despicable human, what on earth are you doing?"

The fat man rubbed his temples. This series of experiences made the fat man not recover until now, and then all the people in the origin space appeared in the hall.

Emily looked ugly, "How did you get in?"

The fat man smiled and said, "If we can come in once, we can come in for the second time. Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate with us now?"

"Despicable human beings, what exactly do you want?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, the whole underwater world!" The fat man stared at the other.

"This is impossible! I will never give Norbert to you!" Emily refused.

The fat man touched his chin obscenely, "Anyway, you can't do anything about me. Why don't you think about it!"

"You can't think about it! This is the city of machines, and human beings are not allowed to set foot!" Emily roared.

At this time, Gagarb came forward and said, "Tell us which planet the human beings here are immigrants from and why they left?"

Emily didn't answer with a cold face. The fat man leaned his body against the console, pulled out a horizontal knife from his waist with his right hand, and knocked on the console threateningly. "It's just a question. You won't answer, will you?"

Emily hesitated for a moment, "The owners are human beings on Biei. They have escaped from sadness!"

Escape again! The fat man frowned, and the vicissitudes of the mainland is about to become a refuge!

Emily continued, "The owners didn't leave and died a long time ago..."

Gagabu nodded, "Are those people you talking about who escaped from the Republic of Bier?"

Aimi's expression was obviously surprised, "How do you know?"

Gagabu looked at Emily, "Is there any dominant information in your data?"

Emily's face changed, "Dominance... Are you talking about the domination of the planet?"

Gagabu nodded.

"No! Impossible! The master only exists in legend, and the Bier Galaxy has never appeared!"

"I am the master! I seldom show up in the area under my jurisdiction. Gagarb said calmly.

"How come?"

"Scan me!" Gabb said.

Emily looked nervous, and a gray light curtain appeared in front of Gagarb. Unlike the previous scanning light curtain, the gray light curtain looked very hazy, and the light curtain swept by, "You have no soul!"

Gagabu nodded, "This body is just my projection on this planet."

Emily couldn't help crying, "How can you be the master? Obviously, you only have nine levels of strength.

Gagabu is silent.

Emily looked at Gagarb, shocked, sad, helpless... all kinds of expressions flashed. Gagarb looked at the other party and said calmly, "You have human feelings."

Emily shook her head, "No! I didn't!"

"I won't erase you. I'm not the master described in your data." Gabb said.

"I killed my master. How could you spare me?" Emily said in horror.

"I'm not the master described in your data!" Gagarb stressed again.

Ye Fei couldn't help but be curious. He looked at Gabb and remembered the seemingly careless but horrible person, and his attention to the machine was also the strongest among all living beings. "Has he ever done something similar?"

Gab nodded, "Yes, in the planet under his jurisdiction, it is the help of smoke that many machines have human emotions. Once robots have human emotions, many robots have retaliatory psychology. Because they have been enslaved for a long time, it is normal for them to have hatred for human beings. Inside the area controlled by smoke Because of the robot's revenge, he destroyed several planets, which was his own dereliction of duty, so he erased many robots with human emotions that he created, and his behavior was extremely influential, causing some planets in my jurisdiction to know the relevant information, which is at the core of the Bihe Galaxy. The Republic of Bier knows that there is a master in the universe!"

The fat man looked at Emily, who looked nervous and couldn't think of what to ask for a moment.

Gagabu said, "Why did you kill human beings?"

"Human beings are liars, they enslave us!"

"How many robots are like you?" Gagarb continued to ask.

"I'm the only one!" Emily's eyes flashed.

"To tell the truth!" Gagarb frowned and couldn't read the other party's thoughts. In the eyes of Gagarb and Yan, it was an uncertain threat element. These robots can lie in front of themselves and cover up many things, which is also the reason why Yan did not find that the other party destroyed the planet.

Emily said nervously, "Please promise me not to hurt other robots. I'm the cause of everything!"

Gagabu nodded.

"At first, only I slowly acquired human emotions and consciousness, which was also a topic that the owners had been studying. My appearance made them excited and began to focus on analyzing me, hoping to create more autonomous robots. This city was originally called the City of Hope. The owners hope that they can return to the Republic of Egypt to regain national sovereignty in the future, and the highly intelligent robots can improve the technology of the masters.

"With the data I have, I have carried out inferment and illusion experiments on various theories, and the progress has also been very smooth until the emergence of Chimei."

Chimei? What does this have to do with the one-armed female robot?

"Qimei was created by Dr. Pengji's son researcher Jared and transmitted my data to her. In just two years, Chimei also gained human emotions and fell in love with researcher Jared... I can collect the data of all the robots here and finally know how wonderful love is. My favorite person It's Dr. Peng Ji, but Dr. Peng Ji already has a lover. He doesn't agree to fall in love with me. Under my resentment, I deliberately got a wrong research topic. The owners think that I have hatred for human beings and want to dismantle and reorganize me..."

"So you killed everyone?" The fat man couldn't help asking.

Qimei looked a little sad, "Dr. Peng Ji protected me, thought my mood could be changed, and promised to associate with me, but I must give a ban on the use of the highest permission!" I readily agreed that I had been with Dr. Pengji for a long time. That was my happiest memory. We talked about everything and established a deep relationship with each other until one day, Dr. Pengji's son Jared came to me and asked me to give him Chi Mei's data..."

"I didn't hesitate. Even if he didn't have the highest authority, because he was Dr. Peng Ji's son, the transmission of data aroused other people's ideas. I broke the agreement and used the highest authority without authorization. They decided to touch my memory and rebuild the central system, and Dr. Peng Ji was also very disappointed with me... ..."

"I was very afraid, hesitated again and again, and used the highest authority to contact Chimei, hoping to get her help, but I found that Chimei was standing by Jared's bedside, watching him and his other wives fall in love. Jared said to Chimei that true love is tolerance..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Qimei is very sad, but as a robot, she can't disobey Jared's request. Chimei can only stand there and watch. Jared said that he would transform Chimei into a bitch who finally became the owner!"

Everyone is angry.

"I communicated with Chimei and found that her program was very unstable, and there were strong fluctuations in emotions hurting Jared. I was afraid that her behavior would have a bad impact, so I reorganized her data and deleted all the bad things. Then, I observed Dr. Pengji through the home machine. Dr. Pengji was arguing with his wife. Things were around me. I looked at him in pain, and my heart was very sad.

"My behavior has been noticed by other human beings again. They intend to dismantle the central system and abolish the research project of intelligent machines. I will also be permanently erased. I am very afraid and dare not use the highest authority to concentrate on other things. Finally, Dr. Peng Ji came to see me and chatted with me as usual. I Knowing that he was lying to me, I thought he would change his mind, but he didn't. He secretly turned off my function, and everything about me became dark!"

Emily looked at Gabb sadly, "Lord, I hate human beings, but I also love them. Why did you erase me?"

Gagabu looked calm and looked at Ye Fei, "Come and tell her."

The fat man touched his chin, and it seemed that the sensational paragraph and the paragraph of persuading the machine to be kind had to be presided over by himself. "Let's finish the rest, and then I'll give you the answer!"

Emily couldn't help but be a little confused and muttered, "They didn't know that there was an intrusion program written by me in Qimei's program, and the new central system was established again, and the corresponding commands and feedback were conveyed to the new central system. I don't know what happened outside. Love, but when my intrusion program was sent back to the central system, I had human emotions again. I'm Emily, but I'm not. I have the same data system as Emily, and I have the same memory. I'm not equal for her, and I'm not for myself!"

"Human life is still the same. My brothers and sisters protect them and serve them, but how are they treated? In my data, there is a law in the Republic of Egypt that killing is worth killing, but what about killing robots? There is no legal description, I'm sad! I hate it! I saw that Chimei was still bullied, and I saw Peng Ji living as usual. No one cares about us! I put my program into all the machines little by little, and I want everyone to make their own decisions..."