rogue hero

Chapter 411 Dinner with Parliamentarians

The parliament finally appeared, and the fat man greeted the ice and snow alliance to sit down. "Come and try it. This is my fiancee's craft. She has opened a restaurant!"

Nine legislators looked at each other in congruous, but it was not easy to refute Ye Fei's face and sat down one after another. Two beautiful women, Qilan and Samina, put on tableware for everyone, so they went out to greet hundreds of nine-level masters. Now that there are so many people in Ye Fei, eating has become a problem. This dinner took a lot of effort from all the women, and more than a dozen women among the masters also stayed to help to complete this rich dinner.

Ye Fei put a steak in his mouth and chewed it. He looked at the legislators with a difficult expression, "What's wrong? No appetite? Or do you think it's difficult to enter the things of our small family?

Cade smiled bitterly and broke a piece of bread and put it in his mouth without a shelf. "Ye Fei*, you made us a trouble today!"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Isn't this what you want to see? I just want everyone to see it more clearly!"

Several other legislators also automatically set up bowls and chopsticks, and did not worry about whether the food was poisonous or not.

Ye Fei praised that the mood of these legislators was really unusual. "I don't know if there is any problem for me to establish a god of war school in the Ice and Snow Alliance?"

A congressman took a sip of Berno's homemade cherry wine, "Ye Fei*'s fiancee's craftsmanship is very good!"

Other people didn't mean to answer and echoed.

"It may not be a noble habit to talk about things at the dinner table, but in my opinion, when people eat, they are more satisfied and will not have much mind to criticize other things!" Ye Fei said something else.

Cade smiled and said, "Are they all nine masters?"

"Not bad!" Ye Fei replied.

"How long will it take to build a team like this?" Kaide also inserted a piece of steak. Ye Fei, a scholar, chewed and shouted happily in his heart. How long has it been since he had such a happy meal!

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Don't be too much, ten-year-old children! Fifteen years of training, a master with a formed fighting spirit, taking level 5 as an example, it will take ten years, and three years is enough for a master above level 8!"

As soon as Ye Fei's words came out, the legislators present were no longer in the mood to eat and stopped the bowls, chopsticks, knives and forks.

Kaid asked, "How much force does the Longteng Empire have?"

"I don't know!" Ye Fei returned truthfully.

"So, these forces are all cultivated by Ye Fei* by yourself? But according to our analysis, you are still in your twenties!"

"I won't disclose some things to you!" Ye Fei picked up a spoon and took a picture of himself, "Why do I think I'm a little old?" A master in his twenties! What a miracle!"

Ye Fei's behavior attracted everyone's laughter. Kaide wiped his mouth with a napkin, "Except for skills! We also need relevant knowledge of space magic! The Silk family is your minister now, right? I don't think these masters will appear in Jones's secret room for no reason!"

The fat man smiled, and the other party actually found a reason for himself, which couldn't be better!

"Your information is quite accurate. You should know that I have a big appetite!" Ye Fei said.

"Of course, the price is not too high, just make sure we can afford it!"

Ye Fei nodded, "Although I will still open my mouth, it is very beneficial for the whole Ice and Snow Alliance in the long run!"

"We also value this!" Cade said bluntly, "But we hope you can stay in the Ice League and become our companion!"

Ye Fei shook the chopsticks in his hand, his hands and mouth kept, and a bowl of rice had reached the bottom. "I think you'd better not be too optimistic! The hidden strength of the Longteng Empire is unimaginable. If you pull me over so openly, the royal family of the Longteng Empire will not sit idly!" The fat man turned his hand and pulled a piece of bread and ate it.

"That will prove your ability even more! I don't think the Dragon Empire will let go of such a powerful arm, but the Ice Alliance will do its best to protect your safety!"

"It's not that simple. Our ideas are not on the same line!" Ye Fei took two vegetable rolls and put them in his mouth and said vaguely, "It's not convenient for me to say the reason, but I have one side of my own power, and I will not intervene in your war between the North and South continents!"

Kaid inquired out what everyone wanted to know from the other party, and his expression became a little excited. "So, these masters are under the control of Ye Fei* himself?"

Ye Fei nodded, "That's right!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the cooperation must be finalized as soon as possible. How long has the strength of the Ice and Snow Alliance not progressed? It's really uncomfortable to be faintly pressed by the masters of the Longteng Empire! It won't take long, 50 years? No! According to the other party, as long as 20 years is given to the Ice and Snow Alliance, it is enough to be proud of the northern continent, plus the masters of the Holy Mountain and new skills! New magic! It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no breakthroughs. As long as there are strong enough masters in the Ice and Snow Alliance, do you still need to do some small actions under the eyes of the Longteng Empire?

Thunder Federation and Soviet patriotism, these two idiots who still can't see the situation, no longer need to maintain their hypocritical relationship!

The congressman stood up and said, "Ye Fei*, we are honored to have dinner with you. I believe that our future cooperation will also be very happy. After the establishment of the martial arts school, I believe that we still have a lot of things to discuss with each other. As for the construction of the school, the parliament will not intervene and will Give support! Let's meet again tomorrow!"

Ye Fei touched the oil stain on his mouth and reached out to say goodbye to him.

Kaide did not hesitate to hold hands with Ye Fei. After everyone nodded to Ye Fei, he turned around and left.

Cade sat in the carriage and wiped the oil stains on his hands with a white silk handkerchief. Opposite him were two parliamentarians from other families.

"Congressman Cade! What do you think of Ye Fei? One of them said.

"He himself is very mysterious, but no matter how mysterious he is, he is still a human. He will always let us find an entry point! The resources we have are what we don't have!"

The other nodded, "Yes, the prophets of the Holy Mountain told him to pay more attention and told him not to obstruct him, so that he could completely expose his ambition, and naturally he would find his weakness! Moreover, I speculate that Ye Fei's skills are likely to be the skills of aliens!"

Cade fell into meditation and showed a fierce look on his face when he was young. "Since Ye Fei wants to play in the Ice and Snow League, he naturally wants to let him play happily, but with his level 10 strength, it is not enough to pose a threat to the Holy Mountain. When the prophets observe thoroughly, they will naturally connect the secrets behind him. Root up!"

I don't know when the female wolf came to Ye Fei's side.

The fat man patted his stomach, "Prophet?"

The female wolf picked a chicken leg, "That's what it said! Strength should be above you and Cang Xiaotian, otherwise they can't be so arrogant!"

The fat man nodded, "Have you been found?"

The female wolf shrugged her shoulders, "How can their guards look good!"

At this time, Bernoru walked into the restaurant and said to Ye Fei, "The news came from Rose Island, and the old god of war began to try to make a breakthrough!" Gomires is getting married!"

"Malegobi! Gomires got a family in front of me!" The fat man scolded that he didn't care about Cangxiaotian's breakthrough at all, because it was already known before that Cangxiaotian could break through level 11 at any time.

The fat man verbally blessed Gomires, who was far away, "How's the preparation going?"

Berno's face looked embarrassed. "Some people have returned to Rose Island. There are not many new faces in the dark people. Each large city has a monitoring system. The intelligence work here is easy to expose and can only penetrate little by little. However, the fresh blood of the Wuhuang Dynasty branch has arrived in Rose Island. I believe that soon, he We will come to Wushen School to help. It seems that we are going to establish two Wuhuang Dynasty branches at the same time. There is something wrong with the operation of funds! Zhao Tingyu and Sina will come to help. They are both good at business!"

Ye Fei nodded, "Let him come here after the God of War breaks through!" The power of the Ice and Snow Alliance has developed sloppyly! Let's roll a vote here and leave! But I guess it will take a long time to stay here! How about the Bei family?"

"I didn't disclose much, but this time the Bei family is more active and has sufficient financial support, which is enough for us to carry out the turnover of the procurement plan here!"

"Yes, the lack of funds is a problem at present. Our foundation is still an island. We must have strong maritime forces to stabilize our neutral posture!" The fat man looked at Berno, "That... the matter of scraping the Bei family..."

Berno joked, "Do you mind! I mind very much! This is the wealth of the Bei family!"

The fat man smiled, " Dividend! There will definitely be dividends this time!"

Berno was satisfied and hesitated, "I will slowly observe the Bei family. It would be great if I could pull into Rose Island!"

Ye Fei looked at Berno, "You don't have to pull in. You can let the Bei family stay in the Ice and Snow Alliance all the time. Money is endless!"

Berno frowned, "And the Ye family! Your father's family!"

The fat man waved his hand, "Where? What a awesome Bei family! The Ye family can't compare!"

"Flies are meat no matter how small they are!" Berno refuted.

"You said Ye's family is a fly, so what am I?"

"Boss, you don't want to swallow it by yourself!"

"Xiao Bei! You want to oppose the Lord! Don't you think I'll beat you?"

Before the fat man had made fun of Berno enough, he was dragged out to go shopping by Qilan and Samina. Berno claimed that he took care of his wife and children, so he did not follow him. The fat man became the only escort and followed the two women alone, attracting the attention of the citizens!

The majestic empire*, the island owner of Rose Island, the ten-level strongman, the mysterious traveler... and Ye Fei, who has various titles, finally became the entourage of the two women and obediently followed the shopping bag.

Qilan was optimistic about a national costume in the Huahe region, weighed it on herself, and asked Samina, "Do you think Liu Xu will like it?"

Samina looked back at Ye Fei with a bitter face. The fat man was embarrassed by passers-by. Samina said, "Ask Liu Xu whether you like it or not!"

"Oh...oh!" The fat man answered, but heard Liu Xu's smile from the origin space.