rogue hero

Chapter 471 New World 6

Gagabu took the long gun, took the red pill in Ye Fei's hand and weighed it.

Ye Fei's eyebrows, we have to see if we can make it!

A little bit of the long gun in Gabu's hand, and the red pill in the air suddenly flashed around. A small gray energy flew out and flew towards the long gun. A trace of fine light flashed in Ye Fei's eyes and quickly released his own energy to bind it.

Ding! The red pill broke, and the gray energy also broke through Ye Fei's bondage and entered the long gun.

It seems that the energy level I created is slightly inferior to the gray energy!

At present, I am not in a hurry to study the gray energy, and the origin is more important! Ye Fei found the soldier and began to ask.

The soldier actually said it and revealed everything he knew.

Ye Fei was shocked. In the hands of the real person, Tianjun's old enemies went to the heavenly court one by one. The whole alien world was chaotic. The strangest thing was that Taishang, who didn't care about the world, actually intervene and gave the heavenly court to the new agent Ben Lei. The reason why they could enter the universe as a foreign world was all running. Ray's work.

100,000 heavenly soldiers arrived in space, but the order was to kill Tianjun! More soldiers will come one after another!

Ye Fei thought about it. If Ben Lei could enter the universe, why did he wait until now to send heavenly soldiers and generals? He would have come to deal with himself long ago. It is likely that he is the one who can let these aliens enter the universe, and only he has the ability!

It is not difficult to shuttle between space, but Taishang has set up many obstacles to prevent its space from being discovered by its origin and annihilation. Now this window paper has been broken, and it is the unknown purpose behind these heavenly soldiers and generals who come to trouble themselves!

Without to think about it, Ye Fei greeted Gagabu, his eldest wife Liu Xu Fairy and the 100-level leaf fork with physical advancement to find the missing origin split.

Fortunately, the other party has set up a gathering place. Otherwise, where can we find the origin of the vast and boundless space of the universe?

The planet that has not disappeared in the whole universe is the information provided by the smoke, which shows that the origin has not absorbed new energy. The heavenly soldier also said that they are only responsible for taking away the origin split and did not mention the awakening, which bought Ye Fei a chance to reverse the situation.

Ye Fei's breath of the four people could not be concealed. Fortunately, Ye Cha carefully studied the turn of the sword wheel. The four people escape into the small world of Ye Cha, opened a space channel, and observed each other after a planet.

Ying Xiao was very proud at this time. The Thunder King gave him great power to take charge of the heavenly vanguard army. Although he was stopped by the old thief on the way, killing and injuring more than 30,000 people, he had more than 70,000 heavenly soldiers, which was enough to run rampant in this cosmic space!

In a few months, the energy cores of the planet with huge energy were transported to themselves. Although it is not as directly absorbed as the Thunder King, as the capable general of the Thunder King, the future of Ying Xiao is bright.

"General Xiao! There is a team that hasn't come back!" A soldier said coldly.

Ying Xiao looked at the other party and was very dissatisfied. These vanguards are just halberd soldiers in the heavenly court. Their combat effectiveness is not yet ranked first, but their personalities are arrogant, which is really unpleasant!

"What's going on?" Xiao asked.

"The team in charge of transportation has returned, but the team in charge of escort did not return in time!"

"Hmm! Tell the people below that if you want to really get out of the control of the Heavenly King, you must cooperate well with the action of the Thunder King!" Ying Xiao shouted angrily, "Life and Death Book!" In a blink of an eye, a huge leather roll appeared in front of Ying Xiao.

When the halberd heard the three words of the life and death book, his body suddenly shook, and cold sweat flowed out, which was related to his own life and death. This life and death book is the method used by the heavenly general to control the heavenly soldiers.

"say! Which team?" Ying Xiao shouted.

The halberd dared not neglect the other party any more and quickly reported the captain's name and number.

After Ying Xiao found it, he made a decision, "There have been a lot of deserters recently! If they don't give a little color, they won't know how powerful I will be!"

On the huge blank scroll, fifteen names suddenly appeared. The halberds in the distance looked over and dared not say anything. Just as everyone watched the scroll * the person who was about to be sentenced to death, all the soldiers were stunned. The soul projection that should have appeared on the broken scroll was actually blank!

Ye Fei smiled secretly in the distance. The red pills of the soldiers' bodies have already entered the new body and have nothing to do with the previous bodies. This is also the last way out for these soldiers, but as a last resort, who is willing to abandon the powerful body and practice again?

Although the speed of cultivation in another world is very fast, it also requires a lot of time and energy! Not everyone can afford to have the courage to do it again!

"This thing is good! With this thing, tens of thousands of soldiers can be taken over by us!" Ye Fei's eyes shined, and he did not hide his greed.

Ye Cha said aside, "Dad, there are so many people on the other side, can we make it?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Fly capture the king first and get him to your small world!"

Yecha was stunned, "At least, the other party has a hundred-level strength. If you really enter a small world, why don't you destroy the planet I just shaped?"

"With me and your uncle Bu, what are you afraid of? This requires us to enter your world, and those soldiers can't help us at all! And look there!"

In the universe, soldiers the size of a hill are densely surrounded, "What else can so many people guard besides the origin energy?"

With Xiao's expression tightened, 15 soldiers either found a way to get out of control or died!

"What's going on? Are they dead? A halberd muttered.

"Are you kidding? How can those low-level humans here hurt them?" Another halberd disagreed with the other party.

"Is it Heavenly King..."

Tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly lost their organization and made a mess of porridge. They are very clear about the power of Tianjun. Killing more than a hundred heavenly soldiers is just between raising their hands! King Benlei actually said that Tianjun had lost his strength. Didn't he let everyone die?

Although Tianjun is not a benevolent king, at least he will not let the soldiers die in vain!

Tens of thousands of soldiers were in chaos, and there was a mutiny.

Ying Xiao did not expect such a thing to happen. The mutiny was not terrible. Even if all the remaining heavenly soldiers died, it didn't matter. The soldiers of the heavenly court would come one after another in the near future. Ying Xiao took these people to space, but he lost his selfish desires. But at this time, he can't tolerate too much, because the condensed energy is still in the hands of the soldiers. Although this energy is useless in their hands, if it is really a little lost, what Benlei specifically requires will be lost!

How to explain this?

I don't know who coaxed first, "Grip the book of life and death!"

"Grip it over!" More halbers joined in.

"Do you dare to mutiny?" Ying Xiao shouted loudly, and the long sword on his waist immediately killed several noisy people in the distance, which was really effective! There is no doubt about Ying Xiao's strength. Only by uniting everyone can he subdue him, but how many tens of thousands of people will rush up regardless of life and death? The answer is uncertain!

The noise slowed down, and Ying Xiao's mood began to calm down.

Just as Ying Xiao took back the eye-catching life and death book, a huge energy fluctuation came from the whole space, and Ying Xiao felt four powerful breaths locking him.

"Who dares to offend my majesty?" Ying Xiao shouted loudly, turned his head and looked at it, and was shocked.

The person came so fast that he came to himself in a blink of an eye, making several explosions in a row. Ying Xiao's body was full of sword light, and Ye Fei, Ye Fork and Jiabu disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Liu Xu Fairy took the book of life and death and stood in the middle, where is the shadow of Ying Xiao.

The halberds took a breath of cold air! Fairy..."

"Oh, my God! We're done, it's a fairy!" The soldiers were terrmented. It is said that Liu Xu Fairy also lost her former strength, but now at a glance...

Of course, Liu Xu did not restore her original strength. In the universe, she only limited the strongest to 100-level strength. If she wants to improve her strength, she can only return to the annihilation and absorb the energy there, or improve her strength according to Ye Fei's skills. Today, she is only a little stronger than the ordinary 100-level and wants to give full play to her original strength. It must be supported by the power of the source!

The fairy looked cold, and the book of life and death changed into the size of an ordinary book. She was captured and raised high in her hand, "All the generals obey the order!"

As soon as Liu Xu Fairy opened her mouth, many soldiers reacted instinctively and quickly knelt on one knee. As the only wife of Tianjun, Liu Xu Fairy's pressure was naturally not low. Although it was not the same as before, those soldiers who knelt on one knee just remembered to resist, but it was difficult to stand up when they saw others surrender one after another.

Liu Xuxian wanted to laugh in her heart, but she had to keep a straight face, "The soldiers of the heavenly vanguard army, I know why you are here! What's the crime of deceiving you?"

The halberds sweated coldly, and the fairy Liu Xu said everything. The mother of the heavenly court was so angry that she didn't even dare to despise the Thunder King, let alone herself? For a moment, it was extremely quiet, and the halberds were worried about their situation.

But there were also those who were not convinced. A captain-level soldier stood up, "Fairy, we are all ordered to act. Moreover, the ruler of the heavenly court is the king of thunder. Why do you make it difficult for us?"

Everyone's hearts were shocked, not bad! King Benlei is the person in charge of the heavenly court appointed by the emperor. The name is just right. What right does Liu Xuxian have to control herself? Today, the heavenly court is no longer the power of the heavenly king, and the alien world is not under the control of the heavenly king!

Liu Xu laughed!

Everyone was shocked, and the Liu Xu Fairy, who had always kept a cold face, smiled! The smile is so beautiful that everyone is like a spring breeze.

Liu Xu asked with a smile, "Who are you, position, name, number?"

The captain looked at Liu Xu's beautiful appearance and muttered, "Lu Yu, the captain of the vanguard halberd, numbered 364959..."

Liu Xu nodded and unfolded the scroll in his hand. Suddenly, the man's name and soul portrait appeared, as well as the information of the other 14 people in the team. The jade hand wiped, and all the pictures disappeared. The life and death book returned to Liu Xu's hand. Looking at the talking captain and the members around him, all Die!