rogue hero

Chapter 511 New World 46

Chijiaozong really took the lead. The leader of Chijiaozong was quite strong, which surprised many adventurers present and integrated only more than 50,000 people. In the face of 300,000 people, the number of people was too small.

More than a dozen new sects followed Chijiaozong to rush forward, cheering and fierce, gathering a team of 50,000 people to rush to attack.

The light above the black star has not disappeared, but compared with the light emitted by 300,000 heavenly soldiers, the light is really a little dim. The light on the bodies of the 50,000 people gathered by the Red Jiaozong was very dazzling. The 50,000 people gathered into a huge flood and rushed to the other side, shouting loudly, which immediately shocked the whole 300,000 free attack.

This flood beast went head-on and opened a gap in the huge array of 300,000 soldiers in a blink of an eye. In just one collision, the first army lost more than 6,000 people. For the first army, such a result is too shocking.

But this crime is not for others, but Yu Hao, who is ahead of the army!

Yu Hao frowned, and the temples at both ends of his forehead were tight, and a mass of anger in his chest and abdomen was difficult to calm down. "First join the army! Fight to the death and kill all the resisters!"

Yu Hao's muscles were tense, and a flame hundreds of meters high rose to the sky beside him. "The fire god came - burning the sky!" The fire rose again, and in the flames, a huge fireman came out! The fireman was all composed of flames, and his appearance was the same as Yu Hao. Yu Hao's figure slowly disappeared into the fire. The fireman seemed to be suddenly smart and strode forward with great power to the adventurers who dared to provoke the army first.

Tian will come forward with Hao, who joined the army first, which will boost the spirits of the heavenly soldiers who joined the army first! Tian willhao is slightly famous in the source space. Few people know that Yu Hao is a registered disciple of the fire fairy in the world, but although he is not as valued as the disciples who enter the house, he is much better than the ordinary core disciples!

The magic of Vna's possession requires the help of at least ten elders in the world to attract the power of the core of ten stars, so as to promote the free application of skills. As long as the person who practices this method is in the galaxy and there are stars nearby, this Vulus advent can last for hundreds of millions of years, which can be called the immortal * method!

But such a skill can't be practiced by ordinary masters. It does not need to be beyond ordinary people's understanding, but requires super willpower. Vulcan is born from ten stars that form the seed of extreme fire. The seed of extreme fire is injected into the body of the practitioner, and will continue to burn the body and soul. The practitioner will endure great folds all year round. Mill, seek the power to break free from pain, exercise the will, and after the great success of skills, the body and soul are extremely strong, and they have the power of a star.

If Yu Hao is willing to, even under the condition of giving his life and soul, turn the whole underworld galaxy into nothing. Such a horrible skill can be practiced by no more than 20 people in the whole world. In addition to the head of the sect and more than a dozen elders, even if he is a disciple of the fire fairy, only three people can practice it.

Yu Hao, a man who is only a registered disciple, has endured the torture of extreme fire for tens of thousands of years with his strong perseverance and strong courage, and has become one of the many strong people in the world!

Even the original fire fairy did not expect that Yu Hao would have today's achievements. This silent disciple in front of him knew that the fire god's skill was only one millionth in the survival rate. Without his own special cultivation and guidance, he only relied on his own efforts and Adhere to the law of success. This made all the core sects look sideways, and was unanimously affirmed by the 30 heavenly generals of the heavenly court. Such Yu Hao made the Fire Fairy very satisfied.

"Oh? Yu Hao's Vladivine skill is so powerful that it should be comparable to some elders in the upper sect!" Yu Jingzi looked in the distant starry sky and couldn't help admiring Yu Hao's growth. The two elders beside him also nodded repeatedly and did not hesitate to praise Hao.

"Oh, my God! What is this?" An adventurer swallowed, and the huge fireman exuded a hot breath, and an idea of burning everything was about to burn out. With the firelight, all over the starry sky, everyone was shocked. Such a powerful skill...

"The world sect... must be the world sect! Yu Hao is a member of the world! Oh, my God, what did we do? We actually provoked the world!" An adventurer cried out loud.

"The Fire Fairy is the best way to protect your shortcomings!" Another adventurer's voice began to tremble.

There are not many people who know that Yu Hao is the patriarch of the world. This man who leads the army rarely takes action, and the first army itself rarely invades the planets around the station. They are generous and don't worry about entertainment...

Everyone watched the huge fireman pressing step by step, and their hearts rose to their throats. The leader of the Chijiao Sect changed his look and looked at the other suzerains around him. Everyone was originally a group of powerful robbers in the underworld to steal single or small groups with a small number of people to gain a meager harvest.

But people are already strong. They have been in the underworld for tens of millions of years. They have experienced various changes in the world and really want to prove it. Maybe it's really bad luck. This team of adventurers mainly focus on robbery has found almost nothing. The various forces operating on the three planets are constantly listening to the news of various relics, but every time they get the news, it is that someone has got a certain skill, their strength has greatly increased, and there are many followers...

I don't know whether it is because there are too many bad things done by people that lead to their extremely poor character, or whether adventurers are not fuel-efficient lamps. Once they find a relic, they will either leave with something valuable, or dig a hole on the ground, practice for tens of thousands of years, and then become famous after leaving the customs, making everyone unable to start!

It's strange that everyone has not met a stupid adventurer, found the ruins, got the skills, and publicized it everywhere. If such a fool doesn't take it down, he is really sorry for the experience learned in the underworld, but even so, none of the final result is good! Either the skill was stolen by others, or the man was protected by the three major families. This situation lasted for tens of millions of years, and ordinary people would have gone crazy long ago.

And these people are not crazy. They are firm and stubborn, and have been struggling until now, and the ruins on the Black Star have made them hope. Although the people who entered the ruins are probably dead, they are in danger of wealth and danger. Everyone has held the determination to die to fulfill everyone's instinctive wishes!

Everyone can die! But it is by no means dead on the way to the ruins! And what stopped them was an unknown Tianjinghao, and this man was so powerful! Death is inevitable...

The man's face was gloomy and couldn't help sneering a few times, "Brothers, the shining place in the black star is the relic we dream of! I wanted to take advantage of the chaos and unite with everyone to grab the skills in the ruins and the bodies of the ancient masters. I didn't expect that my electric tablet would be so confused that I didn't find out the strength of the other party..."

"Brother! We're just unlucky!" A "the head of the sect" said.

The electric tablet shook its head, "Brothers, for our tens of millions of years of resentment! Let's go of the battle in front of us! You don't have to take care of your companions! Our goal!" The power of the electric tablet was about to burst out, and his right hand trembled at the black star and said fiercely, "Don't care about life and death! Regardless of everything! We are going to arrive at the ruins! Let's have a counterattack by the god of fate!"

"Roar!" More than a thousand people roared in unison, and those 50,000 masters who followed them looked at these more than 1,000 crazy people in surprise. They did not understand that the world sect behind Yu Hao, not to mention the strength of Yu Hao alone can be 10,000! Can ordinary people fight against such an existence?

How many people can form external incarnations? The whole source space adds up to more than 100 people! And Yu Hao is among the 100 people!

"The suzerain is powerful!" I don't know whose broken voice was shouting in the crowd, and then more people echoed and were full of respect for the patriarch of the Red Jiaozong!

"A typical familiar trick!" An old deep-fried dough stick in the underworld curled his lips and attracted the dark smile of his companions around him.

What the man said is also reasonable. Many people who have been in the underworld for millions or even tens of years understand that the three major families of the underworld have already risen before the appearance of the emperor. How can they get out of the underworld? It's not that you rely on big occasions to get famous, and then recruit troops and buy horses. There are countless younger brothers and become the hegemon of one side!

And the suzerain of the Chijiao sect in front of him should also play this means! But is this a little too much? The opponent is not simple...