Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 041 Deep into the Frost Forest

Chapter 041 Deep into the Frost Forest

This time, the hunting team met the iron-backed wolf pack. Although it encountered a large number of wolves, because the wolf king and eight wolves were removed by Wang Yue, the hunting team did not suffer much loss. Most of them suffered some minor injuries and some strength. Coupled with the Yangyuan elixir given by Wang Yue, most people's physical strength is slowly recovering.

"Hmm?" When Wang Yue inspected the team with Wang Meng, he found that the spiritual power in the body of several team members with a harden period was a little disordered. If we don't deal with it, I'm afraid there will be big problems in future battles.

"Uncle Wang, what's wrong with these people?" Wang Yue pointed to the team member who pointed to the eightfold harden period with the most obvious symptoms.

"Young master, they are all advanced players. However, there are not so many resources in our team, so we can only wait until this hunting to give them some additional rewards. Speaking of this, Wang Meng is also very helpless.

Although the hunting team is a high-paying profession, not many profits from families, chambers of commerce and auction houses really reach these team members. It's just that it's still very rich compared with other families. When they were in the hunting team, even if they died, they had family care and a title of warrior, which made the hunting team very rich. This is also the foundation for the Wang family to stand in Zhenyuan City and a cradle for training high-level warriors.

"Here are four jade elixirs. Do you think it's enough? If not enough, I still have four grains here! If they can't be advanced now, it will not only have an impact on the body, but also drag everyone down. If they can advance here now, they can provide some guarantees for entering the depths of the ice forest in the future. Wang Yue took out four jade pills from his pocket and handed them to Wang Meng.

These four jade elixirs were the family reward he exchanged for the last time he "picked up" the mysterious ice anus core. Now it doesn't hurt at all that he takes out to reward these warriors. For him, it is enough to have the spiritual core of the earth fire lizard as a strong support. He also knew that it was not easy for the warriors of the hunting team to help them a little and save a few more lives.

"Young master, I can't do it. These are all in exchange for killing the mysterious ice anad last time. If you give them advanced, what will you do in the future? Although you have now advanced to the ninefold quenching period, you should know that you will use more elixir in the future. In case you give it to us, I'm afraid you will also suffer losses. Wang Meng shook his head and didn't accept anything. He looked very firm. After all, for a family, the value of an extraordinary strong man is more important than the masters of the nine peaks of the quenching period. That is the foundation of the family's ability to stand in the distant city.

"It's okay. I am not bad at these elixir to advance to the extraordinary realm. Just give it to them. Why don't you think I'm a young master? Seeing Wang Meng's insistence on refusing, Wang Yue had to say with a straight face.

"What? The young master even had to take out the Ningyu Dan and separate it.

"Yes, yes. The young master is really generous. Those jade elixirs were obtained at the risk of their lives last time.

"The young master is so kind. If the young master can become the head of our Wang family, we will definitely live a better life in the future.

"Hm, I have to support the young master to be the patriarch when I go back this time. That Wang Feng or something, what is it..."

"Okay, young master." Wang Meng held the jade elixir in his hand, and his heart seemed to have turned over. It seems that his choice is right. If he knows how to win people's hearts at such a young age, he will definitely make greater achievements in the future. Wang Meng gave these four jade elixirs to eight people. They have advanced to seven or eight times of strength in the quenching period, which can be said to have added some strength that cannot be ignored to the hunting team.

When others were busy, Wang Yue kept thinking about the appearance of the huge fire lizard that appeared in his mind when he fought with the blue frost ice wolf, so he didn't hear the comments behind him.

At this time, the other team members also began to clean up the dead iron-backed wolves. The embarrassment of these iron-backed wolves has evolved a little, so when collecting furs, one has to buy at least hundreds of taels of silver. Those wolves are comparable to the value of the first-order wolf king, and each body has a spiritual core. What is more valuable is the second-order blue frost ice wolf, whose spiritual core is worth at least 10,000 taels of silver.

"Young master, everyone is ready. We can go on the road." Now they have just entered the frost forest. Although I happened to meet a large wave of iron-backed wolves, it was a pity to go back like this. Because there is only this season every year, the spirit beasts in the frost forest are the most active, and it is also the time when their hunting team earns the most in a year. It will probably take them a month to enter the frost forest this time.

"Now it's on the road." After Wang Yue nodded, Wang Meng also shouted to the team members who were resting and adjusting.

Now I have won a complete victory when I entered the frost forest at the beginning, and I also got the elixir given by the young master, which is full of morale. What's more, there are so many iron-backed wolves in this area, and there must be a lot of elixirs, and it's not a small income to go back. It may even be more valuable than these iron-backed wolves. So when Wang Meng urged everyone to go on the road, everyone was also high-spirited, like a victorious army.

"Hmm." Wang Yue looked at the energetic team behind him, and then packed up his belongings and rode on the horse.

It's winter now, and the more the team goes into the frost forest, the colder it gets. But they can only swim on the edge of the frost forest. If you go deeper, it will be very dangerous, and I'm afraid you will encounter higher-level spirit beasts. At that time, not to mention hunting spirit beasts, even they will become food for spirit beasts.

Riding on the horse, Wang Yue looked into the distance. This endless icy forest was wrapped in silver, bringing out a vast expanse of white. If this happens in the forest elsewhere, you will definitely not see any animals. But here is indeed the most active season of the Frost Selin spirit beast. In particular, a rabbit with a often-tailed rabbit can be seen everywhere.

These rabbits have thick fur all over their bodies, and their ears stand up straight, just like two earthworms that can be twisted and deformed at any time, constantly paying attention to the movement around them.

Generally, the fur of such a rabbit can probably buy 20 or 30 taels of silver. Although it is worse than the iron-backed wolf, there is no danger and some precious elixir can be picked in places where the rabbits are haunted. The value of these elixirs ranges from hundreds of taels of silver to thousands of taels or more.

There are several snow antelopes not far from the rabbit. The sharp corners of this snow antelope are also precious medicinal materials, and their bones can also be sold at a good price for repairing jewelry. In short, there are few animal motives in ordinary forests, but frost forests, on the contrary, are the most active season.

The hunting team did not retreat because of the appearance of the wolves, but marched all the way to the place where the iron-backed wolves walked.

Because a large number of iron-backed wolves passed by here before, there were basically no large spirit beasts. On the contrary, some elixirs can indeed be seen everywhere. The hunting team picked it one by one, which was also a big harvest. Take these elixirs back and sell them to those herbal merchants, and their value is at least thousands of taels of silver. If you give some of the more precious elixir to the auction house, you may be able to get several times the silver.

"Uncle Wang, this time I entered the Frost Forest to experience myself. In addition, I also want to enter the depths of the Frost Forest to find my father. I don't believe that he died so easily in the frost forest. Even if he really died, I also want to see his body, otherwise..." Half a month after the team entered the frost forest, Wang Yue suddenly came to Wang Meng's side and summoned up courage to say. He is not afraid of Wang Meng's obstruction, but that he finally brought hope to the hunting team. I'm afraid that leaving now will disappoint everyone again.

The first disappointment was that he was the son of the head of the family, but he was a rare loser in thousands of years. That time, he couldn't help but decide his fate, but this time, he had no choice. He must find the remains of his father, otherwise he will not feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"Well, I knew there would be this day. But this is also good. You always follow us and can't grow up. Now you are a master of the nine-fold quenching period. If you want to grow into an extraordinary strong man faster than Wang Feng, you need to have a stronger enemy as your opponent. Go ahead. Don't worry, Ziling, I will take good care of you. Wang Meng also knew that Wang Yue had always been a dragon and would not be satisfied with his current life. Instead of restricting his development, it was better to let the dragon go back to the sea and let him grow faster. I believe that soon, when he sees Wang Yue again, Wang Yue will become stronger.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang." Now the hunting team has hunted a lot of prey. It can be said that it has gained a lot and is about to return. Wang Yue decided not to follow Wang Meng, but to walk independently and enter the depths of the frost forest for a more cruel life-and-death training, hoping to meet a suitable opponent and let himself enter the extraordinary world

"This is the map of the Frost Forest. The place where I circled is where your father separated from us last time. Remember that even if your father is alive, he wants to see a living son, not your card in the ancestral hall. After a moment of hesitation, Wang Meng still handed a map to Wang Yue.

"I will pay attention to safety." After saying that, Wang Yue took the map, put on his backpack prepared in advance, and walked into the depths of the frost forest alone.

Looking at the map, Wang Yue found that his current location was not far from the location on the map. Only then did he know that Wang Meng had already arranged all this for him.

The more he walked into the frost forest and the colder the weather became, Wang Yue felt as if he had been blown off by a wind knife. However, under this stimulation, the spiritual power in Wang Yue's body also runs a little faster than usual. His current goal is to find the trace of the Snow Wolf King and see if he can find evidence that his father is dead or alive.

"Oh!" The day after Wang Yue separated from the hunting team, he suddenly heard a wolf howling that was enough to resound through the whole frost forest, which came from not far away. This shocked Wang Yue. Judging from this sound, this wolf spirit beast should be at least above the third level. Maybe it is the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King he wants to find.

After hearing the sound, Wang Yue quickly ran in the direction of the sound. Because he felt that there was a big war about to happen there.

"It's really the Snow Wolf King!" When Wang Yue saw the enemy in his heart, the hatred and anger in his eyes rose a little.

Since his father disappeared in the frost forest, Wang Yue has hated his father and the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King attacked by the hunting team, so in his eyes, this Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King is his father's enemy and must be killed. Now that enemies meet, how can they not be jealous!

"Roar!" Sure enough, as Wang Yue expected, after the threatening howling of the Wolf King, another tiger roar also came out. The friction between the two spirit beasts is also escalating. Wang Yue quickly found a hidden place to hide.

Nearly a kilometer in front of his sight, a snow-white, more than three meters high, blood-red eyes, and a roaring moon wolf king with a sharp horn on his forehead was standing on a small hillside looking at another huge spirit beast.

This spirit beast is also seen in Wang Yue's book. It is the same fourth-order strength as the King of Xiaoyue Snow Wolf, the King of Skywing Tiger. This Tianyi Tiger King is also snow-white fluff all over his body, and his whole body is more than five meters tall. The two sharp fangs in the mouth of the Tiger King, ** naked and exposed, combined with the crystal white saliva in the sun, make it look extremely ferocious.

The battle between the two spirit beasts is very rare in Wang Yue's eyes, not to mention the two high-level spirit beasts. I'm afraid they fought here for territory. After seeing these two spirit beasts, Wang Yue couldn't help thinking.

Just when Wang Yue was puzzled, the battle between the two high-level spirit beasts also began. The relatively weak-looking Xiaoyue Snow Wolf did take the lead in launching the attack. After seeing him roar to the sky, the fluff of his whole body immediately rose up, and the swollen snow-white fluff made the roaring moon snow wolf look like a snow-white hedgehog.

"This should be the white needle of the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf." Wang Yue didn't know why such information suddenly appeared in his mind, which made him feel very strange as if he knew Xiaoyue Snow Wolf very well.

Wang Yue knew that this white acupuncture did not look very eye-catching. Even if the fluff stood up, it just made the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King look more like a big white snowball. However, those who really know the Snow Wolf King know that this is a sign of his anger.

This white furry needle seems to be very soft, but it can make the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King resist more than half of the attack power of the opponent, so this Tianyi Tiger King looks much bigger than the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King, but it may not be the opponent of the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King.

"Wow..." While Wang Yue was still analyzing, he saw a snow-white cold wind with snowflakes spewing out of the mouth of the Snow Wolf King and rushed directly to the Skywing Tiger King. The impact of this cold wind was huge. Even Wang Yue, who was thousands of meters away, was blown cold by the cold wind and almost fell from the tree.

"Oh!" The Skywing Tiger King fluttered its wings and flew directly to the sky and passed by the cold wind. The Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King came fiercely. Even though the Skywinged Tiger King was fast, his body was blown by the cold wind, but it still left many traces of broken ice.

Seeing the Tianyi Tiger King flying into the sky, the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King did not worry, but stood still and watched the whereabouts of the Tianyi Tiger King. Following him, a circle of strong wind also brewed.

Wang Yue knows that this Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King is a spirit beast with wind attributes. Because I live in the depths of the frost forest all year round, there are also traces of ice and snow on my body. In contrast, the Skywinged Tiger King is indeed a spirit beast belonging to the ice attribute. Although he does not have the fluff of the Snow Wolf King, he has a layer of ice and snow armor that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. So the roar of the Snow Wolf King just now only left some traces of simple friction on his skin.

"A sharp ice and cold current!" Seeing the Tianyi Tiger King constantly shaking his wings in the air, and a whirlpool condensed by a white airflow all over his body was slowly forming. Wang Yue almost screamed out.

Compared with the roar of the Snow Wolf King just now, this rapid ice cold current is the natural martial art of the Skywinged Tiger King. If you get the human world, even the strong in the early stage of the spiritual realm will not dare to resist easily, otherwise they will be directly frozen into pieces by this frost and cold current like a rapid flow of water.

But now this Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King has not retreated at all in the face of the strong attack of the Skywing Tiger King, as if he is eager to try. Can he really resist the strongest blow of the strong man in the early stage of Lingtaijing?

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..." The heavenly winged tiger king's natural martial arts have begun to fall hail thousands of meters in the sky thousands of meters. Although these hails are not big, they also have a needle pain on Wang Yue's body.

Only at this time, Wang Yue was afraid that his voice would startle the two high-level spirit beasts and did not dare to make a sound, so he quietly suppressed the pain and continued to observe the extremely rare high-level spirit beast war.

"Wind barrier!"

Just as the natural martial arts of the Tianyi Tiger King were brewing, the fluff of the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King also changed. Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King opened his mouth and took a sudden breath. A stream of air entered the abdomen of Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King with snowflakes on the nearby ground, followed by floating out from the fluff of Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King's whole body.