rogue hero

Chapter 456 Corona's Counterattack 3

"Even so, you can't do anything about me!" Liu Xu stood with a sword, "I'm afraid you don't know the skills of my heavenly court. You think that if you have swallowed a few people from other worlds, you can sit on an equal footing with me. You are delusional!"

"Ranion-blurgance!" Liu Xu shouted, and the sword light flowed, and where the long sword passed, huge cracks formed.

"Liu Xu Fairy, can you only do the same tricks? Random entry - sweeping the waves!" The crown also shouted loudly, and the long knife chopped, forming one blade after another. The blade was smooth, forming a huge broken net in front of the corona, which was a little stronger than the other party.

"If that's all, the heavenly court is not the heavenly court!" Liu Xu snorted coldly, and the long sword flew and was fixed in the center of the crack. Liu Xu slapped several palms. Every time the palm wind flew out, he slapped the sword into the crack a little. Every time the sword sank into the crack, there were gusts of wind in the crack.

Is this ordinary fairy swordsmanship still wonderful? Mian was surprised that he had devoured people in the alien world. Naturally, he had many views on the alien world. Although this fairy swordsmanship is an ordinary skill in the alien world, in Mian's view, this skill is far higher than most of the upper-level skills in the universe!

There is a faint smile on the crown's face. Since this fairy swordsmanship is still mysterious, you might as well see how the other party uses it. The crown clenched the long knife and split it three times in a row. Manfeng, Wanhuang is coming to the court!" The crown used the follow-up move of the fairy sword, and the strange huge firebird instantly smashed the space cracks that blocked it. For a moment, the fire surged and suddenly flew towards the thirteenth life.

Liu Xu's body was unmoved. He read a word in his mouth and pointed to the firebird in front of him, "I will kill!"

Wo! A loud noise came from the cracks made by Liu Xu, and a mass of black air spewed out, wrapping the surrounding fire. The sound of chewing came to everyone's ears. Among the mixed sounds, there were many voices of crying and treacherous laughter. Everyone present looked at the black gas against the huge firebird, and a cold breath came from the air.

The black gas kept encroaching on the whole body of the firebird, and most of it was destroyed in a blink of an eye. All the living beings present were shocked. What kind of skill is this? This huge black gas is clearly composed of souls. These souls are none other than others. They are all human beings who just died at the hands of Liu Xu on the Canglang continent. Their souls were actually summoned by the other party.

"Interesting!" The crown laughed a few times, and the firebird dispersed, and countless firelight rushed to the thirteenth life. The firelight changed and formed a ball of fireballs. The firelight hovered around the black gas, but did not touch it directly. At a young time, the soul in the black gas began to scream harshly because of the long burning. Mian said, "Today's Liu Xu Fairy is not as strong as when she was injured?"

"Do not talk wildly!" Liu Xu's body shouted coldly, and the black gas condensed, forming a huge beast with a black dragon's leading horse body. The sound of hooves roared, and in a blink of an eye, he pushed back the surrounding flames away and crossed in front of Liu Xu's body and stood up with each other.

"Is it so wonderful to control the soul?" After saying that, he flew forward and waved forward with one hand. An energy barrier was formed, and the hand turned with another knife, "Indiscriminate - sweeping waves!"

Bang! With a strong sound, "Let you see the skills I have recently learned!" The crown laughed loudly.

Gagabu and others in the distance looked shocked. Cracks appeared again in the cracks all over the sky. A sense of oppression came from the world, and everyone retreated rapidly.

On the Rose, Gagabu's split looked depressed and seemed to be traumatized. Heng Zhuomei was holding him aside and looked a little nervous. Just now, his words were a little extreme. Ga Gabb has his own position, and it is extremely rare to favor Ye Fei. Now he has to protect Liu Xu. As for why Gabb suffers Injury, the masters on the Rose had no clue.

Gagabu looked up with difficulty, "If the thirteenth life is true, Ye Fei is really in danger. Let's go there!"

Everyone looked at what Gagab was referring to and looked shocked.

"Liu Xu is still in their hands, and we have to save Liu Xu..." Before Qi Lan finished speaking, she was imprisoned by a powerful smoke, and so was Samina next to her. The two women's eyes turned, but they couldn't speak or move.

The smoke looked at Gagarb, who looked a little depressed, "Dust, what's going on?"

Gagabu clenched his fists. As the Mian said, he has no feelings and has so many splits. He meets countless women who are better than Heng Zhuomei. Why do he fall in love with Heng Zhuomei, or why do he have feelings?

Is it really like what the crown said, the origin controls everything behind it? Your split body also has no emotion. If you don't change your split from the origin, then your ontology will not be affected by emotions!

For a long time, Gagab has not noticed this problem. It was not until his ontology changed that he realized it. When did he change? Ga Gabe looked worried about Heng Zhuomei. Did he really love her? Or the origin...

The Rose launched and drove towards the three suns in the distance. Fortunately, Ruoport's technology level is very powerful. If it is not at the speed of everyone's flight, it will be really difficult to get there without ten or twenty years, and the strangeness of the universe is displayed in front of everyone.

Bum! A huge airflow spread around, and the two met each other with swords. Mian's face was pale, "Liu Xu Fairy, I thought your strength would grow greatly. I didn't expect you to meet again today, but your strength has declined a lot. It turns out that you lied to me a few days ago!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Liu Xu's body slapped his back and patted him.

"You are too slow!" The crown kicked sideways, kicked the abdomen of Liu Xu's body, and knocked him out of sight. The fight between the two is not wonderful, but it is enough to scare the masters in the universe to death, because every time the two sides take action is destructive, and the seemingly ordinary punch is enough to destroy a small half! I have to say that the Canglang Continent is very lucky. The two fought with each other and did not hurt the planet again.

The crown's eyes narrowed, and a light spot in the distance suddenly spread, followed by thousands of light, straight to the position where the corona was located. At this level, there was no need to avoid it at all. Once they dodged, it wasted time, leaving flaws, and being further attacked by the other party. Only a hard-to-hard contest can it be short Time is divided into highs and lows.

Among several people far away from the crown, one person suddenly flew out. The man looked cold and held a long halberd in his right hand. This long halberd was not something else, but made of ordinary metal, and it was not as tough as a dagger made of Braunse silver.

The man came to the front of the crown, and the halberd waved and raised countless cold breaths. The light from the distance suddenly slowed down and could freeze the energy. This man was the "silence" of the twelve life!

The blue hair flew, and Ji turned his head to look at the crown. "If there is no difference, the origin will wake up in two hours. I'll block her!"

Mian smiled and picked up his silent chin. "I'll do it. You're not her opponent. Go and get that Ye Fei out!"

An inexplicable suction was formed in the crown's hand. Liu Xu's body, which was trapped in the distance, flew over. The crown shook his hand and stabbed Liu Xu's lower abdomen. A large amount of fresh blood flowed out. Liu Xu had already fainted. This pain was incomparable to the burning pain of flames, which also made Liu Xu not suffer pain again in his coma. .

A large amount of blood flows from the long knife to the hand of the crown, and then flows along the skin of the hand into the body of the crown. Mian's body suddenly shook, "What is this?"

The silence is also unknown. The halberd is attached to the cold air and also inserted into the body of the willow catkins. "Is it..."

"Weapon!" The two said the same answer at the same time.

The crown's look became more and more fierce, "The origin has been arranged for a long time. It seems that we have to plan again!"

Silent nodded, "She doesn't know where the man is!"

Mian sneered, "It doesn't matter. That ship will guide the way. As long as you follow them, even if you arrive late, can't you deal with everyone's strength? Remember, Ye Fei is not the key point. Pay attention to whether the origin has been revived. I'm here. Go quickly.

Silence did not answer, turned into a streamer and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and other creatures also left.

Liu Xu's body flew back, and the other party's behavior was fully seen. He gritted his teeth, looked at the wounded split, and left decisively. Even if he lost this soul fragment, it didn't matter. At this time, Liu Xu's body was more worried about Ye Fei's safety.

"Would you like to go?" With a long roar, he flew forward and started a hand-to-hand fight! Liu Xu's own soul is still flawed. If it weren't for his own eagerness, the other party would never be his opponent for another hundred years. Although any skill of the current body can be freely applied, the soul is defective, and the mystery hidden in the skill cannot play its due role. At this time, Liu Xu can only use ordinary skills. To deal with each other, and the effect of this ordinary skill is much stronger than your own skill at this time.

The two have fought countless rounds in the space. Now Liu Xu has fallen into the wind and is forced back by the crown. From time to time, they use skills that have never been used to fight against each other for a while, but they can't last for a long time.

Gagabu, who is evolving in the distance, suddenly looked up and pointed to a person wrapped in the fire in the universe, "Guan, Mo, go and save her. She can't make a mistake!"

The fire dissipated, and the breath of Liu Xu has been extremely weak. The pure origin power was input into Liu Xu's body, and the burnt skin outside and the two wounds on the body began to heal quickly.

Guan and Mo were very shocked to each other. They returned to Gagarbu with Liu Xu, who was still in a coma, and asked, "Duchen, what is the weapon mentioned just now?"

Ggabu sighed and said with consciousness, "You don't know these things. Only the origin and I know. That weapon is the model you used to build!"

"Model?" The two were shocked and had never heard of it.

Suddenly, two figures flashed, and the crown pushed back the body of Liu Xu who wanted to attack. He said to Gagarb, "Chen, aren't you going to get rid of me and find that Ye Fei by yourself?