rogue hero

Chapter 509 New World 44

Chapter 509 New World (Forty-six)

"The underworld has changed so much!" Liu Xu Fairy took Tianjun's hand and stopped in the starry sky. The originally scattered galaxy turned into an equilateral triangle, revealing a trace of mystery.

Tianjun gently stroked Liu Xu's hand. This woman was predestined with her two lives. There was no result in her previous life. In this life, she became her beloved wife, and she couldn't help but be moved by her true feelings.

Tianjun really wanted to tell her that she never cared about her appearance, and she didn't have to change anything! How short a hundred years is. I only really loved her for a hundred years. The previous self was really terrible.

"Do you like it here?" Tianjun pointed to the strange scenery of the underworld and asked.

"Of course I like it!" Liu Xu's face darkened, and A Fei had made up his mind that the two were going to leave here and return to the origin space where they had lived. However, the hard-run Tianting left like this. Liu Xu was a little resentful. There was also Manzhu Shahua she planted there. Will there be any passing soldiers who inadvertently trampled on them?

There is a thatched farmhouse built by two people together, and such a simple roof can't withstand the wind and rain.

Will the bed for sleeping be covered with dust? Lying there, you can see the clean sky outside the window. Close your eyes and feel the wind flowing in the room. The wind bell made of bamboo is engraved with the names of two people, which can make a pleasant sound. You can lie there from day to night, and then from night to day.

The four seasons change, and it doesn't take long to weave clothes. It won't take long for him to come back from outside humming, with the smell of sweat, which makes people calm and happy.

Liu Xu's heart suddenly twitched. Tianjun lowered his head against Liu Xu's forehead, "Don't you want to leave?"

Liu Xu nodded, "We live a good life. Why should we leave?"

Tianjun's heart is miserable, and his time is running out. In the battle with Tai, his skills have been exhausted. If he is not physically strong, he may not have lasted for a hundred years.

A golden light flew to the two in the starry sky, and the real slave saluted them one by one, and his voice was a little dry, "Tianjun, it has been arranged!"

"Real slave, there is nothing else here. I don't know when we will meet in the future. Let's say goodbye!" Tianjun smiled and said, a gray light entered the real slave's mind, "The immortal dragon secret is not suitable for you to practice. You can use him to refer to it!"

The real slave's eyes flashed with hot tears and begged the heavenly king to stay with the art of voice transmission, and his own power can naturally maintain the eternal body of the heavenly king.

Tianjun shook his head and took Liu Xu's hand.

The real slave turned around and left and watched him leave. Liu Xu was a little puzzled, "There seems to be something wrong with the real slave. Is there something on his mind?"

Tianjun attached his hand to Liu Xu's delicate face, "Let's go for a walk..." Seeing Tianjun's answer, Liu Xu could not ask again. As a strong woman, sometimes she had to know how to leave some space for the other party.

The winter in Bingcheng is very cold, and the two live in a two-story building. There was a knock on the door, and Tianjun got up to open it. An old feather old man with a ricke body carried a basket of snowy sweet dates to the other party.

"Lord Ye Fei, this is just formed on the snowy mountain. I specially want to taste it for you and Liu Xianzi!" The old man of the feather clan bowed and said.

Tianjun smiled and said, "Thank you! Is your granddaughter in better health?

The old man burst into tears, "All the best in heaven. Lord Ye Fei has killed the little one. Thanks to a kind-hearted strong man like you and Liu Xianzi, my granddaughter was ignorant and bumped into the superior strong man. If it hadn't been for the adults and fairies to help, I'm afraid that the little one would have sent a white-haired man to the black-haired man!"

Tianjun nodded, "The weather is getting cold. I'll take it. Go home quickly. I believe your granddaughter will be alive in a few days!"

"Thank you very much! Thank you, my lord..." The old man bowed and retreated. Tianjun returned to the room with a basket of dates full of wind and frost. Liu Xu was sitting in front of the bed and looking at the gray sky on the black star.

"Come and try the dates that have just come out of the snowy mountain!" Tianjun said with a smile, but there was a trace of sadness in his heart. He owed his wife too much...

Liu Xu turned her head, and her expression of sighing was not caught by Tianjun, who had just entered the room. Liu Xu looked happy, "This person is quite good. I thought he had always been cold, but I didn't expect him to like to create such a small thing!"

The snow sweet dates are crystal clear, the outer peel is blue, and the pulp is snow-white, peeling off the hard peel, a sweet fragrance refreshes the heart and spleen, contained in the mouth in an instant, a trace of coolness slips from the throat, moistening the dry throat.

It seems that there is a trace of feeling. Tianjun stroked Liu Xu's hair, "What? Are you a little unhappy?"

Liu Xu buried his head in Tianjun's arms, "Why do you want to leave? We just had some quiet days..."

Tianjun felt a pain in his heart and rubbed the top of Liu Xu's head with his chin, "Can't you give up here?"

Liu Xu shook his head, "It's the same wherever we go, but what we will face is the original space that we still don't know. Moreover, when we get there, we lose all our strength. I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Tianjun kissed Liu Xu's forehead, "How powerful my wife is! Don't forget that you protected me when I came here! When you get to the origin space, you should also protect me well!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Shall we go to see the snowy mountains?"

On the snowy mountains, the wind and snowy, and the black starry sky makes people feel unhappy. The streamers fly by in the distance, and the adventurers are tirelessly looking for the undiscovered ancient ruins.

"I heard Taishang tell me that the original underworld was a beautiful galaxy, if it weren't for you!" Liu Xu leaned against Ye Fei's arms, "If you hadn't wanted the energy here to stabilize and protect those low-class creatures, the black stars would not have been far away from the stars and become so desolate!"

Tianjun laughed and said, "There's nothing I can do. Who is too much about that guy who is willing to lose his temper? I caused him to work. Of course, he will make it difficult for me!"

"You are not allowed to speak ill of too much! He is the owner of the original space. Although he is very good to me, if you make him angry, I can't protect you!"

"Oh? I didn't expect that my emperor would have to be protected by women?" Tianjun joked.

"You are A Fei in front of me! He is not a heavenly monarch, and he dares to put on airs in front of me!" Liu Xu twisted coquettishly in Tianjun's arms.

"I will always be your Afei!" Tianjun said with a smile.

"I'm alone!" Liu Xu stressed.

"Good! You are alone!"

The fairy Liu Xu lay on the ground of the ruins, covering her face and crying bitterly. Things are wrong. Ah Fei is no longer the original Ah Fei...

"Taishang! Can you not let A Fei go to the original space?" Liu Xu pleaded with the supreme existence standing in front of the two, and the creator of the original space.

He looked too calm, "This is his own request!"

Liu Xu hugged Tianjun with the same calm face, "Let's not leave here, husband! Promise me!"

Tianjun shook his head and looked at Liu Xu with a smile, "You go with me, and I will always protect you!" You will understand later..."

"No! I don't understand!" Liu Xu fairy roared, and the whole snow mountain collapsed. Suddenly, hundreds of feather people picking snow sweet dates flew out. Liu Xu destroyed all the way and disappeared.

Liu Xu's waywardness and domineering made Tianjun very helpless. Tianjun looked at the emperor, "Don't you worry about me going here?"

"Worried?" Tai Shangxiao was very confident, "The origin of my creation, and the origin of your creation, how can I worry about it? I thought you would be different, but you failed! You have been defeated in my hands. It is understandable that you have returned to the origin space. What else can you do?

Tianjun got up and flew to the place where Liu Xu left. Taishang stopped on the snowy mountain and looked at the gray sky and the snow-covered cold world.

"Don't brush your temper anymore, okay?" Tianjun wrapped his arms around Liu Xu, who was still struggling.

"You promise not to leave here!" Liu Xu stubbornly shouted, "Is the power so heavy? Why can't we live here peacefully? Taishang is so good to our couple, what else do you want to pursue?

Tianjun was speechless and his heart was full of pain. Since he lost to Taishang and because of one sentence, Tianjun was unwilling, but he was also afraid. He knew that he had many friends and his wife who loved him deeply, but all this was not won by himself.

I thought I had mastered everything, but everything around me was too subtly imposed on myself. There is no end to such a life, and there is no reason... Now I have regained my original consciousness. Tianjun understands that no matter what reason these people appear beside him, he has no longer There is a way to refuse.

How sad it is that my life is firmly controlled by Tai Shang. The love for Liu Xu seems to be born, but now I really love her. It is difficult to tell Liu Xu that the couple have been together for hundreds of years. Are they all arranged by Taishang?

This jealous woman, this innocent elf, this delicate fairy, this wife who can no longer go without true love, how cruel it will be if she tells her the truth...

"Liu Xu, believe me, I'm going to seek new power and things I don't know. We will still live together and even want a child of our own!"

"Child?" Liu Xuxian raised her head and her eyes were slightly red. For a long time, the most annoying problem was that she did not give birth to a son and a daughter for Tianjun. This is not her own problem. Liu Xu has always suspected that her husband did not want children, which affected his ambition to dominate the original space.

The emergence and demise of new life in the source space are balanced. Tianjun can completely ask Taishang for a pure soul to inherit his bloodline. The problem of succession has always been an important thing for human beings from the origin space, but Tianjun knows that he will not Have children.

Because Taishang does not want the second Tianjun to appear, he has little interest in Tianjun.