rogue hero

Chapter 460 Supreme Ability

The gray silk line separated from Ye Fei's fingers and instantly expanded into a mass of gray energy. The origin was stunned, and the heart immediately rejoiced. This is the origin of the mutation in the fat man's soul. If you master this energy, it is not difficult to analyze its structure and characteristics. Origin is extremely excited, because whether it is the power of its own origin or the power of the origin of the creator, these two energies are the supreme energy of the whole space and can no longer evolve again, and this evolved power of origin is likely to provide a new vision for itself!

The split of the origin does not have the power of origin, gently touching the gray energy mass... No resistance! It seems that I was too anxious before! Without hesitation, the origin split opened its mouth and sucked the whole gray energy into the body. For a while, the origin split looked shocked and shared shocking information with all the origin splits in space.

The origin space shakes, and the origin fuses the split with itself, clenching its fists, as if mastering the supreme power between heaven and earth, "Rebuilding the void, infinitely derived..." The origin looks at Ye Fei, who is repairing himself. In the past life of the fat man, the mysterious heavenly king unexpectedly found such a way to break everything with a microcosm. Space barriers and the reconstruction of countless worlds. Although this power of Tianjun's transformation is not higher than the original power, it has created countless possibilities!

Imagine that it takes a certain amount of time for a cosmic space to analyze problems. It not only takes time, but also requires a huge power of origin, but the energy of that day can infinitely divide the space, which also deduces a problem. If that day creates infinite space, it only needs to be answered in a blink of an eye. Case!

No wonder that day you left the inheritance of the original power in the body of Liu Xu Fairy. It turned out that he was afraid that the Taishang in the alien world would detect his secret. Origin laughed and looked at Ye Fei, "For good that you didn't improve the characteristics of this energy, otherwise, heaven and earth will respect you!"

The fat man turned his head, and his body had been repaired. The gray energy was taken away by the origin. His body was suddenly smooth, and a trace of enlightenment rose in his heart. How strange is this feeling? Ye Fei was confused, as if his body had lost its shackles, and his eyes became more thorough.

In the origin space, the pure origin energy is scattered in the whole space in a free state. Each origin energy wire that cannot be seen by the naked eye has its own trajectory. The energy wire swings, like a tail fish swimming in the water. The fat man was shocked by this short scene, "This direction!" The fat man muttered.

The origin turned his head. At this time, Ye Fei's eyes were godless, like a mouthful, very secretive. The origin sneered. He looked directly at Ye Fei and read the other party's thoughts. For a short time, the origin itself was shocked and observed the origin space with Ye Fei's thoughts.

"This direction?" The fat man asked himself, the origin silk thread really swam in the direction Ye Fei felt, and even the wandering posture was exactly the same as Ye Fei thought.

"This...!" The origin was shocked. Why can Ye Fei predict the change of the origin energy?

The movement of the origin energy has a certain rule, which is completely set by the origin itself, in order to distinguish the difference between the origin energy and others through the subtle movement of the origin energy, and also make anyone's origin energy be firmly controlled. If the current origin strength returns to the original One in ten thousand can change all the power of origin into the trajectory you have. At that time, it is just an idea to kill the crown and others!

The origin does not believe that Ye Fei can find the secret in it. With his own strength, it is impossible to change the subtle movement trajectory of the origin energy, but it can slowly assimilate the surrounding origin energy for his own use. Is this observation ability or..." A thought echoed in the heart of the origin. She couldn't believe that Ye Fei had that ability, because even her "mother" did not have it!

Do you predict the future? The origin can't believe my conjecture. The so-called prediction of the future is just a pseudo-ability to deduce the ability to reach the top formation! In the ladder, the time and space array derived by the wormhole is the highest derivative method created by itself, but it is an energy scene formed by its own infinite illusion, which can form hundreds of millions of conjectures in a short time, and the results of this conjecture have been verified without exception! It was not until the moment when the crown imprisoned him that Origin realized that his inferment had failed under the interference of the power of the source.

The creator - the real origin arranges a special traveler into space and carries his breath, which is to add variables to space! Variable... The origin is very exciting. I didn't expect that Ye Fei was the biggest variable!

In order to verify his speculation, the origin manipulated the origin energy to rush into Ye Fei's observation line of sight. This direction..." Ye Fei subconsciously made this prediction. Sure enough, no matter how he changes the movement trajectory of the origin energy, Ye Fei can predict the change of origin energy in the observation at the first time!

The origin gritted its teeth. Why can't you feel how Ye Fei predicted it? Is it really Ye Fei's own instinct? But even if it is instinctive, he should master Ye Fei's ability by reading ideas... But the origin is blank!

Look at Ye Fei again and make the final experiment! The origin energy in Ye Fei's vision runs according to the original trajectory, and the origin isolates other origin energies and makes a decision!

Let the origin energy in Ye Fei's vision have self-awareness!

In the vision of the fat man, the origin energy suddenly stopped, as if there was life, observing the surrounding movements and began to move irregularly. The origin is really confirmed this time. Ye Fei does have the ability to predict. The trajectory of the origin energy is not beyond Ye Fei's prediction, and everything moves according to Ye Fei's thoughts.

The origin was suddenly stunned, and my heart became confused again. Is this the ability to predict or control?

Don't think much about it. The origin focuses on itself. Is the original power of variation the key? With the ability of origin's own inference, it only understands the tip of the iceberg of the mutant energy. According to the current speed of inference, it should take a year if there are no mistakes!

How powerful this emperor should be! Analyzing this data, the origin was shocked again. Now I have three kinds of energy, one of which is the original power in Liu Xu Fairy's body. The original energy is the most familiar to me. As long as I master the movement law of the source energy, it is not difficult to transform the power of origin into the original power. At that time, it is absolutely impossible for the crown to imprison himself! The origin has speculated that it is time to integrate all your strength! One thousand years! In just a thousand years, you can restore your original ability, and in this thousand years, in just a few days, you can destroy all twelve life forms!

At that time, you will fully master the mutant energy, and the annihilation will submit to your feet! Of course, I also want the existence of the alien world!

The origin is secretly happy and begins to change the energy form of the origin space. This process will not be too long. With the power of origin in the fairy as a template, it is much shorter than the time to transform the power of origin into the power of origin that you are familiar with by memory! Looking at Ye Fei like an idiot, the origin gave up the idea of devouring the fat man. If he devoured Ye Fei, Ye Fei's state at this time is likely to disappear, and he will get nothing more!

The origin energy enveloped Ye Fei, and the origin began to transform the energy of the origin space.

The crown held the body of Liu Xu Fairy and frowned. This Liu Xu Fairy has no value... Huh? Mian exclaimed, how could it be? The soul of Liu Xu Fairy is broken and should have lost its vitality. Why is she still alive?

For the broken soul, there is still a value that can be absorbed by the crown, but the escape of the origin has become the most concerned thing for the crown, and it has not absorbed the soul of Liu Xu at the first time. But at this time, everyone couldn't find the whereabouts of the origin for a moment, and the crown observed Liu Xu.

The broken soul is extremely ugly in the eyes of the crown, and Liu Xu's soul has only a incomplete head, and the charming face is gone. The inheritance of annihilation? The crown mutters to himself, a successful inheritor! Mian was shocked. Why did he careless himself? Liu Xu Fairy and that Ye Fei are both their own goals. For a long time, Mian has taken Liu Xu Fairy as the first goal. As long as she is swallowed up, it will not be a problem to destroy the origin and annihilation, but the other party is strong and he has never been successful.

But Ye Fei's appearance made him see new hope, and gradually forgot the identity of Liu Xu Fairy. Confused!" The crown laughed at himself, and by mistake, he actually captured the other party! The two spaces of the universe and Zhouyu are in their own hands. They look excited and hold the body of the fairy Liu Xu, and then they want to integrate into themselves.

Boom! Several other living beings are using their skills to destroy the ladder formed by wormholes. For a moment, the energy flew, and the whole ladder was seriously damaged. Seeing that the ladder was about to collapse, the origin had nowhere to hide, but in this short moment, the ladder recovered quickly.

The crown raised his head, and the huge gray energy hit his chest and shot him away. Liu Xu's body flew to the end of the ladder. No matter how the corona controlled the energy, he could not pull the shadow back.

How is that possible? How can you be controlled by the other party? In your body, there is a breath of original power. How did you do it?

A white light mass flew out of the inner wall of the ladder and laughed loudly. Now that Liu Xu is in hand, the inheritance of the original power is in his own hands, and the origin is very excited.

"Corome!" The white light group turned into a unique beauty. In order to thank Ye Fei for bringing her surprise, the origin decided to meet the lives with the fat man's favorite appearance!