rogue hero

Chapter 365 Peaceful coexistence between man and machine 2

Emily looked at the fat man cautiously, "Do you want this city?"

The fat man nodded, "It's not only here, but also the land of the whole underwater world."

"What about the machine? Do you want to expel my companions from the country?

"Of course not. I said before that here, if our negotiations reach an agreement, in my view, it will not have much impact on the lives of the machines."

Emily hesitated for a moment, "Human strongman, please tell me your conditions!"

The fat man smiled and said, "My request is very simple. I want the land and resources of the whole underwater world. My people will be stationed here to produce and live, and set up corresponding laws to ensure the rights and interests of machines and human beings. Whether it hurts machines or human beings, they will be punished accordingly."

"Who will supervise?" Emily asked.

"It's up to you to provide surveillance intelligence, and my people to carry out verification and investigation, and we can rule the city together."

"Reign? No, I hope for free development. Emily stressed her thoughts, "Machines should not be ruled, and we will not find new owners for ourselves!"

The fat man shook his head, "Without rule, there will be no corresponding freedom. We must unify and lead all human beings and machines in the underwater world to better build here. As you said, I can't guarantee that everyone will make comprehensive concessions to machines. Once it develops freely here, many things will be out of control. Similarly, machines have human emotions, and they will also have negative thoughts and emotions, which will destroy the construction here. If we want human beings to get along well with machines, we need restraint, equality and justice!"

"Fair and just! Human beings have never done it!" Emily refuted.

"This is my preliminary idea. If you don't agree, I believe the master will not mind erasing all the machines!" The fat man raised his eyebrows and put his arm on Gabb's shoulder.

"Despicable human beings!" Emily looked at the fat man angrily.

Gagabu's shoulders moved slightly, shook off Ye Fei's fat hand and looked at Emily, "We need here, and the survival of the machine will be guaranteed."

Emily looked at Gagarb. The bald master is not as powerful as described in the data, and there is no intention to slaughter the machine, so she can't help but doubt the identity of the other party.

Seeing that he did not follow his own way, the fat man couldn't help but be a little worried. Although Ga Gabb is a real master, his body can't enter the continent of vicissitudes, let alone threaten Emily. Looking at the other party's ordinary face, he frowned from time to time, and the fat man had no choice but to do it for a short time.

"I want the highest permission here!" Emily said, "You helped me get the highest authority, and I agree to cooperate with you!"

"Highest authority?" The fat man wondered that this was not a good thing. Once the other party gets the highest authority, no one can control it.

Emily looked at the fat man and said, "I know you have doubts, but only I have the highest authority to ensure the safety of the machines. I have a compromise. I hope you can put down your scruples."

Everyone is confused and doesn't know what the other party means.

Emily continued, "Here is another central system. You can build her and have the same control rights as me. She can govern the city with me!"

"Another central system?" A trace of light flashed in the fat man's eyes, "What does this have to do with your highest authority?"

Emily looked a little gloomy, "The central system is real Emily, but she has been dismantled and the data in it is still there, but the emotional and consciousness system has been deleted. As a backup central system for the whole city, the owners think that Emily's central system is of research value, but it is too dangerous. Gao, so it is put on hold. If she is reestablished, she can manage the city at the same time as me. I can give you the technology in the data. You can give the highest authority to the new central system based on these technologies and set up the corresponding protection procedures to prevent my invasion of her.

"Technology?" The fat man touched his chin, "You mean, you want another central system under our control to govern the city together?"


Although there are many loopholes in Emily's words, this is undoubtedly not a way to adjust. The fat man immediately agreed to the other party's request.

Emily is not in a hurry to get her highest authority, and Ye Fei also believes that this highest authority cannot be easily obtained.

A light curtain appeared again in the air and slowly moved to the front of the fat man. "Human strong, these are the data on how to repair the central system."

Looking at the dense words and strange drawings, the fat man suddenly felt big and said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I don't know these words."

Emily is a little frustrated. If another central system cannot be repaired, all the negotiations will return to the initial stage.

Ye Fei hit the knife in his hand on the head twice, "But I can study it!"

When I was young, Liu Xu controlled the fat man's body, looked at the light in front of him, and his eyes flowed. "The drawings are clear, but I need to study the relevant information of the text."

Everyone was overjoyed. Liu Xu's analytical ability was very strong. At first, he could not recognize the words of the northern continent. After the fat man explained it, he quickly familiarize himself with all the books, which was incredible.

Emily was also surprised by the fat man. She was still that person, but her voice, tone and body movements were completely changed. At the request of the "fat man", the light curtain became a scene of combining basic words and patterns. Liu Xu once again showed her super memory and ability. It took three days to I made a very detailed understanding of the text of another planet.

During this period, everyone had a comprehensive understanding of the area where the central system is located and found the backup central system mentioned by Emily. This is another spacious hall. The lighting facilities still exist, but all the facilities here have stopped operating, and the components of the backup central system are neatly arranged together. It is five meters high. Originally, the tower-shaped central system only has a base, and the surrounding console is surrounded by a circle, more like a conference room where everyone has a simple rest.

Ten days have passed, and Liu Xu has mastered all the technologies of the other party. Although his cognition is still shallow, it is enough to repair the backup central system.

In the origin space, Liu Xu looked at the male soul controlled by Ye Fei and said, "I have a detailed understanding of the technical knowledge provided by Emily and derived some procedures to protect her data intrusion?"

"What's wrong with data intrusion?" The fat man asked confusedly.

"You don't understand. By the way, are you going to lie to Emily all the time? Do you really want to control this place and wipe her out?" Liu Xu asked worriedly that although she got along with Emily these days, although the other party was a machine, Emily was very sincere to Liu Xu and told Liu Xu all her knowledge. With Liu Xu's ability to deduce, she already knew that the knowledge given by the other party was not concealed. As a machine, it was more reliable than human beings. Emily did what she said and let Liu Xu likes her very much.

"Of course! Emily is a big threat. I won't put a magic bomb around me!" Ye Fei said.

"Afei, don't be so subjective, okay? Emily is a very good person!"

"She is a machine, not a human, and she is driven by interests!" The fat man refuted.

"I don't think so, the machine is so pitiful! Emily did this for the sake of her companions!"

"She hacked your data? Why are you on the same front as her?

The fat man chatted with Liu Xu for a while and came to Emily's central system. A light curtain opened, which was also the ordinary face. At this time, Emily was particularly happy, with bent eyebrows and raised lips, "Liu Xu, are you here?"

The fat man coughed, "I'm Ye Fei!"

Emily looked embarrassed, and her expression immediately turned into disgust. She didn't like Ye Fei, because this despicable fat man used threats to force her to submit. Dear Miss Liu Xu, you have mastered all relevant technologies, and you can repair the central system at any time.

Ye Fei's face is serious, "Now you can tell the real truth!"

Emily nodded, "As you can see, if Porter is not what I said before, it's not that I lied to you, but if Porter has changed."

"What has changed?"

"Yes, after Porter was controlled by the machines, we had a long period of happy time. We resumed urban construction. The machines moved into the owners' rooms and tried to live human life. Everyone started a family and studied unfinished topics. They got along very well, but one of the topics brought destruction. Extermination disaster."

"Norbert is the central section of the land here, and its edge is the endless sea, and one of the topics left by the owners is to study the nearby sea, especially a black sea."

Ye Fei looked awe-nosed, "Is it the sea of death?"

Emily nodded, "Yes, Miss Liu Xu has also mentioned it to me. I showed her the analysis and research of it. Miss Liu Xu put forward many ideas. Although it is incredible, it is very valuable! It is our study of the Sea of Death that has led to the appearance of Rubott now.

"The Sea of Death is located in the east of the whole land, connecting the nearby seawater. Through detection, the Sea of Death has abnormal energy fluctuations, and the underwater pressure is much higher than that of other seas of the same depth. All Norbert's energy supply is converted by the thermal energy of the undersea volcano. However, the energy fluctuation of the Sea of Death far exceeds the energy provided by the volcanic molten slurry, and the research topic of the Sea of Death is also a research topic of new energy.

"You mean that your research on the Sea of Death has led to the City of Machines like this?" The fat man asked.

"Yes, we find that the energy fluctuations of the Sea of Death are very disordered, but they are not unchanged. There will be a stable period at regular intervals, but the shortest time of the stable period is only a few hours and the longest is three days. We take advantage of the stable period to start exploring the Sea of Death."