Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 048 Steel Man-eating Flower

Chapter 048 Steel Man-eating Flower

In a month in the wind and moon valley, Wang Yue ate almost all the frost grass, and barely stood in the cold wind in the wind and moon to keep himself in a balanced state to walk. In this process, Wang Yue felt that the degree of muscle control on his body would become more and more accurate. For example, he could force some parts of his body, while other parts should be relatively relaxed to maintain his balance.

At the same time, in this process, Wang Yue is also more proficient in mastering the operation of spiritual power in his body, trying to lower the consumption price of his body to the lowest point, so that he can better adapt to cruel and lasting battles, especially in harsh conditions, is a very good ability.

Just doing this can only make him walk in the Wind and Moon Valley at night, but he can't really catch the Wind Spirit Rabbit. During this period

also requires him to control his speed well and improve his speed, which is another new challenge. Wang Yue began a new exercise.

It took another half a month before he was able to barely chase the wind rabbit in the wind and moon valley. However, when chasing the rabbit, he still encountered some obstacles. Only then did he find that it was really painful to catch the wind rabbit. It was only that Wang Yue never flinched, which made him continue to sharpen and experience the increasingly powerful feeling.

It's another night, and Wang Yue has made all the preparations. Before entering the night, he had begun to wait for the best time in the woods of Wind and Moon Valley. Because he has been able to distinguish the ice fruit trees in Fengyue Valley that Fengling Rabbit likes, and those are not his favorite varieties.

These good ice fruit trees often have wind rabbits to collect fruits. Those bad ice fruit trees rarely collect windy rabbits. So as long as he stays near those ice fruit trees with higher probability, he will have a chance to catch Fengling Rabbit.

In Wang Yue's motionless waiting, the night finally came slowly. On this night, Wang Yue began to wait quietly. With the arrival of the breeze, the temperature in Fengyue Valley became lower and lower, and finally the cold wind began to beat Wang Yue's body. However, Wang Yue has begun to use spiritual power to weave a spiritual clothes on his body that can block the cold wind. Wearing this spiritual dress on Wang Yue can make him resist the cold and maintain his best physical strength until the next morning.

Huh? The wind rabbit finally appeared. Just as Wang Yue was restraining his breath, closing his eyes and waiting for the best time, Wang Yue's ears suddenly moved slightly. He heard the unique sound from Fengling Rabbit. This sound is very strange. If it is not carefully distinguished, ordinary people will not notice it.

At this time, a wind rabbit came out of the cave, and then the second and third wind rabbit also came out of the cave. These wind rabbits are very alert. However, it is obvious that they do not have Wang Yue, a living man, as their enemies. Instead, they have developed a lot of interest in him over time. This made Wang Yue's original idea of hunting them gradually disappear.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue stood motionless in the wind. At this time, a windy rabbit also appeared in his sight. This wind rabbit is not big, but just a young wind rabbit. However, Wang Yue was very interested in this Fengling Rabbit and had been hovering beside Wang Yue, even paying attention to the silver-white bright ice fruit next to him.

Wang Yue thought that the wind rabbit kept flying around him with the cold wind, obviously trying to seduce him. Unfortunately, Wang Yue has never been fooled. Because he could detect that this wind rabbit was very alert, and I'm afraid that a slight move would make him escape. Wang Yue has had this experience many times.

"Well, what a cunning guy." Wang Yue closed his eyes again and began to feel the direction of the wind rabbit with his heart. He knows that Fengling Rabbit is the king here. Wang Yue can't distinguish his speed with his eyes. Because in this wind, the wind rabbit can adjust according to the direction of the wind at any time. Wang Yue's speed is not as fast as the wind, let alone the wind rabbit above the wind.

Now is the opportunity. Wang Yue suddenly had a trace of enlightenment in his heart in his non-stop feeling, as if he had grasped something, and it seemed that he would be fleeting if he didn't pay attention. This makes Wang Yue always feel itchy.

He could feel that this should be an opportunity, an opportunity to seize the wind rabbit.

Wang Yue felt the flow of the wind, and suddenly his body moved in the wind. One of his hands reached out. However, his hand did not stretch straight, but swinged with the trajectory of the wind. Just as he waved in front of him, the position of his sight, suddenly he reached out and grabbed a furry thing.

As soon as Wang Yue opened his eyes, he saw a wind rabbit looking at himself curiously. He didn't expect that the first wind rabbit would be caught by him like this.

Now Wang Yue was so ecstatic that he almost roared at the valley. However, Wang Yue was not too excited, but took out an ice fruit from his pocket and fed it to the wind rabbit by hand.

This wind rabbit is obviously not yet an adult. It has just reached the age of going out to practice flying, so it is not afraid of many things. What's more, he has been observing Wang Yue these days and found that there is nothing terrible about Wang Yue, so he relaxed his vigilance. Up to now, he has been caught by Wang Yue, and he has no feeling anything. Instead, he is still happily eating the ice fruit given to him by Wang Yue.

But at this time, after other Fengling rabbits saw this situation, they were terrible. In the world of Fengling Rabbit, the number of Fengling Rabbit is not very large. Usually, a nest of wind spirit rabbits can give birth to about two small wind spirit rabbits. This makes every little rabbit very important to the whole family.

Normally, a rabbit is almost the same age as a person, about 80 years. Compared with human adulthood, Fengling Rabbit usually leaves the cave to practice flying when it is three to four years old, so this Fengling Rabbit is just a young Fengling rabbit. When Fengling Rabbit is eight years old, he is a real adult.

If Wang Yue just stands here and doesn't move the rabbit, there may not be any problem. However, when he caught the first wind rabbit, he alerted other adult wind rabbits. Then seven or eight wind rabbits began to fly around Wang Yue. This made Wang Yue a little confused and thought that these wind rabbits had come to welcome him.

So, Wang Yue stuffed the little wind rabbit into his arms, and then observed the wind rabbit around the period, hoping to harvest again. But just as Wang Yue hesitated, the foreheads of these wind rabbits began to shine red one by one. Fengling Rabbit in Wang Yue's arms also felt fear and uneasiness.

"Is this the natural martial art of Fengling Rabbit, freezing cold current?" Wang Yue looked at the seven or eight adult rabbits beside him and thought doubtfully.

With the passage of time, these red lights were particularly dazzling in the midnight and turned into small red suns. No one could imagine that this little red sun would emit something extremely cold.

"Woo..." At the time when the red light was shining, a harsh wind became sharper and sharper in Wang Yue's ear, and a larger airflow formed around him, and the temperature dropped instantly. On the contrary, the temperature of these wind rabbits is still rising.

"Wow!" A more harsh sound sounded, and seven or eight ice streams like ice cones spewed out of the mouths of seven or eight wind rabbits. These ice streams are like **, but in the wind, they are more like a sharp knife stabbing directly into all parts of Wang Yue's body.

"It seems that I have been holding back these little things for so many days, and it's time for me to show my real strength." When Wang Yue faced so many cold airflows, he was not afraid at all, but also looked forward to it.

"The flames are blazing!" Wang Yue's martial arts skill became more pure and powerful after his father's guidance. When he released his martial arts skills, a spiritual power and the spiritual nucleus of the earth fire lizard also slowly combined. The three cyclones in Wang Yue's body began to rotate quickly, and a spiritual power of fire attributes also burst out in an instant.

The spiritual power that burst out kept drawing beautiful curves in the middle of Wang Yue's ten fingers and in front of Wang Yue's chest. Curved and graceful fluctuations began to jump in his fingers. This wave is like a flame that keeps dancing on the grassland, which can burn everything and make everything more powerful and vibrant.

The flame bent and flowed from Wang Yue's hand, completely covering Wang Yue's body in it, guarding every part of Wang Yue's body like a dragon. Even those powerful ice streams can't cause any damage to Wang Yue, and even leave no trace of flame collapse.

On the contrary, after looking at the wind spirit rabbit, after releasing its natural martial arts, its body consumed too much, and each of them fell from the air and lost its ability to move.

"Woo-woo..." The little wind rabbit in Wang Yue's arms jumped out of Wang Yue's arms and came to the side of seven or eight wind rabbits, constantly whispering, as if he was very anxious.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Wang Yue also knew that these wind rabbits were actually not injured, but their physical strength was exhausted and a little weak. Wang Yue put seven or eight wind rabbits behind a big tree, then climbed up the fruit tree and picked a lot of ice fruits, one by one to feed these wind rabbits. After eating the ice fruit, these wind rabbits gradually regained consciousness and began to move on the ground.

"Woo..." The little wind rabbit seemed to know something, so he communicated with other wind rabbits. Finally, they knew that they had misunderstood Wang Yue and jumped back to their cave one by one. Even the little wind rabbit left with the other wind rabbits. .

"Ha ha, it seems that it's time for me to leave." After defeating these wind rabbits, Wang Yue did not kill the wind rabbits according to his father's method, but let them go. For him, he wants to challenge the strong, not kill the innocent.

In the morning, the sun rose slowly, and Wang Yue stood up from the ground and was ready to leave the Wind and Moon Valley. Just as he was about to leave, a wind rabbit that had never appeared in the day one by one got out of the ground and jumped to Wang Yue. This is the first time that Wang Yue has watched a wind rabbit so close. He could feel the snow-white feathers on the wind rabbit's body. I saw a big wind rabbit put the small wind rabbit into Wang Yue's arms, and then they jumped away again. And this little wind rabbit leaned affectionately on Wang Yue's chest and kept rubbing, as if he had regarded Wang Yue as his free meal ticket.

Wang Yue looked carefully and found that the wind rabbit in his arms was different from the ordinary wind rabbit. His forehead is not a red flame mark, but a blue frost mark. That seems to be the reason why he wants to leave here.

"Let's go." Wang Yue's next target will be a group of undead vulture. These undead vulture live on the snowy mountains. They eat some rotten corpses all year round, so they have sharpened their eyes. Although their attack power is not strong, for Wang Yue, they are still an attack power that cannot be underestimated.

Wang Yue's goal is to pass through a valley full of dead vulture and then rush to the next destination.

After Wang Yue left Fengyue Valley, he came to the valley where the dead vulture lived after about a day. This valley is called the Dead Silent Ridge, because there is almost no grass on the Dead Ridge, and there is a bare area everywhere, in which the undead vulture lives. As long as Wang Yue has entered the Dead Ridge, he can hear the tragic cry of an undead vulture on the Dead Ridge.

In the eyes of these undead vulture, the most delicious is not the flesh of animals, but the human soul. Only by eating powerful souls can they really become stronger.

When passing through this mountain, because a undead vulture will fall from the sky, what Wang Yue can practice most here is his dodge ability.

If this mountain takes about a day to walk at Wang Yue's normal speed, but under the pressure of these undead vulture, Wang Yue may have to walk for about a month. This made Wang Yue bravely and began to pass through the Deadly Mountains.

When Wang Yue entered the Silent Hill, a undead vulture in the sky was still hovering. These undead vulture are not very big, but they have a sharp mouth like a hook. As long as he is bitten by them, a large piece of Wang Yue's body will die, not to mention that he still has a wind rabbit in his arms.

At this time, Wang Yue suddenly thought of the trajectory of those wind and spirit rabbits moving in the Wind and Moon Valley, which was very light and beautiful. The natural enemies of these wind rabbits are eagles, so if Wang Yue can imitate their pace, he can pass through here smoothly. Thinking of this, Wang Yue found that there was finally no waste in observing the harvest of Fengling Rabbit these days.

So with Wang Yue's continuous efforts, he passed the Dead Ridge in only two days and practiced a very special step. He gave it a name, which is called Fengling Feiyingbu.

After walking out of the Dead Hill, Wang Yue's next destination is the ice river. A cold carp grows in the ice river. Although these ice carp only have the strength of first-order spirit beasts, their number cannot be underestimated. What Wang Yue wants to practice here is the endurance of his spiritual power in his body. I thought that the ice had already formed ice at this moment.

Although normally speaking, Wang Yue will not fall into the ice river when walking on it, the ice carp under the ice is not so clever. They like to eat meat, especially Wang Yue, a powerful warrior.

After leaving the Dead Mountains, Wang Yue walked for about three days to come to the ice river. After crossing the river, it is the place where Wang Yue will finally arrive. That was also his final test.

Wang Yue took a deep breath before stepping on the ice. Then it began to slowly approach the ice. However, before he got on the ice, he saw an ice carp starting to keep hitting the ice. I'm afraid that if Wang Yue doesn't leave, the ice will be broken by the ice carp. When Wang Yue wants to pass, he has to wait for the next day.

Seeing that so many ice carp welcomed Wang Yue, Wang Yue couldn't wait to pass. After taking a deep breath, he hurriedly jumped on the ice and felt that the ice carp below was desperately hitting the ice and swallowing Wang Yue. Wang Yue was not so stupid, waiting for them to trouble him, but ran all the way to the other side of the river for miles. At this time, Wang Yue's balance ability practiced in Fengyue Valley was tested here.

At this time, Wang Yue understood his father's good intentions. It turns out that the real training place is in Fengyue Valley, and the other three places are to test Wang Yue's cultivation achievements. If Wang Yue is a little lazy, he may not be able to pass these three levels, and he will have to continue to pass again, and even be eaten by these ferocious spirit beasts.

After running for about half a day, Wang Yue finally passed the ice river and came to his fourth place. This is also the key for him to successfully return to the snowy mountains and rescue his father from the blizzard orangutan cave.

Wang Yue also walked for three days to come here. When Wang Yue saw it for the first time, he was also stunned by the wonderful scene here. This is simply an ocean of flowers. However, this kind of flower is not an ornamental variety, but a sunrise cannibal flower.

These man-eating flowers grow in the depths of the frost forest. They are not growing alone, but around a man-eating flower king, forming an area. So when Wang Yue came here, he saw a sea of flowers, and his fourth goal was here.