Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 060 ren ji dong fu

Chapter060's Polar Cave

"What, how is that possible?" In Luo Tianzong, an elder of the outer door almost shouted in surprise when he saw a list in his hand. Because he saw a familiar name on the list, but the owner of this name was arranged in a very humble hall of Luo Tianzong, which made him extremely dissatisfied.

This elder is called Zhao Tianhui, who is the outer elder of Luo Tianzong. It was he who sucked Wang Yue into Luo Tianzong and became an external disciple of Luo Tianzong, so emotionally, Zhao Tianhui's feelings for Wang Yue were deeper than his other disciples. Now Wang Yue has received this unfair treatment, which makes him very indignant.

But after thinking about it, the Li family has a very high status in Luo Tianzong. Not only the elders of the outer door have people of the Li family, but the elders of the inner door are also disciples of the Li family everywhere. In the final analysis, it is mainly because the Li family has a rare Li Chao, who has now become the core disciple of the patriarch. Otherwise, the Li family would not be so arrogant and domineering in Luo Tianzong, and they can deal with the new disciples at will.

"Forget it, just clean the office. I remember that there was a patriarch of Luo Tianzong who came from there. I hope this boy won't let me down, otherwise my painstaking efforts will be in vain. Zhao Tianhui shook his head and entered the practice again. Although he is now just an elder, his goal is not more than that. This is also the reason why he knew that Wang Yue had offended the Li family and recruited him into Luo Tianzong.

"Father, although I successfully won the priority of trade interests in Zhenyuan City for our family this time, I also offended the Li family. Now after I enter Luo Tianzong, the sheep enter the tiger's den. I don't think the people of the Li family will let me go." When he was in the Blizzard Orangutan King Cave, Wang Ming once told him about the Li family, especially Li Rui, which made him a special place, so Wang Yue was not unaware of the Li family's foundation in Luo Tianzong.

It's just that if he retreats because of this, I'm afraid that there will be one difficulty after another on the road of the strong in the future. Sooner or later, he can't escape. It's better to face it early than to escape, so that you can become stronger. Only when you become strong will many problems be solved.

"Yes, I'm also worried about this matter. I don't know if you have any better plans?" Wang Ming looked at Wang Yue and asked with a little worry. He is very clear about the strength of the Li family, but is there really no problem if Wang Yue goes to other sects?

"I want to enter the deeper part of the Frost Forest, so as to improve my realm to the extraordinary realm. At that time, I can justly fight for more benefits for myself, instead of being bullied by the Li family. Wang Yue was equally worried when he thought of the problems that were likely to arise after he entered Luo Tianzong.

The Li family has always been the first family in Zhenyuan City and a native. Zhou is well known for the arrogance and arrogance of the Li family. Now that Wang Yue has broken this balance, it is inevitable that he will not be envied by the Li family.

"It's good. Now your current strength is no longer suitable for exercising outside the frost forest. But three months later, it will be the day when you rush to Luo Tianzong to get started. I hope you will be late. Wang Ming's strength has gradually recovered, and the contradictions within the family have gradually subsided. Now the matter of Wang Yue's departure to Luo Tianzong has not been resolved. However, Wang Yue's plan to enter the depths of the ice forest was also expected by Wang Ming.

"Yes, father. Then I'll go back and prepare it." Wang Yue left his father's room and rushed back to his room to pack his things. At this time, he saw Wang Feng standing not far away as if he was waiting for him.

"Wang Feng, do you have anything to say to me when you come to me?" Wang Yue looked at the hesitant Wang Feng and finally took the initiative to go up and said to Wang Feng.

Since this four-family competition, Wang Yue's attitude towards Wang Feng has also greatly changed. In his opinion, his strength has become stronger, and he has little to worry about Wang Feng's influence on him. I'm afraid this is also an important reason for his change of Wang Feng. Another is that Li Rui and the Li family have become Wang Yue's biggest enemies.

"Wang Yue, I was too much to you before..." Wang Feng stepped forward to apologize to Wang Yue, but was stopped by Wang Yue.

"Let him go through the past. I don't want to talk to you about these numb words. If you have anything to say, just say it." Wang Yue waved his hand and said. There was no friendship between him and Wang Feng, and now there is no Li Rui by his side, so he doesn't want to hypocritically listen to Li Rui say these boundless words.

"I came to you this time to say goodbye to you." Wang Feng hesitated for a moment and said.

"Resign, are you going to Luo Yunzong so soon?" Wang Yue asked doubtfully. After all, Luo Tianzong will not expire until three months. Now it seems too strange that Wang Feng left so early.

"In this competition, I not only lost to Li Rui, but also lost to you, so I want to go to the sect early and exercise myself a lot, instead of sitting in the well and watching the sky in the small place of Zhenyuan City." Wang Feng said with some embarrassment.

In the past, he regarded himself as the boss and the first day of the Wang family. But now, he is clearly aware of his shortcomings, especially in Wang Yue's family interests. In the final analysis, the most important thing for him to enter the sect depends on the influence of his family in the town. Without the strong position of the Wang family, I'm afraid he will only do nothing for the rest of his life.

"That's it. That's good. Now we are just sitting in Zhenyuan City and watching the sky. Although we feel that our world is very big, we may have better opportunities once we leave here. Wang Yue nodded and agreed with Wang Feng's statement. It's just that he prefers his own decisions. After all, people are different. He prefers the feeling that there is only a difference between life and death.

"I'm not here to tell you this, mainly because you are going to enter Luo Tianzong. I want to tell you something about Luo Tianzong and the Li family. The Li family has a deep* in Luo Tianzong. This may be known to everyone, but few people in the town know why the Li family has today's opportunity. Wang Feng hesitated a lot and still said what he wanted to say.

"Oh, I don't know that." Wang Yue nodded and said very modestly.

"That's because the Li family has a rare genius in a thousand years. His name is Li Chao, and he is now the core true disciple of Luo Tianzong. I'm afraid that even the elders of Luo Tianzong dare not provoke him. You have just gone to Luo Tianzong, and you are weak. I hope you will try not to quarrel with the Li family. If you have the ability in the future, that's another matter. This is my kindness. You can also not listen. I'm leaving. Take care of yourself." After saying these words, Wang Feng left without looking back. It's not that he doesn't want to say a few words to Wang Yue, but that he feels that what he has done before is too much, and he doesn't want to stay in front of Wang Yue.

Besides, his itinerary has been decided, and he doesn't want to delay his future cultivation plan. Although Wang Yue has defeated Li Rui, Li Rui is still one of his strong enemies in Wang Feng's heart.

"Sure enough, it has changed a lot. It seems that failure is really a good teacher." Wang Yue patted the dust on his body and returned to the old house. Before he entered the door, he saw a thin figure running out of the room and suddenly hugged him.

"Ziling?" Wang Yue looked carefully at the girl who jumped into his arms, which was somewhat unnatural. But when he looked at it and knew it carefully, there was another heartache in his heart. It turned out that Ziling seemed to have lost some weight in the months since he left.

"Young master, you are finally back." Ziling said crying.

"It's okay. By the way, I also told my father about you. I want to recognize you as my god sister. In this way, after I leave the Wang family, no one in the Wang family will dare to bully you again. You don't have to do these rough jobs anymore." Wang Yue said with a smile. He looked at Ziling as if he were looking at his own sister.

"How can this be? Otherwise, you can take me to Luo Tianzong, and I'm willing to be a close maid for you. Ziling was anxious when she heard that Wang Yue was about to leave her.

"Ha ha, Ziling, the sect is not allowed to bring family. That's where strength is improved. Well, I have arranged it for you. If you become healthy the next time I come back, I will consider your request. Wang Yue hugged Ziling and handed him some good things.

After living in the old house for a few days, Wang Yue sent Ziling to the Wang family's mansion in the distant city. After settling down, Wang Yue left Zhenyuan City to go to the depths of the frost forest to experience.

He knew that the most dangerous place for the Frost Forest was not the area near the town, but the area near the Frost Plain and the Frost Mountains. At the same time, this is also the place where the disciples of Luo Tianzong, Luo Haizong and Luo Yunzong often practice. Among them, there are dangers and countless rare treasures.

However, Wang Yue is not so arrogant at this moment. He thinks he can be comparable to his disciples in the sect, so he will not go there for the time being, but is going to the other side of the ice forest near Zhenyuan City to experience it.

There are many empires in the whole Tianlong continent, and Chu Yunguo is just one of the relatively large countries. In addition to Chu Yunguo, there are many smaller countries around him. These countries also advocate force, but they are much weaker than Chu Yun. Now Wang Yue will go to a small country called Shangqiu on the other side of the frost forest.

Although Shangqiu is small, its worship of force is not weaker than Chu Yun, and there are even many martial arts museums in this small country. In these martial arts halls, many martial artists were also born, and finally became masters or even strong through slow exercise.

Although it is only a small country, many powerful warriors have emerged because of these martial arts halls. Such a place is the most suitable for Wang Yue to practice. To a strange city, a strange environment with a mixture of dragons and snakes, Wang Yue needs to establish his own power, exclude some people, get close to some people, and make his own team. This is also what Wang Yue's father and Wang Ming expected.

"Wow, this feeling is really good!" When Wang Yue came to the Frost Forest for the third time, it was already a white scene everywhere, and the mountains were full of heavy snow. In his eyes, it was like a snow-white road to success, leading to his glorious future.

In the distance where the ice and snow spread, there is also a mountain across the frost forest, and on the other side of the frost forest is the Fire Plain, which belongs to the boundary of Shangqiu. Wang Yue went from here and wanted to walk east all the way. Although he also met some spirit beasts on the way, they were easily taken down by him. Wang Yue avoided some powerful spirit beasts as much as possible. It can be said that he is very lucky along the way.

Soon, Wang Yue came to a place only the size of a distant city. In Shangqiu, this city is called Bianli City. This is also the largest city in Shangqiu and a place where martial artists are concentrated. Wang Yue came here to live here for a period of time, so he brought the currency common to the whole Tianlong continent. This currency is usually stored in the spiritual crystal card, which is issued by the Tianlong Empire. Even if it is only a small city, it must accept this kind of spiritual crystal card, otherwise it will be against the Tianlong Empire and will be conquered or even directly destroyed. This is also the reason why Wang Yue carries this kind of spiritual crystal card. Of course, this card itself is also very expensive. A crystal card is worth 10,000 silver coins. Of course, if you go to other countries, you can directly bring silver coins directly, but who has to go to other countries and bring tens of thousands or even millions of silver coins!

"Hmm?" When Wang Yue entered the city, he saw the warriors gathered together, as if they were discussing some topic. Not only that, there are such small teams everywhere in Licheng, but there are only five people at most.

"Little brother, you also came here to look for treasure." Just as Wang Yue was puzzled, three people suddenly came from the side, led by a young man in his twenties, followed by a woman and another burly man with an epee in his hand.

"Treasure hunt?" Wang Yue was stared at heart. Is there any other treasure here? Wang Yue thought about it, and it's better to find out first.

"Is there anything wrong with this? I'm a warrior who came here to practice, so I'm not very clear about what happened here. Please give me some advice. Wang Yue said very politely as soon as he saw that these three people were nine masters in the quenching period, and even half a step of extraordinary power.

Because the whole Tianlong continent is a warrior, once you are stronger than the other party, it is normal to use some tough attitudes and tone, rather than everyone pays attention to equality in modern society. Compared with this world, it has a corresponding strict hierarchy.

"That's the right question. My name is Li Tianling. I am a half-step extraordinary strong man. At the same time, I am also familiar with perception, which is very helpful for finding items. These two are Sun Xiaoyuan, a nine-fold master in the quenching period. She is good at the spiritual power of ice attributes. This is Qian Dagang, and he is also a half-step extraordinary strong man. We are all a temporary team."

"This is the general situation. Recently, a relic appeared hundreds of kilometers away from here, which seems to be a cave left by a wandering man. This cave seems to be about to open to the outside world recently, which has attracted martial artists from some small countries around to come in to get some oil and water. Li Tianling said like a boss.

"So that's it." Wang Yue is probably clear about the origin of it. He knows that there is a hegemon of the spiritual realm above the extraordinary strong, the hegemony of the original realm, and there is the hegemony of the heavenly realm above, and finally he is the extreme of the divine realm. Such a figure is a top master even in the sect, even in the whole Tianlong continent. Does he have the ability to enter such a cave? Wang Yue doesn't want to have such a fantasy.

"Brother, don't worry. Although the owner of this cave is very powerful, because it has been opened several times before, some powerful places in it have been broken by masters. The good things have also been cleaned out, and only some very ordinary places still have some humble magic weapons.

"These things are disdained by those spiritual platform hegemons and even more powerful warriors. Therefore, most of the people who entered the cave this time are masters of the quenching period like us, and at most there are some general extraordinary early strongmen. Brothers are worried. We are all nine-fold, even half-step extraordinary quasi-strong people. We are not afraid to form a team even if we encounter a single extraordinary situation.

"What's more, the extraordinary strongmen of the general sects disdain the remnants of the cave, and only some individual strongmen in the early days of the extraordinary realm who wander around here want to try their luck. Well, if we count you now, we will need one person to form a consolidated team. I also took the initiative to find you because of the little brother's strength and good character. With that, Li Tianling said with a white tiger tooth and a smile.

"So that's it?" Wang Yue looked at several other people suspiciously and said, while the other people seemed to smile kindly to confirm Wang Yue's idea and showed a very kind appearance.

"Okay, then I'll choose to be on the same team with you!" Although Wang Yue's mind was extraordinary, his experience was not very deep, so he agreed to Li Tianling's request.

"Okay, Brother Tianling, we only have one team member left!" Just as Li Tianling breathed a sigh of relief, a big guy next to him suddenly shouted excitedly.