rogue hero

Chapter 398 Liu Xu is trapped

The five men who had just integrated the guards were companions of the female wolf for many years. The cooperation was very tacit. In just a moment, the bodies of the huge trees shrank a lot, and more than 20 white cocoon quickly came out and wanted to give them to Ye Fei to resurrect other soul companions.

However, the huge tree guards have obviously understood the intention of several shadow guards. According to the method of the female wolf, they absorbed all the energy contained in the white cocoon. The whole situation was held together and they accumulated their own energy and prepared to build new helpers!

At this time, Ye Fei couldn't help and took many souls away from the scope of battle, while the huge trees were competing with their opponents and did not focus on Ye Fei and others.

The fat man is anxious and can't get involved. His control of the origin can only have a slight impact on the trees. The other party's energy is too huge, and this impact is almost negligible!

At this time, the huge trees suddenly bloomed white and shined. A total of six huge light bombs flew high. Ye Fei was deeply shocked. The six light bombs were full of the origin of compression and the destructive power, which was unimaginable, but the trees seemed to control the energy light bomb very well, and the connotation of the energy light bomb The power of origin can just kill six movie guards, including.

"Human! Give up resistance! This is your last chance!" There is a trace of majesty in the calm voice of the trees, "This is the last warning, otherwise your souls will be destroyed!"

"Waste wood! Don't be arrogant anymore! Let's see how I deal with you!" The female wolf laughed twice, but her expression was obviously very nervous. The other party has not launched a powerful attack for a long time, obviously leaving room for herself and several partners. I'm afraid that as soon as the other party's huge white light bomb arrives, she will fall into a gray and smoke!

"Invading the body guard - kill!" The trees roared, six light bombs scattered, and took six shadow guards.

The light bomb burst into a strong light, and Ye Fei was shocked, "Don't!"

Suddenly, the momentum of the light bomb was slightly dull, and the power of the fat man's control played a role. The six shadow guards relied on Ye Fei's roar. At the moment of the delay of the light bomb flight, they dodged it in an instant. The light bomb flew down and burst into a rumble, and the powerful air waves blew away Ye Fei and his souls.

"I fought with you!" The female wolf shouted, and countless black war bombs came out of the transparent vines. The other five shadow guards also took out their own skills and greeted all their stunts. If they can't win by absorbing energy, they can only kill each other!

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and all kinds of energy filled the origin space. The double fire was extremely fierce, and the attack mode of the trees was simple, but the power was far stronger than everyone. Ye Fei even suspected that if the other party used all his strength, he was afraid that all souls in the space would be destroyed!

In contrast, the six film guards are very flexible and can successfully avoid the powerful attack of the other party! Use your strongest attack on the harasser.

Suddenly, a voice broke into Ye Fei's mind, "Little fat man! The guard's contract is constrained, and I won't tell you more about the details! Put Liu Xu flat on the ground!"

The speaker is the shadow guard female wolf! Ye Fei was shocked, and it seemed that the other party was not in danger in a short period of time. He quickly took Liu Xu, who was in a coma, from the arms of the female soul behind him.

I don't know when a transparent vine appeared at the feet of the souls and poked towards the willow catkins. The transparent vine dots on the willow catkins's forehead, and a mysterious breath came out! When he was young, Liu Xu woke up leisurely and looked back as before.

Liu Xuxiu frowned and her eyes kept flowing, as if she was thinking about something.

Several transparent vines rolled up the willow catkins and suddenly pulled the sight of the outstanding soul. Ye Fei sensed the position of the willow catkins and found that the vines wrapped around the willow catkins were pushing her towards the huge trees.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Xu came to the root of the tree. The huge tree obviously found the other party standing at his feet, but did not deal with it at all and focused on attacking the six guards.

The female wolf in the distance laughed, got up and rushed to the tree. The attack of the remaining five shadow guards was even more crazy and attracted each other's attention.

The female wolf also came to the tree and raised the willow catkins high. She circled under the root of the tree to avoid the attack of the tree. The tree's body was extremely strong. Even if it was an energy bomb, it could not hurt herself at all. The female wolf avoided the extremely hardship, but still insisted on protecting the willow catkins above.

Liu Xu's eyes lit up, and in front of him, the huge white flowers exuded a strong breath, and the energy flowed in the petals from time to time, rapidly and abnormally! The energy is too huge, like a torrent and full of momentum.

Liu Xujiao shouted, her hands were attached to the petals, and the power of the body's disappearance is recovering at a rapid speed.

The tree found something strange at the first time, and its tone was a little anxious. It shouted angrily, "Kill!"

Suddenly, countless transparent vines attacked the willow catkins, and the female wolf under the root of the tree took action. Countless vines tightly wrapped the appearance of the willow catkins to prevent the other party from attacking.

And the huge trees are also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the huge origin energy is extracted from the body.

A huge white light with a canopy flashes, and it wants to eliminate the immediate threat in one fell swoop.

Ye Fei is all over, and Liu Xu is in danger! The power of the white light is too terrible, and all souls, including the Berno family, who are in a coma in the distance, will also suffer!

At this time, the five shadow guards outside the trees threw out all their transparent vines and explored the white light, but before they arrived, they were strangled by the aftergback of the white light. This huge energy was unimaginable.

Liu Xu has recovered her strength in a short period of time, but she is still absorbing the power of origin. She wants to reach the highest level of human beings! Achieve the same existence as Gagab!

"That's the soul of the guard! He actually released his soul!" The female wolf shouted loudly.

Liu Xu looked nervous, and the white light came instantly, covering herself in it. The female wolf around her protected all the vines disappeared, and the huge flowers slowly closed the Liu Xu in it.

The thoughts of the trees went straight to Ye Fei, and their tone was no longer calm and seemed crazy. "It seems that you are not suitable to be the owner of the origin space! When I absorb all the power of origin, I will replace you!"

Ye Fei was shocked. He thought that the other party's wisdom was low and his reaction was dull, but he didn't expect to make such a move.

Six figures shielded to Ye Fei, and the female wolf was still **. The fat man was not in the mood to think about those messy things and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

The female wolf looked solemn, "I asked Liu Xu to help absorb the other party's energy. With her deduction ability, she might find a way to defeat the other party, but she didn't expect that the tree seemed to break through the contract of origin and became no longer bound, releasing her soul! "

"Look!" The female wolf pointed to the huge white light in the distance, "I won't explain the details to you. Go there quickly. He wants to absorb the soul of Liu Xu. You have to help suppress the other party!"

"To absorb the soul?" Ye Fei was surprised, " can I help?"

"Do you remember the fusion of souls? Just like when you helped me? Although the other party is very powerful, Liu Xu is the most magical girl I have ever seen. She will definitely fight with the other party to the end!"

The female wolf urged, spoke ambiguous, and her tone was very anxious! Ye Fei was driven to the shelves, but it was related to the safety of his little wife and everyone, so he had to take over it!

The idea rushed to the white light and suddenly received great resistance. The white light seemed to know that Ye Fei's consciousness was approaching, forming a variety of stimulating breath attacker Ye Fei. Ye Fei's consciousness was suddenly damaged, and his mental strength was greatly damaged, wandering around the periphery of the white light.

At this time, there seemed to be a scream of Liu Xu from the flowers. Ye Fei was shocked and rushed to the white light, but he was attacked again and could not enter at all!

With the scream of Liu Xu, the white light slowly contracted and rushed to the flowers. Ye Fei panicked and didn't know what was going on inside!

Fight! Liu Xu is suffering. As Liu Xu's husband, the fat man can't ignore it. This is the first time he has found that Liu Xu is as important as Qilan and Samina.

Consciousness kept hitting the white light and experienced a block and attack from the other party. Ye Fei's consciousness was in a trance, as if it had broken, but he still did not give up.

"Since you are here, let me absorb it together!" The sound of trees came from the white light, and Ye Fei's consciousness seemed to be pulled into the white light by a huge suction.

There was no obstruction or attack. Ye Fei easily went in. He saw the white flowers and Liu Xu holding his head with his hands in it. His eyes were empty, and his face became distorted because of some stimulation.

As soon as the picture turned, Ye Fei came to a white world, which was very similar to the origin space. Some seemed to be different. Liu Xu floated in mid-air and curled up. Next to her was a white sphere of light.

Ye Fei hurried forward and shook Liu Xu. Liu Xu woke up leisurely and saw that his lover was beside him. Liu Xu was extremely happy, "A Fei! Where are we?"

Liu Xu just finished speaking, the place where the two were suddenly changed, the huge sphere exploded, and the stars in the distance disappeared one after another. "Is this... your soul?" Ye Fei said in a shocked voice.

Liu Xu was at a loss, "Yes... Yes, this should have been my soul!"

As soon as the two spoke, countless cracks suddenly appeared in the space, revealing a dazzling white light.

Ye Fei looked awe-sed, "No, the other party is devouring your soul. We must stop it!"

Before Liu Xu could answer, the space of the crack broke open, the white light appeared, a huge white tree appeared, and a calm voice came, "This place is about to be occupied by me!" The inheritor of the power of origin, your consciousness will be sealed here by me. From then on, I will replace you and complete the origin..."

The voice was silent and turned to laughter, "Why? Why? Haha... My snake king Carbine is going to kill all the Jones family... sister! I can be with you..." Then, all kinds of strange words came from the voice, and even Ye Fei's own voice...

Ye Fei slowly retreated with Liu Xu and said nervously, "What's going on? Are you crazy?"