rogue hero

Chapter 540 New World 75

Long Yun commanded the mecha humanoid army to close the encirclement with an ion light shield, intending to encircle and annihilate more than 100 million soldiers. The fierce impact of the Mecha Warcraft Army boosted the morale of the whole army.

20 million heavenly soldiers turned into sharp shields, which could not stop the charge of the mecha Warcraft army at all. The strong armor went all the way against the shield of the heavenly soldiers. The huge beast claws patted the frightened heavenly soldiers into pieces and rushed to the melee of the heavenly army crazily. 20 million people lost more than half. During the short battle, Tian The troops of the court were rapidly depleted, and 30 million people died during the first confrontation between the two sides.

The war suddenly turned into a one-sided form, and the encirclement continued to shrink, dividing the heavenly troops like headless flies.

"Beautiful!" Good cheers come one after another.

In the distant starry sky, cheers broke out in the 100,000 motherships. Unexpectedly, the heavenly troops in the source space were so vulnerable!

Long Yun's face showed a satisfied smile. Looking at the whole war situation changing towards his plan, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The cruiser fleet has been released from its hidden state, showing extraordinary attack power, and beating back countless fleeing heavenly soldiers. Long Yun picked up the white porcelain cup and took a sip of cold milk tea. "Be careful of the mecha humanoid army! 92, 93 and 943 teams dispersed the formation and let those cowards live.

Boom! The heavenly soldiers howled as if they had found a way to survive and rushed to the periphery of the central galaxy, aiming at the gap that had just been opened.

"The cruise fleet pursues, the Mecha Warcraft army and the cruiser fleet meet, and the mecha humanoid army shrinks to surround and block the enemy!" After Long Yun gave the order, the heavenly soldiers who survived seemed to be crazy. The breakthrough in the distance was gradually getting smaller. If they ran slowly, they might die in this encirclement.

For a while, it was really crowded. Because there were too many heavenly soldiers, the space energy was abnormally disordered and it was difficult to achieve teleportation, so the heavenly soldiers had to fly rapidly in space. The distance to escape is limited, and the space for activities is also limited. No matter how fast you are, you can't bypass the dense comrades-in-arms in front of you.

The person running in front does not mean how high the probability of escape is. Countless mecha humanoid armies launch energy missiles to block the soldiers rushing in the front row. Even if they can't die, they can be seriously injured. The seriously injured heavenly soldiers will be left behind by the army at the first time. Even if they do not fall, the opposite side has enough energy bombs. As for when you die, it is only a matter of time.

120 million soldiers and generals, and there are only 50 million horses left in less than half an hour. Such a number of casualties is really too scary!

In the central galaxy, more than 200 million soldiers hid in several broken military fortresses. They were shocked to see the fire shining in the distance and did not dare to approach half a step. They were originally the reinforcements of the front troops. Only a few days, they would be overestimated and led their respective troops to attack the enemy troops, but when they tried to When the friendly troops in the encirclement were rescued, huge monsters suddenly appeared in front of them.

These monsters are incredible and are not afraid of the attack of their own troops at all. The heavenly soldiers still remember the horror of those huge monsters when they showed their strength. Millions of rescued friendly troops turned into flying ashes in a blink of an eye. This is really terrible. The speed of those giants devouring life is too fast, and I don't know. There is no end to their energy consumption, and huge energy is ejected from the body without saving at all. Even if their enemies are dead, they will use powerful energy to attack to wipe out their bodies.

The cruiser fleet has counted the number of enemies hidden nearby in the central galaxy. Although this number is huge, it does not put too much pressure on its side. Just as the battle to encircle and annihilate more than 100 million soldiers began, Iro had already wiped out millions of rear reinforcements.

Iro observed the changing data on the light curtain and analyzed the current war situation. He didn't care about the destruction of the other party's reinforcements at all. He just gave an order to destroy those heavenly soldiers and generals. He couldn't help but feel a little excited. Between talking and laughing, it was really refreshing.

At the moment when the first heavenly soldier rushed out of the siege, the more than 50 million surviving heavenly soldiers seemed to be full of strength and rushed into the starry sky. In just 40 minutes, there were only 40 million people left in the 120 million army. The heavenly soldiers who valued their lives very much had no time to review the changes before and after the war situation. Scatter and run away!

Long Yun ordered the three armies to chase and fight fiercely, killing people at sight, and rushed back to the central galaxy with 40 million people. The mecha Warcraft army bit the rear of the heavenly army. The more the monsters killed, the more brave they became, and the speed of the march doubled. In the rumble of kicking, the heavenly soldiers and generals who survived on the front battlefield shouted crazily, as if they could not escape, and death was like a shadow.

Mecha humanoid troops change the combat form one after another. The team composed of combat robots has a very sophisticated teamwork. Even if each robot uses different combat weapons, even if their travel speed and striking targets are different, it cannot affect their fast, accurate and ruthless killing of the enemy. This Instead, the team became the most mobile and killing force.

But the enemy team that brings real pressure to the heavenly soldiers and generals are countless huge cruisers, which have high lethality and defense power. The cruisers follow the two after their discharge and bombard the runaway heavenly army at any time, making all the heavenly soldiers exhausted. This is obviously a trick for higher creatures to tease low-level creatures, and the cruise fleet has absolute power to kill! However, he did not destroy all the fleeing enemies in order to put psychological pressure on the enemy and could not raise the idea of resistance.

The 40 million heavenly troops left more than 36 million people in a blink of an eye, and more than 4 million people were lost just by a detour. I'm afraid that in a short time, the rest of the people will be eaten by the enemy.

What about the supporting troops? This group of shrinking turtles!" A general who fell behind the army was sweating and cursing loudly. He could clearly hear the rumble of the enemy's attack behind him. Death was approaching, and successive changes made him give up resistance and run for his life.

But there are many lessons from the past, which makes him understand that he must rush to the front of the team to have the hope of surviving. Any troops that fall behind and on both sides of the army are likely to be attacked by the enemy, only to keep moving forward! Forward!

"Brothers! If you want to survive, kill me. Whoever dares to stop us, we will use their bodies to stop the pursuit behind us!" The sky will roar.

The heavenly soldier in front of him looked awe-eyed and made way for the general. The heavenly soldiers of the whole army were overjoyed. This sentence really came to their hearts. The heavenly soldiers in front of them roared and watched their general come to the front of the army, and their trained energy rushed to the front troops.

"Fight in the nest!" The troops in front of them were shocked and attracted a friendly attack after running for their lives. This was really too dangerous! Everyone wants to live. The heavenly soldiers are all 100-level masters. No one is a fool. At present, military law and the minimum morality can no longer bind those comrades-in-arms standing on the verge of death!

"Brothers! Make way for them, and we will kill together with General Lu!" The army attacked by his own people is very alert and realizes that the struggle with the rear troops will only make the two troops be left by the large army together. The death is certain. It is better to take this opportunity to kill a bloody road with the troops behind and hide the whole escape route into the central galaxy. At that time, there will be more than 2 billion soldiers. Will you kill the pursuers behind him?

The two troops quickly converged and quickly united several troops ahead to rush forward. High-level humans judged the best plan in the shortest time, but in the same way, their selfishness also led to subversive changes in the whole war.

Long Yun's eyes flashed with light. She didn't expect that her plan would enter this stage ahead of schedule. The whole fleeing Tianting troops began to have internal conflicts, and the war of just over 40 minutes had changed various situations! Long Yun raised his chin and was as arrogant as the goddess of war. "If you don't fight, you will succumb to other soldiers. The three armies will listen to orders, passively pursue, prepare high-power attack weapons, and listen to my orders at any time!"