rogue hero

Chapter 446 Collect money and leave

Ye Fei smiled and said, "What? What does the owner of the Cheng family think is the future of buying the whole Cheng family?

Cheng Yunpeng pondered for a long time, "Ten trillion gold coins can't be taken out in a short time!"

"How long will it take you?"

"Three months at the shortest!"

"I don't have so much time to wait. I can't hand it over in two weeks. Our transaction is invalid!"

In Shengshan, the House of Representatives gathered in the Parliament Square. Kaide said, "You may have received news recently that the Cheng family is selling property!"

"It's good, and the price is extremely low. It looks attractive. I wonder if other parliamentary families are buying it?" A congressman answered.

"Isn't your Rott family buying it? Why did you ask about us?" Another congressman joked.

Everyone spoke happily. The Cheng family fell, and the parliament did not even spend much energy. Not only that, even the imperial sword sect behind the Cheng family was also affected, and its strength was greatly damaged. The sword sect, as the mainstay of the imperial sword sect, completely collapsed. Without the sword sect, the powerful advantage of the ghost soldiers would be greatly weakened.

At this time, three elders of the Magic Association walked into the Parliament Square and reported what had happened to the House of Representatives.

The crowd simply asked for a while, and when the three magicians left, the crowd became silent. If Cheng's industry shrinks into Ye Fei's hands, it will be a huge amount of money. For the whole Ice and Snow Alliance, this amount is equivalent to the country's three-year tax revenue! If this money really goes into Ye Fei's pocket, whether it is the development of his overseas islands, his development in the Ice and Snow Alliance, and the strong force he has, it is enough to compare with any of our families!" Senator Kaide opened his mouth and analyzed.

"Not bad! Once he is completely strong, he will become our extremely difficult enemy!" A congressman echoed.

"Don't worry about this!" The white light flashed, and Jin Ling appeared behind her five companions.

"Prophet!" The congressman bowed his head and saluted.

"You can let go of the property of the Cheng family, which is also a good thing for the Holy Mountain. As for Ye Fei, you should reach a cooperation with them as soon as possible. He not only has mysterious skills, but also has the core skills of the Royal Sword Sect. Don't startle snakes against him!"

"Prophet! What if he doesn't hand over his complete skills? A congressman looked up and asked.

"You don't need to ask more questions, the great prophet has his own opinion!" Jin Ling's voice was majestic, and the legislator who raised the question immediately lowered his head.

Ye Fei's mood of waiting to receive the money is a little contradictory. Although the number of 10 trillion gold coins is terrible, the masters don't care in their hearts. The Cheng family is evil, and the money can't buy back the lives of the unjust death at all, but the fat man's calm face shows that this transaction is fair in his heart. People have to calm down and focus on the follow-up care of the trapped woman.

For a while, the whole beautiful city changed, and all kinds of rumors that were not conducive to the Cheng family, especially the news brought out by a group of women after they came out of the Cheng family, which shocked the world! Imprisoning women selling ***, raising warcrafts, bringing officials and other incidents surfaced. Government officials in Bel agreed to change from top to bottom in a short period of time. Some innocent government officials even stood up to show that they were not involved in it, revealing many Cheng family's manipulation of power and government.

The whole ice and snow alliance shook, and the world was full of curiosity about the unknown family of the Cheng family. More and more voices were eager for the parliament to thoroughly investigate the Cheng family, but the core organization of the ice and snow alliance did not respond to the people, a week, two weeks, a month... The Cheng family still exists, and the rumors become more and more true.

There are too many industries in the Cheng family, and there is no way to raise so much funds in a short period of time. Ye Fei and others were nervously alerted in the Cheng family for two months before getting 10 trillion gold coins. In the Cheng family's guest hall, Ye Fei kindly held Cheng Yunpeng's hand, "Thank you for your hard work, my lord! See you later!"

Cheng Yunpeng looked pale. These 100,000 gold coins brought the Cheng family back into a second-tier family, and the hostility to the Cheng family outside has become more and more obvious. I'm afraid that as soon as Ye Fei leaves, the Cheng family will change their surname and develop again!

The fat man and his party left the Cheng family with more than 400 trapped women who could not settle down. As soon as they appeared on the streets of Bel their own city, they immediately aroused onlookers. So many people wanted to bring them back to Rose Island together. Although the fat man had some concerns, he also had an explanation for these people. After all, the Cheng family had not been destroyed. , this matter is an unsolved pimple in the minds of the masters.

Cheng Yunpeng stood at home, and his heart was afraid that the Cheng family was going to be finished!

The fat man walked with everyone for a while, and then there were bursts of horses' hoofs in the distance. Ye Fei smiled and said to the people behind him, "This parliament is really interesting to me!"

Everyone didn't know until the team approached.

A five-person horse team of more than a thousand people stretched to the end of the line of sight. The leading man in black was the person of the court, followed by members of the law enforcement team.

The man ran to Ye Fei, "Your Excellency Inspector! Senator Cade received the news last month. This is my certificate!"

Ye Fei did not look at the waist card handed over by the other party and said with a smile, "Brother, thank you for your hard work. Don't underestimate this Cheng family. There are many masters in it. It is inevitable that your people will be damaged. Originally, I was willing to stay and help, but there are many people who need to take care of them and can't be separated. Thank you for your hard work!"

The man took down his waist card and said nothing. He turned to his horse and ran to the Cheng family in a neat and orderly manner.

The smoke and dust rose everywhere on the street, and the female wolf looked angry, "Fatty, have you planned it for a long time?"

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, "It's better for them to solve the matter of the Ice and Snow Alliance by themselves!" Let's go back to Rose Island as soon as possible!"

Everyone shook their heads helplessly. There is an explanation for the affairs of the Cheng family. As for what will happen to the Cheng family in the future, everyone no longer cares.

Through the transmission array in Licheng, the first stop was naturally Huahe. Ye Fei reappeared and turned into the principal of the Wushen School. Huahe was a sensation. The principal of the Wushen School turned out to be an inspector of the parliament! A few days later, the more shocking news was that it was the principal who exposed the evil deeds of the Cheng family and rescued hundreds of trapped women, and the martial arts school suddenly became famous.

Ye Feibai sat on the ground of the Parliament Square and looked at the congressman with a smile. The congressman looked embarrassed and knew that the ugly face of the Holy Mountain was known and his face was hot. Ye Fei said, "I have been stationed in the Ice and Snow Alliance for a long time. I will go back in a few days, and our cooperation is still there!" The fat man casually threw out a manuscript, "This is the core skill of the royal family of the Longteng Empire!" See if there is any problem!"

Congressman is shocked, what? The core skill of the royal family of the Longteng Empire, in a short moment, all kinds of thoughts fluctuate in the hearts of the congressman. If there is no problem with this skill, the Ice and Snow Alliance will not be afraid of the northern continent in time.

The fat man smiled and said, "Aren't you let me see your prophet before I leave?"

The congressman was shocked again. Although he was prepared, he was still a little unacceptable to be told by the other party at this time. The existence of the prophet has always been the secret of the Ice Alliance!

"Mr. Ye Fei is indeed an interesting person!" A sweet voice sounded, and Jin Ling and her five companions appeared at the same time.

Ye Fei's expression changed, Yu Zun's body? This woman's behavior clearly has the breath of the Royal Sword Sect.

"If Mr. Ye Fei is interested in the Holy Mountain, why don't you come with me to meet the great prophet?" Jin Ling said calmly.

The fat man stood up, raised his eyebrows, calmed down, and said secretly, it doesn't matter! Don't we still have a big move that hasn't been released?" It's good to have a look, just to see the face of the great prophet!"

Space magic! Ye Fei lost his mind and found that he appeared outside a palace. The palace in front of him was not tall. Compared with the palace of the Dragon Empire, it was more like a small castle. When he turned his head, the nearby area was covered with ice and snow. In the distance, there was a magnificent beauty and a panoramic view. The bottom of the mountain was emerald and lush, and the mountains There is a sharp contrast.

Jin Ling called. Ye Fei turned his head and was a little nervous. As everyone entered the palace, the architectural style of the palace was very simple. They were all made of ordinary stone without any defensive measures. However, when the fat man entered the palace, several powerful breaths locked him. Ye Fei was shocked and the six ten-level masters were hidden. Hidden everywhere.

After several tossing and turning, they came to the main hall, and two rows of 20 guards wore cold iron armor and flew a large number of leaves with their spare light. Another ten-level master! Can a ten-level master be mass-produced in the Ice and Snow League?

Looking up, a man in white put his head on his hand, looked tired and glanced at himself. The fat man was shocked and had such a strong spiritual power that he seemed to see through himself at a glance. Ye Fei had also experienced the same thing. Compared with him, there was still a very big gap between the other party and Gabb.

The great prophet had no expression on his face, but there was a wave in his heart. Ye Fei was not simple. Although his strength was far weaker than himself, he already had the shadow of the masters of the Light Alliance, especially the rhythm of breathing and the control of the body, which could not appear in the low-level world of the vicissitudes of the continent.

"You all go down and I'll talk to Ye Fei alone!" The great prophet opened his mouth. Not only Jin Ling and others, but also a loyal guard were deeply shocked. Who was the other party? It can be so important for the great prophet.

When everyone left, the great prophet came to Ye Fei in an instant, "Which planet did you live here?"

Ye Fei was stunned and took a step back, "What are you talking about?"

The great prophet snorted coldly, "Don't pretend to be stupid! I'm asking you!"

The fat man quickly waved his hand and said, "If you have something to say, I'm just here to see. Why should I be so angry?"

The great prophet eased his mood and looked a little unhappy, "You are so bold!"

The fat man quickly piled up his smiling face, "We little people are dispensable in your eyes and have never looked for me. I know it. Why don't you report it!"

The great prophet laughed, "Okay! You are really extraordinary! People are also interesting!"