rogue hero

Chapter 492 New World 27

Lv Ji said her intention to prevent the two fools from participating in the incident of joining the city. This is also the order of the owner of the Lu family. Their origin is unknown. If the two do not have the will to explore the city, the two fools are worth the Lu family to try their best to win over. If vice versa, they should beware of them everywhere.

"Now the situation in Bingcheng is very complicated. Gathering the power of the three families can temporarily stabilize the situation, but it's hard to say after a long time. You don't understand many things. Sett down here for a while, and then I will take you to other places!"

The two nodded and took Beisi into the room.

Lv Ji lost her breath, and the two fools did nothing out of line with Bei Si. Maybe the two silly guys could get along very well with Bei Si. Lv Ji shook her head with a smile and left by herself.

Tai Shang and Ye Fei dressed in the room and looked at the four fools sitting at the table and drinking porridge quietly. Taishang came forward, "Four fools! She has already left.

Beisi bowed his head and said, put the spoon for porridge in the bowl, and his big eyes blinked.

The fat man smiled and said, "Four fools, take us around!"

Bei Si nodded and jumped off the chair. Two big and one small began an adventure in the Lv family and wandered around for a long time. Except for the busy Lv family and the same architecture, there was really nothing to play.

"Hey!" A call came from the backs of the three people, and a woman in plain clothes called.

When the three turned around, the fat man saw the woman and instinctively smiled obscenely. The woman was looked at and felt uncomfortable all over and quickly said, "You send these things to the warehouse!"

With that, the woman shook her hand, and a large number of energy crystals appeared out of thin air and piled up into a hill in the yard! The woman smiled and obviously wanted to embarrass the three people. These three people did not have a strong aura. It must be a low-level creature of the Lu family. The woman pointed to a pile of crystals and said, "Go to the account room to record the work after finishing the work!"

The woman turned around and disappeared. The two fools looked at each other. Before they could figure out the situation, Bei Si lowered her head to pick up heavy crystals, looked at Bei Si's petite body, carried a large piece of crystals that could cover her face, and walked in the other direction. Taishang and Ye Fei were laughed at by her funny posture.

But Bei Si fell to the ground after walking a few steps. Bei Si got up tremblingly and continued to move the heavy object. The fat man saw that Bei Si's right knee was bleeding and couldn't help saying, "Four fools, you are so weak that you can bleed after a fall!"

Taishang was also stunned and laughed with Ye Fei.

Beisi bit his lower lip, hugged the crystal, breathed nervously several times, and continued to walk forward, but his arm, which was trembling because of weakness, failed to hold the heavy crystal. After a few steps, he was hit by the falling huge crystal. This hit was really not light. Beisi trembled all over, and his hands grabbed his calf, but he did not dare to fight. Even if you move a point, there will be a stronger pain on your feet!

The blood from his knees slowly flowed out. Bei Si sat down and opened his mouth without making any sound. Only his closed eyes and tears on his face told his pain. Ye Fei and Taishang also realized the torture Bei Si was suffering, "Four fools!" Ye Fei shouted softly and waved the huge crystal. Taishang also came to Beisi's side for the first time. The pure power of origin entered Beisi's body, and the wound and pain disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Bei Si opened his eyes and looked at the two fools in surprise. He didn't cry, and his mouth didn't smile. He got up and moved for a moment, and a smile appeared on his little face that had not been stained with tears. The two smiled stupidly. Although they didn't know why the four fools obeyed the woman just now, the four fools were too weak, and they were still willing to help. They came to the crystal piled up like a hill, and huge energy gathered and squeezed into the hill. Ka, Ka... The hill is getting smaller and smaller. In a short time, all the crystals were condensed into a one-high sphere!

Taisang patted the crystal ball, "Four fools, you can turn it into a ball and push it away!"

Bei Si looked at the vision, and his head was a little dumbfounded. He pushed the crystal ball, which seemed to have been hit by a huge force and burst into a ball of powder with a bang.

Beisi was shocked by the explosion, but his body was like a spring breeze. Except for all the clothes that were damaged, there was no trauma on his body. It turned out that when he healed Beisi's wound, he also transformed Beisi's body, making this eight- or nine-year-old girl soar, and even the Empress Doo himself did not know it. If Ben Lei stands in front of Bei Si, I'm afraid he can't resist Bei Si's little fan fist.

It can be said that in addition to Ye Fei's strength, Beisi has become more than 10,000 people under a real person in the source space!

What a ridiculous farce! An eight- or nine-year-old girl, a young child as a low-level creature, was promoted to a strong man in space when she met a big fool for less than a day. This is a huge irony, whether it is for the heavenly court or running thunder! What can she do?

Is her life good? Both parents died, and a killing lost the ability to speak. Just because she is now the fourth fool, the fourth stupid sister of Taishang and Ye Fei, she gets far more than those who are still pursuing the body of ancient masters, and far more than Ben Lei sitting in the heavenly court!

Bei Si has not yet realized what he has. Looking at the energy crystal fragments on the ground, he cried again. The reason why Bei Si cried is very simple. As a former low-level creature of Black Star, Bei Si and her family, as well as the low-level creatures in the whole Bingcheng, all exist for the higher people. Only when high-level human beings are satisfied with the service can they have the power and value to survive, which is a deep-rooted cognition accumulated over countless years.

The work is not done well, maybe it's just a meal missing, but this energy crystal is different! Beisi recognizes this kind of crystal, which is a necessity for higher human life. Not to mention the hill-like crystal, if the palm-sized crystal is lost, it is likely to be severely beaten and even lose his life.

The power of the energy crystal explosion is not small. For a while, more than 100 people have gathered over the yard where the three people are located. These people are ordinary masters of the Lu family and have rushed to Bingcheng with strong strength.

"What about the crystal?" With an angry shout, the woman I saw before was the first to come to the head of the three people. The courtyard was filled with thick energy. There is no doubt that those energy crystals were destroyed by the three people!

Bei Si cried more fiercely and hurriedly ran behind Ye Fei and Tai Shang.

The fat man scratched his head and pointed to Bei Si behind him, "She broke it!"

Taishang also quickly dodged, "It's not us!"

Beisi was stunned. The two big brothers did not protect themselves and exposed themselves. Beisi was sad that he was a low-level creature and a low-level creature that could be condemned at any time. Moreover, it was himself who destroyed the crystal...

The woman sneered, "What can a little girl do?" The Lu family treated their subordinates well. You actually destroyed energy materials and shirked their responsibility. It's unforgivable!" A silk-like light rolled up to Ye Fei and Taishang.

The two fools were not the main one who stood and was beaten. They quickly dodged, but Beisi didn't have that consciousness. Looking at the huge energy and wanted to rush to him, he was stupid there!

The woman in the air was slightly moved and a little unbearable, but the other party was just a low-class creature. It was not regretful to die. No longer hesitated, and the energy rushed to Beisi! As a member of the Lu family, if you are indecisive, you will inevitably be ridiculed.

Beisi's mind was blank, and the horrible energy rushed straight to himself, and he could kill himself in a blink of an eye. The moment of his parents' tragic death flashed in Beisi's mind, and the fear in his heart was even worse. He screamed through the sky and went straight to the sky.

The whole black star shook, and all the masters looked in one direction! It's the Lu family! Everyone can't help but be shocked. Such a breath is definitely not something that ordinary masters can send out, and even the heavenly general-level masters of the heavenly court can't do it! Could it be that a master appeared in the Lu family? Maybe there is another ancient relic that can shock the whole original space?

The woman scattered into ashes in the scream of Beisi, more than half of the 100 masters in the air, and the rest fell one after another and were seriously injured in a coma. Two warm big hands attached to Bei Si's shoulder, and two gentle forces entered Bei Si's body, soothing Bei Si's fear.

"Four idiots, you have to calm down!" The fat man looked nervous, looked at Tai Shang with complaint, and quickly stroked Bei Si's hair, "Four fools, planet! Planet!"

The fat man is worried. He is afraid that if Bei Si really bursts out the energy given by Bei Si, the planet will not be stunned.

Taishang looked a little embarrassed, "Four...four fools! Don't shout, no one can bully you, don't be afraid! Good boy..."

Bei Si gradually stopped his voice under the comfort of the two. Although he was still calm, he finally saw the current situation. Thinking back on the person he had just killed, Bei Si couldn't help trembling all over.

The fat man looked at Taishang, "Big fool, what should I do now?"

He scratched his chin too much, "Why don't we take the four fools around somewhere else so that she won't go crazy again."

"Where to go?" With an angry shout, many masters of the Lu family appeared in the air, and there were more than a thousand people. Bei Si's screaming momentum attracted people from all walks of the Lu family. The people in the sky clearly felt that the mysterious breath emanating from Bei Si's body. The girl was so weird that she could not let the other party leave the Lv family like this. They We must wait until the master of the Lu family returns to help and trap the three people in front of them and find out the truth.

The fat man's figure flashed into the air and kicked them away.

"Kill!" Many masters rushed up, and there was no doubt that the other party was the enemy! Dare to touch the majesty of the Lu family, and you can't leave them to be presumptuous!

The fat man did not dare to exert all his strength and moved in the air. He only greeted more than a thousand opponents with his fists and feet, but even Ye Fei's fists and feet, the thousand masters were also unable to resist. They were either broken or knocked out of the mountains where the Lv family was by the body of his companions.

In a short time, there was a large vacuum left in the sky of the Lu family. No one dared to come forward. The fat man was really too powerful! At this time, someone recognized the origin of Ye Fei. He was the guest of Miss Lu Ji. He heard that his strength was unfathomable! In addition, before and after everyone provided things, the master knew that he had caused trouble!