Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 067 Battlefield of Death

Chapter 067 Battlefield of Death

"I didn't expect that there were so many legends in a treasure." Wang Yue nodded and said with deep emotion. He thought that Li Tianling only concealed the half-way weapon out of selfishness, but now it seems that he has no choice but to do so.

"Shh, I can hear something." Li Tianling suddenly motioned Wang Yuedao.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue seemed to be aware of something strange by Li Tianling's prompt, and he immediately stopped and listened carefully with Li Tianling.

"Roar." A low and oppressive sound came from the depths of the deep black tunnel. There are a large number of corpses piled up on both sides of this narrow tunnel. The twisted faces on these corpses seemed to make them think of something terrible, as if they were a fierce demon.

"Did they all die here?" Each of the four took out a lighting stone and began to walk towards the depths of the tunnel. As they went deeper and deeper, he found that the bodies piled up on both sides became higher and higher. It's just that there are a lot of resentment left on these corpses, so that their weapons cannot be refined by others. What's more, Li Tianling still has to buy time to find the half-way weapon he needs.

"Have you found it?" When Wang Yue looked at Li Tianling walking deep, he took out a crystal clear jade from his pocket, which seemed to be used to sense something. However, no changes were found in this jade along the way. Only then did Wang Yue suddenly ask.

"No. I am also very strange. Now the stone capital piled up here has reached the state of return, but I have never seen the body of our predecessors Li family. What the hell is going on? Has he already gone deeper? Li Tianling is very clear about the importance of this important treasure to Shangqiu.

This half-way device is called empty teeth, which is used to describe that it can bite the space and be as sharp as teeth. This half-way weapon was accidentally obtained by their royal family and went through hundreds of years of national strength to achieve today's results. He can not only cut time and space, but also go back in time. Although the lethality is weaker, there is still no problem for cultivating talents. This is also the reason why Shangqiu State attaches so much importance to it.

Now Shangqiu's domestic and foreign troubles are the time when he is needed.

"What? It's over." Just as they kept walking forward, a huge black gate suddenly appeared in front of them, and the sound came from inside the gate.

"There should be a peerless beast in it." When several people walked to the front of the gate, they suddenly felt a huge pressure rolling out of it. At the same time, near the gate, the rolling heat wave also made the nearby ground extremely hot. Even the gate was roasted in a fiery red color, blooming a faint red light.

"Roar!" Inside the gate, another roar of a giant beast faintly came out, and the gate kept shaking at this moment. It seemed that as long as one person gently pushed it, it would push open the two gates that were hundreds of meters high and dozens of meters wide, and the other side of the gate may be an unforgettable sight for their lives. .

"Drip..." Just when several people were stunned here, suddenly a sound of footsteps came from not far away. Wang Yue turned his head and saw that Mingyue was injured all over and his face was tired.

"Mingyue, what are you doing? Let me explode for you." Wang Yue saw Mingyue's arm and had bruises in many places on his body. Although he was not seriously injured, it is certain that he must have come here after a bloody battle just now.

"I'm fine." Mingyue showed a cunning smile at the corners of her mouth, and did not struggle, but let Wang Yue carefully wrap her up. Even if Wang Yue clumsily touched her wound, Mingyue just smiled and didn't seem to feel any pain.

At the same time, Li Tianling and the other two people stood stupidly in front of this fiery red gate and didn't know what to do. Before long, several people left bean-sized beads of sweat. I want to enter because there are treasures of their country, which is very important to their country. But they don't want to enter because they can feel that there is a powerful existence in it that they can't defeat. This is why this existence makes these peerless strong men buried here.

"Hahaha, you losers. What are you waiting for here? Just as Wang Yue bandaged Mingyue's wound and Li Tianling and others were still hesitating, Li Tiandu finally brought people in. It's just that they are all gray-faced and damaged the appearance of several people. There are only six left in the team of ten people.

"You mother-in-law, finally let me catch you. Look, I won't kill you!" Just in front of these people's door of the peerless beast, He Xiaokui saw Mingyue, the girl whose team had just been killed in the array and was eaten by two spiritual beasts. As he spoke, he wanted to rush forward to revenge Mingyue.

"Give me a chill! Now is not the time for you to take revenge. Let's find the empty teeth quickly. Li Tiandu didn't expect that He Xiaokui only wanted revenge at this time. He slapped him and beat him aside. This made He Xiaokui realize the situation and had to stand aside and stop talking.

"Li Tiandu, are you also in?" Li Tianling seemed to be a little weak and shook his body slightly before he barely stopped.

"Hmm, I didn't get you to the front first. But let me tell you, this throne must belong to the eldest brother Li Tianqing, not your wild woman's child. Get out of the way!" Li Tiandu said to Li Tianling with a sneer.

Originally, Li Tiandu could have killed Li Tianling at this time, but he suddenly seemed to feel that it would be better not to kill him. In this way, he can live in pain all his life and keep complaining that he is just a coward.

"Let them in." Just as Li Tianling wanted to hold on for a while, Wang Yue suddenly came over and pulled Li Tianling aside, hoping that he could calm down and recognize the reality.

"Well, as for this woman, we will still kill her when we come out. Just wait." Li Tiandu was the first to walk over. At this moment, his body has condensed into a coat with spiritual power, which looks very strong. With a gentle push of his hand, he pushed the seemingly huge fiery red door open. Then I saw a flame gushing out of the gate, as if it could burn everything at any time.

"Well, what a bunch of rubbish!" Shocked by this flame, Li Tiandu did not seem to be affected. Wang Yue could clearly see that there seemed to be a layer of light blue spiritual power on their bodies, and it seemed that some cold treasures were prepared in advance to carry them.

"Brother Wang Yue, why did you stop me?" After seeing these in, Li Tianling also said anxiously.

"Don't you see that it's full of flames? If these people outside die here, do you think they can come out alive with their strength alone? What's more, it hasn't been long now. Let's wait outside. Wang Yue patted Li Tianling and said patiently.

After about a while, Wang Yue heard a large number of footsteps from outside, and the momentum of these people seemed to be several times stronger than that of Li Tiandu and others.

"No, it should be that people from the sect came in. Li Tiandu is nothing different in it, and there should be no big problem. Let's go first and hide." The more Wang knew, the closer he got to the treasure at this time, the easier it was to cause a fight. They are now weak and can't collide with these big forces. So, he took Li Tianling and others to the depths of the sea of fire.

As soon as they entered the sea of fire, they found that the way back had disappeared without a trace. Except for being able to see each other's position clearly, everything else was only flames.

"It seems that we have no way out. Let's take it step by step. Everyone follows me closely." Wang Yue's spiritual power comparison of fire attributes** naturally acted as a pioneer in this sea of fire. What's more, there is a spiritual core of a fire lizard in his body, and he has some confidence in his heart.

"I didn't expect that this was the place where the war took place. It is said that the sixth-order fire lizard was sealed here by everyone. If we can find him, we can find the place where many peerless strong fell, and then we will be developed. Wang Yue could hear that the sound should be made by Luo Ziyuan.

"Big brother is really far-sighted." This voice is Li Rui, and it seems that he also came in with Luo Ziyuan.

"Roar!" At this time, a deep beast roar came out from the depths of the sea of fire again. It always makes people feel like they are in the clouds.

"Brother, this fire lizard will not break free from the seal and resurrect, will it?" A disciple of Luo Tianzong said tremblingly. After all, their master died at the hands of this guy. If they come again now, will there be another chance?

"You should not spread rumors for me here. The fire lizard has been sealed. If it is really resurrected, will he just make such a roar like a moan? What a ignorant guy." Luo Ziyuan was also shocked, but he still scolded him in order to protect his eldest brother's face.

"I know, brother." The reprimanded disciple knew that Luo Ziyuan was not in a good mood, so he obediently stopped talking.

"I really don't know what you guys think. All right, let's follow the sound and have a look. Luo Ziyuan led the way in front, and the disciples behind followed him into the sea of fire.

This sea of fire seems to be full of flames, but in fact, most of them are just virtual shadows, and there is not much lethality. As long as the nine-fold master of the quenching period can endure the heat here, Luo Ziyuan and other extraordinary strongmen will naturally have no problem.

"It seems that they have gone in. I'll follow them." Wang Yue knew that although it was a little troublesome to follow these people, it also saved a lot of time for them to make meat shields at the critical time.

"Well, let's keep up." Li Tianling also nodded and quietly followed Wang Yue behind Luo Tianzong and other sects.

After a while, suddenly a sea of fire phantom became thin, but the surrounding heat still seemed to be increasing, and even Wang Yue felt a little unbearable.

"I have five ice pills here, and everyone has them in their mouths, so that they may be able to hold on for a while." At this time, Li Tianling took out a jade bottle from his pocket and gave it five ice pills to everyone. This kind of thing in the mouth can reduce the temperature around the body and help people resist the heat.

The five people took the ice bomb and felt better before they were ready to go. At this time, what appeared in front of them was a real sea of fire, an ocean of flames. In the sea of fire, a stone bridge supports two cliffs. I don't know how to build the stone, like an arch supporting both sides of the cliff, and the magma rolling below keeps rolling in the sea of fire. Sometimes a fire dragon spewed out of the sea of fire and hit the arch bridge, splashing large sparks, forming a thick layer of lava.

"No way." Qian Dagang watched the disciples of the sect not far away carefully pass by on the bridge. They all hold spiritual weapons in their hands. When they encounter flames, they try to block them with spiritual weapons, which is like walking through the sea of fire.

"What should we do?" At this moment, Li Tianling looked at Wang Yue and asked. Because among these people, Wang Yue is the only one who can freely control the flames, and now they see Wang Yue through this bridge.

"Don't worry, no problem." Wang Yue took a deep breath and told everyone confidently. In fact, there is no complete certainty in his heart that he can settle this matter. Although he can use the spiritual power of fire, he has never absorbed flames with his body. There is an essential difference between the two. However, when he saw that the disciples of those big sects could do this freely, Wang Yue also secretly decided that he must do better than them.

"Let's go." Wang Yue saw Luo Tianzong and other people walking across the bridge, so he was the first to walk in front of him and walked towards the cliff. They can all feel a strong flame power, constantly turbulent around themselves.

I'm afraid this is the most famous flame lava. But where should we go from here? Li Tianling looked at the sea of fire under his feet and said to himself with a burst of uneasiness in his heart.

"What useful information did your royal family bring back? Doesn't he have any description of what happened here? Wang Yue looked at Li Tianling's confused expression and asked doubtfully.

"The royal overlord who escaped back only arrived at the place of the gate just now and did not enter again. However, the leading royal predecessors were stubborn, and he had to return alone. Before that, the royal family of Shangqiu had fallen into a hegemon of Lingtaijing. Speaking of this, Li Tianling was also helpless for a while.

"In fact, many powerful warriors have come here before, but they find that the stronger the warriors here, the more fierce the resistance will be. Therefore, this year, only the strong men in the extraordinary world, and we quasi-strong men between the quenching period and the extraordinary realm dare to enter." Several of them finally came to the arch bridge and looked at the turbulent sea of fire under their feet, as if they could break the arch bridge at any time. Li Tianling was also chest tight, short of breath, and his whole body trembling. However, this reaction is not obvious, and it is estimated that it should be a manifestation of physical weakness.

"It's about to cross the arch bridge. You'd better eat something first." Wang Yue handed Li Tianling some dry food and let Li Tianling rest for a while. Everyone else knew that Li Tianling belonged to the field of perception, and his physical strength was very weak, so he didn't say anything.

"suck!" Just above the arch bridge, a fire dragon boiled up from the sea of fire, and a large area of flame hit the arch bridge. Wang Yue rushed up with a fierce arrow step and let the flame hit himself.

At first, he felt a tingling pain in his body. However, he still endured the pain and began to mobilize the spiritual power in his body and began to absorb these flames into the body, turning them into usable spiritual power. Wang Yue thought it would be difficult. Unexpectedly, when the flame was completely attached to him, he felt a wave of spiritual power in his heart, and all the flames disappeared.

"The Sirius Sect is coming. Let's go!" Standing on the arch bridge, Wang Yue saw another brigade coming out of the sea of fire and preparing to climb the cliff. Wang Yue knew that if this time could not be better, I'm afraid there would be trouble in a moment. After saying that, Wang Yue walked to the front and let others follow him and open the way for everyone.

At first, it was very smooth to cross the bridge, but when it came to the center of the arch bridge, a fire dragon of dozens of meters rushed up from the sea of fire, and the huge faucet directly hit the arch bridge, as if it had been pulled by something.

When Wang Yue thought that they were definitely going to be shot to death by the fire dragon, his heart trembled suddenly somewhere, and these flames were sucked into Wang Yue's body and disappeared.

"Go quickly and don't fall behind." Wang Yue could feel the powerful flame power of the fire dragon just now, and there was also a panic in his heart at the moment he was patted. But when the fire dragon disappeared, Wang Yue still had a very comfortable feeling. However, he saw that the people of the Sirius Sect had accelerated, and he also quickly opened the way in front of him, unable to let the people of the Sirius Sect catch up with him.

"No way?" Just as they crossed the cliff through the arch bridge, a huge battlefield appeared in their sight. On this battlefield, a dead body lies on the ground, and there are many flame holes, which are also spraying heat. Occasionally, a fire can be spewed out in it, and then the hole calmed down again.