Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 038 Life and Death

Chapter 038 Life and Death

"Although Wang Yue is the young master of the Wang family, he is also a loyal and backbone person. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that my good brother will die for me, so don't persuade me. I won't leave you." Wang Yue followed everyone's eyes and looked at the Wolf King on the hillside, with a sense of death in his eyes.

"Young master!" Several people shouted together. Although their words have a trill, they know that as long as he does not die, the user Wang Yue will become the owner of their royal family in the future.

"Okay, since you regard me as a young master, don't talk more nonsense. Kill the Wolf King with me later to add a wonderful stroke to this hunt!" When Wang Yue heard these people's words, he turned around and encouraged several people.

"Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo..." Just as Wang Yue was ready to attack, the wolves on the mountain roared again, and a large number of wolves had rushed down from the hillside and rushed towards the hunting team. They have now ignored Wang Yue, a six-person team, and directly pointed the finger at the large army. Only the Wolf King was still standing on the hillside overlooking the valley and did nothing. Maybe he thinks that this human hunting team is not enough to move.

"Young master, now that things have reached this point. We will pursue you to the death!" The masters of the six hunting teams swore allegiance to Wang Yue, which made Wang Yue suddenly feel a strong force rising from his heart.

"Young master, just call me by my nickname. My name is A San." My name is Fei." My name is Xiaotu." My name is Xiaotian." My name is Xiaohui." My name is Bangbang." The last big man said with a smile.

"Okay, you must completely follow my command later. We must kill the Wolf King before the wolves completely disperse the hunting team. Wang Yue stared at the Wolf King, and his fists in his hand also clucked.

"Oh!" The Wolf King seemed to feel Wang Yue's hostility and roared in the direction of Wang Yue. Then the seven first-order wolves that had stood beside the Wolf King walked out of three and ran in the direction of the Wolf King's roar.

"It's just the right time. Xiaotian, you take two to deal with the weak first-order wolf. Stick hammer, take two people to deal with the slightly stronger wolf. Leave the strongest wolf to me. Remember not to fight with him. If it really doesn't work, hold on. Whoever solves the problem first will go back to help you. Wang Yue quickly ordered to these six people.

"Okay." Six people answered together. Then the three of them divided into two teams and killed them towards their target, while Wang Yue stood still and looked at the wolf running towards him, and his fists in his hands clenched more tightly.

"Oh!" Facing Wang Yue's eyes, the wolf also seemed to notice the smell of the blood of the wolf who died on Wang Yue's fist. He rushed to Wang Yue before Wang Yue took any action. When it howled, the wolf also jumped forward on four legs. A distance of more than 20 meters was instantly crossed by him and rushed directly to Wang Yue's chest.

This head wolf is obviously different from the head wolf Wang Yue met before. He has grown uneven light blue wolf hair. In his jump, he could even see the light blue light shining on his body, rolling on the sea like a wave of waves.

"Battle!" Wang Yue did not panic when he saw the head wolf rushing over. He held the jaw of the head wolf in one hand and pressed the mouth of the head wolf in the other hand. Then as his body rotated, the whole wolf was grabbed by him and thrown out with the momentum of the wolf's body. The whole wolf hit a big tree fiercely. With a crisp sound, the tree was broken by the waist, and the wolf was also slightly injured.

However, where the head wolf was injured, it also quickly formed a layer of frost, which quickly controlled the injury of the head wolf and reduced its loss to the lowest point. The head wolf shook the wolf's hair and got up from the ground. There was a fierce light in his eyes and stared at Wang Yue fiercely, as if he was going to tear Wang Yue in half. In his breathing mouth, a chill also flashed blue light.

"I didn't expect that this wolf had the potential to evolve. Fortunately, I didn't let them deal with it, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable. Wang Yue looked at the players of the two teams who had fought with the head wolf, and his heart was full of worries.

"It must be solved quickly, otherwise the hunting team may not be supported for long." Wang Yue looked down at the valley in the gap where the head wolf stood up. More than 100 or 40 iron-backed wolves have besieged the hunting team and launched a fierce attack on the team members. I'm afraid that the balance in such a disparity of power will not last long.

"Roar!" Thinking of this, Wang Yue's fist clenched his fist again, and the head wolf opposite jumped up from the ground again and rushed to himself. This time, before the wolf rushed over, the cold air in his mouth had sprayed over first. A cold frost sprayed on Wang Yue's arm, which made Wang Yue suddenly feel a piercing chill. But at this time, the head wolf had rushed up, and Wang Yue had no chance to dodge at all.

"Uh!" Wang Yue didn't expect that he would be seized by the opportunity by the wolf as soon as he was stunned. Although Wang Yue grabbed the head of the wolf, the claws of the wolf still caught Wang Yue's arm. I saw blood flowing out of Wang Yue's arms. If Wang Yue's current bones had been refined by spiritual power, I'm afraid that if the head wolf had been caught, even his arm could be broken.

"Go to hell! Wind shadow legs!" Under the severe pain, Wang Yue threw out his leg and kicked the wolf's abdomen fiercely. He kicked the wolf out with one foot. Then, Wang Yue also followed from behind, and Mang Niu's strength was also used. Before the wolf landed, he was punched in the head by Wang Yue, who followed him. This punch was hit by Wang Yue with anger, which almost used the strength of Wang Yue's whole body. Under one punch, the whole wolf's head was smashed in an instant. The head wolf's body fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and did not move.

" hiss!" Wang Yue didn't expect that he had been so careless and hurt himself so much. He quickly took out a Yangyuan elixir from his pocket and swallowed it. A Yangyuan elixir fell into his stomach, and his strong spiritual power entered the three cyclones from his lower abdomen. These spiritual forces began to surge towards Wang Yue's whole body through three cyclones. Soon, the wound on his arm began to coagulate into a blood scab, stopping the blood.

"Be careful, don't rush for quick success!" The team led by Xiaotian also managed to eliminate the second wolf after Wang Yue destroyed the first wolf. Then, with the help of Wang Yue, the third wolf was also killed. In comparison, they found that their speed was a little slower than Wang Yue alone.

"Young master, we..." It turned out that these six people were afraid that they would get hurt, so they were all afraid of death. Only when three people are allowed to deal with a wolf, it is a little slower than Wang Yue.

"I know that everyone's life is precious. But if you have any reservations, I'm afraid we will all die here. Now all the elites of our family's hunting team are here. If we give up this time, I'm afraid our family will be annexed by other families in Zhenyuan City in a few years.

"At that time, the wives and children of all families will also be regarded as servants of other families, and the consequences will be very tragic. If we fight now, there may still be hope. So many iron-backed wolves have been killed by us, and we must have gained a lot. It's better to fight than to die. Maybe there is still life!" Wang Yue looked at the six people in front of him and said seductively. His heartfelt words made six hunting team masters who had experienced life and death several times red and dared not look up.

"Young master, you are the young master of the family. You know that you have a chance to escape, but you stay here to share the same boat with us. What other reasons do we have to retreat? Don't worry. We will definitely follow the young master to the end!" Hearing these six people's words, Wang Yue finally made sure that these six people really gave their lives to his own hands.

"Well, now we have to face a real life-and-death grinding. Life is glorious and rich, and death is the hero of the family. Now we rush up, I'm dealing with the wolf king, and you're dealing with the four wolves. Don't relax at all. Use your life to defend our royal hunting team and the dignity of our royal family. Wang Yue pointed to the wolf king standing tall in the valley and the coveting head wolf beside him. The wolf king also seemed to notice Wang Yue's very unfriendly eyes. He stared at Wang Yue and roared in a low voice.

"All right." Wang Yue looked at the foot of the mountain again, and now the situation at the foot of the mountain is very bad. I'm afraid that if Wang Yue and others don't work hard, hundreds of hunting teams will suffer heavy casualties.

"Young master, take them away quickly. I'm afraid we won't hold on for long. You must take our hunting team back to the town alive. Wang Meng, who had been struggling, was also relieved to see that Wang Yue led the team to kill three wolves. But when he saw the second-order wolf king on the valley, his heart sank to the bottom again.

You should know that the strength of this second-order wolf king is comparable to that of the strong man in the early stage of the extraordinary world. In addition to dealing with hundreds of wolves alone, it is simply impossible to deal with a second-order wolf king. Instead of letting everyone die here, it's better to let Wang Yue leave with the most powerful people in the whole hunting team. Maybe there is still a chance to survive. This is also a strong man's broken arm!

"No, we will definitely survive!" Wang Yue looked at Wang Meng, who had been slightly injured, and many members of the hunting team who were still struggling, and felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

"Kill, fight!" Wang Yue tore off his robe and let his snow-white skin ** outside to show his determination. Despite Wang Meng's opposition, he was the first to rush to the Wolf King in the valley.

"Oh!" The Wolf King did not expect that there would be a danger for human beings to dare to provoke him, and the human hand in front of him did not seem to be so strong. It's just that the Wolf King smelled a dangerous smell that did not belong to him in this human body, and vaguely let him see the shadow of an ancient dragon. It's just that this shadow flashed away, which made the Wolf King feel a little unbelievable.

"Wolf King, either you die today or I die!" When Wang Yue tore open his clothes, the piercing cold also invaded his body. This made him feel the tingling pain of the wind all over his body, but at the same time, a warm current also flowed out of his heart to relieve his uncomfortable feeling.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!" Just as Wang Yue was about to approach the Wolf King, the four head wolves that had been climbing near the Wolf King began to move. They ran towards Wang Yue one after another.

"Roar!" Just as the first wolf was about to pounce on Wang Yue, a big stone hit the head of the wolf. The stone hit the head wolf heavily, making the head wolf sink fiercely, and then turned to the direction where the stone hit it.

"Abandoned wolf, stupid wolf, idiot wolf. How about it? Come and bite me. Don't you dare? I knew you were just an idiot, pig's head..." A few unpleasant words came from the mouth of a nine-fold hunting team master. His provocative tone made the wolf's mouth spelt out cold and rushed at this person.

Then the other three wolves were also attracted by two, or a master of a hunting team. This has reduced the pressure of the whole Wang Yue a lot. He can face the Wolf King directly without interference.

"Roar!" The Wolf King looked at Wang Yue roaring lowly, and then stood up from the place where he had been climbing just now. He stared coldly at Wang Yue, as if he wanted to express what he meant. He seemed to despise him and seemed to laugh at Wang Yue's self-power.

"Well, you beast dare to despise me. I will definitely kill you today! Look at the boxing!" Wang Yue put a grain of Yangyuan elixir into his mouth, and his whole body jumped up from the same place. A force burst out of his skin. At this moment, even his blood vessels began to soar, turning into a flowing river, transmitting the rolling spiritual power to Wang Yue's arm. Wang Yue instantly felt that the power on his arm had reached the eight-fold quenching period, thousands of pounds.

"Oh!" Wolf King never dreamed that Wang Yue's strength would be so great and much faster than he thought.

Wang Yue's punch hit the Wolf King, which really frightened the Wolf King. However, when Wang Yue's fist really hit the Wolf King, he felt as if he had hit a piece of ice. Even Wang Yue could feel that every wolf hair on the Wolf King was like an ice strip. The boxing champion only hurt the hard ice and did not hurt the Wolf King at all.

"Impossible!" Wang Yue was shocked, and he didn't expect that the second-order wolf king would be so difficult to deal with. But at this time, an extremely weak spiritual wave flowed out of his heart. I saw a sudden red light on his fist. Although it was only a flash in an instant, it made Wang Yue's fist hit the Wolf King's skin firmly, and the outer ice was melted.

Although Wang Yue only melted a small piece of hard ice on the Wolf King's body. He was not very powerful to hit the Wolf King, but he was quite frightened by the Wolf King. Wolf King and Wang Yue retreated at the same time, staring at each other with an incredible look, as if they were looking at their opponents again.

It seems that the hard ice on the wolf king is his armor. I'm afraid he hasn't used other more powerful means. If I can't hurt the Wolf King with strength, I must use the martial arts of fire attributes. Because Wang Yue is still unable to use the spiritual power of the fire attribute in the core of the fire lizard beast in his heart, so at present, he can only rely on the martial arts of the fire attribute to stimulate it.

"The flames are blazing!" Wang Yue knew that he was now facing a second-order spirit beast with extraordinary strength. If he had any reservations, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as the last time he was scratched by a wolf. Therefore, his fire martial arts skill was also brewed on his arm.

Due to the effect of blood, the spiritual power on Wang Yue's arm became more abundant. Coupled with the Yangyuan elixir swallowed before, Wang Yue also felt that his body was full of spiritual power at this moment. At the same time, under his stimulation, he could feel that the spiritual core in his heart began to slowly beat with his heart, and a weak spiritual power of fire condensed on Wang Yue's arm with other spiritual powers. Wang Yue ran a few steps quickly and jumped up. His jump is more than four meters high.

In mid-air, Wang Yue stretched out his body and punched the Wolf King on the head.

"Wow, hoo!" The Wolf King looked at the fiery red color on Wang Yue's arms and knew that it was definitely not vegetarian. It first howled at the sky, and then a chill was sucked into its body from the sky. Then a vast white frost also sprayed towards Wang Yue from the mouth of the Wolf King.

At this moment, Wang Yue's fists were also bright red flames on his arms. He fell from mid-air, and his fists collided directly with the white fog. The red flame broke the white fog and landed directly on the head of the Wolf King.

The wolf king opened his body sideways and let Wang Yue's arm wipe his head and fall on one side of his body. Although Wang Yue's fist did not hit the Wolf King's body, it rubbed on the fluff of his head and heard Zlazla's voice. The Wolf King was still burned by the heat. The wolf king roared, against Wang Yue's body before Wang Yue fell.

Wang Yue, who was in mid-air, could no longer control the balance of his body. Before he could dodge, he was hit on his back by the wolf king's head and flew directly out.

"Bang!" Wang Yue was thrown on a small tree and the small tree was directly broken. Before Wang Yue could get up, the Wolf King no longer stayed in place, but rushed directly to Wang Yue.