rogue hero

Chapter 427 Ye Fan is alive

It is impossible for Ye's industry to take over in a day or two. It can be said that Ye Fei destroyed the Ye family in one fell swoop, and even the Ye family's industry was also destroyed. It is almost impossible to restore the Ye family's industrial chain.

Ye Fei did not expect that the three people of the Royal Sword Sect would kill the head of the Ye family. The original plan was to capture Ye Fengqing, hand over the whole industry, and then deal with the affairs of the Ye family. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came, he made the Ye family have no leader, and the side branches of the Ye family rolled up their own assets and fled to his land.

The news came from the parliament, which was very angry about the affairs of the Ye family, which was beyond Ye Fei's expectation. However, Ye Fei didn't care. The essential political identity of those legislators dominated, and the things of the Ye family were also too noisy, which made Thucylon known to everyone and difficult to explain.

By contacting Berno, I learned that the relevant matters of the Valkyrie School were progressing smoothly, and I also knew that the parliament had not torn up with me.

"Three elders! How about deciding to go to Cheng's house with us? Ye Fei sat in the main seat and said to the three elders of the Magic Association.

One of the elders said, "Ye Fei*, you know what the Holy Mountain means. Now we are incompatible with the Cheng family. If you prefer the Cheng family, it will be difficult for the council and your cooperation to progress!"

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Of course I'm measured. Going to the Cheng family is just to solve Cheng Jun's problem."

"Congressman Cade has something for me to tell you!" An elder stood up and said.

What does the parliament want to play? Ye Fei frowned and listened carefully.

The old man was serious, "Ye Fei* may not know that Ye Fan, your father, may still be alive!"

"What did you say?" Ye Fei stood up suddenly.

"As a master of the young generation, Ye Fan has a strong fighting spirit and a very strong obsession. The intention of the Cheng family was to capture Ye Fan back to the Ice and Snow Alliance and be convicted through a parliamentary trial. Unexpectedly, Ye Fan escaped halfway and later broke through in the pursuit of the Cheng family. At the age of 26 reached the level of an eighth-level martial artist.

"Such a talented martial artist is enough to be valued by the Cheng family. Ye Fan hid in the Ice and Snow Alliance for half a year and was finally captured. The Cheng family was surprised by Ye Fan's physique and secretly took him home and imprisoned him. The parliament did not know what kind of treatment he received later, but according to the previous contact with the Cheng family, such examples are not uncommon! In the attack when Ye Fei* went to the Holy Mountain, those humanoid monsters were living people! And Ye Fan's current identity... Does Ye Fei* have a problem in his heart?

"Hmm!" Ye Fei was furious and smashed the coffee table beside him, "Old man! Why didn't you say such a thing earlier?

"Ye Fei* is angry! It's not that I don't want to tell you, but we have just received such news, and the senator can't be sure whether it is true or not. It's only after consulting the information recently that we have come to such a conclusion!"

"What a good one just got the news!" Ye Fei turned around and left. This matter could not be delayed. He must negotiate clearly with the people of the Yujian Sect on the surface. If the Cheng family really avoid trouble, they will kill Ye Fan, who is likely to be alive, and then destroy the body. If there is no proof of death, his cheap father will lose his life in vain.

"The remains of the real man?" Ye Fei was very surprised.

"After their death, the remains of the disciples of the Royal Sword Sect will be dealt with and become ghost soldiers of the protection sect, and the real person, as the head of the royal master, is even more duty-bound. The real person unfortunately failed when breaking through level 11 and ordered the door to turn the legacy system into a body of King Kong, waiting for the next leader to integrate the golden body and burst into the limit of ** body. I never thought of the wolf ambition of the holy mountain. After thousands of years of shaping the real golden body, I was taken away by them by force!"

"These things are not the work of the parliament, but the people behind the whole holy mountain!"

"Prophet?" Ye Fei blurted out.

The three of them were shocked. They didn't expect Ye Fei to even know such a thing.

"It's a great prophet who is still alive!"

Ye Fei nodded. I'm afraid this great prophet is more powerful than an ordinary prophet.

"The parliament only knows that we were expelled from the parliament, but they don't know the real reason. They don't even know that we are an ancient sect and want to suppress us everywhere. However, we all know that the parliament has studied ghost soldiers for many years and has done harmful things. Once it is published in the Ice and Snow Alliance Come on, I'm afraid they will be the scapegoat of the Holy Mountain! So I don't dare to be blatant, so I have to pretend to be the hand of my predecessors..."

Ye Fei looked awe-in, "Let's get to the point!"

"Ye Fan's matter is a secret between Yu Jianzong and the parliament!" The man who spoke hesitated for a moment, "Ye Fan's obsession is quite heavy and uncontrollable. After his body is dealt with, he can still act on his own, constantly resist, and be controlled by the suzerain of the sword!" Transform Ye Fan into one of the conscious twelve ghost generals by shaping the golden body to fight against the forces of the Holy Mountain!"

"Somehow, Shengshan knew Ye Fan's existence and asked us for Ye Fan's body! Naturally, the suzerain of Qizong disagrees, but Jianzong has become more and more confused over the years. If he wants to exchange Ye Fan's body for a period of development, there are many contradictions between the two suzerains. Yujianzong has not been in charge for ten thousand years, and there has been no conclusion on this matter. Now that I think about it, the parliament may want to divide the imperial sword sect from within.

So what is the purpose of the parliament? Do you want to act as a catalyst for this contradiction? Thinking of this, Ye Fei was extremely angry. It was not polite for the parliament to use himself as a gun!

The parliament told itself where Ye Fan was, and the benefits were not obvious. Is there anything else hidden?

The man continued, "It is not difficult for Ye Fan's body to return to normal. We Qizong will also do our best to save him, but Jianzong is sad!"

"Oh?" Ye Fei calmed down, "What's the difficulty?"

"In order to strengthen their strength, our disciples of Qizong had no choice but to follow the cultivation method of the Sword Sect, which has already violated the door rules set by the real person of the imperial master. In terms of morality, we are not reasonable! His strength is also slightly weaker than that of the other party. If there is a conflict, it will only damage the whole Yujian Sect, and all the people in Shengshan will see jokes!" The man's face darkened, "Senior, I hope you can remember the friendship of the real person and help Yu Jianzong overcome the difficulties!"

Ye Fei was stunned, which was a little different from what he thought. There was no doubt what the other party said. What the real person gave to Yu Jianzong was just a way to control the bodies of the dead, while the real method of controlling the living people was developed by later generations. Thinking of the legends about the real person of the real person in his previous life, Ye Fei sighed and was a gentleman. He is a gentleman! Stick to your own principles wherever you go.

Looking at himself, Ye Fei was a little ashamed. Although he did not have those rules and regulations in his previous life, he was reborn in the continent of Canglang, and he could be an upright person!

"Go down and get ready! We will go to Cheng's house immediately before departure and talk about other things on the way!"