rogue hero

Chapter 392 "Unnamed" Anti-Main

Ye Fei exhaled hot air, and the scales of his whole body trembled. Between the opening and closing of the scales, the muscles kept surging. The fat man clenched his fist and clenched the air in his palm to make a sound.

The snake king Karbin turned his body and his mind gradually became clear. He carefully looked at the humanoid monster in the distance. Carbin knew that the humanoid monster was the fat man he had killed before, but he did not think that the other party was still alive and had strong strength.

The purple light bullet is stored in the mouth, and the size of the light bullet is much larger than before.

Ye Fei slowly pulled out the horizontal knife "Wu Ming", and the knife body made a loud sound, and the sound was mixed with the roar of various beasts.

Carbin looked awe-inspiring, faintly felt the bloodthirsty breath emitted by the horizontal knife, and the purple light bullet suddenly shot out.

Ye Fei held a knife alone, and his breath was deep. When the light bounced in front of him, the horizontal knife drew an arc in front of him. The back of the knife faced the light bomb. He took the opportunity to lead the light bullet aside. An explosion sounded, and the whole secret room shook twice.

Ye Fei slowly stepped forward and stared at the snake-shaped beast.

Snake King Carbine suddenly felt a little timid. He had ten-level strength and was also a small leader in the Death Mountain. His own strength was not something that the magicians of the southern continent could compete with! Ten thousand years later, those old guys in the southern continent have basically died cleanly. Where are the masters? Coupled with its own strength, it is not something that ordinary masters can fight against.

The fighting spirit formed by years of murder suddenly filled Cabin's mind, and the snake king Carbine became calm, wandering and paying attention to the movements of his opponents.

Ye Fei suddenly accelerated his speed and rushed directly to the snake-shaped beast. When he was attacked by the other party, Ye Fei already knew that the strength of the beast was comparable to that of the other party. The huge body and the energy in his body were higher than that of him. If he wanted to fight for a long time, he would be obviously at a disadvantage in the later stage! The fat man has to kill the other party in a short time!

Snake King Carbine's combat experience is also extremely rich. His body is huge and his flexibility is slightly weaker than that of the other party. Seeing that the fat man's figure disappears, he suddenly curled up and a murderous spirit came straight to his neck. Carbine's curled up body quickly ejected away, and the huge snake rolled in the air, and its body twisted in the air. It becomes a certain protective surface.

Ye Fei and Carbin met in the air, which was a series of broken gold and gas explosions. A few seconds later, with a bang, Carbin landed, and the forehead and body of the beast's head were damaged to varying degrees. The scales were broken and blood gushed out. The situation was very tragic.

The fat man knelt on one knee and gasped in his mouth. The clothes on his upper body were broken, revealing the scales on his chest. A sunken shadow suddenly appeared on his chest. The horizontal knife was covered with thick blood stains, and the blood stains were being absorbed by the horizontal knife at a speed visible to the naked eye. Instead, the horizontal knife sent out a stronger murderous intention. The snake king Carbine experienced hundreds of battles in the Death Mountains, and its blood covered the idea of the snake king's killing, and the "unming" horizontal knife suddenly changed!

On the handle of the knife, countless fine scales appeared, and the three refined meteorite steel strips in the knife body automatically fell off. A picture similar to the snake king Carbine appeared, and the purple light was attached to the blade.

Carbin looked awe-insent and looked at the horizontal knife in Ye Fei's hand in shock, "King-level cage flower!"

Ye Fei's internal force is rapidly flowing to the horizontal knife. After completing the final step, Ye Fei looked up at Carbine, the snake king who was stunned on the spot. It turned out that "Wu Ming" was made of cage flowers!

Ye Fei carried the knife, the head of the knife was around his waist, and his left foot stepped forward to form a bow step. The sword was level with his eyebrows, and he slowly adjusted his breathing. "Wu Ming" came bursts of breath. Ye Fei understood the change of the horizontal knife in an instant, and "Wu Ming" actually had the ability of the snake king Carbine!

The scale armor on the body slowly withdrew, but the scale armor on the arm suddenly burst open. The scale armor opened, emitting waves of air, forming an invisible aura around the body, and the horizontal knife body suddenly glowed!

Carbin is very nervous. The advanced plant warcraft area is a forbidden area in the death mountains. Even the imperial warcraft is unwilling to enter easily, because once the plant warcraft sucks the blood of the high-level warcraft, it will have the opportunity to advance. This promotion is very simple and also very horrible, because the intelligence of the plant warcraft is very low, only knows Taoist devouring will not integrate into the Warcraft group at all. Only a small number of imperial plants Warcraft have certain wisdom, and they are also the peerless strong men who play a role in the Death Mountains!

The knife in the other party's hand is obviously made of cage flowers. In the Death Mountains, the cage flowers are one of the most horrible plant monsters. They have the most powerful absorption ability and are also the fastest plant monsters to advance. If anyone deliberately cultivates the cage flowers and upgrades the cage flowers to the imperial level, then the Death Mountains will Set off a bloody storm! Warcrafts can only kill all prophet-level monsters!

The most terrible thing about the cage flower is not the rapid promotion, but the powerful devouring ability. As long as it touches any living thing, it can absorb the contact plant cleanly in a short moment. Even the attack, as long as it is not too powerful, can be absorbed by it!

The other party's cage flower has advanced to the king level. It won't take long for the cage flower to truly awaken. At that time, even you can't escape!

Carbin looked nervous, coiled up and bounced hard. Regardless of the injured forehead, he pushed a 20-meter hole above the secret room. Countless gravel sand fell down, and Carbin's huge body also fell down. The head injury was more serious. A large amount of blood flowed out. Snake King Carbine opened his mouth and used Don't break a fang on the fangs. The crystal saliva mixed with blood flows out in large quantities. Saliva drips on the body, and the broken scales of the body are quickly repaired.

The head of the beast moved forward and rubbed against the saliva, and the wound on the forehead was healed as before. In a blink of an eye, the snake king Carbin looked down, as if he had suddenly lost his strong strength, but even so, Carbin did not stop at all. He looked up at the hole that hit, bounced hard and climbed up.

Ye Fei has been gathering momentum for a long time. Looking at the snake-shaped beast and half of his body remained in the secret room, he couldn't help but wonder that the other party's every move was under control. Although everything happened was very strange, how could such an attack opportunity be given up!

The fat man held the head of the knife with his right hand, held the handle of the knife with his left hand, raised the horizontal knife, took a step forward with his right foot, and suddenly waved the horizontal knife. A huge purple light blade flew out and disappeared into the other party's body.

A huge roar came from the mouth of the snake king Carbine, his lower body was cut off, the snake bones were exposed, blood mixed with intestinal fragments fell from the air, and Carbin fell from the upper hole again with great pain.

The snake king Carbine, who only has only his upper body, roared angrily. Now he is seriously injured, and his green vertical eyes are getting more and more fierce. "He is in danger but he doesn't know it! Today, my snake king Carbine is dead, and I will pull you on the back!"

Carbin turned around and went straight to Bi Xue and the baby girl who had no ability to attack. Berno lay on the ground and couldn't move at all. He looked at the snake-shaped beast and climbed to his wife and daughter!

Ye Fei looked cold and exerted his strength under his feet. He instantly came to Carbine and looked coldly at the snake-shaped Warcraft, "Idiot!"

The horizontal knife came out again, and countless purple knife shadows changed, opening the rest of Carbine's body and breaking his belly. Ye Fei's body flashed and came to the head of the carbine beast. Now Carbin is powerless to fight against Ye Fei and lies on the ground with a sneer.

Ye Fei also ignored it. He broke the other party's scales fiercely with a horizontal knife, opened the other party's snake skin, and a large stream of blood flowed out. A huge heart ** came out. Ye Fei looked at his two green vertical eyes.

Ji Jie! Everyone here will die! You and I are strong enough to provide it with sufficient nutrients, and this holy mountain will be destroyed!" Corbin sneered.

Ye Fei frowned, and Carbine's eyes were dim, and his death was soon!

The fat man inserted the horizontal knife into Carbine's heart fiercely, and the horizontal knife immediately cheered. The blood of the snake king Carbine quickly concentrated on the horizontal knife and was absorbed by the horizontal knife. A trace of heat came from the head of the knife. Part of the energy in Carbine's body poured into Ye Fei's body. Ye Fei operated Jiulong Zhenqi and quickly converted it into internal force to supplement it. The battle consumption just now.

The absorption speed of the horizontal knife is getting faster and faster, and Ye Fei felt a little bad. The idea of the plant warcraft in the horizontal knife suddenly became stronger. Ye Fei concentrated his energy and wanted to control the "unming", but received the message of the horizontal knife's resistance.

The fat man looked awe-insent. Does the danger mentioned just now refer to "unming"?

Bum! With a strong sound, Ye Fei was ejected by a huge force, and the body of Wuming's knife immediately changed, and the roots emerged one by one, piercing into Carbin's body and constantly absorbing energy.

Ye Fei was shocked by this sudden change. Under his own control, "Wuming" has always been very docile, but he didn't expect that there would be a day against the Lord! Ye Fei was furious and stepped forward in two steps, holding the handle of the knife. Suddenly, the huge suction imprisoned the fat man's whole body, and the internal force in his body quickly flowed to the horizontal knife.

In a short moment, Ye Fei's internal force was cut in half. Under the critical situation, Ye Fei decisively cut off the right hand holding the horizontal knife with his left hand. The great pain hit him. Ye Fei retreated five or six steps in a row and fell to the ground.

For good, with the inheritance of the power of origin, Ye Fei gritted his teeth to reshape his broken right hand while cautiously looking at Wuming.

At this time, "Wu Ming" is no longer in the form of a horizontal knife. Countless vines stuck on Carbine's body, grabbing the broken body around himself, and Wu Ming also turned into a huge brown flower. The composition of the huge flower is not a fresh plant, but more like a fake flower composed of dry bark.

Ye Fei's reshaped right hand is not as strong as before, and it takes a certain amount of exercise to restore his previous strength. Ye Fei's face is slightly pale, his left hand patted the ground, and his body flew in the air, while Ye Fei's position just under his feet, the stone slab broke, a vine broke out of the ground, swinging in the air for a while, fierce The ground came to Ye Fei next to him.

On the cold wind mat, Ye Fei's spirit was shocked, jumped several times, came to Bi Xue's side, picked up Bi Xue and the baby girl, and followed by more vines behind him. Ye Fei accelerated and bounced horizontally in the secret room one after another. Several turned around and came to Berno's side, a little toes, and put Bei Erno flew, and a door of space happened to appear in the air. Berno entered in an instant. Ye Fei threw Berno's wife and daughter into the door of space and fell to the ground by himself.

"Wu Ming" seemed to have no intention of chasing Ye Fei, and countless vines turned to the lower body of the snake king Cabinn!