Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 045 Chapter 046 Millennium Jade~Pulp

Chapter 045 is also happy and sad

"Shh..." Wang Yue asked, meaning, is there anyone here? Or is there anyone nearby? This sound is so light that it can't be found if it is not carefully identified. More importantly, this sound can spread far and does not increase the volume of the sound, something like secret language.

"Shh..." Wang Yue heard no response, so he said a few more times. He made several such inquiries in a row, but there was no response. He almost gave up. But just as he was about to give up, something unexpected happened.

"Shh...sh..." Two disconnected voices came from somewhere. This shocked Wang Yue all over. You should know that only the royal family can understand this kind of boo, and it is specially invented by his father. When he was a child, he thought it was just a tool for his father to play with him. It seems that today is also a useful day.

"Shh..." Wang Yue shouted a few times again.

"Shh...sh..." Wang Yue heard intermittent voices from not far away. So Wang Yue began to follow the sound.

"Is there another cave here?" Wang Yue saw that there was a simple cave in the depths of the garden. Some strange smells are also spreading in the cave, as if this is a place to store things. As soon as Wang Yue went in, he saw a cub of the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King tied to a rope tied to a large stone, curling on the ground tremblingly and trembling. I'm afraid he was scared.

Wang Yue looked into this storage room, where there was a dark and deep tunnel, and he didn't know where it would go. Wang Yue had to take out a spiritual stone for lighting from his backpack. As long as the warrior enters the aura into the body, this kind of spiritual stone can emit a faint light.

Wang Yue tried to comfort the spiritual power of his fire attributes. Soon a warm red light appeared on the spiritual stone. Wang Yue took this lighting spirit stone and began to walk towards the cave.

At first, the cave was quite spacious, enough for three orangutans the size of a blizzard king. Many loading items were also taken out on both sides of the walls, filled with fruits, meat, and some strange-shaped items.

Wang Yue ignored these stinky things and continued to walk inside. The deeper you go, the more you feel the air here is humid and cold. Finally, he came to the entrance of a huge cave and stopped. Because he saw iron gates made of steel here. This kind of iron door is well-made and strong in material, and even extraordinary masters can't make it this section. Judging from its workmanship and material, it is not something that Blizzard stars can make at all.

This iron gate blocks the hole, and there is a vast space inside. It's like a cell, which makes people feel gloomy and cold. But what on earth will the Blizzard Orangutan King keep here?

"Who's in there?" Wang Yue instinctively turned the lighting spirit stone in his hand to the depths of the cave. He found that there were many tableware in the cave, including a good mahogany table. There are also some huge plates on the table, and the big pots that make food are also very huge and cannot be used by ordinary people.

After all, the lighting spirit stone in Wang Yue's hand is limited. He can only see so much, and he can't see it inside. However, Wang Yue has other ways.

"Shh..." Wang Yue shouted with hope.

"Shh...sh..." The same voice came from inside.

"Ah, ah..." Just after the boo, Wang Yue heard what seemed to be a dumb cry. This sound made Wang Yue's heart excited and tremble, and even his heart accelerated a little. He knew that his father must still be alive.

"Father, wait for me to save you!" Wang Yue was excited. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the two iron railings fixed at the mouth of the cave and pulled them to both sides desperately. But I don't know what metal this iron door is made of. On the surface, it seems to be just an ordinary iron railing, but Wang Yue can't help even if he uses all his strength.

You should know that Wang Yue now has tens of thousands of pounds of strength, and he can reach 60,000 to 70,000 pounds with all his strength. Compared with ordinary intermediate masters, he is not as good, but it is useless to this railing. At most, it only makes him slightly bent. This made Wang Yue's heart, who had just seen hope, sink again.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue saw that there was a slightly larger gap under the iron gate of the railing. Now he is only a teenager and not yet mature. If he tightens his muscles a little, he can still pass. So Wang Yue tried his best to get under the iron gate. When Wang Yue entered the cell, the value was stunned by everything in it.

This is not a cell at all, just like a huge kitchen. There are all kinds of cooking items here, and even some high-grade seasonings can easily find a large bag. It seems that in addition to collecting elixirs for cultivation, the Blizzard Orangutan King also has high requirements for food.

"Wow..." After smashing Wang Yue gradually penetrated into the cell, he saw a vague figure appear in front of him. He fixed his eyes on the figure of an old man of about 40 or 50 years old.

"Who are you and how can you be here?" Wang Yue slowly approached the man, but found that the man was unkempt. Except for his slightly clean clothes, the beard on his face could almost cover most of his face. But his eyes always looked at him brightly, and even crystal clear things flowed out of the old man's eyes.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue was a little hesitant when he saw this person. It is rare for this person to know something that ordinary people don't know until they are old friends with my father. Wang Yue thought of slowly approaching the old man, but found that there were five chains wrapped around the old man's neck, feet and body. Now one of the chains tied to the old man's waist is actually inserted directly into the rock by a steel needle, which makes the old man stay in the deepest part of the cave and unable to move.

There is an unbearable smell here. Perhaps it is the old man's feces that have been piled up here and have not been removed.

"Grandpa, do you know where my father is?" Wang Yue quickly took a few steps to help the old man. He found that in addition to his extremely old face, his body was extremely strong, even better than himself.

Maybe it's because he has been using frost grass for a long time. Wang Yue thought of this, and the doubts in his heart were dispelled.

"Ah, ah..." The old man kept waving his hands and screaming dryly, as if he could not speak.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue looked at the old man's continuous comparison and didn't understand what the other party said. He came to the old man and wanted to break the chain with his own hands, but found that he could not shake the chain with his own strength.

"Well, it seems that there is nothing I can do." Wang Yue stood in front of the old man with his head down and said helplessly.

"Ah, ah..." The old man suddenly grabbed Wang Yue's hand and kept shaking. This really shocked Wang Yue. However, when I felt that the old man didn't seem to have any malice, I was relieved.

"Grandfather, I know you were caught here by the blizzard orangutan king. You have been separated from your family all year round, and you must miss your relatives in your heart, so you will cry. In fact, I also miss my father very much. This time I came to the depths of this frost forest to find him. Wang Yue sighed and found a clean stone beside the old man and sat down.

"Ah, ah..." The old man saw that Wang Yue didn't seem to understand what he was talking about, so he pointed to his beard and gestured for a while. Wang Yue frowned and took out a sharp dagger from his pocket and handed it to the old man. At the same time, he is also paying attention to the old man's every move. He didn't want the old man to do anything irreparable because of his dagger, such as suicide and short-sighted things. This will make him feel guilty for the rest of his life.

The old man doesn't seem to be so pessimistic. He took Wang Yue's dagger, then took the dagger in his hand and began to scrape his face, trying to kick off the beard on his face. Before long, the old man's face was completely exposed in front of Wang Yue. However, the light in the cell was very dim, and the old man's hair was very long, and Wang Yue still couldn't see the old man's face clearly. The old man began to clean his hair again.

After tossing for a while, a slightly clean but very old face appeared in front of Wang Yue. Wang Yue looked at it for a while and was stunned. He saw that the person standing in front of him was none other than his father who had missed him day and night in the past few years. He didn't expect that his father was standing in front of him just now, and he didn't recognize him. Now he finally saw his father's face, knelt on the ground, hugged Wang Ming's leg, and cried bitterly.

"Father, I have made you suffer in the past few years, and my son is late." Wang Yue didn't expect that his father had been so old in the past few years, like a 50 or 60-year-old man.

"Woo-woo..." Wang Ming was also heartbroken at this moment, so he half knelt on the ground and hugged his son's head, and both of them cried. However, they did not dare to cry too loudly, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable for the Blizzard Orangutan King to hear it.

"Father, why can't you talk?" Wang Yue, Wang Ming and his son cried for a while and then stopped. After all, they are not that kind of weak and incompetent, and they also know that crying alone can't solve any problems here.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Wang Ming opened his mouth, pointed to his tongue, and said ah.

"How can it be? Is this poisoned?" Wang Yue followed the direction of Wang Ming's finger and found that Wang Ming's tongue had turned light blue and could hardly be bent at will.

"Ah, ah..." Wang Ming patted Wang Yue's body, squatted on the ground, found a branch, and began to write. After all, although Wang Ming can't speak, he can express it in words. In this way, it will be much easier for father and son to communicate.

Wang Yue gradually communicated with his father to understand the general situation.

It turned out that a few years ago, Wang Yue's father took the hunting team out to hunt. In order to get better treatment for Wang Yue and have more elixirs to help Wang Yue change his body, Wang Yue's father decided to enter the frost forest to find opportunities. But how did they know that they met a Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King with a cub that had not yet given birth? Wang Yue's father originally wanted to hunt a weak fourth-order spirit beast, but he did not expect that the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King was extremely tenacious and almost dragged the whole hunting team into the trap. Finally, Wang Yue's father had to use his life to introduce the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King into the depths of the frost forest. Finally, Wang Yue's father came to the edge of the snowy mountain and was rescued by the Blizzard Orangutan King.

Wang Yue's father thought he was saved and met a humane orangutan. But what he never expected was that as soon as he escaped from the tiger's den, he entered the wolf's den. The blizzard orangutan king not only broke his sea of anger, but also fed him a poisonous fruit, preventing him from talking, and letting him make some human delicacies for himself. For this reason, he suffered an unknown many beatings by the Blizzard Orangutan King. In the end, I barely survived until now.

"Creeking..." Seeing his father's miserable experience, Wang Yue felt that his bones were bursting out with a powerful spiritual power, as if he could kill the two sleeping blizzard stars at any time.

"Ah, ah..." When Wang Ming saw Wang Yue's behavior, how could he not know what Wang Yue was thinking in his heart? He quickly pressed Wang Yue's hand and kept shaking his head. Wang Ming wrote on the ground:

"This blizzard orangutan king is infinitely powerful. Although a single strength is not as strong as other fourth-order spirit beasts, they are all group spirit beasts. In case it attracts the attention of the white orangutans here, they will be besieged by hundreds of white orangutans. In their hands, there may be no problem to deal with one or two white orangutans, but if the number is large, unless the spiritual platform hegemony, there may be a chance to try. Wang Ming held Wang Yue's hand tightly, hoping that he would not be too impulsive.

"Then do I really want to see you stay in such a damn place all your life and can't go out?" Wang Yue remembered the constant trembling all over, and the anger in his heart was even more difficult to eliminate. Now that the Snow Wolf King is dead, his enemies are the two Blizzard Gorilla Kings. But it's more important to think about how to save my father from here.

"Child, the poison in my mouth can still find an antidote. However, this iron chain must be broken by the middle of the extraordinary, even the strong, even the hegemony above the middle stage. Wang Ming thanked the ground with a branch.

"What, the middle of the extraordinary, even stronger strong?" Wang Yue was dumbfounded in an instant. It should be known that although he is now a nine-fold strength in the quenching period, the extraordinary and quenching period is a great watershed, and many people can't achieve extraordinary in their lives. Generally speaking, only four or five masters of the nine-fold quenching period have achieved extraordinary situations. The difficulties are absolutely not what ordinary people can overcome.

Wang Yue is only ready to try to break through the extraordinary world within half a year and strive to enter the realm of half-step extraordinary strong. But now if he wants to enter the middle of the extraordinary world, I'm afraid that he can't achieve it without adventure within two or three years at his current cultivation speed. This is the most entangled place for Wang Yue.

"Child, don't worry. If you take Frost Grass for a long time, you may not need to reach the middle of the extraordinary. As long as you reach the extraordinary, you can break the chain. Now the father can feel that the spiritual power in your body has reached ninefold. I am very gratified to see that you have grown so much. You can try to hit the realm here. If it really doesn't work, leave quickly. Wait until you really become a strong man and come here to save your father!" Wang Ming patted Wang Yue, who was extremely excited, and wrote it on the ground with a branch very firmly.

"Hmm!" Wang Yue was very clear that there was no other way but this method now, so he nodded heavily.

"Good boy. There are many elixirs outside. You bring it here according to your father's requirements. Maybe your father can help you deal with it a little bit and help you improve your realm as soon as possible. At that time, as long as you achieve extraordinary world, our father and son can escape from the ascension and reunite as a family. Wang Ming patted Wang Yue on the shoulder and wrote comfortingly.

"Good father, I will definitely practice hard according to your requirements." Wang Yue nodded.

"Yes, I haven't asked you what's going on outside. How can you get here so smoothly?" Wang Ming slowly wrote on the ground after ending the joy of father-son reunion and calming down a little.

"Father, the blizzard orangutan king stole the cub of the Xiaoyue snow wolf king during the day yesterday..." Wang Yue briefly said that she probably told Wang Ming what happened the day before.

"So that's it." Wang Ming nodded and frowned and wrote on the ground. After a while, Wang Ming seemed to think of a better way.

"Child, if you want to improve your strength in the fastest time, you need to go to the Blizzard Orangut King to get jade. I have only seen this kind of thing once. Its effect is better than any healing medicine. Unfortunately, he can't detoxify. But after you take it, it can greatly transform your body.

"Now the Blizzard Orangutan King has been fatally hit by the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King. Although he is not dead, he has also been seriously injured. I'm afraid he will sleep for at least two or three months. You can try to get some jade pulp from under the ice bed where he sleeps during this period.

"Don't look at the jade pulp, it looks sloppy and doesn't look good. You know, it is fermented for hundreds or even thousands of years, after tens of thousands of years of elixir are directly smashed. The spiritual power contained in it is not small, and even the Blizzard Orangutan King needs to take this elixir to improve the realm. So once you get it, there is still a glimmer of hope that you will improve your strength to the extraordinary world within two months. Wang Ming thought for a long time before writing very cautiously on the ground with branches. This is also the only way for Wang Yue to improve his strength.